use of j.util.JUtilTextWriter in project JFramework by gugumall.
the class RegionGetter method fromBaidu.
* @throws Exception
private static void fromBaidu() throws Exception {
JHttp http = JHttp.getInstance();
HttpClient client = http.createClient();
String continentId = "0";
String countryId = "1";
String provinceId = null;
String cityId = null;
String countyId = null;
JUtilTextWriter log = new JUtilTextWriter(new File("F:\\work\\JFramework_v2.0\\doc\\regions.sql"), "UTF-8");
log.addLine("use jframework;");
String s = File("F:\\work\\JFramework_v2.0\\doc\\淘宝地域\\tdist_py.js"), "GBK");
String[] ls = JUtilString.getTokens(s, "\n");
for (int i = 0; i < ls.length; i++) {
if (ls[i].indexOf(":[") < 0)
String id = ls[i].substring(0, ls[i].indexOf(":["));
id = JUtilString.replaceAll(id, "'", "");
String info = ls[i].substring(ls[i].indexOf(":[") + 2, ls[i].indexOf("]"));
info = JUtilString.replaceAll(info, "'", "");
String[] cells = info.split(",");
String name = cells[0];
String pid = cells[1];
String nameEn = cells[2];
int idi = Integer.parseInt(id);
// 外国城市不要
if (idi >= 1000 && idi < 110000)
// 国家
if (idi < 1000) {
log.addLine("insert into j_country values ('" + id + "','" + pid + "','','" + name + "','" + JUtilString.toZhTw(name) + "','" + nameEn + "','',0,'T');");
System.out.println("insert into j_country values ('" + id + "','" + pid + "','','" + name + "','" + JUtilString.toZhTw(name) + "','" + nameEn + "','',0,'T');");
} else if (id.endsWith("0000")) {
// 省
if (provinceId == null || !provinceId.equals(id)) {
provinceId = id;
String nameShort = name;
nameShort = nameShort.replaceAll("市", "");
nameShort = nameShort.replaceAll("维吾尔自治区", "");
nameShort = nameShort.replaceAll("壮族自治区", "");
nameShort = nameShort.replaceAll("回族自治区", "");
nameShort = nameShort.replaceAll("自治区", "");
log.addLine(" insert into j_province values ('" + id + "','" + pid + "','" + continentId + "','" + name + "','" + nameShort + "','" + JUtilString.toZhTw(name) + "','" + nameEn + "','',0,'','T');");
System.out.println(" insert into j_province values ('" + id + "','" + pid + "','" + continentId + "','" + name + "','" + nameShort + "','" + JUtilString.toZhTw(name) + "','" + nameEn + "','',0,'','T');");
} else if (pid.equals(provinceId)) {
if (cityId == null || !cityId.equals(id)) {
cityId = id;
String areaCode = "";
String postCode = "";
String[] data = (String[]) codes.get(id);
if (data != null) {
areaCode = data[0];
postCode = data[1];
log.addLine(" insert into j_city values ('" + id + "','" + pid + "','" + countryId + "','" + continentId + "','" + name + "','" + JUtilString.toZhTw(name) + "','" + nameEn + "','" + areaCode + "',0,'" + postCode + "','T');");
System.out.println(" insert into j_city values ('" + id + "','" + pid + "','" + countryId + "','" + continentId + "','" + name + "','" + JUtilString.toZhTw(name) + "','" + nameEn + "','" + areaCode + "',0,'" + postCode + "','T');");
} else {
if (countyId == null || !countyId.equals(id)) {
countyId = id;
String areaCode = "";
String postCode = "";
String[] data = (String[]) codes.get(id);
if (data != null) {
areaCode = data[0];
postCode = data[1];
log.addLine(" insert into j_county values ('" + id + "','" + pid + "','" + provinceId + "','" + countryId + "','" + continentId + "','" + name + "','" + JUtilString.toZhTw(name) + "','" + nameEn + "','" + areaCode + "',0,'" + postCode + "','T');");
System.out.println(" insert into j_county values ('" + id + "','" + pid + "','" + provinceId + "','" + countryId + "','" + continentId + "','" + name + "','" + JUtilString.toZhTw(name) + "','" + nameEn + "','" + areaCode + "',0,'" + postCode + "','T');");
JHttpContext context = new JHttpContext();
context.addRequestHeader("Referer", "");
String zones = http.postResponse(context, client, "" + provinceId + "&l2=" + cityId + "&l3=" + countyId + "&_ksTS=1396014988093_459&callback=jsonp460", null, "UTF-8");
zones = zones.substring(zones.indexOf("result:{") + "result:{".length());
zones = JUtilString.replaceAll(zones, "],", "],\r\n");
String[] zs = JUtilString.getTokens(zones, "\r\n");
for (int j = 0; j < zs.length; j++) {
if (zs[j].indexOf(":[") < 0)
String id2 = zs[j].substring(0, zs[j].indexOf(":["));
id2 = JUtilString.replaceAll(id2, "'", "");
String info2 = zs[j].substring(zs[j].indexOf(":[") + 2, zs[j].indexOf("]"));
info2 = JUtilString.replaceAll(info2, "'", "");
String[] cells2 = info2.split(",");
String name2 = cells2[0];
String nameEn2 = cells2[2];
log.addLine(" insert into j_zone values ('" + id2 + "','" + countyId + "','" + cityId + "','" + provinceId + "','" + countryId + "','" + continentId + "','" + name2 + "','" + JUtilString.toZhTw(name2) + "','" + nameEn2 + "','',0,'','T');");
System.out.println(" insert into j_zone values ('" + id2 + "','" + countyId + "','" + cityId + "','" + provinceId + "','" + countryId + "','" + continentId + "','" + name2 + "','" + JUtilString.toZhTw(name2) + "','" + nameEn2 + "','',0,'','T');");
use of j.util.JUtilTextWriter in project JFramework by gugumall.
the class ExcelUtilViaPOI method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
JUtilTextWriter log = new JUtilTextWriter(new File("E:\\jstudio\\jframework\\doc\\regions.sql"), "UTF-8");
log.addLine("use jframework;");
log.addLine("delete from j_province;");
log.addLine("delete from j_city;");
log.addLine("delete from j_county;");
log.addLine("delete from j_zone;");
POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(new FileInputStream("E:\\JStudio\\JFramework\\doc\\2013最新全国街道乡镇级以上行政区划代码表.xls"));
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("records");
String provinceId = null;
String provinceName = null;
String cityId = null;
String cityName = null;
String countyId = null;
String countyName = null;
int lr = sheet.getLastRowNum();
System.out.println("total:" + lr);
for (int i = 1; i < lr; i++) {
HSSFRow row = sheet.getRow(i);
String code = "";
String pcode = "";
String name = "";
String level = "";
HSSFCell c0 = row.getCell(0);
if (c0 == null)
if (c0.getCellType() == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC) {
code = "" + (int) c0.getNumericCellValue();
} else {
code = c0.getStringCellValue();
HSSFCell c1 = row.getCell(1);
if (c1.getCellType() == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC) {
pcode = "" + (int) c1.getNumericCellValue();
} else {
pcode = c1.getStringCellValue();
HSSFCell c2 = row.getCell(2);
if (c2.getCellType() == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC) {
name = "" + (int) c2.getNumericCellValue();
} else {
name = c2.getStringCellValue();
HSSFCell c3 = row.getCell(3);
if (c3.getCellType() == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC) {
level = "" + (int) c3.getNumericCellValue();
} else {
level = c3.getStringCellValue();
if (level.equals("1")) {
provinceId = code;
provinceName = name;
log.addLine("insert into j_province values ('" + code + "','" + name + "','" + name + "');");
System.out.println("insert into j_province values ('" + code + "','" + name + "','" + name + "');");
} else if (level.equals("2")) {
cityId = code;
cityName = name;
if (!name.equals("省直辖行政单位") && !name.equals("市辖区") && !name.equals("县")) {
log.addLine(" insert into j_city values ('" + code + "','" + provinceId + "','" + name + "','','','');");
System.out.println(" insert into j_city values ('" + code + "','" + provinceId + "','" + name + "','','','');");
} else if (level.equals("3")) {
countyId = code;
countyName = name;
if (!cityName.equals("省直辖行政单位") && !cityName.equals("市辖区") && !cityName.equals("县")) {
if (!name.equals("市辖区")) {
log.addLine(" insert into j_county values ('" + code + "','" + cityId + "','" + name + "','','','');");
System.out.println(" insert into j_county values ('" + code + "','" + cityId + "','" + name + "','','','');");
} else {
if (!name.equals("市辖区")) {
log.addLine(" insert into j_city values ('" + code + "','" + provinceId + "','" + name + "','','','');");
System.out.println(" insert into j_city values ('" + code + "','" + provinceId + "','" + name + "','','','');");
} else if (level.equals("4")) {
if (!cityName.equals("省直辖行政单位") && !cityName.equals("市辖区") && !cityName.equals("县")) {
log.addLine(" insert into j_zone values ('" + code + "','" + countyId + "','" + name + "','','','');");
System.out.println(" insert into j_zone values ('" + code + "','" + countyId + "','" + name + "','','','');");
} else {
log.addLine(" insert into j_county values ('" + code + "','" + countyId + "','" + name + "','','','');");
System.out.println(" insert into j_county values ('" + code + "','" + countyId + "','" + name + "','','','');");
use of j.util.JUtilTextWriter in project JFramework by gugumall.
the class IP method main.
* 第一步 下载"纯真IP数据库最新版"
* 第二步 利用纯真IP数据库自带功能解压出IP文本
* 第三步 运行以下程序生成sql文件
* @param args
* @throws Exception
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// log.log("127.3.3333.3".matches("^\\d{1,3}.\\d{1,3}.\\d{1,3}.\\d{1,3}$"));
JUtilTextWriter log = new JUtilTextWriter(new File("E:\\jstudio\\jframework\\doc\\ips.sql"), SysConfig.sysEncoding);
BufferedReader read = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(new File("E:\\jstudio\\jframework\\doc\\ips.txt")), "gbk"));
String line = read.readLine();
int i = 1;
while (line != null) {
line = read.readLine();
if (line.indexOf(" ") < 0 || line.indexOf("日IP数据") > 0)
while (line.indexOf(" ") > 0) {
line = line.replaceAll(" ", " ");
String s = line.substring(0, line.indexOf(" "));
line = line.substring(line.indexOf(" ") + 1);
String e = line.substring(0, line.indexOf(" "));
line = line.substring(line.indexOf(" ") + 1);
line = line.replaceAll(" CZ88.NET", "");
line = line.replaceAll(" CZ88.NET", "");
String[] ss = JUtilString.getTokens(s, ".");
String[] ee = JUtilString.getTokens(e, ".");
line = JUtilString.replaceAll(line, "'", "\\'");
// System.out.println(i+", insert into j_ip values ("+i+","+calIntValue(ss)+","+calIntValue(ee)+",'"+line+"');");
log.addLine("insert into j_ip values (" + i + "," + calIntValue(ss) + "," + calIntValue(ee) + ",'" + line + "');");
use of j.util.JUtilTextWriter in project JFramework by gugumall.
the class Temp method main.
* @param args
* @throws Exception
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String s = File("D:\\tomcat\\logs\\tomcat8-stderr.2014-04-29.log"));
JUtilTextWriter w = new JUtilTextWriter(new File("f:\\temp\\test\\in.log"), "utf-8");
for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {