use of io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment in project pravega by pravega.
the class DirectMemoryCacheTests method testCacheFull.
* Tests the ability to notify the caller that a cache is full and handle various situations.
public void testCacheFull() {
final int cleanAfterInvocations = DirectMemoryCache.MAX_CLEANUP_ATTEMPTS - 1;
final int maxSize = LAYOUT.bufferSize();
final int maxStoredSize = maxSize - LAYOUT.blockSize();
final BufferView toInsert = new ByteArraySegment(new byte[1]);
@Cleanup val c = new TestCache(maxSize);
// Fill up the cache.
val address1 = c.insert(new ByteArraySegment(new byte[maxStoredSize]));
checkSnapshot(c, (long) maxStoredSize, (long) maxSize, (long) LAYOUT.blockSize(), (long) maxSize, (long) maxSize);
// Return value from the setCacheFullCallback supplier.
val reportClean = new AtomicBoolean(false);
// If true, will actually perform a cleanup.
val actualClean = new AtomicBoolean(false);
// If true, will throw an error.
val throwError = new AtomicBoolean(false);
val invocationCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
c.setCacheFullCallback(() -> {
if (actualClean.get() && invocationCount.get() >= cleanAfterInvocations) {
if (throwError.get()) {
throw new IntentionalException();
return reportClean.get();
}, 1);
// 1. No cleanup, no error, reporting the truth. We should try as many times as possible.
AssertExtensions.assertThrows("Expected CacheFullException when no cleanup and no error.", () -> c.insert(toInsert), ex -> ex instanceof CacheFullException);
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of invocations when no cleanup and no error.", DirectMemoryCache.MAX_CLEANUP_ATTEMPTS, invocationCount.get());
// 2. No cleanup, no error, reporting that we did clean up. We should try as many times as possible.
AssertExtensions.assertThrows("Expected CacheFullException when no cleanup and no error, but reporting clean.", () -> c.insert(toInsert), ex -> ex instanceof CacheFullException);
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of invocations when no cleanup but reporting clean.", DirectMemoryCache.MAX_CLEANUP_ATTEMPTS, invocationCount.get());
// 3. No cleanup, throw error.
AssertExtensions.assertThrows("Expected IntentionalException when error.", () -> c.insert(toInsert), ex -> ex instanceof IntentionalException);
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of invocations when error.", 1, invocationCount.get());
// 4. Cleanup.
val address2 = c.insert(toInsert);
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of invocations when successful cleanup.", cleanAfterInvocations, invocationCount.get());
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected second entry.", 1, c.get(address2).getLength());
checkSnapshot(c, 1L, LAYOUT.blockSize() * 2L, (long) LAYOUT.blockSize(), (long) maxSize, (long) maxSize);
use of io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment in project pravega by pravega.
the class DirectMemoryCacheTests method testRegularOperations.
* Tests the ability to execute operations in order. We will invoke {@link DirectMemoryCache#insert}, {@link DirectMemoryCache#append},
* {@link DirectMemoryCache#get} and {@link DirectMemoryCache#delete} without overfilling the cache.
public void testRegularOperations() {
final byte[] data = new byte[LAYOUT.bufferSize() * 2];
final int writeCount = (int) (ACTUAL_MAX_SIZE / LAYOUT.bufferSize()) * (LAYOUT.blocksPerBuffer() - 1);
// Key=Address, Value={Offset, Length}
val entryData = new HashMap<Integer, Map.Entry<Integer, Integer>>();
@Cleanup val c = new TestCache();
// Insert until we can no longer insert.
CacheState cs = c.getState();
while ((cs = c.getState()).getUsedBytes() < ACTUAL_MAX_SIZE) {
int offset = rnd.nextInt(data.length - 1);
int length = (int) Math.min(cs.getMaxBytes() - cs.getUsedBytes(), rnd.nextInt(data.length - offset));
int address = c.insert(new ByteArraySegment(data, offset, length));
entryData.put(address, new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(offset, length));
// Verify we've actually filled up the cache.
AssertExtensions.assertThrows("Cache not full.", () -> c.insert(new ByteArraySegment(data, 0, 1)), ex -> ex instanceof CacheFullException);
// Append to all those entries that we can append to.
for (val e : entryData.entrySet()) {
int address = e.getKey();
int offset = e.getValue().getKey();
int length = e.getValue().getValue();
int appendableLength = c.getAppendableLength(length);
AssertExtensions.assertThrows("append() accepted input that does not fit in last block.", () -> c.append(address, length, new ByteArraySegment(data, 0, appendableLength + 1)), ex -> ex instanceof IllegalArgumentException);
val a = c.append(address, length, new ByteArraySegment(data, offset + length, appendableLength));
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of bytes appended.", appendableLength, a);
e.getValue().setValue(length + a);
// We expect the cache to be full at this point.
int reservedBytes = BUFFER_COUNT * LAYOUT.blockSize();
checkSnapshot(c, ACTUAL_MAX_SIZE - reservedBytes, ACTUAL_MAX_SIZE, (long) reservedBytes, ACTUAL_MAX_SIZE, ACTUAL_MAX_SIZE);
// Read all the data
checkData(c, entryData, data);
// Delete half the entries.
int targetSize = entryData.size() / 2;
val deletedData = new HashMap<Integer, Map.Entry<Integer, Integer>>();
// Keep track of how many blocks we deleted from when we are full - it's easier to track this way.
int deletedBlockCount = 0;
for (val e : entryData.entrySet()) {
int address = e.getKey();
int offset = e.getValue().getKey();
int length = e.getValue().getValue();
deletedBlockCount += length / LAYOUT.blockSize();
Assert.assertNull("get() returned valid data for deleted entry.", c.get(address));
deletedData.put(address, new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(offset, length));
if (deletedData.size() >= targetSize) {
// Verify the cache has been freed of all of them.
int deletedBytes = deletedBlockCount * LAYOUT.blockSize();
checkSnapshot(c, ACTUAL_MAX_SIZE - reservedBytes - deletedBytes, ACTUAL_MAX_SIZE - deletedBytes, (long) reservedBytes, ACTUAL_MAX_SIZE, ACTUAL_MAX_SIZE);
// Replace all existing entries with the ones we just deleted.
val toReplace = new ArrayDeque<>(entryData.keySet());
val replacements = new ArrayDeque<>(deletedData.values());
while (!toReplace.isEmpty() && !replacements.isEmpty()) {
val address = toReplace.removeFirst();
val replacement = replacements.removeFirst();
val newAddress = c.replace(address, new ByteArraySegment(data, replacement.getKey(), replacement.getValue()));
val r = entryData.remove(address);
// Account for this entry's removal.
deletedBlockCount += r.getValue() / LAYOUT.blockSize();
entryData.put(newAddress, replacement);
// Account for this entry's replacement.
deletedBlockCount -= replacement.getValue() / LAYOUT.blockSize();
// Verify final data.
checkData(c, entryData, data);
// Verify the cache has as many bytes as we think it has.
deletedBytes = deletedBlockCount * LAYOUT.blockSize();
checkSnapshot(c, ACTUAL_MAX_SIZE - reservedBytes - deletedBytes, ACTUAL_MAX_SIZE - deletedBytes, (long) reservedBytes, ACTUAL_MAX_SIZE, ACTUAL_MAX_SIZE);
// Delete the rest and verify everything has been cleared.
checkSnapshot(c, 0L, (long) reservedBytes, (long) reservedBytes, ACTUAL_MAX_SIZE, ACTUAL_MAX_SIZE);
use of io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment in project pravega by pravega.
the class DirectMemoryCacheTests method testAllocateClose.
* Verifies the allocation and deallocation (when closing) of direct memory.
public void testAllocateClose() {
final int writeSize = 1;
long storedBytes = 0;
long usedBytes = 0;
long reservedBytes = 0;
long allocatedBytes = 0;
// Initially it should be empty.
@Cleanup val c = new TestCache();
checkSnapshot(c, storedBytes, usedBytes, reservedBytes, allocatedBytes, ACTUAL_MAX_SIZE);
// Fill up the cache and verify, at each step, what should happen. Pre-calculate the number of writes that would
// fill it up so we would know right away if something gets missed or overwritten.
int writeCount = BUFFER_COUNT * (LAYOUT.blocksPerBuffer() - 1);
int lastBufferId = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < writeCount; i++) {
val address = c.insert(new ByteArraySegment(new byte[writeSize]));
int bufferId = LAYOUT.getBufferId(address);
if (bufferId != lastBufferId) {
lastBufferId = bufferId;
allocatedBytes += LAYOUT.bufferSize();
// metadata block.
reservedBytes += LAYOUT.blockSize();
usedBytes += LAYOUT.blockSize();
storedBytes += writeSize;
usedBytes += LAYOUT.blockSize();
checkSnapshot(c, storedBytes, usedBytes, reservedBytes, allocatedBytes, ACTUAL_MAX_SIZE);
AssertExtensions.assertThrows("Expecting cache to be full.", () -> c.insert(new ByteArraySegment(new byte[1])), ex -> ex instanceof CacheFullException);
// Invoking close() (@Cleanup) will also verify it freed all the memory.
use of io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment in project pravega by pravega.
the class TableBasedMetadataStore method writeAll.
* Writes transaction data from a given list to the metadata store.
* @param dataList List of transaction data to write.
protected CompletableFuture<Void> writeAll(Collection<TransactionData> dataList) {
val toUpdate = new ArrayList<TableEntry>();
val entryToTxnDataMap = new HashMap<TableEntry, TransactionData>();
val deletedKeyToTxnDataMap = new HashMap<TableKey, TransactionData>();
val keysToDelete = new ArrayList<TableKey>();
val t = new Timer();
return ensureInitialized().thenRunAsync(() -> {
for (TransactionData txnData : dataList) {
Preconditions.checkState(null != txnData.getDbObject(), "Missing tracking object");
val version = (Long) txnData.getDbObject();
if (null == txnData.getValue()) {
val toDelete = TableKey.unversioned(new ByteArraySegment(txnData.getKey().getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)));
deletedKeyToTxnDataMap.put(toDelete, txnData);
try {
val arraySegment = SERIALIZER.serialize(txnData);
TableEntry tableEntry = TableEntry.versioned(new ByteArraySegment(txnData.getKey().getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)), arraySegment, version);
entryToTxnDataMap.put(tableEntry, txnData);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CompletionException(handleException(e));
}, getExecutor()).thenComposeAsync(v -> {
// toUpdate includes both modified keys as well updates to deleted keys to mark them as deleted.
return this.tableStore.put(tableName, toUpdate, timeout).thenComposeAsync(ret -> {
// Update versions.
int i = 0;
for (TableEntry tableEntry : toUpdate) {
// This next step will just remove them from table store.
return this.tableStore.remove(tableName, keysToDelete, timeout).handleAsync((v1, ex) -> {
// keys are already persisted successfully in earlier step.
if (ex == null) {
deletedKeyToTxnDataMap.values().stream().forEach(txnData -> txnData.setDbObject(TableKey.NOT_EXISTS));
} else {
log.warn("Error while deleting keys from table segment {}.", tableName, ex);
return v1;
}, getExecutor());
}, getExecutor());
}, getExecutor()).exceptionally(e -> {
val ex = Exceptions.unwrap(e);
throw new CompletionException(handleException(ex));
use of io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment in project pravega by pravega.
the class TableBasedMetadataStore method read.
* Reads a metadata record for the given key.
* @param key Key for the metadata record.
* @return Associated {@link}.
protected CompletableFuture<TransactionData> read(String key) {
val keys = new ArrayList<BufferView>();
keys.add(new ByteArraySegment(key.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)));
val t = new Timer();
return ensureInitialized().thenComposeAsync(v -> this.tableStore.get(tableName, keys, timeout).thenApplyAsync(entries -> {
try {
Preconditions.checkState(entries.size() == 1, "Unexpected number of values returned.");
val entry = entries.get(0);
if (null != entry) {
val arr = entry.getValue();
TransactionData txnData = SERIALIZER.deserialize(arr);
return txnData;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CompletionException(new StorageMetadataException("Error while reading", e));
return TransactionData.builder().key(key).persisted(true).dbObject(TableKey.NOT_EXISTS).build();
}, getExecutor()).exceptionally(e -> {
val ex = Exceptions.unwrap(e);
throw new CompletionException(handleException(ex));
}), getExecutor());