use of io.pravega.auth.InvalidClaimException in project pravega by pravega.
the class TokenVerifierImpl method verifyToken.
public JsonWebToken verifyToken(@NonNull String resource, String token, @NonNull AuthHandler.Permissions expectedLevel) throws TokenExpiredException, InvalidTokenException, InvalidClaimException, TokenException {
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(token)) {
throw new InvalidTokenException("Token is null or empty");
// All key value pairs inside the payload are returned, including standard fields such as sub (for subject),
// aud (for audience), iat, exp, as well as custom fields of the form "<resource> -> <permission>" set by
// Pravega.
JsonWebToken jwt = JwtParser.parse(token, tokenSigningKey);
Map<String, Object> permissionsByResource = jwt.getPermissionsByResource();
Optional<Map.Entry<String, Object>> matchingClaim = permissionsByResource.entrySet().stream().filter(entry -> resourceMatchesClaimKey(entry.getKey(), resource) && expectedLevel.compareTo(AuthHandler.Permissions.valueOf(entry.getValue().toString())) <= 0).findFirst();
if (!matchingClaim.isPresent()) {
log.debug(String.format("No matching claim found for resource [%s] and permission [%s] in token.", resource, expectedLevel));
throw new InvalidClaimException(String.format("No matching claim found for resource: [%s] and permission: [%s] in the delegation token.", resource, expectedLevel));
return jwt;