use of io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment in project pravega by pravega.
the class TableSegmentCommand method getTableEntry.
* Method to get the entry corresponding to the provided key in the table segment.
* @param tableSegmentName The name of the table segment.
* @param key The key.
* @param segmentStoreHost The address of the segment store instance.
* @param adminSegmentHelper An instance of {@link AdminSegmentHelper}.
* @return A string, obtained through deserialization, containing the contents of the queried table segment entry.
String getTableEntry(String tableSegmentName, String key, String segmentStoreHost, AdminSegmentHelper adminSegmentHelper) {
ByteArraySegment serializedKey = new ByteArraySegment(getCommandArgs().getState().getKeySerializer().serialize(key));
CompletableFuture<List<TableSegmentEntry>> reply = adminSegmentHelper.readTable(tableSegmentName, new PravegaNodeUri(segmentStoreHost, getServiceConfig().getAdminGatewayPort()), Collections.singletonList(TableSegmentKey.unversioned(serializedKey.getCopy())), super.authHelper.retrieveMasterToken(), 0L);
ByteBuffer serializedValue = getByteBuffer(reply.join().get(0).getValue());
return getCommandArgs().getState().getValueSerializer().deserialize(serializedValue);
use of io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment in project pravega by pravega.
the class FileSystemStorageTest method testReplaceRecoveryWithTempFileOnly.
* Tests the behavior of {@link FileSystemStorage} when a previous invocation of {@link FileSystemStorage#replace}
* has only partially completed (created a Temp file and deleted the original file).
public void testReplaceRecoveryWithTempFileOnly() throws Exception {
val segmentName = "BaseSegment";
val tempSegmentName = getTempSegmentName(segmentName);
val segmentHandle = FileSystemSegmentHandle.writeHandle(segmentName);
val data1 = new ByteArraySegment(new byte[] { 1, 2 });
val data2 = new ByteArraySegment(new byte[] { 3, 4, 5 });
// We use "base" for direct access to files.
@Cleanup val base = new FileSystemStorage(this.adapterConfig);
AssertExtensions.assertThrows("", () -> base.replace(segmentHandle, data1), ex -> ex instanceof UnsupportedOperationException);
// Create a FileSystemStorageWithReplace, which is what we are testing.
@Cleanup val s = (FileSystemStorage.FileSystemStorageWithReplace) base.withReplaceSupport();
// Exists (does not perform auto-recovery).
withPartialReplace(segmentName, null, data2, base, () -> {
// GetStreamSegmentInfo (performs auto-recovery).
withPartialReplace(segmentName, null, data2, base, () -> {
val si = s.getStreamSegmentInfo(segmentName);
Assert.assertEquals(data2.getLength(), si.getLength());
Assert.assertEquals(data2.getLength(), base.getStreamSegmentInfo(segmentName).getLength());
// OpenRead (performs auto-recovery) + Read.
withPartialReplace(segmentName, null, data2, base, () -> {
val rh = s.openRead(segmentName);
val rb = new byte[data2.getLength()];, 0, rb, 0, rb.length);
Assert.assertArrayEquals(data2.array(), rb);
Assert.assertEquals(data2.getLength(), base.getStreamSegmentInfo(segmentName).getLength());
// OpenWrite (performs auto-recovery) + Write + Seal.
withPartialReplace(segmentName, null, data2, base, () -> {
val wh = s.openWrite(segmentName);
s.write(wh, data2.getLength(), data1.getReader(), data1.getLength());
val si = s.getStreamSegmentInfo(segmentName);
Assert.assertEquals(data2.getLength() + data1.getLength(), si.getLength());
Assert.assertEquals(data2.getLength() + data1.getLength(), base.getStreamSegmentInfo(segmentName).getLength());
// Concat (performs auto-recovery on source segment).
withPartialReplace(segmentName, null, data2, base, () -> {
val targetSegment = s.create("Target");
try {
s.concat(targetSegment, 0, segmentName);
val si = s.getStreamSegmentInfo(targetSegment.getSegmentName());
Assert.assertEquals(data2.getLength(), si.getLength());
} finally {
// Replace (with fake handle) - perform auto-recovery and subsequent replace.
withPartialReplace(segmentName, null, data2, base, () -> {
s.replace(segmentHandle, data1);
val si = s.getStreamSegmentInfo(segmentName);
Assert.assertEquals(data1.getLength(), si.getLength());
Assert.assertEquals(data1.getLength(), base.getStreamSegmentInfo(segmentName).getLength());
val rb = new byte[data1.getLength()];, 0, rb, 0, rb.length);
Assert.assertArrayEquals(data1.array(), rb);
// Delete (should clean up everything).
withPartialReplace(segmentName, null, data2, base, () -> {
// Create (performs auto-recovery).
withPartialReplace(segmentName, null, data2, base, () -> {
AssertExtensions.assertThrows("", () -> s.create(segmentName), ex -> ex instanceof StreamSegmentExistsException);
use of io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment in project pravega by pravega.
the class S3Mock method putObject.
PutObjectResponse putObject(PutObjectRequest request, RequestBody requestBody) {
String objectName = getObjectName(request.bucket(), request.key());
synchronized (this.objects) {
if (this.objects.containsKey(objectName)) {
throw S3Exception.builder().build();
if (null != requestBody) {
try (val inputStream = requestBody.contentStreamProvider().newStream()) {
val bufferView = new ByteArraySegment(inputStream.readAllBytes());
this.objects.put(objectName, new ObjectData(bufferView, request.acl()));
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw getException("Copy error", "Copy error", HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
} else {
this.objects.put(objectName, new ObjectData(BufferView.empty(), request.acl()));
return PutObjectResponse.builder().build();
use of io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment in project pravega by pravega.
the class S3Mock method putObject.
public void putObject(String bucketName, String key, Range range, Object content) {
String objectName = getObjectName(bucketName, key);
synchronized (this.objects) {
ObjectData od = this.objects.get(objectName);
if (od == null) {
throw new S3Exception(String.format("Object '%s/%s' does not exist.", bucketName, key), 404, "NoSuchKey", key);
final int startOffset = (int) (long) range.getFirst();
final int length = (int) (range.getLast() + 1 - range.getFirst());
BufferView objectContent = od.content;
if (startOffset < objectContent.getLength()) {
objectContent = new ByteArraySegment(objectContent.slice(0, startOffset).getCopy());
} else if (startOffset > objectContent.getLength()) {
throw new S3Exception("", HttpStatus.SC_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE, "InvalidRange", "");
InputStream source = (InputStream) content;
byte[] buffer = new byte[length];
try {
int copyLength = StreamHelpers.readAll(source, buffer, 0, length);
assert copyLength == length;
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new S3Exception("Copy error", HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
od.content = BufferView.wrap(Arrays.asList(objectContent, new ByteArraySegment(buffer)));
use of io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment in project pravega by pravega.
the class S3Mock method putObject.
public PutObjectResult putObject(PutObjectRequest request) {
// Fix passed in object metadata.
if (request.getObjectMetadata() != null) {
request.setObjectMetadata(new S3ObjectMetadata().withContentType(request.getObjectMetadata().getContentType()).withContentLength(request.getObjectMetadata().getContentLength()));
String objectName = getObjectName(request.getBucketName(), request.getKey());
synchronized (this.objects) {
if (this.objects.containsKey(objectName)) {
throw new S3Exception(String.format("Object '%s/%s' exists.", request.getBucketName(), request.getKey()), 0, "PreconditionFailed", "");
if (null != request.getObject()) {
try {
val bufferView = new ByteArraySegment(((InputStream) request.getObject()).readAllBytes());
this.objects.put(objectName, new ObjectData(bufferView, request.getAcl()));
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new S3Exception("Copy error", HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
} else {
this.objects.put(objectName, new ObjectData(BufferView.empty(), request.getAcl()));
return new PutObjectResult();