use of io.xol.chunkstories.renderer.terrain.HeightmapMesher.Surface in project chunkstories by Hugobros3.
the class FarTerrainBaker method generateArround.
public List<RegionMesh> generateArround() {
List<FarTerrainBaker.RegionMesh> regionsToRender_NewList = new ArrayList<FarTerrainBaker.RegionMesh>();
int summaryDistance = 32;
int currentChunkX = cameraChunkX - summaryDistance;
while (currentChunkX < cameraChunkX + summaryDistance) {
// Computes where are we
int currentRegionX = (int) Math.floor(currentChunkX / 8f);
// if(currentChunkX < 0)
// currentRegionX--;
// System.out.println(currentChunkX + " : " + currentRegionX);
int nextRegionX = currentRegionX + 1;
int nextChunkX = nextRegionX * 8;
// Iterate over Z chunks but skip whole regions
int currentChunkZ = cameraChunkZ - summaryDistance;
while (currentChunkZ < cameraChunkZ + summaryDistance) {
// Computes where are we
int currentRegionZ = (int) Math.floor(currentChunkZ / 8f);
int nextRegionZ = currentRegionZ + 1;
int nextChunkZ = nextRegionZ * 8;
// Clear shit
/*int rx = currentChunkX / 8;
int rz = currentChunkZ / 8;
if (currentChunkZ < 0 && currentChunkZ % 8 != 0)
if (currentChunkX < 0 && currentChunkX % 8 != 0)
HeightmapImplementation summary = world.getRegionsSummariesHolder().getHeightmapWorldCoordinates(currentChunkX * 32, currentChunkZ * 32);
if (summary == null || !summary.isLoaded()) {
currentChunkZ = nextChunkZ;
int rcx = currentChunkX % world.getSizeInChunks();
if (rcx < 0)
rcx += world.getSizeInChunks();
int rcz = currentChunkZ % world.getSizeInChunks();
if (rcz < 0)
rcz += world.getSizeInChunks();
int[] heightMap = summary.getHeightData();
int[] ids = summary.getVoxelData();
@SuppressWarnings("unused") int vertexCount = 0;
// Compute the LODs for every subchunk of the region, plus borders
int[] lodsArray = new int[100];
for (int scx = -1; scx < 9; scx++) for (int scz = -1; scz < 9; scz++) {
int regionMiddleX = currentRegionX * 8 + scx;
int regionMiddleZ = currentRegionZ * 8 + scz;
int detail = (int) (Math.sqrt(Math.abs(regionMiddleX - cameraChunkX) * Math.abs(regionMiddleX - cameraChunkX) + Math.abs(regionMiddleZ - cameraChunkZ) * Math.abs(regionMiddleZ - cameraChunkZ)) / (world.getClient().getConfiguration().getBooleanOption("client.rendering.hqTerrain") ? 6f : 4f));
if (detail > 5)
detail = 5;
if (!world.getClient().getConfiguration().getBooleanOption("client.rendering.hqTerrain") && detail < 2)
detail = 2;
lodsArray[(scx + 1) * 10 + (scz + 1)] = detail;
int[][] vertexSectionsOffsets = new int[8][8];
int[][] vertexSectionsSizes = new int[8][8];
int currentOffset = 0;
int currentSize = 0;
for (int scx = 0; scx < 8; scx++) for (int scz = 0; scz < 8; scz++) {
currentOffset += currentSize;
vertexSectionsOffsets[scx][scz] = currentOffset;
currentSize = 0;
int chunkLod = lodsArray[(scx + 1) * 10 + (scz + 1)];
int cellSize = (int) Math.pow(2, chunkLod);
int x0 = (scx * 32) / cellSize;
int y0 = (scz * 32) / cellSize;
HeightmapMesher mesher = new HeightmapMesher(heightMap, ids, offsets[chunkLod], 32 / cellSize, x0, y0, 256 / cellSize);
int test = 0;
Surface surf = mesher.nextSurface();
while (surf != null) {
// Top
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, scx * 32 + (surf.getX()) * cellSize, surf.getLevel(), scz * 32 + (surf.getY()) * cellSize, 0, 1, 0, surf.getId());
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, scx * 32 + (surf.getX() + surf.getW()) * cellSize, surf.getLevel(), scz * 32 + (surf.getY() + surf.getH()) * cellSize, 0, 1, 0, surf.getId());
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, scx * 32 + (surf.getX() + surf.getW()) * cellSize, surf.getLevel(), scz * 32 + (surf.getY()) * cellSize, 0, 1, 0, surf.getId());
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, scx * 32 + (surf.getX()) * cellSize, surf.getLevel(), scz * 32 + (surf.getY()) * cellSize, 0, 1, 0, surf.getId());
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, scx * 32 + (surf.getX()) * cellSize, surf.getLevel(), scz * 32 + (surf.getY() + surf.getH()) * cellSize, 0, 1, 0, surf.getId());
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, scx * 32 + (surf.getX() + surf.getW()) * cellSize, surf.getLevel(), scz * 32 + (surf.getY() + surf.getH()) * cellSize, 0, 1, 0, surf.getId());
vertexCount += 6;
currentSize += 6;
// Left side
int vx = scx * 32 + (surf.getX()) * cellSize;
int vz = scz * 32 + (surf.getY()) * cellSize;
int heightCurrent = getHeight(heightMap, world, vx - cellSize, vz, currentRegionX, currentRegionZ, lodsArray[((int) Math.floor((vx - cellSize) / 32f) + 1) * 10 + (scz + 1)]);
int d = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < surf.getH() + 1; i++) {
int newHeight = (i < surf.getH()) ? getHeight(heightMap, world, vx - cellSize, vz + i * cellSize, currentRegionX, currentRegionZ, lodsArray[((int) Math.floor((vx - cellSize) / 32f) + 1) * 10 + ((int) Math.floor((vz + (i) * cellSize) / 32f) + 1)]) : -1;
if (newHeight != heightCurrent) {
if (heightCurrent != surf.getLevel()) {
int side = heightCurrent > surf.getLevel() ? 1 : -1;
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, surf.getLevel(), vz + d * cellSize, side, 0, 0, surf.getId());
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, heightCurrent, vz + d * cellSize, side, 0, 0, surf.getId());
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, heightCurrent, vz + (i) * cellSize, side, 0, 0, surf.getId());
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, surf.getLevel(), vz + d * cellSize, side, 0, 0, surf.getId());
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, heightCurrent, vz + (i) * cellSize, side, 0, 0, surf.getId());
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, surf.getLevel(), vz + (i) * cellSize, side, 0, 0, surf.getId());
vertexCount += 6;
currentSize += 6;
heightCurrent = newHeight;
d = i;
// Bot side
heightCurrent = getHeight(heightMap, world, vx, vz - cellSize, currentRegionX, currentRegionZ, lodsArray[((int) Math.floor((vx) / 32f) + 1) * 10 + ((int) Math.floor((vz - cellSize) / 32f) + 1)]);
d = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < surf.getW() + 1; i++) {
int newHeight = (i < surf.getW()) ? getHeight(heightMap, world, vx + i * cellSize, vz - cellSize, currentRegionX, currentRegionZ, lodsArray[((int) Math.floor((vx + i * cellSize) / 32f) + 1) * 10 + ((int) Math.floor((vz - cellSize) / 32f) + 1)]) : -1;
if (newHeight != heightCurrent) {
if (heightCurrent != surf.getLevel()) {
int side = heightCurrent > surf.getLevel() ? 1 : -1;
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx + d * cellSize, surf.getLevel(), vz, 0, 0, side, surf.getId());
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx + (i) * cellSize, heightCurrent, vz, 0, 0, side, surf.getId());
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx + d * cellSize, heightCurrent, vz, 0, 0, side, surf.getId());
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx + (i) * cellSize, heightCurrent, vz, 0, 0, side, surf.getId());
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx + d * cellSize, surf.getLevel(), vz, 0, 0, side, surf.getId());
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx + (i) * cellSize, surf.getLevel(), vz, 0, 0, side, surf.getId());
vertexCount += 6;
currentSize += 6;
heightCurrent = newHeight;
d = i;
// Next
surf = mesher.nextSurface();
if (test > 32 * 32 / (cellSize * cellSize)) {
System.out.println("Meshing made more than reasonnable vertices");
// If the next side has a coarser resolution we want to fill in the gaps
// We go alongside the two other sides of the mesh and we add another skirt to match the coarser mesh on the side
int nextMeshDetailsX = lodsArray[(scx + 2) * 10 + (scz + 1)];
if (nextMeshDetailsX > chunkLod) {
int vx = scx * 32 + 32;
for (int vz = scz * 32; vz < scz * 32 + 32; vz += cellSize) {
int height = getHeight(heightMap, world, vx - 1, vz, currentRegionX, currentRegionZ, chunkLod);
int heightNext = getHeight(heightMap, world, vx + 1, vz, currentRegionX, currentRegionZ, nextMeshDetailsX);
if (heightNext > height) {
int gapData = getIds(ids, world, vx - 1, vz, currentRegionX, currentRegionZ, chunkLod);
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, height, vz, 1, 0, 0, gapData);
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, heightNext, vz + cellSize, 1, 0, 0, gapData);
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, heightNext, vz, 1, 0, 0, gapData);
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, height, vz, 1, 0, 0, gapData);
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, height, vz + cellSize, 1, 0, 0, gapData);
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, heightNext, vz + cellSize, 1, 0, 0, gapData);
vertexCount += 6;
currentSize += 6;
} else if (heightNext < height) {
int gapData = getIds(ids, world, vx + 1, vz, currentRegionX, currentRegionZ, chunkLod);
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, height, vz, -1, 0, 0, gapData);
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, heightNext, vz, -1, 0, 0, gapData);
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, heightNext, vz + cellSize, -1, 0, 0, gapData);
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, height, vz, -1, 0, 0, gapData);
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, heightNext, vz + cellSize, -1, 0, 0, gapData);
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, height, vz + cellSize, -1, 0, 0, gapData);
vertexCount += 6;
currentSize += 6;
int nextMeshDetailsZ = lodsArray[(scx + 1) * 10 + (scz + 2)];
if (nextMeshDetailsZ > chunkLod) {
int vz = scz * 32 + 32;
for (int vx = scx * 32; vx < scx * 32 + 32; vx += cellSize) {
int height = getHeight(heightMap, world, vx, vz - 1, currentRegionX, currentRegionZ, chunkLod);
int heightNext = getHeight(heightMap, world, vx, vz + 1, currentRegionX, currentRegionZ, nextMeshDetailsZ);
if (heightNext > height) {
int gapData = getIds(heightMap, world, vx, vz - 1, currentRegionX, currentRegionZ, nextMeshDetailsZ);
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, height, vz, 0, 0, 1, gapData);
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, heightNext, vz, 0, 0, 1, gapData);
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx + cellSize, heightNext, vz, 0, 0, 1, gapData);
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, height, vz, 0, 0, 1, gapData);
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx + cellSize, heightNext, vz, 0, 0, 1, gapData);
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx + cellSize, height, vz, 0, 0, 1, gapData);
vertexCount += 6;
currentSize += 6;
} else if (heightNext < height) {
int gapData = getIds(heightMap, world, vx, vz + 1, currentRegionX, currentRegionZ, nextMeshDetailsZ);
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, height, vz, 0, 0, -1, gapData);
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx + cellSize, heightNext, vz, 0, 0, -1, gapData);
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, heightNext, vz, 0, 0, -1, gapData);
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, height, vz, 0, 0, -1, gapData);
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx + cellSize, height, vz, 0, 0, -1, gapData);
addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx + cellSize, heightNext, vz, 0, 0, -1, gapData);
vertexCount += 6;
currentSize += 6;
// Computes those sizes
vertexSectionsSizes[scx][scz] = currentSize;
byte[] vboContent = new byte[regionMeshBuffer.position()];
FarTerrainBaker.RegionMesh regionMesh = new FarTerrainBaker.RegionMesh(summary, vboContent, vertexSectionsOffsets, vertexSectionsSizes);
currentChunkZ = nextChunkZ;
currentChunkX = nextChunkX;
return regionsToRender_NewList;