use of java.awt.color.ColorSpace in project imageio-ext by geosolutions-it.
the class TIFFImageReader method getImageTypes.
public Iterator<ImageTypeSpecifier> getImageTypes(int imageIndex) throws IIOException {
Integer imageIndexInteger = Integer.valueOf(imageIndex);
if (imageTypeMap.containsKey(imageIndexInteger))
// Return the cached ITS List.
return imageTypeMap.get(imageIndexInteger).iterator();
// Create a new ITS List.
final List<ImageTypeSpecifier> l = new ArrayList<ImageTypeSpecifier>();
// Create the ITS and cache if for later use so that this method
// always returns an Iterator containing the same ITS objects.
seekToImage(imageIndex, true);
ImageTypeSpecifier itsRaw = TIFFDecompressor.getRawImageTypeSpecifier(photometricInterpretation, compression, samplesPerPixel, bitsPerSample, sampleFormat, extraSamples, colorMap);
// Check for an ICCProfile field.
TIFFField iccProfileField = imageMetadata.getTIFFField(BaselineTIFFTagSet.TAG_ICC_PROFILE);
// to use it if the data layout is component type.
if (iccProfileField != null && itsRaw.getColorModel() instanceof ComponentColorModel) {
// Create a ColorSpace from the profile.
byte[] iccProfileValue = iccProfileField.getAsBytes();
ICC_Profile iccProfile = ICC_Profile.getInstance(iccProfileValue);
ICC_ColorSpace iccColorSpace = new ICC_ColorSpace(iccProfile);
// Get the raw sample and color information.
ColorModel cmRaw = itsRaw.getColorModel();
ColorSpace csRaw = cmRaw.getColorSpace();
SampleModel smRaw = itsRaw.getSampleModel();
// Get the number of samples per pixel and the number
// of color components.
int numBands = smRaw.getNumBands();
int numComponents = iccColorSpace.getNumComponents();
// numbers of samples and color components are amenable.
if (numBands == numComponents || numBands == numComponents + 1) {
// Set alpha flags.
boolean hasAlpha = numComponents != numBands;
boolean isAlphaPre = hasAlpha && cmRaw.isAlphaPremultiplied();
// Create a ColorModel of the same class and with
// the same transfer type.
ColorModel iccColorModel = new ComponentColorModel(iccColorSpace, cmRaw.getComponentSize(), hasAlpha, isAlphaPre, cmRaw.getTransparency(), cmRaw.getTransferType());
// Prepend the ICC profile-based ITS to the List. The
// ColorModel and SampleModel are guaranteed to be
// compatible as the old and new ColorModels are both
// ComponentColorModels with the same transfer type
// and the same number of components.
l.add(new ImageTypeSpecifier(iccColorModel, smRaw));
// as the ICC ColorSpace.
if (csRaw.getType() == iccColorSpace.getType() && csRaw.getNumComponents() == iccColorSpace.getNumComponents()) {
} else {
// ICCProfile not compatible with SampleModel.
// Append the raw ITS to the List.
} else {
// No ICCProfile field or raw ColorModel not component.
// Append the raw ITS to the List.
// Cache the ITS List.
imageTypeMap.put(imageIndexInteger, l);
return l.iterator();
use of java.awt.color.ColorSpace in project imageio-ext by geosolutions-it.
the class TIFFDecompressor method createRawImage.
* Creates a <code>BufferedImage</code> whose underlying data
* array will be suitable for holding the raw decoded output of
* the <code>decodeRaw</code> method.
* <p> The default implementation calls
* <code>getRawImageType</code>, and calls the resulting
* <code>ImageTypeSpecifier</code>'s
* <code>createBufferedImage</code> method.
* @return a <code>BufferedImage</code> whose underlying data
* array has the same format as the raw source pixel data, or
* <code>null</code> if it is not possible to create such an
* image.
public BufferedImage createRawImage() {
if (planar) {
// Create a single-banded image of the appropriate data type.
// Get the number of bits per sample.
int bps = bitsPerSample[sourceBands[0]];
// Determine the data type.
int dataType;
if (sampleFormat[0] == BaselineTIFFTagSet.SAMPLE_FORMAT_FLOATING_POINT) {
if (this.bitsPerSample[0] <= 32)
dataType = DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT;
dataType = DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE;
} else if (bps <= 8) {
dataType = DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE;
} else if (bps <= 16) {
if (sampleFormat[0] == BaselineTIFFTagSet.SAMPLE_FORMAT_SIGNED_INTEGER) {
dataType = DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT;
} else {
dataType = DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT;
} else {
dataType = DataBuffer.TYPE_INT;
ColorSpace csGray = ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_GRAY);
ImageTypeSpecifier its = null;
// pixels are actually stored in the planar bands.
if (bps == 1 || bps == 2 || bps == 4) {
int bits = bps;
int size = 1 << bits;
byte[] r = new byte[size];
byte[] g = new byte[size];
byte[] b = new byte[size];
for (int j = 0; j < r.length; j++) {
r[j] = 0;
g[j] = 0;
b[j] = 0;
ColorModel cmGray = new IndexColorModel(bits, size, r, g, b);
SampleModel smGray = new MultiPixelPackedSampleModel(DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, 1, 1, bits);
its = new ImageTypeSpecifier(cmGray, smGray);
} else {
its = ImageTypeSpecifier.createInterleaved(csGray, new int[] { 0 }, dataType, false, false);
return its.createBufferedImage(srcWidth, srcHeight);
/* XXX Not necessarily byte for planar
return new BufferedImage(srcWidth, srcHeight,
} else {
ImageTypeSpecifier its = getRawImageType();
if (its == null) {
return null;
BufferedImage bi = its.createBufferedImage(srcWidth, srcHeight);
return bi;
use of java.awt.color.ColorSpace in project imageio-ext by geosolutions-it.
the class TIFFDecompressor method getRawImageTypeSpecifier.
* A utility method that returns an
* <code>ImageTypeSpecifier</code> suitable for decoding an image
* with the given parameters.
* @param photometricInterpretation the value of the
* <code>PhotometricInterpretation</code> field.
* @param compression the value of the <code>Compression</code> field.
* @param samplesPerPixel the value of the
* <code>SamplesPerPixel</code> field.
* @param bitsPerSample the value of the <code>BitsPerSample</code> field.
* @param sampleFormat the value of the <code>SampleFormat</code> field.
* @param extraSamples the value of the <code>ExtraSamples</code> field.
* @param colorMap the value of the <code>ColorMap</code> field.
* @return a suitable <code>ImageTypeSpecifier</code>, or
* <code>null</code> if it is not possible to create one.
public static ImageTypeSpecifier getRawImageTypeSpecifier(int photometricInterpretation, int compression, int samplesPerPixel, int[] bitsPerSample, int[] sampleFormat, int[] extraSamples, char[] colorMap) {
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("\n ---- samplesPerPixel = " + samplesPerPixel + "\n ---- bitsPerSample[0] = " + bitsPerSample[0] + "\n ---- sampleFormat[0] = " + sampleFormat[0]);
// 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 bit grayscale or indexed images
if (samplesPerPixel == 1 && (bitsPerSample[0] == 1 || bitsPerSample[0] == 2 || bitsPerSample[0] == 4 || bitsPerSample[0] == 8 || bitsPerSample[0] == 16)) {
if (colorMap == null) {
// Grayscale
boolean isSigned = (sampleFormat[0] == BaselineTIFFTagSet.SAMPLE_FORMAT_SIGNED_INTEGER);
int dataType;
if (bitsPerSample[0] <= 8) {
dataType = DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE;
} else {
dataType = sampleFormat[0] == BaselineTIFFTagSet.SAMPLE_FORMAT_SIGNED_INTEGER ? DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT : DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT;
return ImageTypeSpecifier.createGrayscale(bitsPerSample[0], dataType, isSigned);
} else {
// Indexed
int mapSize = 1 << bitsPerSample[0];
byte[] redLut = new byte[mapSize];
byte[] greenLut = new byte[mapSize];
byte[] blueLut = new byte[mapSize];
byte[] alphaLut = null;
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mapSize; i++) {
redLut[i] = (byte) ((colorMap[i] * 255) / 65535);
greenLut[i] = (byte) ((colorMap[mapSize + i] * 255) / 65535);
blueLut[i] = (byte) ((colorMap[2 * mapSize + i] * 255) / 65535);
int dataType = bitsPerSample[0] <= 8 ? DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE : DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT;
return ImageTypeSpecifier.createIndexed(redLut, greenLut, blueLut, alphaLut, bitsPerSample[0], dataType);
// 8-bit gray-alpha
if (samplesPerPixel == 2 && bitsPerSample[0] == 8 && bitsPerSample[1] == 8) {
int dataType = DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE;
boolean alphaPremultiplied = false;
if (extraSamples != null && extraSamples[0] == BaselineTIFFTagSet.EXTRA_SAMPLES_ASSOCIATED_ALPHA) {
alphaPremultiplied = true;
// System.out.println("alphaPremultiplied = "+alphaPremultiplied);//XXX
return ImageTypeSpecifier.createGrayscale(8, dataType, false, alphaPremultiplied);
// 16-bit gray-alpha
if (samplesPerPixel == 2 && bitsPerSample[0] == 16 && bitsPerSample[1] == 16) {
int dataType = sampleFormat[0] == BaselineTIFFTagSet.SAMPLE_FORMAT_SIGNED_INTEGER ? DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT : DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT;
boolean alphaPremultiplied = false;
if (extraSamples != null && extraSamples[0] == BaselineTIFFTagSet.EXTRA_SAMPLES_ASSOCIATED_ALPHA) {
alphaPremultiplied = true;
// System.out.println("alphaPremultiplied = "+alphaPremultiplied);//XXX
boolean isSigned = dataType == DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT;
return ImageTypeSpecifier.createGrayscale(16, dataType, isSigned, alphaPremultiplied);
ColorSpace rgb = ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_sRGB);
// 8-bit RGB
if (samplesPerPixel == 3 && bitsPerSample[0] == 8 && bitsPerSample[1] == 8 && bitsPerSample[2] == 8) {
int[] bandOffsets = new int[3];
bandOffsets[0] = 0;
bandOffsets[1] = 1;
bandOffsets[2] = 2;
int dataType = DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE;
ColorSpace theColorSpace;
if ((photometricInterpretation == BaselineTIFFTagSet.PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATION_Y_CB_CR && compression != BaselineTIFFTagSet.COMPRESSION_JPEG && compression != BaselineTIFFTagSet.COMPRESSION_OLD_JPEG) || photometricInterpretation == BaselineTIFFTagSet.PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATION_CIELAB) {
theColorSpace = ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_LINEAR_RGB);
} else {
theColorSpace = rgb;
return ImageTypeSpecifier.createInterleaved(theColorSpace, bandOffsets, dataType, false, false);
// 8-bit RGBA
if (samplesPerPixel == 4 && bitsPerSample[0] == 8 && bitsPerSample[1] == 8 && bitsPerSample[2] == 8 && bitsPerSample[3] == 8) {
int[] bandOffsets = new int[4];
bandOffsets[0] = 0;
bandOffsets[1] = 1;
bandOffsets[2] = 2;
bandOffsets[3] = 3;
int dataType = DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE;
ColorSpace theColorSpace;
boolean hasAlpha;
boolean alphaPremultiplied = false;
if (photometricInterpretation == BaselineTIFFTagSet.PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATION_CMYK) {
theColorSpace = SimpleCMYKColorSpace.getInstance();
hasAlpha = false;
} else {
theColorSpace = rgb;
hasAlpha = true;
if (extraSamples != null && extraSamples[0] == BaselineTIFFTagSet.EXTRA_SAMPLES_ASSOCIATED_ALPHA) {
alphaPremultiplied = true;
return ImageTypeSpecifier.createInterleaved(theColorSpace, bandOffsets, dataType, hasAlpha, alphaPremultiplied);
// 16-bit RGB
if (samplesPerPixel == 3 && bitsPerSample[0] == 16 && bitsPerSample[1] == 16 && bitsPerSample[2] == 16) {
int[] bandOffsets = new int[3];
bandOffsets[0] = 0;
bandOffsets[1] = 1;
bandOffsets[2] = 2;
int dataType = sampleFormat[0] == BaselineTIFFTagSet.SAMPLE_FORMAT_SIGNED_INTEGER ? DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT : DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT;
return ImageTypeSpecifier.createInterleaved(rgb, bandOffsets, dataType, false, false);
// 16-bit RGBA
if (samplesPerPixel == 4 && bitsPerSample[0] == 16 && bitsPerSample[1] == 16 && bitsPerSample[2] == 16 && bitsPerSample[3] == 16) {
int[] bandOffsets = new int[4];
bandOffsets[0] = 0;
bandOffsets[1] = 1;
bandOffsets[2] = 2;
bandOffsets[3] = 3;
int dataType = sampleFormat[0] == BaselineTIFFTagSet.SAMPLE_FORMAT_SIGNED_INTEGER ? DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT : DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT;
boolean alphaPremultiplied = false;
if (extraSamples != null && extraSamples[0] == BaselineTIFFTagSet.EXTRA_SAMPLES_ASSOCIATED_ALPHA) {
alphaPremultiplied = true;
return ImageTypeSpecifier.createInterleaved(rgb, bandOffsets, dataType, true, alphaPremultiplied);
// in more than 1 channel
if ((photometricInterpretation == BaselineTIFFTagSet.PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATION_CMYK) && (bitsPerSample[0] == 1 || bitsPerSample[0] == 2 || bitsPerSample[0] == 4)) {
ColorSpace cs = null;
if (samplesPerPixel == 4)
cs = SimpleCMYKColorSpace.getInstance();
cs = new BogusColorSpace(samplesPerPixel);
// By specifying the bits per sample the color values
// will scale on display
ColorModel cm = new ComponentColorModel(cs, bitsPerSample, false, false, Transparency.OPAQUE, DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE);
return new ImageTypeSpecifier(cm, cm.createCompatibleSampleModel(1, 1));
// Compute bits per pixel.
int totalBits = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bitsPerSample.length; i++) {
totalBits += bitsPerSample[i];
// Packed: 3- or 4-band, 8- or 16-bit.
if ((samplesPerPixel == 3 || samplesPerPixel == 4) && (totalBits == 8 || totalBits == 16)) {
int redMask = createMask(bitsPerSample, 0);
int greenMask = createMask(bitsPerSample, 1);
int blueMask = createMask(bitsPerSample, 2);
int alphaMask = (samplesPerPixel == 4) ? createMask(bitsPerSample, 3) : 0;
int transferType = totalBits == 8 ? DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE : DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT;
boolean alphaPremultiplied = false;
if (extraSamples != null && extraSamples[0] == BaselineTIFFTagSet.EXTRA_SAMPLES_ASSOCIATED_ALPHA) {
alphaPremultiplied = true;
return ImageTypeSpecifier.createPacked(rgb, redMask, greenMask, blueMask, alphaMask, transferType, alphaPremultiplied);
// Generic components with 8X bits per sample.
if (bitsPerSample[0] % 8 == 0) {
// Check whether all bands have same bit depth.
boolean allSameBitDepth = true;
for (int i = 1; i < bitsPerSample.length; i++) {
if (bitsPerSample[i] != bitsPerSample[i - 1]) {
allSameBitDepth = false;
// Proceed if all bands have same bit depth.
if (allSameBitDepth) {
// Determine the data type.
int dataType = -1;
boolean isDataTypeSet = false;
switch(bitsPerSample[0]) {
case 8:
if (sampleFormat[0] != BaselineTIFFTagSet.SAMPLE_FORMAT_FLOATING_POINT) {
// Ignore whether signed or unsigned:
// treat all as unsigned.
dataType = DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE;
isDataTypeSet = true;
case 16:
if (sampleFormat[0] != BaselineTIFFTagSet.SAMPLE_FORMAT_FLOATING_POINT) {
if (sampleFormat[0] == BaselineTIFFTagSet.SAMPLE_FORMAT_SIGNED_INTEGER) {
dataType = DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT;
} else {
dataType = DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT;
isDataTypeSet = true;
case 32:
if (sampleFormat[0] == BaselineTIFFTagSet.SAMPLE_FORMAT_FLOATING_POINT) {
dataType = DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT;
} else {
dataType = DataBuffer.TYPE_INT;
isDataTypeSet = true;
case 64:
if (sampleFormat[0] == BaselineTIFFTagSet.SAMPLE_FORMAT_FLOATING_POINT) {
dataType = DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE;
} else
throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported sample format for 64 bits data.");
isDataTypeSet = true;
if (isDataTypeSet) {
// Create the SampleModel.
SampleModel sm = createInterleavedSM(dataType, samplesPerPixel);
// Create the ColorModel.
ColorModel cm;
if (samplesPerPixel >= 1 && samplesPerPixel <= 4 && (dataType == DataBuffer.TYPE_INT || dataType == DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT)) {
// Handle the 32-bit cases for 1-4 bands.
ColorSpace cs = samplesPerPixel <= 2 ? ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_GRAY) : rgb;
boolean hasAlpha = ((samplesPerPixel % 2) == 0);
boolean alphaPremultiplied = false;
if (hasAlpha && extraSamples != null && extraSamples[0] == BaselineTIFFTagSet.EXTRA_SAMPLES_ASSOCIATED_ALPHA) {
alphaPremultiplied = true;
cm = createComponentCM(cs, samplesPerPixel, dataType, hasAlpha, alphaPremultiplied);
} else {
ColorSpace cs = new BogusColorSpace(samplesPerPixel);
cm = createComponentCM(cs, samplesPerPixel, dataType, // hasAlpha
false, // alphaPremultiplied
// System.out.println(cm); // XXX
return new ImageTypeSpecifier(cm, sm);
if (colorMap == null && sampleFormat[0] != BaselineTIFFTagSet.SAMPLE_FORMAT_FLOATING_POINT) {
// Determine size of largest sample.
int maxBitsPerSample = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bitsPerSample.length; i++) {
if (bitsPerSample[i] > maxBitsPerSample) {
maxBitsPerSample = bitsPerSample[i];
// Determine whether data are signed.
boolean isSigned = (sampleFormat[0] == BaselineTIFFTagSet.SAMPLE_FORMAT_SIGNED_INTEGER);
// Grayscale
if (samplesPerPixel == 1) {
int dataType = getDataTypeFromNumBits(maxBitsPerSample, isSigned);
return ImageTypeSpecifier.createGrayscale(maxBitsPerSample, dataType, isSigned);
// Gray-alpha
if (samplesPerPixel == 2) {
boolean alphaPremultiplied = false;
if (extraSamples != null && extraSamples[0] == BaselineTIFFTagSet.EXTRA_SAMPLES_ASSOCIATED_ALPHA) {
alphaPremultiplied = true;
int dataType = getDataTypeFromNumBits(maxBitsPerSample, isSigned);
return ImageTypeSpecifier.createGrayscale(maxBitsPerSample, dataType, false, alphaPremultiplied);
if (samplesPerPixel == 3 || samplesPerPixel == 4) {
if (totalBits <= 32 && !isSigned) {
// Packed RGB or RGBA
int redMask = createMask(bitsPerSample, 0);
int greenMask = createMask(bitsPerSample, 1);
int blueMask = createMask(bitsPerSample, 2);
int alphaMask = (samplesPerPixel == 4) ? createMask(bitsPerSample, 3) : 0;
int transferType = getDataTypeFromNumBits(totalBits, false);
boolean alphaPremultiplied = false;
if (extraSamples != null && extraSamples[0] == BaselineTIFFTagSet.EXTRA_SAMPLES_ASSOCIATED_ALPHA) {
alphaPremultiplied = true;
return ImageTypeSpecifier.createPacked(rgb, redMask, greenMask, blueMask, alphaMask, transferType, alphaPremultiplied);
} else if (samplesPerPixel == 3) {
// Interleaved RGB
int[] bandOffsets = new int[] { 0, 1, 2 };
int dataType = getDataTypeFromNumBits(maxBitsPerSample, isSigned);
return ImageTypeSpecifier.createInterleaved(rgb, bandOffsets, dataType, false, false);
} else if (samplesPerPixel == 4) {
// Interleaved RGBA
int[] bandOffsets = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
int dataType = getDataTypeFromNumBits(maxBitsPerSample, isSigned);
boolean alphaPremultiplied = false;
if (extraSamples != null && extraSamples[0] == BaselineTIFFTagSet.EXTRA_SAMPLES_ASSOCIATED_ALPHA) {
alphaPremultiplied = true;
return ImageTypeSpecifier.createInterleaved(rgb, bandOffsets, dataType, true, alphaPremultiplied);
} else {
// Arbitrary Interleaved.
int dataType = getDataTypeFromNumBits(maxBitsPerSample, isSigned);
SampleModel sm = createInterleavedSM(dataType, samplesPerPixel);
ColorSpace cs = new BogusColorSpace(samplesPerPixel);
ColorModel cm = createComponentCM(cs, samplesPerPixel, dataType, // hasAlpha
false, // alphaPremultiplied
return new ImageTypeSpecifier(cm, sm);
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("\nNo raw ITS available:");
System.out.println("photometricInterpretation = " + photometricInterpretation);
System.out.println("compression = " + compression);
System.out.println("samplesPerPixel = " + samplesPerPixel);
if (bitsPerSample != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < bitsPerSample.length; i++) {
System.out.println("bitsPerSample[" + i + "] = " + (int) bitsPerSample[i]);
if (sampleFormat != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < sampleFormat.length; i++) {
System.out.println("sampleFormat[" + i + "] = " + (int) sampleFormat[i]);
if (extraSamples != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < extraSamples.length; i++) {
System.out.println("extraSamples[" + i + "] = " + (int) extraSamples[i]);
System.out.println("colorMap = " + colorMap);
if (colorMap != null) {
System.out.println("colorMap.length = " + colorMap.length);
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create an ImageTypeSpecifier");
return null;
use of java.awt.color.ColorSpace in project imageio-ext by geosolutions-it.
the class JP2KKakaduWriteTest method test8BitGray.
public static void test8BitGray() throws IOException {
if (!isKakaduAvailable) {
LOGGER.warning("Kakadu libs not found: test are skipped ");
final ColorSpace cs = ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_GRAY);
ColorModel cm = new ComponentColorModel(cs, new int[] { 8 }, false, false, Transparency.OPAQUE, DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE);
final int w = 128;
final int h = 128;
SampleModel sm = cm.createCompatibleSampleModel(w, h);
final int bufferSize = w * h;
final byte[] bufferValues = new byte[bufferSize];
for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < w; j++) // bufferValues[j + (i * h)] = (short) ((j + i) * (4096 /
// 1024));
bufferValues[j + (i * h)] = (byte) (Math.random() * 255d);
DataBuffer imageBuffer = new DataBufferByte(bufferValues, bufferSize);
BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(cm, Raster.createWritableRaster(sm, imageBuffer, null), false, null);
write(outputFileName + "_gray8", bi, true, lossLessQuality);
write(outputFileName + "_gray8", bi, false, lossLessQuality);
write(outputFileName + "_gray8", bi, true, lossyQuality);
write(outputFileName + "_gray8", bi, false, lossyQuality);
write(outputFileName + "_JAI_gray8", bi, true, lossLessQuality, true);
write(outputFileName + "_JAI_gray8", bi, false, lossLessQuality, true);
// write(outputFileName + "_JAI_gray12", bi, true, lossyQuality, true);
// write(outputFileName + "_JAI_gray12", bi, false, lossyQuality, true); + " write operations performed");
use of java.awt.color.ColorSpace in project imageio-ext by geosolutions-it.
the class JP2KKakaduWriteTest method test12BitGray.
public static void test12BitGray() throws IOException {
if (!isKakaduAvailable) {
LOGGER.warning("Kakadu libs not found: test are skipped ");
final ColorSpace cs = ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_GRAY);
ColorModel cm = new ComponentColorModel(cs, new int[] { 12 }, false, false, Transparency.OPAQUE, DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT);
final int w = 512;
final int h = 512;
SampleModel sm = cm.createCompatibleSampleModel(w, h);
final int bufferSize = w * h;
final short[] bufferValues = new short[bufferSize];
for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < w; j++) // bufferValues[j + (i * h)] = (short) ((j + i) * (4096 /
// 1024));
bufferValues[j + (i * h)] = (short) (Math.random() * 4095d);
DataBuffer imageBuffer = new DataBufferUShort(bufferValues, bufferSize);
BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(cm, Raster.createWritableRaster(sm, imageBuffer, null), false, null);
write(outputFileName + "_gray12", bi, true, lossLessQuality);
write(outputFileName + "_gray12", bi, false, lossLessQuality);
write(outputFileName + "_gray12", bi, true, lossyQuality);
write(outputFileName + "_gray12", bi, false, lossyQuality);
write(outputFileName + "_JAI_gray12", bi, true, lossLessQuality, true);
write(outputFileName + "_JAI_gray12", bi, false, lossLessQuality, true);
// write(outputFileName + "_JAI_gray12", bi, true, lossyQuality, true);
// write(outputFileName + "_JAI_gray12", bi, false, lossyQuality, true); + " write operations performed");