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Example 1 with HeightmapImplementation

use of in project chunkstories by Hugobros3.

the class FarTerrainBaker method generateArround.

public List<RegionMesh> generateArround() {
    List<FarTerrainBaker.RegionMesh> regionsToRender_NewList = new ArrayList<FarTerrainBaker.RegionMesh>();
    int summaryDistance = 32;
    int currentChunkX = cameraChunkX - summaryDistance;
    while (currentChunkX < cameraChunkX + summaryDistance) {
        // Computes where are we
        int currentRegionX = (int) Math.floor(currentChunkX / 8f);
        // if(currentChunkX < 0)
        // currentRegionX--;
        // System.out.println(currentChunkX + " : " + currentRegionX);
        int nextRegionX = currentRegionX + 1;
        int nextChunkX = nextRegionX * 8;
        // Iterate over Z chunks but skip whole regions
        int currentChunkZ = cameraChunkZ - summaryDistance;
        while (currentChunkZ < cameraChunkZ + summaryDistance) {
            // Computes where are we
            int currentRegionZ = (int) Math.floor(currentChunkZ / 8f);
            int nextRegionZ = currentRegionZ + 1;
            int nextChunkZ = nextRegionZ * 8;
            // Clear shit
            /*int rx = currentChunkX / 8;
				int rz = currentChunkZ / 8;
				if (currentChunkZ < 0 && currentChunkZ % 8 != 0)
				if (currentChunkX < 0 && currentChunkX % 8 != 0)
            HeightmapImplementation summary = world.getRegionsSummariesHolder().getHeightmapWorldCoordinates(currentChunkX * 32, currentChunkZ * 32);
            if (summary == null || !summary.isLoaded()) {
                currentChunkZ = nextChunkZ;
            int rcx = currentChunkX % world.getSizeInChunks();
            if (rcx < 0)
                rcx += world.getSizeInChunks();
            int rcz = currentChunkZ % world.getSizeInChunks();
            if (rcz < 0)
                rcz += world.getSizeInChunks();
            int[] heightMap = summary.getHeightData();
            int[] ids = summary.getVoxelData();
            @SuppressWarnings("unused") int vertexCount = 0;
            // Compute the LODs for every subchunk of the region, plus borders
            int[] lodsArray = new int[100];
            for (int scx = -1; scx < 9; scx++) for (int scz = -1; scz < 9; scz++) {
                int regionMiddleX = currentRegionX * 8 + scx;
                int regionMiddleZ = currentRegionZ * 8 + scz;
                int detail = (int) (Math.sqrt(Math.abs(regionMiddleX - cameraChunkX) * Math.abs(regionMiddleX - cameraChunkX) + Math.abs(regionMiddleZ - cameraChunkZ) * Math.abs(regionMiddleZ - cameraChunkZ)) / (world.getClient().getConfiguration().getBooleanOption("client.rendering.hqTerrain") ? 6f : 4f));
                if (detail > 5)
                    detail = 5;
                if (!world.getClient().getConfiguration().getBooleanOption("client.rendering.hqTerrain") && detail < 2)
                    detail = 2;
                lodsArray[(scx + 1) * 10 + (scz + 1)] = detail;
            int[][] vertexSectionsOffsets = new int[8][8];
            int[][] vertexSectionsSizes = new int[8][8];
            int currentOffset = 0;
            int currentSize = 0;
            for (int scx = 0; scx < 8; scx++) for (int scz = 0; scz < 8; scz++) {
                currentOffset += currentSize;
                vertexSectionsOffsets[scx][scz] = currentOffset;
                currentSize = 0;
                int chunkLod = lodsArray[(scx + 1) * 10 + (scz + 1)];
                int cellSize = (int) Math.pow(2, chunkLod);
                int x0 = (scx * 32) / cellSize;
                int y0 = (scz * 32) / cellSize;
                HeightmapMesher mesher = new HeightmapMesher(heightMap, ids, offsets[chunkLod], 32 / cellSize, x0, y0, 256 / cellSize);
                int test = 0;
                Surface surf = mesher.nextSurface();
                while (surf != null) {
                    // Top
                    addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, scx * 32 + (surf.getX()) * cellSize, surf.getLevel(), scz * 32 + (surf.getY()) * cellSize, 0, 1, 0, surf.getId());
                    addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, scx * 32 + (surf.getX() + surf.getW()) * cellSize, surf.getLevel(), scz * 32 + (surf.getY() + surf.getH()) * cellSize, 0, 1, 0, surf.getId());
                    addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, scx * 32 + (surf.getX() + surf.getW()) * cellSize, surf.getLevel(), scz * 32 + (surf.getY()) * cellSize, 0, 1, 0, surf.getId());
                    addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, scx * 32 + (surf.getX()) * cellSize, surf.getLevel(), scz * 32 + (surf.getY()) * cellSize, 0, 1, 0, surf.getId());
                    addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, scx * 32 + (surf.getX()) * cellSize, surf.getLevel(), scz * 32 + (surf.getY() + surf.getH()) * cellSize, 0, 1, 0, surf.getId());
                    addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, scx * 32 + (surf.getX() + surf.getW()) * cellSize, surf.getLevel(), scz * 32 + (surf.getY() + surf.getH()) * cellSize, 0, 1, 0, surf.getId());
                    vertexCount += 6;
                    currentSize += 6;
                    // Left side
                    int vx = scx * 32 + (surf.getX()) * cellSize;
                    int vz = scz * 32 + (surf.getY()) * cellSize;
                    int heightCurrent = getHeight(heightMap, world, vx - cellSize, vz, currentRegionX, currentRegionZ, lodsArray[((int) Math.floor((vx - cellSize) / 32f) + 1) * 10 + (scz + 1)]);
                    int d = 0;
                    for (int i = 1; i < surf.getH() + 1; i++) {
                        int newHeight = (i < surf.getH()) ? getHeight(heightMap, world, vx - cellSize, vz + i * cellSize, currentRegionX, currentRegionZ, lodsArray[((int) Math.floor((vx - cellSize) / 32f) + 1) * 10 + ((int) Math.floor((vz + (i) * cellSize) / 32f) + 1)]) : -1;
                        if (newHeight != heightCurrent) {
                            if (heightCurrent != surf.getLevel()) {
                                int side = heightCurrent > surf.getLevel() ? 1 : -1;
                                addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, surf.getLevel(), vz + d * cellSize, side, 0, 0, surf.getId());
                                addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, heightCurrent, vz + d * cellSize, side, 0, 0, surf.getId());
                                addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, heightCurrent, vz + (i) * cellSize, side, 0, 0, surf.getId());
                                addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, surf.getLevel(), vz + d * cellSize, side, 0, 0, surf.getId());
                                addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, heightCurrent, vz + (i) * cellSize, side, 0, 0, surf.getId());
                                addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, surf.getLevel(), vz + (i) * cellSize, side, 0, 0, surf.getId());
                                vertexCount += 6;
                                currentSize += 6;
                            heightCurrent = newHeight;
                            d = i;
                    // Bot side
                    heightCurrent = getHeight(heightMap, world, vx, vz - cellSize, currentRegionX, currentRegionZ, lodsArray[((int) Math.floor((vx) / 32f) + 1) * 10 + ((int) Math.floor((vz - cellSize) / 32f) + 1)]);
                    d = 0;
                    for (int i = 1; i < surf.getW() + 1; i++) {
                        int newHeight = (i < surf.getW()) ? getHeight(heightMap, world, vx + i * cellSize, vz - cellSize, currentRegionX, currentRegionZ, lodsArray[((int) Math.floor((vx + i * cellSize) / 32f) + 1) * 10 + ((int) Math.floor((vz - cellSize) / 32f) + 1)]) : -1;
                        if (newHeight != heightCurrent) {
                            if (heightCurrent != surf.getLevel()) {
                                int side = heightCurrent > surf.getLevel() ? 1 : -1;
                                addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx + d * cellSize, surf.getLevel(), vz, 0, 0, side, surf.getId());
                                addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx + (i) * cellSize, heightCurrent, vz, 0, 0, side, surf.getId());
                                addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx + d * cellSize, heightCurrent, vz, 0, 0, side, surf.getId());
                                addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx + (i) * cellSize, heightCurrent, vz, 0, 0, side, surf.getId());
                                addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx + d * cellSize, surf.getLevel(), vz, 0, 0, side, surf.getId());
                                addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx + (i) * cellSize, surf.getLevel(), vz, 0, 0, side, surf.getId());
                                vertexCount += 6;
                                currentSize += 6;
                            heightCurrent = newHeight;
                            d = i;
                    // Next
                    surf = mesher.nextSurface();
                if (test > 32 * 32 / (cellSize * cellSize)) {
                    System.out.println("Meshing made more than reasonnable vertices");
                // If the next side has a coarser resolution we want to fill in the gaps
                // We go alongside the two other sides of the mesh and we add another skirt to match the coarser mesh on the side
                int nextMeshDetailsX = lodsArray[(scx + 2) * 10 + (scz + 1)];
                if (nextMeshDetailsX > chunkLod) {
                    int vx = scx * 32 + 32;
                    for (int vz = scz * 32; vz < scz * 32 + 32; vz += cellSize) {
                        int height = getHeight(heightMap, world, vx - 1, vz, currentRegionX, currentRegionZ, chunkLod);
                        int heightNext = getHeight(heightMap, world, vx + 1, vz, currentRegionX, currentRegionZ, nextMeshDetailsX);
                        if (heightNext > height) {
                            int gapData = getIds(ids, world, vx - 1, vz, currentRegionX, currentRegionZ, chunkLod);
                            addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, height, vz, 1, 0, 0, gapData);
                            addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, heightNext, vz + cellSize, 1, 0, 0, gapData);
                            addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, heightNext, vz, 1, 0, 0, gapData);
                            addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, height, vz, 1, 0, 0, gapData);
                            addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, height, vz + cellSize, 1, 0, 0, gapData);
                            addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, heightNext, vz + cellSize, 1, 0, 0, gapData);
                            vertexCount += 6;
                            currentSize += 6;
                        } else if (heightNext < height) {
                            int gapData = getIds(ids, world, vx + 1, vz, currentRegionX, currentRegionZ, chunkLod);
                            addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, height, vz, -1, 0, 0, gapData);
                            addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, heightNext, vz, -1, 0, 0, gapData);
                            addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, heightNext, vz + cellSize, -1, 0, 0, gapData);
                            addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, height, vz, -1, 0, 0, gapData);
                            addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, heightNext, vz + cellSize, -1, 0, 0, gapData);
                            addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, height, vz + cellSize, -1, 0, 0, gapData);
                            vertexCount += 6;
                            currentSize += 6;
                int nextMeshDetailsZ = lodsArray[(scx + 1) * 10 + (scz + 2)];
                if (nextMeshDetailsZ > chunkLod) {
                    int vz = scz * 32 + 32;
                    for (int vx = scx * 32; vx < scx * 32 + 32; vx += cellSize) {
                        int height = getHeight(heightMap, world, vx, vz - 1, currentRegionX, currentRegionZ, chunkLod);
                        int heightNext = getHeight(heightMap, world, vx, vz + 1, currentRegionX, currentRegionZ, nextMeshDetailsZ);
                        if (heightNext > height) {
                            int gapData = getIds(heightMap, world, vx, vz - 1, currentRegionX, currentRegionZ, nextMeshDetailsZ);
                            addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, height, vz, 0, 0, 1, gapData);
                            addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, heightNext, vz, 0, 0, 1, gapData);
                            addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx + cellSize, heightNext, vz, 0, 0, 1, gapData);
                            addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, height, vz, 0, 0, 1, gapData);
                            addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx + cellSize, heightNext, vz, 0, 0, 1, gapData);
                            addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx + cellSize, height, vz, 0, 0, 1, gapData);
                            vertexCount += 6;
                            currentSize += 6;
                        } else if (heightNext < height) {
                            int gapData = getIds(heightMap, world, vx, vz + 1, currentRegionX, currentRegionZ, nextMeshDetailsZ);
                            addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, height, vz, 0, 0, -1, gapData);
                            addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx + cellSize, heightNext, vz, 0, 0, -1, gapData);
                            addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, heightNext, vz, 0, 0, -1, gapData);
                            addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx, height, vz, 0, 0, -1, gapData);
                            addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx + cellSize, height, vz, 0, 0, -1, gapData);
                            addVertexBytes(regionMeshBuffer, vx + cellSize, heightNext, vz, 0, 0, -1, gapData);
                            vertexCount += 6;
                            currentSize += 6;
                // Computes those sizes
                vertexSectionsSizes[scx][scz] = currentSize;
            byte[] vboContent = new byte[regionMeshBuffer.position()];
            FarTerrainBaker.RegionMesh regionMesh = new FarTerrainBaker.RegionMesh(summary, vboContent, vertexSectionsOffsets, vertexSectionsSizes);
            currentChunkZ = nextChunkZ;
        currentChunkX = nextChunkX;
    return regionsToRender_NewList;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Surface(io.xol.chunkstories.renderer.terrain.HeightmapMesher.Surface) HeightmapImplementation(

Example 2 with HeightmapImplementation

use of in project chunkstories by Hugobros3.

the class FarTerrainMeshRenderer method drawTerrainBits.

private int drawTerrainBits(RenderingInterface renderingContext, ReadyVoxelMeshesMask mask, Shader terrainShader) {
    // Starts asynch regeneration
    if (farTerrainUpdatesToTakeIntoAccount.get() > 0 && (System.currentTimeMillis() - this.lastTerrainUpdateTiming) > this.timeToWaitBetweenTerrainUpdates) {
        if (this.isTerrainUpdateRunning.compareAndSet(false, true))
    // Setups stuff
    // Camera is of position
    CameraInterface camera = renderingContext.getCamera();
    int camRX = (int) (camera.getCameraPosition().x() / 256);
    int camRZ = (int) (camera.getCameraPosition().z() / 256);
    int wrapRegionsDistance = world.getSizeInChunks() / 2;
    int worldSizeInRegions = world.getSizeInChunks() / 8;
    int cameraChunkX = (int) (camera.getCameraPosition().x() / 32);
    int cameraChunkZ = (int) (camera.getCameraPosition().z() / 32);
    // Update their displayed position to reflect where the camera is
    for (RegionMesh mesh : renderedRegions) {
        mesh.regionDisplayedX = mesh.regionSummary.getRegionX();
        mesh.regionDisplayedZ = mesh.regionSummary.getRegionZ();
        // We wrap the chunks if they are too far
        if (mesh.regionSummary.getRegionX() * 8 - cameraChunkX > wrapRegionsDistance)
            mesh.regionDisplayedX += -worldSizeInRegions;
        if (mesh.regionSummary.getRegionX() * 8 - cameraChunkX < -wrapRegionsDistance)
            mesh.regionDisplayedX += worldSizeInRegions;
        if (mesh.regionSummary.getRegionZ() * 8 - cameraChunkZ > wrapRegionsDistance)
            mesh.regionDisplayedZ += -worldSizeInRegions;
        if (mesh.regionSummary.getRegionZ() * 8 - cameraChunkZ < -wrapRegionsDistance)
            mesh.regionDisplayedZ += worldSizeInRegions;
    // System.out.println(mesh.regionDisplayedX + " : " + cameraChunkX);
    // Sort to draw near first
    // µ-opt
    // List<FarTerrainBaker.RegionMesh> regionsMeshesToRenderSorted = new ArrayList<FarTerrainBaker.RegionMesh>(renderedRegions);
    regionsMeshesToRenderSorted.sort(new Comparator<FarTerrainBaker.RegionMesh>() {

        public int compare(FarTerrainBaker.RegionMesh a, FarTerrainBaker.RegionMesh b) {
            int distanceA = Math.abs(a.regionDisplayedX - camRX) + Math.abs(a.regionDisplayedZ - camRZ);
            int distanceB = Math.abs(b.regionDisplayedX - camRX) + Math.abs(b.regionDisplayedZ - camRZ);
            return distanceA - distanceB;
    // µ-opt
    /*List<Integer> temp = new ArrayList<Integer>();
		List<Integer> temp2 = new ArrayList<Integer>();*/
    int bitsDrew = 0;
    CollisionBox collisionBoxCheck = new CollisionBox(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    for (FarTerrainBaker.RegionMesh regionMesh : regionsMeshesToRenderSorted) {
        // Frustrum checks (assuming maxHeight of 1024 blocks)
        // TODO do a simple max() and improve accuracy
        float height = 1024f;
        // Early-out
        if (!renderingContext.getCamera().isBoxInFrustrum(new CollisionBox(regionMesh.regionDisplayedX * 256, 0, regionMesh.regionDisplayedZ * 256, 256, height, 256)))
        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
            int delta = regionMesh.regionSummary.max[i][j] - regionMesh.regionSummary.min[i][j];
            collisionBoxCheck.xpos = (regionMesh.regionDisplayedX * 8 + i) * 32;
            collisionBoxCheck.ypos = regionMesh.regionSummary.min[i][j];
            collisionBoxCheck.zpos = (regionMesh.regionDisplayedZ * 8 + j) * 32;
            collisionBoxCheck.xw = 32;
            collisionBoxCheck.h = delta + 1;
   = 32;
            if (renderingContext.getCamera().isBoxInFrustrum(collisionBoxCheck)) // if (renderingContext.getCamera().isBoxInFrustrum(new CollisionBox((regionMesh.regionDisplayedX * 8 + i) * 32, regionMesh.regionSummary.min[i][j], (regionMesh.regionDisplayedZ * 8 + j) * 32, 32, delta + 1, 32)))
                if (mask != null) {
                    if (mask.shouldMaskSlab(regionMesh.regionDisplayedX * 8 + i, regionMesh.regionDisplayedZ * 8 + j, regionMesh.regionSummary.min[i][j], regionMesh.regionSummary.max[i][j]))
        if (temp.size() == 0)
        HeightmapImplementation regionSummaryData = regionMesh.regionSummary;
        // Skip unloaded regions immediately
        if (regionSummaryData.isUnloaded())
        renderingContext.bindArrayTexture("heights", worldRenderer.getSummariesTexturesHolder().getHeightsArrayTexture());
        renderingContext.bindArrayTexture("topVoxels", worldRenderer.getSummariesTexturesHolder().getTopVoxelsArrayTexture());
        renderingContext.bindTexture1D("blocksTexturesSummary", getBlocksTexturesSummary());
        int index = worldRenderer.getSummariesTexturesHolder().getSummaryIndex(regionSummaryData.getRegionX(), regionSummaryData.getRegionZ());
        if (index == -1) {
            // System.out.println("index == -1");
        // System.out.println("index:"+index);
        terrainShader.setUniform1i("arrayIndex", index);
        /*renderingContext.bindTexture2D("groundTexture", regionSummaryData.voxelTypesTexture);
			renderingContext.bindTexture2D("heightMap", regionSummaryData.heightsTexture);
        // Actual region position
        terrainShader.setUniform2f("regionPosition", regionSummaryData.getRegionX(), regionSummaryData.getRegionZ());
        // Displayed position
        terrainShader.setUniform2f("visualOffset", regionMesh.regionDisplayedX * 256, regionMesh.regionDisplayedZ * 256);
        // Checks this regionMesh instance has it's stuff uploaded already
        if (!regionMesh.verticesObject.isDataPresent())
        // else
        // System.out.println("warning");
        int stride = 4 * 2 + 4 + 0 * 4;
        int vertices2draw = (int) (regionMesh.verticesObject.getVramUsage() / stride);
        renderingContext.bindAttribute("vertexIn", regionMesh.verticesObject.asAttributeSource(VertexFormat.SHORT, 3, stride, 0L));
        renderingContext.bindAttribute("normalIn", regionMesh.verticesObject.asAttributeSource(VertexFormat.UBYTE, 4, stride, 8L));
        bitsDrew += vertices2draw;
        int[] theStuff = new int[temp.size() * 2];
        for (int i = 0; i < temp.size(); i++) {
            theStuff[i * 2] = temp.get(i);
            theStuff[i * 2 + 1] = temp2.get(i);
        renderingContext.drawMany(Primitive.TRIANGLE, theStuff);
    return bitsDrew;
Also used : RegionMesh(io.xol.chunkstories.renderer.terrain.FarTerrainBaker.RegionMesh) HeightmapImplementation( RegionMesh(io.xol.chunkstories.renderer.terrain.FarTerrainBaker.RegionMesh) CameraInterface(io.xol.chunkstories.api.rendering.CameraInterface) CollisionBox(io.xol.chunkstories.api.physics.CollisionBox)

Example 3 with HeightmapImplementation

use of in project chunkstories by Hugobros3.

the class HeightmapArrayTexture method update.

public void update() {
    Player player = client.getPlayer();
    Location playerPosition = player.getLocation();
    if (playerPosition == null)
        // We won't do shit with that going on
    World world = playerPosition.getWorld();
    int chunkX = (int) Math.floor(playerPosition.x / 32.0);
    int chunkZ = (int) Math.floor(playerPosition.z / 32.0);
    int regionX = chunkX / 8;
    int regionZ = chunkZ / 8;
    // Remap the array
    if (lastRegionX != regionX || lastRegionZ != regionZ || redo.compareAndSet(true, false)) {
        WriteLock writeLock = lock.writeLock();
        // We may need this
        ByteBuffer bb = MemoryUtil.memAlloc(4 * 256 * 256);
        // Clear unused slots
        for (int i = 0; i < 81; i++) {
            ArrayTextureSlot slot = arrayTextureContents[i];
            if (slot == null)
            // Frees slots immediately once out of the area we care about
            if (Math.abs(slot.regionX - regionX) >= 5 || Math.abs(slot.regionZ - regionZ) >= 5)
                arrayTextureContents[i] = null;
        for (int i = -4; i <= 4; i++) for (int j = -4; j <= 4; j++) {
            int regionI = regionX + i;
            int regionJ = regionZ + j;
            // Wrap arround the world!
            if (regionI < 0)
                regionI += world.getSizeInChunks() / 256;
            if (regionJ < 0)
                regionJ += world.getSizeInChunks() / 256;
            // Look for a slot already containing our wanted textures
            int free = -1;
            int good = -1;
            for (int k = 0; k < 81; k++) {
                ArrayTextureSlot slot = arrayTextureContents[k];
                if (slot == null) {
                    if (free == -1)
                        free = k;
                } else {
                    if (slot.regionX == regionI && slot.regionZ == regionJ) {
                        good = k;
            int slot;
            // If no good slot was found :(
            if (good == -1) {
                arrayTextureContents[free] = new ArrayTextureSlot();
                arrayTextureContents[free].regionX = regionI;
                arrayTextureContents[free].regionZ = regionJ;
                slot = free;
            } else {
                slot = good;
            // If data is not yet in the slot, check if the world has data for it
            if (!arrayTextureContents[slot].hasData) {
                Heightmap sum = world.getRegionsSummariesHolder().getHeightmap(arrayTextureContents[slot].regionX, arrayTextureContents[slot].regionZ);
                if (sum != null && sum.isLoaded()) {
                    loadHeights((HeightmapImplementation) sum, bb, 0);
                    heights.uploadTextureData(slot, 0, bb);
                    for (int lod = 1; lod <= 8; lod++) {
                        loadHeights((HeightmapImplementation) sum, bb, lod);
                        heights.uploadTextureData(slot, lod, bb);
                    heights.setMipmapLevelsRange(0, 8);
                    loadTopVoxels((HeightmapImplementation) sum, bb, 0);
                    topVoxels.uploadTextureData(slot, 0, bb);
                    for (int lod = 1; lod <= 8; lod++) {
                        loadTopVoxels((HeightmapImplementation) sum, bb, lod);
                        topVoxels.uploadTextureData(slot, lod, bb);
                    topVoxels.setMipmapLevelsRange(0, 8);
                    arrayTextureContents[slot].hasData = true;
            arrayTextureReference[i + 4][j + 4] = slot;
        lastRegionX = regionX;
        lastRegionZ = regionZ;
Also used : WriteLock(java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock.WriteLock) ReentrantReadWriteLock(java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock) Player(io.xol.chunkstories.api.player.Player) Heightmap( HeightmapImplementation( World( ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) Location(io.xol.chunkstories.api.Location)

Example 4 with HeightmapImplementation

use of in project chunkstories by Hugobros3.

the class TaskBuildHeightmap method task.

protected boolean task(TaskExecutor taskExecutor) {
    ConverterWorkerThread cwt = (ConverterWorkerThread) taskExecutor;
    // We wait on a bunch of stuff to load everytime
    CompoundFence loadRelevantData = new CompoundFence();
    HeightmapImplementation summary = csWorld.getRegionsSummariesHolder().aquireHeightmap(cwt, regionX, regionZ);
    // Aquires the chunks we want to make the summaries of.
    for (int innerCX = 0; innerCX < 8; innerCX++) for (int innerCZ = 0; innerCZ < 8; innerCZ++) for (int chunkY = 0; chunkY < OfflineWorldConverter.mcWorldHeight / 32; chunkY++) {
        ChunkHolder holder = csWorld.aquireChunkHolder(cwt, regionX * 8 + innerCX, chunkY, regionZ * 8 + innerCZ);
        if (holder != null) {
            if (cwt.registeredCS_Holders.add(holder))
    // Wait until all of that crap loads
    // Descend from top
    for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 256; j++) {
        for (int h = OfflineWorldConverter.mcWorldHeight; h > 0; h--) {
            CellData data = csWorld.peekSafely(regionX * 256 + i, h, regionZ * 256 + j);
            if (!data.getVoxel().isAir()) {
                Voxel vox = data.getVoxel();
                if (vox.getDefinition().isSolid() || vox.getDefinition().isLiquid()) {
    Fence waitForSummarySave = summary.saveSummary();
    // cwt.converter().verbose("Waiting for summary saving...");
    // cwt.converter().verbose("Done.");
    // We don't need the summary anymore
    return true;
Also used : CompoundFence(io.xol.chunkstories.util.concurrency.CompoundFence) HeightmapImplementation( ChunkHolder( Voxel(io.xol.chunkstories.api.voxel.Voxel) ConverterWorkerThread(io.xol.chunkstories.converter.ConverterWorkers.ConverterWorkerThread) Fence(io.xol.chunkstories.api.util.concurrency.Fence) CompoundFence(io.xol.chunkstories.util.concurrency.CompoundFence) CellData(

Example 5 with HeightmapImplementation

use of in project chunkstories by Hugobros3.

the class FarTerrainGSMeshRenderer method renderTerrain.

public void renderTerrain(RenderingInterface renderer, ReadyVoxelMeshesMask mask) {
    Shader terrainShader = renderer.useShader("terrain_blocky");
    terrainShader.setUniform1f("viewDistance", world.getClient().getConfiguration().getIntOption("client.rendering.viewDistance"));
    Texture2D waterTexture = renderer.textures().getTexture("./textures/water/shallow.png");
    Texture2D waterTexture2 = renderer.textures().getTexture("./textures/water/deep.png");
    // renderer.bindCubemap("environmentCubemap", worldRenderer.renderBuffers.rbEnvironmentMap);
    renderer.bindTexture2D("blockLightmap", TexturesHandler.getTexture("./textures/environement/light.png"));
    Texture2D lightColors = TexturesHandler.getTexture("./textures/environement/lightcolors.png");
    renderer.bindTexture2D("lightColors", lightColors);
    renderer.bindTexture2D("waterNormalShallow", waterTexture);
    renderer.bindTexture2D("waterNormalDeep", waterTexture2);
    world.getGenerator().getEnvironment().setupShadowColors(renderer, terrainShader);
    renderer.bindTexture2D("vegetationColorTexture", world.getGenerator().getEnvironment().getGrassTexture(renderer));
    terrainShader.setUniform1f("mapSize", worldRenderer.getWorld().getSizeInChunks() * 32);
    terrainShader.setUniform1f("animationTimer", worldRenderer.getAnimationTimer());
    renderer.bindArrayTexture("heights", worldRenderer.getSummariesTexturesHolder().getHeightsArrayTexture());
    renderer.bindArrayTexture("topVoxels", worldRenderer.getSummariesTexturesHolder().getTopVoxelsArrayTexture());
    renderer.bindTexture1D("blocksTexturesSummary", colours.get());
    if (renderer.getClient().getInputsManager().getInputByName("wireframeFarTerrain").isPressed() && ClientLimitations.isDebugAllowed)
    if (!renderer.getClient().getInputsManager().getInputByName("hideFarTerrain").isPressed() && ClientLimitations.isDebugAllowed) {
        // renderer.setCullingMode(CullingMode.COUNTERCLOCKWISE);
        Player player = Client.getInstance().getPlayer();
        Location playerPosition = player.getLocation();
        if (playerPosition == null)
            // We won't do shit with that going on
        Vector2d playerCenter = new Vector2d(playerPosition.x, playerPosition.z);
        int chunkX = (int) Math.floor(playerPosition.x / 32.0);
        int chunkZ = (int) Math.floor(playerPosition.z / 32.0);
        int regionX = chunkX / 8;
        int regionZ = chunkZ / 8;
        int[] lodInstanceCount = new int[detailLevels.length];
        ByteBuffer[] lodByteBuffer = new ByteBuffer[detailLevels.length];
        // ByteBuffer summariesAttributes = MemoryUtil.memAlloc(9 * 9 * (4 + 2 * 4));
        // MemFreeByteBuffer auto_free_summariesAttributes = new MemFreeByteBuffer(summariesAttributes);
        // int count = 0;
        double lodBias = -0.2;
        double lodExponent = 0.35;
        if (!world.getClient().getConfiguration().getBooleanOption("client.rendering.hqTerrain")) {
            lodBias = 0.3;
            lodExponent = 0.35;
        } else {
            lodBias = 0.0;
            lodExponent = 0.45;
        if (mask == null) {
            lodExponent = 1.0;
            lodBias = 0.6;
        Vector2d center = new Vector2d();
        for (int i = -4; i <= 4; i++) for (int j = -4; j <= 4; j++) {
            int regionI = regionX + i;
            int regionJ = regionZ + j;
            int index = worldRenderer.getSummariesTexturesHolder().getSummaryIndex(regionI, regionJ);
            if (index == -1)
            // For the extra row of triangles to mask the seams
            int index10 = worldRenderer.getSummariesTexturesHolder().getSummaryIndex(regionI + 1, regionJ);
            int index01 = worldRenderer.getSummariesTexturesHolder().getSummaryIndex(regionI, regionJ + 1);
            int index11 = worldRenderer.getSummariesTexturesHolder().getSummaryIndex(regionI + 1, regionJ + 1);
            if (index10 == -1 || index01 == -1 || index11 == -1)
            HeightmapImplementation sum = (HeightmapImplementation) world.getRegionsSummariesHolder().getHeightmap(regionI, regionJ);
            // Early out
            if (sum == null || !sum.isLoaded())
            if (!renderer.getCamera().isBoxInFrustrum(new CollisionBox(regionI * 256, 0, regionJ * 256, 256, 1024, /*+ sum.getHeightMipmapped(0, 0, 9)*/
            for (int l = 0; l < 8; l++) for (int m = 0; m < 8; m++) {
                if (mask != null) {
                    if (mask.shouldMaskSlab(regionI * 8 + l, regionJ * 8 + m, sum.min[l][m], sum.max[l][m]))
                center.set(regionI * 256 + l * 32 + 16, regionJ * 256 + m * 32 + 16);
                int lod = detailLevels.length - (int) ((lodBias + Math.pow(Math.min(1024, center.distance(playerCenter)) / 1024, lodExponent)) * detailLevels.length);
                // System.out.println(center.distance(playerCenter));
                if (lod <= 0)
                    lod = 0;
                if (lod >= detailLevels.length)
                    lod = detailLevels.length - 1;
                // lod = 2;
                // lod = 2;
                // System.out.println("lod:"+lod);
                // lod = Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : 2;
                ByteBuffer summariesAttributes = lodByteBuffer[lod];
                if (summariesAttributes == null) {
                    summariesAttributes = MemoryUtil.memAlloc(9 * 9 * 8 * 8 * (4 + 2 * 4));
                    lodByteBuffer[lod] = summariesAttributes;
                summariesAttributes.putFloat(regionI * 256 + l * 32);
                summariesAttributes.putFloat(regionJ * 256 + m * 32);
                summariesAttributes.put((byte) index);
                summariesAttributes.put((byte) index10);
                summariesAttributes.put((byte) index01);
                summariesAttributes.put((byte) index11);
            // Always add both so lod 1 is drew under
            /*if(lod != 0) {
								lod = 0;
								summariesAttributes = lodByteBuffer[lod];
								if(summariesAttributes == null) {
									summariesAttributes = MemoryUtil.memAlloc(9 * 9 * 8 * 8 * (4 + 2 * 4));
									lodByteBuffer[lod] = summariesAttributes;
								summariesAttributes.putFloat(regionI * 256 + l * 32);
								summariesAttributes.putFloat(regionJ * 256 + m * 32);
        // for(int lod = 0; lod < detailLevels.length; lod++) {
        for (int lod = detailLevels.length - 1; lod >= 0; lod--) {
            // Check if anything was supposed to be drew at this lod
            ByteBuffer summariesAttributes = lodByteBuffer[lod];
            if (summariesAttributes == null)
            if (lod < 0) {
            // Flip buffer, box it for autodeletion, upload it
            MemFreeByteBuffer auto_free_summariesAttributes = new MemFreeByteBuffer(summariesAttributes);
            terrainShader.setUniform1i("lodLevel", lod);
            terrainShader.setUniform1f("textureLodLevel", lod - 5);
            terrainShader.setUniform1i("maskPresence", mask == null ? 0 : 1);
            renderer.bindAttribute("vertexIn", grids[lod].asAttributeSource(VertexFormat.FLOAT, 3, 0, 0L));
            renderer.bindAttribute("displacementIn", gridAttributes.asAttributeSource(VertexFormat.FLOAT, 2, (4 + 2 * 4), 0L, 1));
            renderer.bindAttribute("indexIn", gridAttributes.asIntegerAttributeSource(VertexFormat.BYTE, 4, (4 + 2 * 4), 8L, 1));
            renderer.draw(Primitive.POINT, 0, (detailLevels[lod] + 1) * (detailLevels[lod] + 1) * 1, lodInstanceCount[lod]);
Also used : Texture2D(io.xol.chunkstories.api.rendering.textures.Texture2D) Player(io.xol.chunkstories.api.player.Player) Shader(io.xol.chunkstories.api.rendering.shader.Shader) MemFreeByteBuffer(io.xol.chunkstories.client.util.MemFreeByteBuffer) ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) MemFreeByteBuffer(io.xol.chunkstories.client.util.MemFreeByteBuffer) HeightmapImplementation( Vector2d(org.joml.Vector2d) Location(io.xol.chunkstories.api.Location) CollisionBox(io.xol.chunkstories.api.physics.CollisionBox)


HeightmapImplementation ( Location (io.xol.chunkstories.api.Location)3 CollisionBox (io.xol.chunkstories.api.physics.CollisionBox)3 Player (io.xol.chunkstories.api.player.Player)3 ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)3 Shader (io.xol.chunkstories.api.rendering.shader.Shader)2 Texture2D (io.xol.chunkstories.api.rendering.textures.Texture2D)2 MemFreeByteBuffer (io.xol.chunkstories.client.util.MemFreeByteBuffer)2 Vector2d (org.joml.Vector2d)2 CameraInterface (io.xol.chunkstories.api.rendering.CameraInterface)1 Fence (io.xol.chunkstories.api.util.concurrency.Fence)1 Voxel (io.xol.chunkstories.api.voxel.Voxel)1 World ( CellData ( ChunkHolder ( Heightmap ( ConverterWorkerThread (io.xol.chunkstories.converter.ConverterWorkers.ConverterWorkerThread)1 RegionMesh (io.xol.chunkstories.renderer.terrain.FarTerrainBaker.RegionMesh)1 Surface (io.xol.chunkstories.renderer.terrain.HeightmapMesher.Surface)1 CompoundFence (io.xol.chunkstories.util.concurrency.CompoundFence)1