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Example 1 with Role

use of io.openems.common.session.Role in project openems by OpenEMS.

the class ChannelDoc method getAsJsonObject.

public JsonObject getAsJsonObject() {
    JsonObject j = new JsonObject();
    j.addProperty("title", this.title);
    j.addProperty("description", this.description);
    if (typeOpt.isPresent()) {
        Class<?> type = this.typeOpt.get();
        if (ThingMap.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
            // for ThingMap type: get the types from annotation and return JsonArray
            IsThingMap isThingMapAnnotation = type.getAnnotation(IsThingMap.class);
            j.add("type", InjectionUtils.getImplementsAsJson(isThingMapAnnotation.type()));
        } else if (DeviceNature.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
            // for DeviceNatures add complete class name
            j.addProperty("type", type.getCanonicalName());
        } else {
            // for simple types, use only simple name (e.g. 'Long', 'Integer',...)
            j.addProperty("type", type.getSimpleName());
    j.addProperty("optional", this.optional);
    j.addProperty("array", this.array);
    JsonArray jReadRoles = new JsonArray();
    for (Role role : this.readRoles) {
    j.add("readRoles", jReadRoles);
    JsonArray jWriteRoles = new JsonArray();
    for (Role role : this.writeRoles) {
    j.add("writeRoles", jWriteRoles);
    j.addProperty("defaultValue", this.defaultValue);
    j.addProperty("jsonSchema", this.jsonSchema);
    return j;
Also used : JsonArray( Role(io.openems.common.session.Role) JsonObject( DeviceNature(io.openems.api.device.nature.DeviceNature) IsThingMap(io.openems.api.controller.IsThingMap)

Example 2 with Role

use of io.openems.common.session.Role in project openems by OpenEMS.

the class EdgeWebsocketHandler method onMessage.

 * Handles a message from Websocket.
 * @param jMessage
public final void onMessage(JsonObject jMessage) {
    if (!this.userOpt.isPresent()) {
        log.error("No User! Aborting...");
    Role role = this.userOpt.get().getRole();
    // get MessageId from message -> used for reply
    Optional<JsonObject> jMessageIdOpt = JsonUtils.getAsOptionalJsonObject(jMessage, "messageId");
    if (jMessageIdOpt.isPresent()) {
        JsonObject jMessageId = jMessageIdOpt.get();
			 * Config
        Optional<JsonObject> jConfigOpt = JsonUtils.getAsOptionalJsonObject(jMessage, "config");
        if (jConfigOpt.isPresent()) {
            this.config(role, jMessageId, apiWorkerOpt, jConfigOpt.get());
			 * Subscribe to currentData
        Optional<JsonObject> jCurrentDataOpt = JsonUtils.getAsOptionalJsonObject(jMessage, "currentData");
        if (jCurrentDataOpt.isPresent()) {
            this.currentData(jMessageId, jCurrentDataOpt.get());
			 * Query historic data
        Optional<JsonObject> jhistoricDataOpt = JsonUtils.getAsOptionalJsonObject(jMessage, "historicData");
        if (jhistoricDataOpt.isPresent()) {
            this.historicData(jMessageId, jhistoricDataOpt.get());
			 * Subscribe to log
        Optional<JsonObject> jLogOpt = JsonUtils.getAsOptionalJsonObject(jMessage, "log");
        if (jLogOpt.isPresent()) {
            try {
                this.log(role, jMessageId, jLogOpt.get());
            } catch (OpenemsException e) {
                WebSocketUtils.sendNotificationOrLogError(this.websocket, jMessageId, LogBehaviour.WRITE_TO_LOG, Notification.UNABLE_TO_SUBSCRIBE_TO_LOG, e.getMessage());
			 * Remote system control
        Optional<JsonObject> jSystemOpt = JsonUtils.getAsOptionalJsonObject(jMessage, "system");
        if (jSystemOpt.isPresent()) {
            try {
                this.system(jMessageId, jSystemOpt.get(), role);
            } catch (OpenemsException e) {
                WebSocketUtils.sendNotificationOrLogError(this.websocket, jMessageId, LogBehaviour.WRITE_TO_LOG, Notification.UNABLE_TO_EXECUTE_SYSTEM_COMMAND, e.getMessage());
Also used : Role(io.openems.common.session.Role) JsonObject( WriteJsonObject(io.openems.core.utilities.api.WriteJsonObject) OpenemsException(io.openems.common.exceptions.OpenemsException)

Example 3 with Role

use of io.openems.common.session.Role in project openems by OpenEMS.

the class UiWebsocketServer method _onOpen.

protected void _onOpen(WebSocket websocket, ClientHandshake handshake) {
    User user;
    // login using session_id from the cookie
    Optional<String> sessionIdOpt = getFieldFromHandshakeCookie(handshake, "session_id");
    try {
        if (sessionIdOpt.isPresent()) {
            // authenticate with Session-ID
            user = this.parent.metadataService.authenticate(sessionIdOpt.get());
        } else {
            // authenticate without Session-ID
            user = this.parent.metadataService.authenticate();
    } catch (OpenemsException e) {
        // send connection failed to browser
        WebSocketUtils.sendOrLogError(websocket, DefaultMessages.uiLogoutReply());
        log.warn("User connection failed. Session [" + sessionIdOpt.orElse("") + "] Error [" + e.getMessage() + "].");
        websocket.closeConnection(CloseFrame.REFUSE, e.getMessage());
    UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
    synchronized (this.websocketsMap) {
        // add websocket to local cache
        this.websocketsMap.put(uuid, websocket);
    // store userId together with the websocket
    websocket.setAttachment(new WebsocketData(user.getId(), uuid));
    // send connection successful to browser
    JsonArray jEdges = new JsonArray();
    for (Entry<Integer, Role> edgeRole : user.getEdgeRoles().entrySet()) {
        int edgeId = edgeRole.getKey();
        Role role = edgeRole.getValue();
        Edge edge;
        try {
            edge = this.parent.metadataService.getEdge(edgeId);
            JsonObject jEdge = edge.toJsonObject();
            jEdge.addProperty("role", role.toString());
        } catch (OpenemsException e) {
            log.warn("Unable to get Edge from MetadataService [ID:" + edgeId + "]: " + e.getMessage());
    }"User [" + user.getName() + "] connected with Session [" + sessionIdOpt.orElse("") + "].");
    JsonObject jReply = DefaultMessages.uiLoginSuccessfulReply("", /* empty token? */
    WebSocketUtils.sendOrLogError(websocket, jReply);
Also used : User(io.openems.backend.metadata.api.User) JsonObject( OpenemsException(io.openems.common.exceptions.OpenemsException) JsonArray( Role(io.openems.common.session.Role) UUID(java.util.UUID) Edge(io.openems.backend.metadata.api.Edge)

Example 4 with Role

use of io.openems.common.session.Role in project openems by OpenEMS.

the class File method refreshData.

private void refreshData() {
    if (this.edges.isEmpty()) {
        try {
            // read file
            FileReader fr = new FileReader(this.path);
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
            String s;
            while ((s = br.readLine()) != null) {
                try {
                    String[] parameters = s.split(";");
                    String name = parameters[0];
                    String comment = parameters[1];
                    String producttype = parameters[2];
                    Role role = Role.getRole(parameters[3]);
                    int edgeId = Integer.parseInt(parameters[4]);
                    String apikey = parameters[5];
                    MyEdge edge = new MyEdge(edgeId, name, comment, producttype, role, apikey, new JsonObject());
                    edge.onSetConfig(jConfig -> {
                        log.debug("Edge [" + edgeId + "]. Update config: " + StringUtils.toShortString(jConfig, 100));
                    edge.onSetSoc(soc -> {
                        log.debug("Edge [" + edgeId + "]. Set SoC: " + soc);
                    edge.onSetIpv4(ipv4 -> {
                        log.debug("Edge [" + edgeId + "]. Set IPv4: " + ipv4);
                    this.edges.put(edgeId, edge);
                } catch (Throwable e) {
                    log.error("Unable to parse line [" + s + "]. " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + e.getMessage());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.error("Unable to read file [" + this.path + "]: " + e.getMessage());
        // refresh user
        this.user = new User(0, "admin");
        for (int edgeId : this.edges.keySet()) {
            this.user.addEdgeRole(edgeId, Role.ADMIN);
Also used : Role(io.openems.common.session.Role) User(io.openems.backend.metadata.api.User) BufferedReader( JsonObject( FileReader( IOException(

Example 5 with Role

use of io.openems.common.session.Role in project openems by OpenEMS.

the class UiWebsocketServer method _onMessage.

protected void _onMessage(WebSocket websocket, JsonObject jMessage) {
    // get current User
    WebsocketData data = websocket.getAttachment();
    int userId = data.getUserId();
    Optional<User> userOpt = this.parent.metadataService.getUser(userId);
    if (!userOpt.isPresent()) {
        WebSocketUtils.sendNotificationOrLogError(websocket, new JsonObject(), LogBehaviour.WRITE_TO_LOG, Notification.BACKEND_UNABLE_TO_READ_USER_DETAILS, userId);
    User user = userOpt.get();
    // get MessageId from message
    Optional<JsonObject> jMessageIdOpt = JsonUtils.getAsOptionalJsonObject(jMessage, "messageId");
    // get EdgeId from message
    Optional<Integer> edgeIdOpt = JsonUtils.getAsOptionalInt(jMessage, "edgeId");
    if (jMessageIdOpt.isPresent() && edgeIdOpt.isPresent()) {
        JsonObject jMessageId = jMessageIdOpt.get();
        int edgeId = edgeIdOpt.get();
        // get Edge
        Edge edge;
        try {
            edge = this.parent.metadataService.getEdge(edgeId);
        } catch (OpenemsException e) {
            WebSocketUtils.sendNotificationOrLogError(websocket, jMessageId, LogBehaviour.WRITE_TO_LOG, Notification.BACKEND_UNABLE_TO_READ_EDGE_DETAILS, edgeId, e.getMessage());
			 * verify that User is allowed to access Edge
        if (!user.getEdgeRole(edgeId).isPresent()) {
            WebSocketUtils.sendNotificationOrLogError(websocket, jMessageId, LogBehaviour.WRITE_TO_LOG, Notification.BACKEND_FORWARD_TO_EDGE_NOT_ALLOWED, edge.getName(), user.getName());
			 * Query historic data
        Optional<JsonObject> jHistoricDataOpt = JsonUtils.getAsOptionalJsonObject(jMessage, "historicData");
        if (jHistoricDataOpt.isPresent()) {
            JsonObject jHistoricData = jHistoricDataOpt.get();
  "User [" + user.getName() + "] queried historic data for Edge [" + edge.getName() + "]: " + StringUtils.toShortString(jHistoricData, 50));
            this.historicData(websocket, jMessageId, edgeId, jHistoricData);
			 * Subscribe to currentData
        Optional<JsonObject> jCurrentDataOpt = JsonUtils.getAsOptionalJsonObject(jMessage, "currentData");
        if (jCurrentDataOpt.isPresent()) {
            JsonObject jCurrentData = jCurrentDataOpt.get();
  "User [" + user.getName() + "] subscribed to current data for Edge [" + edge.getName() + "]: " + StringUtils.toShortString(jCurrentData, 50));
            this.currentData(websocket, data, jMessageId, edgeId, jCurrentData);
			 * Serve "Config -> Query" from cache
        Optional<JsonObject> jConfigOpt = JsonUtils.getAsOptionalJsonObject(jMessage, "config");
        if (jConfigOpt.isPresent()) {
            JsonObject jConfig = jConfigOpt.get();
            switch(JsonUtils.getAsOptionalString(jConfig, "mode").orElse("")) {
                case "query":
					 * Query current config
          "User [" + user.getName() + "] queried config for Edge [" + edge.getName() + "]: " + StringUtils.toShortString(jConfig, 50));
                    JsonObject jReply = DefaultMessages.configQueryReply(jMessageId, edge.getConfig());
                    WebSocketUtils.sendOrLogError(websocket, jReply);
			 * Forward to OpenEMS Edge
        if (jMessage.has("config") || jMessage.has("log") || jMessage.has("system")) {
            try {
      "User [" + user.getName() + "] forward message to Edge [" + edge.getName() + "]: " + StringUtils.toShortString(jMessage, 100));
                Optional<Role> roleOpt = user.getEdgeRole(edgeId);
                JsonObject j = DefaultMessages.prepareMessageForForwardToEdge(jMessage, data.getUuid(), roleOpt);
                this.parent.edgeWebsocketService.forwardMessageFromUi(edgeId, j);
            } catch (OpenemsException e) {
                WebSocketUtils.sendNotificationOrLogError(websocket, jMessageId, LogBehaviour.WRITE_TO_LOG, Notification.EDGE_UNABLE_TO_FORWARD, edge.getName(), e.getMessage());
Also used : Role(io.openems.common.session.Role) User(io.openems.backend.metadata.api.User) JsonObject( OpenemsException(io.openems.common.exceptions.OpenemsException) Edge(io.openems.backend.metadata.api.Edge)


Role (io.openems.common.session.Role)7 JsonObject ( OpenemsException (io.openems.common.exceptions.OpenemsException)4 User (io.openems.backend.metadata.api.User)3 JsonArray ( Edge (io.openems.backend.metadata.api.Edge)2 IsThingMap (io.openems.api.controller.IsThingMap)1 DeviceNature (io.openems.api.device.nature.DeviceNature)1 WriteJsonObject (io.openems.core.utilities.api.WriteJsonObject)1 BufferedReader ( FileReader ( IOException ( NoSuchElementException (java.util.NoSuchElementException)1 UUID (java.util.UUID)1