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Example 26 with WebServiceException

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class Stub method createPipeline.

 * Creates a new pipeline for the given port name.
private Tube createPipeline(WSPortInfo portInfo, WSBinding binding) {
    // Check all required WSDL extensions are understood
    checkAllWSDLExtensionsUnderstood(portInfo, binding);
    SEIModel seiModel = null;
    Class sei = null;
    if (portInfo instanceof SEIPortInfo) {
        SEIPortInfo sp = (SEIPortInfo) portInfo;
        seiModel = sp.model;
        sei = sp.sei;
    BindingID bindingId = portInfo.getBindingId();
    TubelineAssembler assembler = TubelineAssemblerFactory.create(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), bindingId, owner.getContainer());
    if (assembler == null) {
        // TODO: i18n
        throw new WebServiceException("Unable to process bindingID=" + bindingId);
    return assembler.createClient(new ClientTubeAssemblerContext(portInfo.getEndpointAddress(), portInfo.getPort(), this, binding, owner.getContainer(), ((BindingImpl) binding).createCodec(), seiModel, sei));
Also used : SEIModel( BindingImpl( WebServiceException( TubelineAssembler( BindingID( ClientTubeAssemblerContext(

Example 27 with WebServiceException

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class Stub method getWSEndpointReference.

public final WSEndpointReference getWSEndpointReference() {
    if (binding.getBindingID().equals(HTTPBinding.HTTP_BINDING)) {
        throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(ClientMessages.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION("BindingProvider.getEndpointReference(Class<T> class)", "XML/HTTP Binding", "SOAP11 or SOAP12 Binding"));
    if (endpointReference != null) {
        return endpointReference;
    String eprAddress = requestContext.getEndpointAddress().toString();
    QName portTypeName = null;
    String wsdlAddress = null;
    List<WSEndpointReference.EPRExtension> wsdlEPRExtensions = new ArrayList<>();
    if (wsdlPort != null) {
        portTypeName = wsdlPort.getBinding().getPortTypeName();
        wsdlAddress = eprAddress + "?wsdl";
        // gather EPRExtensions specified in WSDL.
        try {
            WSEndpointReference wsdlEpr = wsdlPort.getEPR();
            if (wsdlEpr != null) {
                for (WSEndpointReference.EPRExtension extnEl : wsdlEpr.getEPRExtensions()) {
                    wsdlEPRExtensions.add(new WSEPRExtension(XMLStreamBuffer.createNewBufferFromXMLStreamReader(extnEl.readAsXMLStreamReader()), extnEl.getQName()));
        } catch (XMLStreamException ex) {
            throw new WebServiceException(ex);
    AddressingVersion av = AddressingVersion.W3C;
    this.endpointReference = new WSEndpointReference(av, eprAddress, getServiceName(), getPortName(), portTypeName, null, wsdlAddress, null, wsdlEPRExtensions, null);
    return this.endpointReference;
Also used : WebServiceException( QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) XMLStreamException( AddressingVersion( WSEPRExtension( WSEndpointReference( WSEPRExtension(

Example 28 with WebServiceException

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class Stub method processAsync.

 * Passes a message through a {@link Tube}line for processing. The processing happens
 * asynchronously and when the response is available, Fiber.CompletionCallback is
 * called. The processing could happen on multiple threads.
 * <p>
 * Unlike {@link Tube} instances,
 * this method is thread-safe and can be invoked from
 * multiple threads concurrently.
 * @param receiver       The {@link Response} implementation
 * @param request         The message to be sent to the server
 * @param requestContext The {@link RequestContext} when this invocation is originally scheduled.
 *                       This must be the same object as {@link #requestContext} for synchronous
 *                       invocations, but for asynchronous invocations, it needs to be a snapshot
 *                       captured at the point of invocation, to correctly satisfy the spec requirement.
 * @param completionCallback Once the processing is done, the callback is invoked.
protected final void processAsync(AsyncResponseImpl<?> receiver, Packet request, RequestContext requestContext, final Fiber.CompletionCallback completionCallback) {
    // fill in Packet
    request.component = this;
    configureRequestPacket(request, requestContext);
    final Pool<Tube> pool = tubes;
    if (pool == null) {
        // TODO: i18n
        throw new WebServiceException("close method has already been invoked");
    final Fiber fiber = engine.createFiber();
    // check race condition on cancel
    if (receiver.isCancelled()) {
    FiberContextSwitchInterceptorFactory fcsif = owner.getSPI(FiberContextSwitchInterceptorFactory.class);
    if (fcsif != null) {
    // then send it away!
    final Tube tube = pool.take();
    Fiber.CompletionCallback fiberCallback = new Fiber.CompletionCallback() {

        public void onCompletion(@NotNull Packet response) {

        public void onCompletion(@NotNull Throwable error) {
            // let's not reuse tubes as they might be in a wrong state, so not
            // calling pool.recycle()
    // Check for SyncStartForAsyncInvokeFeature
    fiber.start(tube, request, fiberCallback, getBinding().isFeatureEnabled(SyncStartForAsyncFeature.class) && !requestContext.containsKey(PREVENT_SYNC_START_FOR_ASYNC_INVOKE));
Also used : FiberContextSwitchInterceptorFactory( Packet( Tube( WebServiceException( Fiber( NotNull(com.sun.istack.NotNull)

Example 29 with WebServiceException

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class WSServiceDelegate method getPort.

public <T> T getPort(Class<T> portInterface, WebServiceFeature... features) {
    // get the portType from SEI
    QName portTypeName = RuntimeModeler.getPortTypeName(portInterface, getMetadadaReader(new WebServiceFeatureList(features), portInterface.getClassLoader()));
    WSDLService tmpWsdlService = this.wsdlService;
    if (tmpWsdlService == null) {
        // assigning it to local variable and not setting it back to this.wsdlService intentionally
        // as we don't want to include the service instance with information gathered from sei
        tmpWsdlService = getWSDLModelfromSEI(portInterface);
        // still null? throw error need wsdl metadata to create a proxy
        if (tmpWsdlService == null) {
            throw new WebServiceException(ProviderApiMessages.NO_WSDL_NO_PORT(portInterface.getName()));
    // get the first port corresponding to the SEI
    WSDLPort port = tmpWsdlService.getMatchingPort(portTypeName);
    if (port == null) {
        throw new WebServiceException(ClientMessages.UNDEFINED_PORT_TYPE(portTypeName));
    QName portName = port.getName();
    return getPort(portName, portInterface, features);
Also used : WebServiceException( QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName) WSDLService( WebServiceFeatureList( WSDLPort(

Example 30 with WebServiceException

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class WSServiceDelegate method getWSDLModelfromSEI.

private WSDLService getWSDLModelfromSEI(final Class sei) {
    WebService ws = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<>() {

        public WebService run() {
            return (WebService) sei.getAnnotation(WebService.class);
    if (ws == null || ws.wsdlLocation().equals(""))
        return null;
    String wsdlLocation = ws.wsdlLocation();
    wsdlLocation = JAXWSUtils.absolutize(JAXWSUtils.getFileOrURLName(wsdlLocation));
    Source wsdl = new StreamSource(wsdlLocation);
    WSDLService service = null;
    try {
        URL url = wsdl.getSystemId() == null ? null : new URL(wsdl.getSystemId());
        WSDLModel model = parseWSDL(url, wsdl, sei);
        service = model.getService(this.serviceName);
        if (service == null)
            throw new WebServiceException(ClientMessages.INVALID_SERVICE_NAME(this.serviceName, buildNameList(model.getServices().keySet())));
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        throw new WebServiceException(ClientMessages.INVALID_WSDL_URL(wsdl.getSystemId()));
    return service;
Also used : MalformedURLException( WebServiceException( WebService(jakarta.jws.WebService) StreamSource( WSDLModel( WSDLService( StreamSource( Source(javax.xml.transform.Source) URL(


WebServiceException ( QName (javax.xml.namespace.QName)49 SOAPFaultException ( SOAPException (jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPException)33 JAXBException (jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBException)30 Node (org.w3c.dom.Node)28 JAXBContext (jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBContext)27 IOException ( SOAPMessage (jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPMessage)25 XMLStreamException ( Source (javax.xml.transform.Source)23 ProtocolException ( Dispatch ( MalformedURLException ( MessageContext ( Map (java.util.Map)17 URL ( StreamSource ( HandlerTracker (fromwsdl.handler.common.HandlerTracker)14 HandlerTracker (handler.handler_processing.common.HandlerTracker)14