use of io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment in project pravega by pravega.
the class DirectMemoryBufferTests method testDelete.
* Tests the ability to delete.
public void testDelete() {
final byte[] toWrite = new byte[LAYOUT.bufferSize()];
final int multiBlockLength = LAYOUT.blockSize() + 1;
@Cleanup val b = newBuffer();
int expectedUsedBlockCount = 1;
val empty = b.write(new ByteArraySegment(toWrite, 0, 0), CacheLayout.NO_ADDRESS);
expectedUsedBlockCount += 1;
val multiBlock = b.write(new ByteArraySegment(toWrite, 0, multiBlockLength), CacheLayout.NO_ADDRESS);
expectedUsedBlockCount += 2;
val predecessorAddress = LAYOUT.calculateAddress(BUFFER_ID + 1, 2);
val multiBuf = b.write(new ByteArraySegment(toWrite, 0, 2 * LAYOUT.blockSize()), predecessorAddress);
expectedUsedBlockCount += 2;
val emptyDelete = b.delete(LAYOUT.getBlockId(empty.getLastBlockAddress()));
Assert.assertEquals(0, emptyDelete.getDeletedLength());
Assert.assertEquals(CacheLayout.NO_ADDRESS, emptyDelete.getPredecessorAddress());
expectedUsedBlockCount -= 1;
Assert.assertEquals(expectedUsedBlockCount, b.getUsedBlockCount());
val multiBlockDelete = b.delete(LAYOUT.getBlockId(multiBlock.getLastBlockAddress()));
Assert.assertEquals(multiBlockLength, multiBlockDelete.getDeletedLength());
Assert.assertEquals(CacheLayout.NO_ADDRESS, multiBlockDelete.getPredecessorAddress());
expectedUsedBlockCount -= 2;
Assert.assertEquals(expectedUsedBlockCount, b.getUsedBlockCount());
val multiBufDelete = b.delete(LAYOUT.getBlockId(multiBuf.getLastBlockAddress()));
Assert.assertEquals(2 * LAYOUT.blockSize(), multiBufDelete.getDeletedLength());
Assert.assertEquals(predecessorAddress, multiBufDelete.getPredecessorAddress());
expectedUsedBlockCount -= 2;
Assert.assertEquals(expectedUsedBlockCount, b.getUsedBlockCount());
use of io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment in project pravega by pravega.
the class DirectMemoryBufferTests method testFreeBlockManagement.
* Tests the ability to properly allocate and deallocate Buffer-Blocks and re-link empty blocks together. This tests
* the working of the private method {@link DirectMemoryBuffer#deallocateBlocks}.
* This test begins by filling up all the buffer with single-block entries, then deleting every other one. Next it
* fills the leftover capacity with two-block entries, and again deletes every other entry (of all, not just the new
* ones). This is repeated until we make the largest possible write (all blocks at once).
* At each step the allocated blocks are checked against a parallel-maintained structure whose purpose is to validate
* the buffer is used as expected and that we do not lose free blocks once we remove entries.
public void testFreeBlockManagement() {
// Excluding metadata block.
final int maxWriteBlockSize = LAYOUT.blocksPerBuffer() - 1;
final byte[] data = new byte[maxWriteBlockSize * LAYOUT.blockSize()];
// Keep a sorted list of free blocks.
val freeBlocks = new ArrayList<Integer>();
IntStream.range(1, LAYOUT.blocksPerBuffer()).forEach(freeBlocks::add);
// val writtenEntries = new HashMap<Integer, WriteEntry>(); // Key=Starting Block Id.
val writtenEntries = new PriorityQueue<WriteEntry>(Comparator.comparingInt(WriteEntry::getFirstBlockId));
@Cleanup val b = newBuffer();
// until we make writes equalling the entire buffer length.
for (int writeBlocks = 1; writeBlocks <= maxWriteBlockSize; writeBlocks++) {
int writeLength = writeBlocks * LAYOUT.blockSize();
// Fill up the buffer with writes of this size.
while (!freeBlocks.isEmpty()) {
Assert.assertTrue("Expecting buffer to have capacity left.", b.hasCapacity());
val w = b.write(new ByteArraySegment(data, 0, writeLength), CacheLayout.NO_ADDRESS);
int firstBlockId = w.getFirstBlockId();
int lastBlockId = LAYOUT.getBlockId(w.getLastBlockAddress());
// Determine how many blocks were actually expected and validate.
val expectedBlocks = updateFreeBlocksAfterWriting(freeBlocks, writeBlocks);
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected First Block Id.", expectedBlocks.getFirstBlockId(), firstBlockId);
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected Last Block Id.", expectedBlocks.getLastBlockId(), lastBlockId);
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected value from getUsedBlockCount.", LAYOUT.blocksPerBuffer() - freeBlocks.size(), b.getUsedBlockCount());
// Delete every 1 other.
boolean delete = true;
val entryIterator = writtenEntries.iterator();
while (entryIterator.hasNext()) {
WriteEntry e =;
if (delete) {
val d = b.delete(e.getLastBlockId());
Assert.assertEquals("Expected whole blocks to be deleted.", 0, d.getDeletedLength() % LAYOUT.blockSize());
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of blocks deleted.", e.blockIds.size(), d.getDeletedLength() / LAYOUT.blockSize());
updateFreeBlocksAfterDeletion(freeBlocks, e);
delete = !delete;
use of io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment in project pravega by pravega.
the class DirectMemoryBufferTests method testWriteError.
* Tests the ability to handle write errors and rollback if necessary. This indirectly verifies the functionality of
* the private method {@link DirectMemoryBuffer#rollbackWrite}.
public void testWriteError() {
final byte[] toWrite = new byte[3 * LAYOUT.blockSize()];
@Cleanup val b = newBuffer();
int initialUsedCount = b.getUsedBlockCount();
AssertExtensions.assertThrows("Expecting ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.", () -> b.write(new CorruptedByteArraySegment(toWrite, toWrite.length + 2), CacheLayout.NO_ADDRESS), ex -> ex instanceof ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException);
// Verify the getUsedBlockCount is unaffected.
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected used block count after rollback.", initialUsedCount, b.getUsedBlockCount());
// Verify the rollback has properly re-chained the free blocks.
for (int i = 1; i < LAYOUT.blocksPerBuffer(); i++) {
val w = b.write(new ByteArraySegment(toWrite, 0, LAYOUT.blockSize()), CacheLayout.NO_ADDRESS);
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected block to write (free block re-chaining).", i, w.getFirstBlockId());
Assert.assertEquals("Expected to have written only 1 block.", w.getFirstBlockId(), LAYOUT.getBlockId(w.getLastBlockAddress()));
use of io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment in project pravega by pravega.
the class BenchmarkTests method testRandomOperations.
private RandomResult testRandomOperations(CacheStorage s) {
val writeBuffer = new ByteArraySegment(new byte[ENTRY_SIZE]);
val ids = new ArrayList<Integer>();
val timer = new Timer();
val threads = new ArrayList<Thread>();
val iterations = new AtomicInteger(0);
val insertCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
val getCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
val deleteCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
for (int threadId = 0; threadId < RANDOM_OPERATIONS_THREAD_COUNT; threadId++) {
val t = new Thread(() -> {
val readBuffer = new byte[ENTRY_SIZE * 2];
int i;
while ((i = iterations.incrementAndGet()) <= ENTRY_COUNT) {
boolean insert;
int length;
synchronized (ids) {
insert = (this.random.nextInt(100) < RANDOM_OPERATIONS_INSERT_PERCENTAGE) || ids.isEmpty();
length = insert ? this.random.nextInt(writeBuffer.getLength()) : 0;
if (insert) {
int insertedId = s.insert(writeBuffer.slice(0, length));
synchronized (ids) {
} else {
// delete
int toRemove;
synchronized (ids) {
toRemove = ids.remove(this.random.nextInt(ids.size()));
int toRead = -1;
synchronized (ids) {
if (!ids.isEmpty()) {
toRead = ids.get(this.random.nextInt(ids.size()));
if (toRead >= 0) {
BufferView result = s.get(toRead);
if (result != null) {
for (val t : threads) {
Duration elapsed = timer.getElapsed();
// do not count this.
return new RandomResult(elapsed, insertCount.get(), getCount.get(), deleteCount.get());
use of io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment in project pravega by pravega.
the class DirectMemoryCacheTests method testRandomOperations.
* Tests the ability to execute operations in random order. At each step we will either be inserting, appending or
* deleting, and we will always be reading. We will not overfill the cache.
public void testRandomOperations() {
final byte[] data = new byte[LAYOUT.bufferSize() * 2];
final int iterations = 200;
@Cleanup val c = new TestCache();
val addresses = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// Key=Adddress, Value={StartOffset, Length}.
val contents = new HashMap<Integer, Map.Entry<Integer, Integer>>();
long storedBytes = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
// Add with 60% probability, but only if we have capacity or are empty.
val s = c.getState();
val freeBytes = s.getMaxBytes() - s.getUsedBytes();
boolean add = freeBytes > 0 && rnd.nextInt(100) < 60 || addresses.isEmpty();
if (add) {
// Write a new entry of arbitrary length.
int offset = rnd.nextInt(data.length - 1);
int length = (int) Math.min(freeBytes, rnd.nextInt(data.length - offset));
val address = c.insert(new ByteArraySegment(data, offset, length));
storedBytes += length;
contents.put(address, new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(offset, length));
} else {
// Pick an arbitrary entry and remove it.
int address = addresses.remove(rnd.nextInt(addresses.size()));
val length = contents.remove(address).getValue();
storedBytes -= length;
Assert.assertNull("Entry was still accessible after deletion.", c.get(address));
checkSnapshot(c, storedBytes, null, null, null, null);
checkData(c, contents, data);