use of j.http.JHttpContext in project JFramework by gugumall.
the class SSOClient method tellServerToLogoutUser.
* @param requestURL
* @param globalSessionId
* @param userId
* @throws Exception
public static void tellServerToLogoutUser(String globalSessionId, String userId) throws Exception {
if (globalSessionId == null && userId == null)
Client client = SSOConfig.getSsoClientByIdOrUrl(SysConfig.getSysId());
String time = SysUtil.getNow() + "";
String md5Key = JUtilMD5.MD5EncodeToHex(client.getPassport() + time + globalSessionId + userId);
String logout = SSOConfig.getSsoServer() + "ssoserver" + Handlers.getActionPathPattern();
logout += "?" + Handlers.getHandler("/ssoserver").getRequestBy() + "=ssologoutuser";
logout += "&" + Constants.SSO_CLIENT + "=" + client.getUrlDefault();
logout += "&" + Constants.SSO_MD5_STRING + "=" + md5Key;
logout += "&" + Constants.SSO_TIME + "=" + time;
logout += "&" + Constants.SSO_GLOBAL_SESSION_ID + "=" + globalSessionId;
logout += "&" + Constants.SSO_USER_ID + "=" + userId;
logout += "&" + Constants.SSO_PASSPORT + "=" + Permission.getSSOPassport();
JHttpContext context = http.get(null, hclient, logout);
String _response = context.getStatus() == 200 ? context.getResponseText() : null;
context = null;
log.log("tellServerToLogoutUser - " + _response, -1);
use of j.http.JHttpContext in project JFramework by gugumall.
the class SSOConfig method tellServerToAddUrl.
* @param clientId
* @param url
* @throws Exception
public static void tellServerToAddUrl(String clientId, String url) throws Exception {
if (clientId == null && url == null)
try {
String addUrl = SSOConfig.getSsoServer() + "ssoserver" + Handlers.getActionPathPattern();
addUrl += "?" + Handlers.getHandler("/ssoserver").getRequestBy() + "=ssoaddurl";
addUrl += "&" + Constants.SSO_CLIENT + "=" + clientId;
addUrl += "&url=" + JUtilString.encodeURI(url, SysConfig.sysEncoding);
addUrl += "&" + Constants.SSO_PASSPORT + "=" + Permission.getSSOPassport();
// log.log("tellServerToAddUrl on url - "+addUrl,-1);
int loop = 0;
String _response = "";
while (!Constants.RESPONSE_OK.equals(_response) && loop < 3) {
JHttpContext context = http.get(null, hclient, addUrl);
_response = context.getStatus() == 200 ? context.getResponseText() : null;
context = null;
if (!Constants.RESPONSE_OK.equals(_response)) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log("tellServerToAddUrl - " + _response, Logger.LEVEL_DEBUG);
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(ex, Logger.LEVEL_ERROR);
use of j.http.JHttpContext in project JFramework by gugumall.
the class SSONotifier method logout.
* 通知某个sso client注销全部用户
private void logout(Client client) {
long now = SysUtil.getNow();
String md5 = JUtilMD5.MD5EncodeToHex(client.getPassport() + now);
String url = client.getUrlDefault() + client.getLogoutInterface();
if (url.indexOf("?") > 0) {
url += "&" + Constants.SSO_MD5_STRING + "=" + md5;
} else {
url += "?" + Constants.SSO_MD5_STRING + "=" + md5;
url += "&" + Constants.SSO_TIME + "=" + now;
url += "&" + Constants.SSO_PASSPORT + "=" + Permission.getSSOPassport();
int loop = 0;
while (loop < 3) {
// 最多尝试3次
try {
JHttpContext context = http.get(null, httpClient, url);
String response = context.getStatus() == 200 ? context.getResponseText() : null;
context = null;
log.log("notify " + url + ",client response:" + response, Logger.LEVEL_DEBUG);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log("failed to notify " + url, Logger.LEVEL_ERROR);
log.log(e, Logger.LEVEL_ERROR);
use of j.http.JHttpContext in project JFramework by gugumall.
the class JUtilTimestamp method run.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Runnable#run()
public void run() {
JHttp jhttp = JHttp.getInstance();
int loop = -1;
boolean done = false;
while (true) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (!done && (loop == -1 || loop == 30)) {
try {
JHttpContext context = new JHttpContext();
context.addRequestHeader("Referer", "");
context = jhttp.get(context, null, "");
String response = context != null && context.getStatus() == 200 ? context.getResponseText() : null;
if (response != null) {
String t = "";
int start = response.indexOf("nyear=");
int end = -1;
if (start > 0) {
end = response.indexOf(";", start);
t += response.substring(start + 6, end) + "-";
start = response.indexOf("nmonth=");
end = response.indexOf(";", start);
String s = response.substring(start + 7, end);
if (s.length() == 1)
s = "0" + s;
t += s + "-";
start = response.indexOf("nday=");
end = response.indexOf(";", start);
s = response.substring(start + 5, end);
if (s.length() == 1)
s = "0" + s;
t += s + " ";
start = response.indexOf("nhrs=");
end = response.indexOf(";", start);
s = response.substring(start + 5, end);
if (s.length() == 1)
s = "0" + s;
t += s + ":";
start = response.indexOf("nmin=");
end = response.indexOf(";", start);
s = response.substring(start + 5, end);
if (s.length() == 1)
s = "0" + s;
t += s + ":";
start = response.indexOf("nsec=");
end = response.indexOf(";", start);
s = response.substring(start + 5, end);
if (s.length() == 1)
s = "0" + s;
t += s;
bjTime = Timestamp.valueOf(t).getTime() - System.currentTimeMillis();
done = true;
System.out.println("get bj time from " + bjTime + ", local time: " + System.currentTimeMillis());
} catch (Exception e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
loop = 0;
use of j.http.JHttpContext in project JFramework by gugumall.
the class RegionGetter method fromBaidu.
* @throws Exception
private static void fromBaidu() throws Exception {
JHttp http = JHttp.getInstance();
HttpClient client = http.createClient();
String continentId = "0";
String countryId = "1";
String provinceId = null;
String cityId = null;
String countyId = null;
JUtilTextWriter log = new JUtilTextWriter(new File("F:\\work\\JFramework_v2.0\\doc\\regions.sql"), "UTF-8");
log.addLine("use jframework;");
String s = File("F:\\work\\JFramework_v2.0\\doc\\淘宝地域\\tdist_py.js"), "GBK");
String[] ls = JUtilString.getTokens(s, "\n");
for (int i = 0; i < ls.length; i++) {
if (ls[i].indexOf(":[") < 0)
String id = ls[i].substring(0, ls[i].indexOf(":["));
id = JUtilString.replaceAll(id, "'", "");
String info = ls[i].substring(ls[i].indexOf(":[") + 2, ls[i].indexOf("]"));
info = JUtilString.replaceAll(info, "'", "");
String[] cells = info.split(",");
String name = cells[0];
String pid = cells[1];
String nameEn = cells[2];
int idi = Integer.parseInt(id);
// 外国城市不要
if (idi >= 1000 && idi < 110000)
// 国家
if (idi < 1000) {
log.addLine("insert into j_country values ('" + id + "','" + pid + "','','" + name + "','" + JUtilString.toZhTw(name) + "','" + nameEn + "','',0,'T');");
System.out.println("insert into j_country values ('" + id + "','" + pid + "','','" + name + "','" + JUtilString.toZhTw(name) + "','" + nameEn + "','',0,'T');");
} else if (id.endsWith("0000")) {
// 省
if (provinceId == null || !provinceId.equals(id)) {
provinceId = id;
String nameShort = name;
nameShort = nameShort.replaceAll("市", "");
nameShort = nameShort.replaceAll("维吾尔自治区", "");
nameShort = nameShort.replaceAll("壮族自治区", "");
nameShort = nameShort.replaceAll("回族自治区", "");
nameShort = nameShort.replaceAll("自治区", "");
log.addLine(" insert into j_province values ('" + id + "','" + pid + "','" + continentId + "','" + name + "','" + nameShort + "','" + JUtilString.toZhTw(name) + "','" + nameEn + "','',0,'','T');");
System.out.println(" insert into j_province values ('" + id + "','" + pid + "','" + continentId + "','" + name + "','" + nameShort + "','" + JUtilString.toZhTw(name) + "','" + nameEn + "','',0,'','T');");
} else if (pid.equals(provinceId)) {
if (cityId == null || !cityId.equals(id)) {
cityId = id;
String areaCode = "";
String postCode = "";
String[] data = (String[]) codes.get(id);
if (data != null) {
areaCode = data[0];
postCode = data[1];
log.addLine(" insert into j_city values ('" + id + "','" + pid + "','" + countryId + "','" + continentId + "','" + name + "','" + JUtilString.toZhTw(name) + "','" + nameEn + "','" + areaCode + "',0,'" + postCode + "','T');");
System.out.println(" insert into j_city values ('" + id + "','" + pid + "','" + countryId + "','" + continentId + "','" + name + "','" + JUtilString.toZhTw(name) + "','" + nameEn + "','" + areaCode + "',0,'" + postCode + "','T');");
} else {
if (countyId == null || !countyId.equals(id)) {
countyId = id;
String areaCode = "";
String postCode = "";
String[] data = (String[]) codes.get(id);
if (data != null) {
areaCode = data[0];
postCode = data[1];
log.addLine(" insert into j_county values ('" + id + "','" + pid + "','" + provinceId + "','" + countryId + "','" + continentId + "','" + name + "','" + JUtilString.toZhTw(name) + "','" + nameEn + "','" + areaCode + "',0,'" + postCode + "','T');");
System.out.println(" insert into j_county values ('" + id + "','" + pid + "','" + provinceId + "','" + countryId + "','" + continentId + "','" + name + "','" + JUtilString.toZhTw(name) + "','" + nameEn + "','" + areaCode + "',0,'" + postCode + "','T');");
JHttpContext context = new JHttpContext();
context.addRequestHeader("Referer", "");
String zones = http.postResponse(context, client, "" + provinceId + "&l2=" + cityId + "&l3=" + countyId + "&_ksTS=1396014988093_459&callback=jsonp460", null, "UTF-8");
zones = zones.substring(zones.indexOf("result:{") + "result:{".length());
zones = JUtilString.replaceAll(zones, "],", "],\r\n");
String[] zs = JUtilString.getTokens(zones, "\r\n");
for (int j = 0; j < zs.length; j++) {
if (zs[j].indexOf(":[") < 0)
String id2 = zs[j].substring(0, zs[j].indexOf(":["));
id2 = JUtilString.replaceAll(id2, "'", "");
String info2 = zs[j].substring(zs[j].indexOf(":[") + 2, zs[j].indexOf("]"));
info2 = JUtilString.replaceAll(info2, "'", "");
String[] cells2 = info2.split(",");
String name2 = cells2[0];
String nameEn2 = cells2[2];
log.addLine(" insert into j_zone values ('" + id2 + "','" + countyId + "','" + cityId + "','" + provinceId + "','" + countryId + "','" + continentId + "','" + name2 + "','" + JUtilString.toZhTw(name2) + "','" + nameEn2 + "','',0,'','T');");
System.out.println(" insert into j_zone values ('" + id2 + "','" + countyId + "','" + cityId + "','" + provinceId + "','" + countryId + "','" + continentId + "','" + name2 + "','" + JUtilString.toZhTw(name2) + "','" + nameEn2 + "','',0,'','T');");