use of io.pravega.segmentstore.contracts.ReadResultEntry in project pravega by pravega.
the class ContainerReadIndexTests method testStorageFailedReads.
* Tests the ability to handle Storage read failures.
public void testStorageFailedReads() {
// Create all segments (Storage and Metadata).
@Cleanup TestContext context = new TestContext();
ArrayList<Long> segmentIds = createSegments(context);
// Read beyond Storage actual offset (metadata is corrupt)
long testSegmentId = segmentIds.get(0);
UpdateableSegmentMetadata sm = context.metadata.getStreamSegmentMetadata(testSegmentId);
sm.setStorageLength(1024 * 1024);
sm.setLength(1024 * 1024);
AssertExtensions.assertThrows("Unexpected exception when attempting to read beyond the Segment length in Storage.", () -> {
@Cleanup ReadResult readResult =, 0, 100, TIMEOUT);
Assert.assertTrue("Unexpected value from hasNext() when there should be at least one ReadResultEntry.", readResult.hasNext());
ReadResultEntry entry =;
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected ReadResultEntryType.", ReadResultEntryType.Storage, entry.getType());
entry.getContent().get(TIMEOUT.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
}, ex -> ex instanceof ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException);
// Segment not exists (exists in metadata, but not in Storage)
val handle =;, TIMEOUT).join();
AssertExtensions.assertThrows("Unexpected exception when attempting to from a segment that exists in Metadata, but not in Storage.", () -> {
@Cleanup ReadResult readResult =, 0, 100, TIMEOUT);
Assert.assertTrue("Unexpected value from hasNext() when there should be at least one ReadResultEntry.", readResult.hasNext());
ReadResultEntry entry =;
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected ReadResultEntryType.", ReadResultEntryType.Storage, entry.getType());
entry.getContent().get(TIMEOUT.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
}, ex -> ex instanceof StreamSegmentNotExistsException);
use of io.pravega.segmentstore.contracts.ReadResultEntry in project pravega by pravega.
the class StreamSegmentReadResultTests method testNextWaitOnPrevious.
* Tests the ability to only return a next item if the previous returned item hasn't been consumed yet.
public void testNextWaitOnPrevious() throws Exception {
AtomicReference<TestReadResultEntry> nextEntry = new AtomicReference<>();
StreamSegmentReadResult.NextEntrySupplier nes = (offset, length) -> nextEntry.get();
// We issue a read, get one item, do not consume it, and then read a second time.
@Cleanup StreamSegmentReadResult r = new StreamSegmentReadResult(START_OFFSET, MAX_RESULT_LENGTH, nes, "");
nextEntry.set(TestReadResultEntry.cache(START_OFFSET, MAX_RESULT_LENGTH));
TestReadResultEntry firstEntry = (TestReadResultEntry);
// Immediately request a second item, without properly consuming the first item.
nextEntry.set(TestReadResultEntry.cache(START_OFFSET + READ_ITEM_LENGTH, MAX_RESULT_LENGTH));
AssertExtensions.assertThrows("Second read was allowed even though the first read did not complete.", r::next, ex -> ex instanceof IllegalStateException);
firstEntry.complete(new ReadResultEntryContents(null, READ_ITEM_LENGTH));
ReadResultEntry secondEntry =;
ReadResultEntryBase x;
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected result from nextEntry.", nextEntry.get(), secondEntry);
use of io.pravega.segmentstore.contracts.ReadResultEntry in project pravega by pravega.
the class StreamSegmentReadResultTests method testNextFullyConsumed.
* Tests the next() method which ends when the result is fully consumed (via offsets).
public void testNextFullyConsumed() {
AtomicReference<TestReadResultEntry> nextEntry = new AtomicReference<>();
StreamSegmentReadResult.NextEntrySupplier nes = (offset, length) -> nextEntry.get();
// We issue a read with length = MAX_RESULT_LENGTH, and return items, 1 byte at a time.
@Cleanup StreamSegmentReadResult r = new StreamSegmentReadResult(START_OFFSET, MAX_RESULT_LENGTH, nes, "");
int expectedConsumedLength = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_RESULT_LENGTH; i += READ_ITEM_LENGTH) {
// Setup an item to be returned.
final long expectedStartOffset = START_OFFSET + i;
final int expectedReadLength = MAX_RESULT_LENGTH - i;
nextEntry.set(TestReadResultEntry.cache(expectedStartOffset, expectedReadLength));
// Get the result and verify we get exactly what we supplied.
Assert.assertTrue("hasNext() returned false even though we haven't consumed the entire result.", r.hasNext());
ReadResultEntry resultEntry =;
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected result from nextEntry.", nextEntry.get(), resultEntry);
// Verify the StreamSegmentReadResult does not update itself after returning a result.
Assert.assertEquals("getStreamSegmentStartOffset changed while iterating.", START_OFFSET, r.getStreamSegmentStartOffset());
Assert.assertEquals("getMaxResultLength changed while iterating.", MAX_RESULT_LENGTH, r.getMaxResultLength());
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected value from getConsumedLength after returning a value but before completing result future.", expectedConsumedLength, r.getConsumedLength());
// Verify the StreamSegmentReadResult updates itself after the last returned result's future is completed.
nextEntry.get().complete(new ReadResultEntryContents(null, READ_ITEM_LENGTH));
expectedConsumedLength += READ_ITEM_LENGTH;
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected value from getConsumedLength after returning a value and completing result future.", expectedConsumedLength, r.getConsumedLength());
// Verify we have reached the end.
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected state of the StreamSegmentReadResult when consuming the entire result.", r.getMaxResultLength(), r.getConsumedLength());
Assert.assertFalse("hasNext() did not return false when the entire result is consumed.", r.hasNext());
ReadResultEntry resultEntry =;
Assert.assertNull("next() did not return null when it was done.", resultEntry);
use of io.pravega.segmentstore.contracts.ReadResultEntry in project pravega by pravega.
the class StreamSegmentReadResultTests method testClose.
* Tests the ability to close the result and cancel any items that were returned.
public void testClose() {
AtomicReference<TestReadResultEntry> nextEntry = new AtomicReference<>();
StreamSegmentReadResult.NextEntrySupplier nes = (offset, length) -> nextEntry.get();
// We issue a read with length = MAX_RESULT_LENGTH, but we only get to read one item from it.
StreamSegmentReadResult r = new StreamSegmentReadResult(START_OFFSET, MAX_RESULT_LENGTH, nes, "");
nextEntry.set(TestReadResultEntry.cache(START_OFFSET, MAX_RESULT_LENGTH));
ReadResultEntry resultEntry =;
// Close the result and verify we cannot read from it anymore and that the pending future is now canceled.
Assert.assertTrue("Already returned result future is not canceled after closing the ReadResult.", resultEntry.getContent().isCancelled());
Assert.assertFalse("hasNext() did not return false after closing ", r.hasNext());
AssertExtensions.assertThrows("next() did not throw an appropriate exception when the ReadResult is closed.", r::next, ex -> ex instanceof ObjectClosedException);
use of io.pravega.segmentstore.contracts.ReadResultEntry in project pravega by pravega.
the class PravegaRequestProcessor method handleReadResult.
* Handles a readResult.
* If there are cached entries that can be returned without blocking only these are returned.
* Otherwise the call will request the data and setup a callback to return the data when it is available.
* If no data is available but it was detected that the Segment had been truncated beyond the current offset,
* an appropriate message is sent back over the connection.
private void handleReadResult(ReadSegment request, ReadResult result) {
String segment = request.getSegment();
ArrayList<ReadResultEntryContents> cachedEntries = new ArrayList<>();
ReadResultEntry nonCachedEntry = collectCachedEntries(request.getOffset(), result, cachedEntries);
boolean truncated = nonCachedEntry != null && nonCachedEntry.getType() == Truncated;
boolean endOfSegment = nonCachedEntry != null && nonCachedEntry.getType() == EndOfStreamSegment;
boolean atTail = nonCachedEntry != null && nonCachedEntry.getType() == Future;
if (!cachedEntries.isEmpty() || endOfSegment) {
// We managed to collect some data. Send it.
ByteBuffer data = copyData(cachedEntries);
SegmentRead reply = new SegmentRead(segment, request.getOffset(), atTail, endOfSegment, data);
} else if (truncated) {
// We didn't collect any data, instead we determined that the current read offset was truncated.
// Determine the current Start Offset and send that back.
segmentStore.getStreamSegmentInfo(segment, false, TIMEOUT).thenAccept(info -> connection.send(new SegmentIsTruncated(nonCachedEntry.getStreamSegmentOffset(), segment, info.getStartOffset()))).exceptionally(e -> handleException(nonCachedEntry.getStreamSegmentOffset(), segment, "Read segment", e));
} else {
Preconditions.checkState(nonCachedEntry != null, "No ReadResultEntries returned from read!?");
nonCachedEntry.getContent().thenAccept(contents -> {
ByteBuffer data = copyData(Collections.singletonList(contents));
connection.send(new SegmentRead(segment, nonCachedEntry.getStreamSegmentOffset(), false, endOfSegment, data));
}).exceptionally(e -> {
if (Exceptions.unwrap(e) instanceof StreamSegmentTruncatedException) {
// The Segment may have been truncated in Storage after we got this entry but before we managed
// to make a read. In that case, send the appropriate error back.
connection.send(new SegmentIsTruncated(nonCachedEntry.getStreamSegmentOffset(), segment, nonCachedEntry.getStreamSegmentOffset()));
} else {
handleException(nonCachedEntry.getStreamSegmentOffset(), segment, "Read segment", e);
return null;
}).exceptionally(e -> handleException(nonCachedEntry.getStreamSegmentOffset(), segment, "Read segment", e));