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Example 1 with Edge

use of io.openems.backend.metadata.api.Edge in project openems by OpenEMS.

the class EdgeWebsocketServer method timedata.

private void timedata(int[] edgeIds, JsonObject jTimedata) {
    for (int edgeId : edgeIds) {
        Edge edge;
        try {
            edge = this.parent.metadataService.getEdge(edgeId);
        } catch (OpenemsException e) {
			 * write data to timedataService
        try {
            this.parent.timedataService.write(edgeId, jTimedata);
            log.debug("Edge [" + edge.getName() + "] wrote " + jTimedata.entrySet().size() + " timestamps " + StringUtils.toShortString(jTimedata, 120));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Unable to write Timedata: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + e.getMessage());
        for (Entry<String, JsonElement> jTimedataEntry : jTimedata.entrySet()) {
            try {
                JsonObject jChannels = JsonUtils.getAsJsonObject(jTimedataEntry.getValue());
                // set Odoo last update timestamp only for those channels
                for (String channel : jChannels.keySet()) {
                    if (channel.endsWith("ActivePower") || channel.endsWith("ActivePowerL1") | channel.endsWith("ActivePowerL2") | channel.endsWith("ActivePowerL3") | channel.endsWith("Soc")) {
                // set specific Odoo values
                if (jChannels.has("ess0/Soc")) {
                    int soc = JsonUtils.getAsPrimitive(jChannels, "ess0/Soc").getAsInt();
                if (jChannels.has("system0/PrimaryIpAddress")) {
                    String ipv4 = JsonUtils.getAsPrimitive(jChannels, "system0/PrimaryIpAddress").getAsString();
            } catch (OpenemsException e) {
                log.error("Edgde [" + edge.getName() + "] error: " + e.getMessage());
Also used : JsonElement( JsonObject( OpenemsException(io.openems.common.exceptions.OpenemsException) Edge(io.openems.backend.metadata.api.Edge) OpenemsException(io.openems.common.exceptions.OpenemsException)

Example 2 with Edge

use of io.openems.backend.metadata.api.Edge in project openems by OpenEMS.

the class EdgeWebsocketServer method _onOpen.

 * Open event of websocket. Parses the "apikey" and to authenticate Edge.
protected void _onOpen(WebSocket websocket, ClientHandshake handshake) {
    String apikey = "";
    try {
        // get apikey from handshake
        Optional<String> apikeyOpt = Utils.parseApikeyFromHandshake(handshake);
        if (!apikeyOpt.isPresent()) {
            throw new OpenemsException("Apikey is missing in handshake");
        apikey = apikeyOpt.get();
        // get edgeId for apikey
        int[] edgeIds = this.parent.metadataService.getEdgeIdsForApikey(apikey);
        // if existing: close existing websocket for this apikey
        synchronized (this.websocketsMap) {
            for (int edgeId : edgeIds) {
                if (this.websocketsMap.containsKey(edgeId)) {
                    WebSocket oldWebsocket = this.websocketsMap.get(edgeId);
                    oldWebsocket.closeConnection(CloseFrame.REFUSE, "Another Edge with this apikey [" + apikey + "] connected.");
                // add websocket to local cache
                this.websocketsMap.put(edgeId, websocket);
        // store edgeIds together with WebSocket
        // send successful reply to openems
        JsonObject jReply = DefaultMessages.openemsConnectionSuccessfulReply();
        WebSocketUtils.send(websocket, jReply);
        // announce Edge as online
        for (int edgeId : edgeIds) {
            Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<>();
            properties.put(BackendEventConstants.PROPERTY_KEY_EDGE_ID, edgeId);
            Event event = new Event(BackendEventConstants.TOPIC_EDGE_ONLINE, properties);
        // log
        for (int edgeId : edgeIds) {
            Optional<Edge> edgeOpt = this.parent.metadataService.getEdgeOpt(edgeId);
            if (edgeOpt.isPresent()) {
                Edge edge = edgeOpt.get();
                "Edge [" + edge.getName() + "]" + // 
                (edgeIds.length > 1 ? ", ID [" + edgeId + "]" : "") + " connected.");
                // set last update timestamps in MetadataService
            } else {
      "Edge [ID:" + edgeId + "] connected. Apikey [" + apikey + "]. Websocket [" + websocket + "].");
    } catch (OpenemsException e) {
        // send connection failed to OpenEMS
        JsonObject jReply = DefaultMessages.openemsConnectionFailedReply(e.getMessage());
        WebSocketUtils.sendOrLogError(websocket, jReply);
        // close websocket
        websocket.closeConnection(CloseFrame.REFUSE, "Connection to backend failed. Apikey [" + apikey + "]. Error: " + e.getMessage());
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) JsonObject( OpenemsException(io.openems.common.exceptions.OpenemsException) WebSocket(org.java_websocket.WebSocket) Event(org.osgi.service.event.Event) JsonObject( Edge(io.openems.backend.metadata.api.Edge)

Example 3 with Edge

use of io.openems.backend.metadata.api.Edge in project openems by OpenEMS.

the class Influx method write.

 * Takes a JsonObject and writes the points to influxDB.
 * Format: { "timestamp1" { "channel1": value, "channel2": value }, "timestamp2"
 * { "channel1": value, "channel2": value } }
public void write(int edgeId, JsonObject jData) throws OpenemsException {
    Edge edge = this.metadataService.getEdge(edgeId);
    int influxId = InfluxdbUtils.parseNumberFromName(edge.getName());
    TreeBasedTable<Long, String, Object> data = TreeBasedTable.create();
    // get existing or create new DeviceCache
    DeviceCache deviceCache = this.deviceCacheMap.get(edgeId);
    if (deviceCache == null) {
        deviceCache = new DeviceCache();
        this.deviceCacheMap.put(edgeId, deviceCache);
    // Sort incoming data by timestamp
    TreeMap<Long, JsonObject> sortedData = new TreeMap<Long, JsonObject>();
    for (Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : jData.entrySet()) {
        try {
            Long timestamp = Long.valueOf(entry.getKey());
            JsonObject jChannels;
            jChannels = JsonUtils.getAsJsonObject(entry.getValue());
            sortedData.put(timestamp, jChannels);
        } catch (OpenemsException e) {
            log.error("Data error: " + e.getMessage());
    // order)
    for (Entry<Long, JsonObject> dataEntry : sortedData.entrySet()) {
        Long timestamp = dataEntry.getKey();
        JsonObject jChannels = dataEntry.getValue();
        if (jChannels.entrySet().size() == 0) {
            // no channel values available. abort.
        // Check if cache is valid (it is not elder than 5 minutes compared to this
        // timestamp)
        long cacheTimestamp = deviceCache.getTimestamp();
        if (timestamp < cacheTimestamp) {
        // incoming data is older than cache -> do not apply cache
        } else {
            // incoming data is more recent than cache
            // update cache timestamp
            if (timestamp < cacheTimestamp + 5 * 60 * 1000) {
                // add cache data to write data
                for (Entry<String, Object> cacheEntry : deviceCache.getChannelCacheEntries()) {
                    String channel = cacheEntry.getKey();
                    Object value = cacheEntry.getValue();
                    data.put(timestamp, channel, value);
            } else {
                // clear cache
                if (cacheTimestamp != 0l) {
          "Edge [" + edge.getName() + "]: invalidate cache for influxId [" + influxId + "]. This timestamp [" + timestamp + "]. Cache timestamp [" + cacheTimestamp + "]");
            // add incoming data to cache (this replaces already existing cache values)
            for (Entry<String, JsonElement> channelEntry : jChannels.entrySet()) {
                String channel = channelEntry.getKey();
                Optional<Object> valueOpt = InfluxdbUtils.parseValue(channel, channelEntry.getValue());
                if (valueOpt.isPresent()) {
                    Object value = valueOpt.get();
                    deviceCache.putToChannelCache(channel, value);
        // add incoming data to write data
        for (Entry<String, JsonElement> channelEntry : jChannels.entrySet()) {
            String channel = channelEntry.getKey();
            Optional<Object> valueOpt = InfluxdbUtils.parseValue(channel, channelEntry.getValue());
            if (valueOpt.isPresent()) {
                Object value = valueOpt.get();
                data.put(timestamp, channel, value);
    // Write data to default location
    writeData(influxId, data);
    // Hook to continue writing data to old Mini monitoring
    if (edge.getProducttype().equals("MiniES 3-3")) {
        writeDataToOldMiniMonitoring(edge, influxId, data);
Also used : JsonObject( OpenemsException(io.openems.common.exceptions.OpenemsException) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) Point(org.influxdb.dto.Point) JsonElement( JsonObject( Edge(io.openems.backend.metadata.api.Edge)

Example 4 with Edge

use of io.openems.backend.metadata.api.Edge in project openems by OpenEMS.

the class UiWebsocketServer method _onOpen.

protected void _onOpen(WebSocket websocket, ClientHandshake handshake) {
    User user;
    // login using session_id from the cookie
    Optional<String> sessionIdOpt = getFieldFromHandshakeCookie(handshake, "session_id");
    try {
        if (sessionIdOpt.isPresent()) {
            // authenticate with Session-ID
            user = this.parent.metadataService.authenticate(sessionIdOpt.get());
        } else {
            // authenticate without Session-ID
            user = this.parent.metadataService.authenticate();
    } catch (OpenemsException e) {
        // send connection failed to browser
        WebSocketUtils.sendOrLogError(websocket, DefaultMessages.uiLogoutReply());
        log.warn("User connection failed. Session [" + sessionIdOpt.orElse("") + "] Error [" + e.getMessage() + "].");
        websocket.closeConnection(CloseFrame.REFUSE, e.getMessage());
    UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
    synchronized (this.websocketsMap) {
        // add websocket to local cache
        this.websocketsMap.put(uuid, websocket);
    // store userId together with the websocket
    websocket.setAttachment(new WebsocketData(user.getId(), uuid));
    // send connection successful to browser
    JsonArray jEdges = new JsonArray();
    for (Entry<Integer, Role> edgeRole : user.getEdgeRoles().entrySet()) {
        int edgeId = edgeRole.getKey();
        Role role = edgeRole.getValue();
        Edge edge;
        try {
            edge = this.parent.metadataService.getEdge(edgeId);
            JsonObject jEdge = edge.toJsonObject();
            jEdge.addProperty("role", role.toString());
        } catch (OpenemsException e) {
            log.warn("Unable to get Edge from MetadataService [ID:" + edgeId + "]: " + e.getMessage());
    }"User [" + user.getName() + "] connected with Session [" + sessionIdOpt.orElse("") + "].");
    JsonObject jReply = DefaultMessages.uiLoginSuccessfulReply("", /* empty token? */
    WebSocketUtils.sendOrLogError(websocket, jReply);
Also used : User(io.openems.backend.metadata.api.User) JsonObject( OpenemsException(io.openems.common.exceptions.OpenemsException) JsonArray( Role(io.openems.common.session.Role) UUID(java.util.UUID) Edge(io.openems.backend.metadata.api.Edge)

Example 5 with Edge

use of io.openems.backend.metadata.api.Edge in project openems by OpenEMS.

the class Influx method queryHistoricData.

public JsonArray queryHistoricData(Optional<Integer> edgeIdOpt, ZonedDateTime fromDate, ZonedDateTime toDate, JsonObject channels, int resolution) throws OpenemsException {
    // if given, query only this id. If not given, do not apply
    Optional<Integer> influxIdOpt = Optional.empty();
    // filter
    if (edgeIdOpt.isPresent()) {
        Edge edge = this.metadataService.getEdge(edgeIdOpt.get());
        influxIdOpt = Optional.of(InfluxdbUtils.parseNumberFromName(edge.getName()));
    InfluxDB influxDB = getInfluxDbConnection();
    return InfluxdbUtils.queryHistoricData(influxDB, this.database, influxIdOpt, fromDate, toDate, channels, resolution);
Also used : InfluxDB(org.influxdb.InfluxDB) Edge(io.openems.backend.metadata.api.Edge)


Edge (io.openems.backend.metadata.api.Edge)10 JsonObject ( OpenemsException (io.openems.common.exceptions.OpenemsException)8 JsonElement ( User (io.openems.backend.metadata.api.User)3 JsonArray ( Role (io.openems.common.session.Role)2 GsonBuilder ( JsonParser ( BufferedReader ( IOException ( InputStream ( InputStreamReader ( OutputStreamWriter ( HttpURLConnection ( URL ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 TreeMap (java.util.TreeMap)1 UUID (java.util.UUID)1 InfluxDB (org.influxdb.InfluxDB)1