use of in project chunkstories by Hugobros3.
the class WorldImplementation method peek.
public /**
* Fancy get method that throws exceptions when the world isn't loaded
ChunkCell peek(int x, int y, int z) throws WorldException {
x = sanitizeHorizontalCoordinate(x);
y = sanitizeVerticalCoordinate(y);
z = sanitizeHorizontalCoordinate(z);
Region region = this.getRegionWorldCoordinates(x, y, z);
if (region == null)
throw new RegionNotLoadedException(this, x / 256, y / 256, z / 256);
Chunk chunk = region.getChunk((x / 32) % 8, (y / 32) % 8, (z / 32) % 8);
if (chunk == null)
throw new ChunkNotLoadedException(region, (x / 32) % 8, (y / 32) % 8, (z / 32) % 8);
return chunk.peek(x, y, z);
use of in project chunkstories by Hugobros3.
the class WorldEntitiesHolder method getEntitiesInBox.
public NearEntitiesIterator getEntitiesInBox(Vector3dc center, Vector3dc boxSize) {
return new NearEntitiesIterator() {
int centerVoxel_x = (int) (double) center.x();
int centerVoxel_y = (int) (double) center.y();
int centerVoxel_z = (int) (double) center.z();
int box_ceil_x = (int) Math.ceil((double) boxSize.x());
int box_ceil_y = (int) Math.ceil((double) boxSize.y());
int box_ceil_z = (int) Math.ceil((double) boxSize.z());
int box_start_x = sanitizeHorizontalCoordinate(centerVoxel_x - box_ceil_x);
int box_start_y = sanitizeVerticalCoordinate(centerVoxel_y - box_ceil_y);
int box_start_z = sanitizeHorizontalCoordinate(centerVoxel_z - box_ceil_z);
int box_end_x = sanitizeHorizontalCoordinate(centerVoxel_x + box_ceil_x);
int box_end_y = sanitizeVerticalCoordinate(centerVoxel_y + box_ceil_y);
int box_end_z = sanitizeHorizontalCoordinate(centerVoxel_z + box_ceil_z);
// We currently sort this out by regions, chunks would be more appropriate ?
int region_start_x = box_start_x / 256;
int region_start_y = box_start_y / 256;
int region_start_z = box_start_z / 256;
int region_end_x = box_end_x / 256;
int region_end_y = box_end_y / 256;
int region_end_z = box_end_z / 256;
int region_x = region_start_x;
int region_y = region_start_y;
int region_z = region_start_z;
Region currentRegion = world.getRegion(region_x, region_y, region_z);
Iterator<Entity> currentRegionIterator = currentRegion == null ? null : currentRegion.getEntitiesWithinRegion();
Entity next = null;
double distance = 0D;
private void seekNextEntity() {
next = null;
while (true) {
// Break the loop if we find an entity in the region
if (seekNextEntityWithinRegion())
else {
// Seek a suitable region if we failed to find anything above
if (seekNextRegion())
private boolean seekNextEntityWithinRegion() {
if (currentRegionIterator == null)
return false;
while (currentRegionIterator.hasNext()) {
Entity entity =;
// Check if it's inside the box for realz
Location loc = entity.getLocation();
int locx = (int) (double) loc.x();
// Normal case, check if it's in the bounds, wrap-arround case, check if it's outside
if ((box_start_x > box_end_x) == (locx >= box_start_x && locx <= box_end_x))
int locy = (int) (double) loc.y();
// Normal case, check if it's in the bounds, wrap-arround case, check if it's outside
if ((box_start_y > box_end_y) == (locy >= box_start_y && locy <= box_end_y))
int locz = (int) (double) loc.z();
// Normal case, check if it's in the bounds, wrap-arround case, check if it's outside
if ((box_start_z > box_end_z) == (locz >= box_start_z && locz <= box_end_z))
// if(Math.abs(check.getX()) <= boxSize.getX() && Math.abs(check.getY()) <= boxSize.getY() && Math.abs(check.getZ()) <= boxSize.getZ())
// Found a good one = entity;
Vector3d check = new Vector3d(loc);
this.distance = check.length();
return true;
// We found nothing :(
currentRegionIterator = null;
return false;
private boolean seekNextRegion() {
currentRegion = null;
while (true) {
// Found one !
if (currentRegion != null) {
currentRegionIterator = currentRegion.getEntitiesWithinRegion();
return true;
// Wrap arround in X dimension to Y
if (region_x > region_end_x) {
region_x = 0;
// Then Y to Z
if (region_y > region_end_y) {
region_y = 0;
// We are done here
if (region_z > region_end_z)
return false;
currentRegion = world.getRegion(region_x, region_y, region_z);
public boolean hasNext() {
if (next == null)
return next != null;
public Entity next() {
Entity entity = next;
return entity;
public double distance() {
return distance;
use of in project chunkstories by Hugobros3.
the class WorldImplementation method poke.
public ChunkCell poke(int x, int y, int z, Voxel voxel, int sunlight, int blocklight, int metadata, WorldModificationCause cause) throws WorldException {
x = sanitizeHorizontalCoordinate(x);
y = sanitizeVerticalCoordinate(y);
z = sanitizeHorizontalCoordinate(z);
Region region = this.getRegionWorldCoordinates(x, y, z);
if (region == null)
throw new RegionNotLoadedException(this, x / 256, y / 256, z / 256);
Chunk chunk = region.getChunk((x / 32) % 8, (y / 32) % 8, (z / 32) % 8);
if (chunk == null)
throw new ChunkNotLoadedException(region, (x / 32) % 8, (y / 32) % 8, (z / 32) % 8);
return chunk.poke(x, y, z, voxel, sunlight, blocklight, metadata, cause);
use of in project chunkstories by Hugobros3.
the class WorldImplementation method peekSafely.
public WorldCell peekSafely(int x, int y, int z) {
x = sanitizeHorizontalCoordinate(x);
y = sanitizeVerticalCoordinate(y);
z = sanitizeHorizontalCoordinate(z);
Region region = this.getRegionWorldCoordinates(x, y, z);
if (region == null) {
return new UnloadedWorldCell(x, y, z, this.getGameContext().getContent().voxels().air(), 0, 0, 0);
Chunk chunk = region.getChunk((x / 32) % 8, (y / 32) % 8, (z / 32) % 8);
if (chunk == null)
return new UnloadedWorldCell(x, y, z, this.getGameContext().getContent().voxels().air(), 0, 0, 0);
return chunk.peek(x, y, z);
use of in project chunkstories by Hugobros3.
the class HashMapWorldRegionsHolder method saveAll.
public Fence saveAll() {
CompoundFence allRegionsFences = new CompoundFence();
Iterator<RegionImplementation> i = regions.values().iterator();
Region region;
while (i.hasNext()) {
region =;
if (region != null) {
return allRegionsFences;