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Example 1 with MultiPixelPackedSampleModel

use of java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel in project jna by java-native-access.

the class RasterRangesUtils method outputOccupiedRanges.

     * Outputs ranges of occupied pixels.
     * In a raster that has an alpha layer, a pixel is occupied if its alpha value is not null.
     * In a raster without alpha layer, a pixel is occupied if it is not completely black.
     * @param raster image to be segmented in non black or non-transparent ranges
     * @param out destination of the non null ranges
     * @return true if the output succeeded, false otherwise
public static boolean outputOccupiedRanges(Raster raster, RangesOutput out) {
    Rectangle bounds = raster.getBounds();
    SampleModel sampleModel = raster.getSampleModel();
    boolean hasAlpha = sampleModel.getNumBands() == 4;
    // Try to use the underlying data array directly for a few common raster formats
    if (raster.getParent() == null && bounds.x == 0 && bounds.y == 0) {
        // No support for subraster (as obtained with Image.getSubimage(...))
        DataBuffer data = raster.getDataBuffer();
        if (data.getNumBanks() == 1) {
            if (sampleModel instanceof MultiPixelPackedSampleModel) {
                MultiPixelPackedSampleModel packedSampleModel = (MultiPixelPackedSampleModel) sampleModel;
                if (packedSampleModel.getPixelBitStride() == 1) {
                    // TYPE_BYTE_BINARY
                    return outputOccupiedRangesOfBinaryPixels(((DataBufferByte) data).getData(), bounds.width, bounds.height, out);
            } else if (sampleModel instanceof SinglePixelPackedSampleModel) {
                if (sampleModel.getDataType() == DataBuffer.TYPE_INT) {
                    return outputOccupiedRanges(((DataBufferInt) data).getData(), bounds.width, bounds.height, hasAlpha ? 0xff000000 : 0xffffff, out);
            // TODO could easily handle cases of TYPE_USHORT_GRAY and TYPE_BYTE_GRAY.
    // Fallback behaviour : copy pixels of raster
    int[] pixels = raster.getPixels(0, 0, bounds.width, bounds.height, (int[]) null);
    return outputOccupiedRanges(pixels, bounds.width, bounds.height, hasAlpha ? 0xff000000 : 0xffffff, out);
Also used : SampleModel(java.awt.image.SampleModel) MultiPixelPackedSampleModel(java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel) SinglePixelPackedSampleModel(java.awt.image.SinglePixelPackedSampleModel) Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle) SinglePixelPackedSampleModel(java.awt.image.SinglePixelPackedSampleModel) MultiPixelPackedSampleModel(java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel) DataBufferInt(java.awt.image.DataBufferInt) DataBuffer(java.awt.image.DataBuffer)

Example 2 with MultiPixelPackedSampleModel

use of java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class GIFImageReader method createIndexed.

// We don't check all parameters as ImageTypeSpecifier.createIndexed do
// since this method is private and we pass consistent data here
private ImageTypeSpecifier createIndexed(byte[] r, byte[] g, byte[] b, int bits) {
    ColorModel colorModel;
    if (imageMetadata.transparentColorFlag) {
        // Some files erroneously have a transparent color index
        // of 255 even though there are fewer than 256 colors.
        int idx = Math.min(imageMetadata.transparentColorIndex, r.length - 1);
        colorModel = new IndexColorModel(bits, r.length, r, g, b, idx);
    } else {
        colorModel = new IndexColorModel(bits, r.length, r, g, b);
    SampleModel sampleModel;
    if (bits == 8) {
        int[] bandOffsets = { 0 };
        sampleModel = new PixelInterleavedSampleModel(DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, 1, 1, 1, 1, bandOffsets);
    } else {
        sampleModel = new MultiPixelPackedSampleModel(DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, 1, 1, bits);
    return new ImageTypeSpecifier(colorModel, sampleModel);
Also used : PixelInterleavedSampleModel(java.awt.image.PixelInterleavedSampleModel) PixelInterleavedSampleModel(java.awt.image.PixelInterleavedSampleModel) SampleModel(java.awt.image.SampleModel) MultiPixelPackedSampleModel(java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel) ColorModel(java.awt.image.ColorModel) IndexColorModel(java.awt.image.IndexColorModel) MultiPixelPackedSampleModel(java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel) Point(java.awt.Point) ImageTypeSpecifier(javax.imageio.ImageTypeSpecifier) IndexColorModel(java.awt.image.IndexColorModel)

Example 3 with MultiPixelPackedSampleModel

use of java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class BMPImageWriter method write.

public void write(IIOMetadata streamMetadata, IIOImage image, ImageWriteParam param) throws IOException {
    if (stream == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(I18N.getString("BMPImageWriter7"));
    if (image == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(I18N.getString("BMPImageWriter8"));
    if (param == null)
        param = getDefaultWriteParam();
    BMPImageWriteParam bmpParam = (BMPImageWriteParam) param;
    // Default is using 24 bits per pixel.
    int bitsPerPixel = 24;
    boolean isPalette = false;
    int paletteEntries = 0;
    IndexColorModel icm = null;
    RenderedImage input = null;
    Raster inputRaster = null;
    boolean writeRaster = image.hasRaster();
    Rectangle sourceRegion = param.getSourceRegion();
    SampleModel sampleModel = null;
    ColorModel colorModel = null;
    compImageSize = 0;
    if (writeRaster) {
        inputRaster = image.getRaster();
        sampleModel = inputRaster.getSampleModel();
        colorModel = ImageUtil.createColorModel(null, sampleModel);
        if (sourceRegion == null)
            sourceRegion = inputRaster.getBounds();
            sourceRegion = sourceRegion.intersection(inputRaster.getBounds());
    } else {
        input = image.getRenderedImage();
        sampleModel = input.getSampleModel();
        colorModel = input.getColorModel();
        Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(input.getMinX(), input.getMinY(), input.getWidth(), input.getHeight());
        if (sourceRegion == null)
            sourceRegion = rect;
            sourceRegion = sourceRegion.intersection(rect);
    IIOMetadata imageMetadata = image.getMetadata();
    BMPMetadata bmpImageMetadata = null;
    if (imageMetadata != null && imageMetadata instanceof BMPMetadata) {
        bmpImageMetadata = (BMPMetadata) imageMetadata;
    } else {
        ImageTypeSpecifier imageType = new ImageTypeSpecifier(colorModel, sampleModel);
        bmpImageMetadata = (BMPMetadata) getDefaultImageMetadata(imageType, param);
    if (sourceRegion.isEmpty())
        throw new RuntimeException(I18N.getString("BMPImageWrite0"));
    int scaleX = param.getSourceXSubsampling();
    int scaleY = param.getSourceYSubsampling();
    int xOffset = param.getSubsamplingXOffset();
    int yOffset = param.getSubsamplingYOffset();
    // cache the data type;
    int dataType = sampleModel.getDataType();
    sourceRegion.translate(xOffset, yOffset);
    sourceRegion.width -= xOffset;
    sourceRegion.height -= yOffset;
    int minX = sourceRegion.x / scaleX;
    int minY = sourceRegion.y / scaleY;
    w = (sourceRegion.width + scaleX - 1) / scaleX;
    h = (sourceRegion.height + scaleY - 1) / scaleY;
    xOffset = sourceRegion.x % scaleX;
    yOffset = sourceRegion.y % scaleY;
    Rectangle destinationRegion = new Rectangle(minX, minY, w, h);
    boolean noTransform = destinationRegion.equals(sourceRegion);
    // Raw data can only handle bytes, everything greater must be ASCII.
    int[] sourceBands = param.getSourceBands();
    boolean noSubband = true;
    int numBands = sampleModel.getNumBands();
    if (sourceBands != null) {
        sampleModel = sampleModel.createSubsetSampleModel(sourceBands);
        colorModel = null;
        noSubband = false;
        numBands = sampleModel.getNumBands();
    } else {
        sourceBands = new int[numBands];
        for (int i = 0; i < numBands; i++) sourceBands[i] = i;
    int[] bandOffsets = null;
    boolean bgrOrder = true;
    if (sampleModel instanceof ComponentSampleModel) {
        bandOffsets = ((ComponentSampleModel) sampleModel).getBandOffsets();
        if (sampleModel instanceof BandedSampleModel) {
            // for images with BandedSampleModel we can not work
            //  with raster directly and must use writePixels()
            bgrOrder = false;
        } else {
            // In any other case we must use writePixels()
            for (int i = 0; i < bandOffsets.length; i++) {
                bgrOrder &= (bandOffsets[i] == (bandOffsets.length - i - 1));
    } else {
        if (sampleModel instanceof SinglePixelPackedSampleModel) {
            // BugId 4892214: we can not work with raster directly
            // if image have different color order than RGB.
            // We should use writePixels() for such images.
            int[] bitOffsets = ((SinglePixelPackedSampleModel) sampleModel).getBitOffsets();
            for (int i = 0; i < bitOffsets.length - 1; i++) {
                bgrOrder &= bitOffsets[i] > bitOffsets[i + 1];
    if (bandOffsets == null) {
        // we will use getPixels() to extract pixel data for writePixels()
        // Please note that getPixels() provides rgb bands order.
        bandOffsets = new int[numBands];
        for (int i = 0; i < numBands; i++) bandOffsets[i] = i;
    noTransform &= bgrOrder;
    int[] sampleSize = sampleModel.getSampleSize();
    //XXX: check more
    // Number of bytes that a scanline for the image written out will have.
    int destScanlineBytes = w * numBands;
    switch(bmpParam.getCompressionMode()) {
        case ImageWriteParam.MODE_EXPLICIT:
            compressionType = BMPCompressionTypes.getType(bmpParam.getCompressionType());
        case ImageWriteParam.MODE_COPY_FROM_METADATA:
            compressionType = bmpImageMetadata.compression;
        case ImageWriteParam.MODE_DEFAULT:
            compressionType = getPreferredCompressionType(colorModel, sampleModel);
            // ImageWriteParam.MODE_DISABLED:
            compressionType = BI_RGB;
    if (!canEncodeImage(compressionType, colorModel, sampleModel)) {
        throw new IOException("Image can not be encoded with compression type " + BMPCompressionTypes.getName(compressionType));
    byte[] r = null, g = null, b = null, a = null;
    if (compressionType == BI_BITFIELDS) {
        bitsPerPixel = DataBuffer.getDataTypeSize(sampleModel.getDataType());
        if (bitsPerPixel != 16 && bitsPerPixel != 32) {
            // we should use 32bpp images in case of BI_BITFIELD
            // compression to avoid color conversion artefacts
            bitsPerPixel = 32;
            // Setting this flag to false ensures that generic
            // writePixels() will be used to store image data
            noTransform = false;
        destScanlineBytes = w * bitsPerPixel + 7 >> 3;
        isPalette = true;
        paletteEntries = 3;
        r = new byte[paletteEntries];
        g = new byte[paletteEntries];
        b = new byte[paletteEntries];
        a = new byte[paletteEntries];
        int rmask = 0x00ff0000;
        int gmask = 0x0000ff00;
        int bmask = 0x000000ff;
        if (bitsPerPixel == 16) {
            /* NB: canEncodeImage() ensures we have image of
                 * either USHORT_565_RGB or USHORT_555_RGB type here.
                 * Technically, it should work for other direct color
                 * model types but it might be non compatible with win98
                 * and friends.
            if (colorModel instanceof DirectColorModel) {
                DirectColorModel dcm = (DirectColorModel) colorModel;
                rmask = dcm.getRedMask();
                gmask = dcm.getGreenMask();
                bmask = dcm.getBlueMask();
            } else {
                // an exception related to unsupported image format
                throw new IOException("Image can not be encoded with " + "compression type " + BMPCompressionTypes.getName(compressionType));
        writeMaskToPalette(rmask, 0, r, g, b, a);
        writeMaskToPalette(gmask, 1, r, g, b, a);
        writeMaskToPalette(bmask, 2, r, g, b, a);
        if (!noTransform) {
            // prepare info for writePixels procedure
            bitMasks = new int[3];
            bitMasks[0] = rmask;
            bitMasks[1] = gmask;
            bitMasks[2] = bmask;
            bitPos = new int[3];
            bitPos[0] = firstLowBit(rmask);
            bitPos[1] = firstLowBit(gmask);
            bitPos[2] = firstLowBit(bmask);
        if (colorModel instanceof IndexColorModel) {
            icm = (IndexColorModel) colorModel;
    } else {
        // handle BI_RGB compression
        if (colorModel instanceof IndexColorModel) {
            isPalette = true;
            icm = (IndexColorModel) colorModel;
            paletteEntries = icm.getMapSize();
            if (paletteEntries <= 2) {
                bitsPerPixel = 1;
                destScanlineBytes = w + 7 >> 3;
            } else if (paletteEntries <= 16) {
                bitsPerPixel = 4;
                destScanlineBytes = w + 1 >> 1;
            } else if (paletteEntries <= 256) {
                bitsPerPixel = 8;
            } else {
                // Cannot be written as a Palette image. So write out as
                // 24 bit image.
                bitsPerPixel = 24;
                isPalette = false;
                paletteEntries = 0;
                destScanlineBytes = w * 3;
            if (isPalette == true) {
                r = new byte[paletteEntries];
                g = new byte[paletteEntries];
                b = new byte[paletteEntries];
                a = new byte[paletteEntries];
        } else {
            // Grey scale images
            if (numBands == 1) {
                isPalette = true;
                paletteEntries = 256;
                bitsPerPixel = sampleSize[0];
                destScanlineBytes = (w * bitsPerPixel + 7 >> 3);
                r = new byte[256];
                g = new byte[256];
                b = new byte[256];
                a = new byte[256];
                for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
                    r[i] = (byte) i;
                    g[i] = (byte) i;
                    b[i] = (byte) i;
                    a[i] = (byte) 255;
            } else {
                if (sampleModel instanceof SinglePixelPackedSampleModel && noSubband) {
                    /* NB: the actual pixel size can be smaller than
                         * size of used DataBuffer element.
                         * For example: in case of TYPE_INT_RGB actual pixel
                         * size is 24 bits, but size of DataBuffere element
                         * is 32 bits
                    int[] sample_sizes = sampleModel.getSampleSize();
                    bitsPerPixel = 0;
                    for (int size : sample_sizes) {
                        bitsPerPixel += size;
                    bitsPerPixel = roundBpp(bitsPerPixel);
                    if (bitsPerPixel != DataBuffer.getDataTypeSize(sampleModel.getDataType())) {
                        noTransform = false;
                    destScanlineBytes = w * bitsPerPixel + 7 >> 3;
    // actual writing of image data
    int fileSize = 0;
    int offset = 0;
    int headerSize = 0;
    int imageSize = 0;
    int xPelsPerMeter = 0;
    int yPelsPerMeter = 0;
    int colorsUsed = 0;
    int colorsImportant = paletteEntries;
    // Calculate padding for each scanline
    int padding = destScanlineBytes % 4;
    if (padding != 0) {
        padding = 4 - padding;
    // FileHeader is 14 bytes, BitmapHeader is 40 bytes,
    // add palette size and that is where the data will begin
    offset = 54 + paletteEntries * 4;
    imageSize = (destScanlineBytes + padding) * h;
    fileSize = imageSize + offset;
    headerSize = 40;
    long headPos = stream.getStreamPosition();
    writeFileHeader(fileSize, offset);
    /* According to MSDN description, the top-down image layout
         * is allowed only if compression type is BI_RGB or BI_BITFIELDS.
         * Images with any other compression type must be wrote in the
         * bottom-up layout.
    if (compressionType == BI_RGB || compressionType == BI_BITFIELDS) {
        isTopDown = bmpParam.isTopDown();
    } else {
        isTopDown = false;
    writeInfoHeader(headerSize, bitsPerPixel);
    // compression
    // imageSize
    // xPelsPerMeter
    // yPelsPerMeter
    // Colors Used
    // Colors Important
    // palette
    if (isPalette == true) {
        // write palette
        if (compressionType == BI_BITFIELDS) {
            // write masks for red, green and blue components.
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                int mask = (a[i] & 0xFF) + ((r[i] & 0xFF) * 0x100) + ((g[i] & 0xFF) * 0x10000) + ((b[i] & 0xFF) * 0x1000000);
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < paletteEntries; i++) {
    // Writing of actual image data
    int scanlineBytes = w * numBands;
    // Buffer for up to 8 rows of pixels
    int[] pixels = new int[scanlineBytes * scaleX];
    // Also create a buffer to hold one line of the data
    // to be written to the file, so we can use array writes.
    bpixels = new byte[destScanlineBytes];
    int l;
    if (compressionType == BI_JPEG || compressionType == BI_PNG) {
        // prepare embedded buffer
        embedded_stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        writeEmbedded(image, bmpParam);
        // update the file/image Size
        imageSize = embedded_stream.size();
        long endPos = stream.getStreamPosition();
        fileSize = (int) (offset + imageSize);;
        writeSize(fileSize, 2);;
        writeSize(imageSize, 34);;
        embedded_stream = null;
        if (abortRequested()) {
        } else {
    int maxBandOffset = bandOffsets[0];
    for (int i = 1; i < bandOffsets.length; i++) if (bandOffsets[i] > maxBandOffset)
        maxBandOffset = bandOffsets[i];
    int[] pixel = new int[maxBandOffset + 1];
    int destScanlineLength = destScanlineBytes;
    if (noTransform && noSubband) {
        destScanlineLength = destScanlineBytes / (DataBuffer.getDataTypeSize(dataType) >> 3);
    for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) {
        if (abortRequested()) {
        int row = minY + i;
        if (!isTopDown)
            row = minY + h - i - 1;
        // Get the pixels
        Raster src = inputRaster;
        Rectangle srcRect = new Rectangle(minX * scaleX + xOffset, row * scaleY + yOffset, (w - 1) * scaleX + 1, 1);
        if (!writeRaster)
            src = input.getData(srcRect);
        if (noTransform && noSubband) {
            SampleModel sm = src.getSampleModel();
            int pos = 0;
            int startX = srcRect.x - src.getSampleModelTranslateX();
            int startY = srcRect.y - src.getSampleModelTranslateY();
            if (sm instanceof ComponentSampleModel) {
                ComponentSampleModel csm = (ComponentSampleModel) sm;
                pos = csm.getOffset(startX, startY, 0);
                for (int nb = 1; nb < csm.getNumBands(); nb++) {
                    if (pos > csm.getOffset(startX, startY, nb)) {
                        pos = csm.getOffset(startX, startY, nb);
            } else if (sm instanceof MultiPixelPackedSampleModel) {
                MultiPixelPackedSampleModel mppsm = (MultiPixelPackedSampleModel) sm;
                pos = mppsm.getOffset(startX, startY);
            } else if (sm instanceof SinglePixelPackedSampleModel) {
                SinglePixelPackedSampleModel sppsm = (SinglePixelPackedSampleModel) sm;
                pos = sppsm.getOffset(startX, startY);
            if (compressionType == BI_RGB || compressionType == BI_BITFIELDS) {
                switch(dataType) {
                    case DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE:
                        byte[] bdata = ((DataBufferByte) src.getDataBuffer()).getData();
                        stream.write(bdata, pos, destScanlineLength);
                    case DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT:
                        short[] sdata = ((DataBufferShort) src.getDataBuffer()).getData();
                        stream.writeShorts(sdata, pos, destScanlineLength);
                    case DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT:
                        short[] usdata = ((DataBufferUShort) src.getDataBuffer()).getData();
                        stream.writeShorts(usdata, pos, destScanlineLength);
                    case DataBuffer.TYPE_INT:
                        int[] idata = ((DataBufferInt) src.getDataBuffer()).getData();
                        stream.writeInts(idata, pos, destScanlineLength);
                for (int k = 0; k < padding; k++) {
            } else if (compressionType == BI_RLE4) {
                if (bpixels == null || bpixels.length < scanlineBytes)
                    bpixels = new byte[scanlineBytes];
                src.getPixels(srcRect.x, srcRect.y, srcRect.width, srcRect.height, pixels);
                for (int h = 0; h < scanlineBytes; h++) {
                    bpixels[h] = (byte) pixels[h];
                encodeRLE4(bpixels, scanlineBytes);
            } else if (compressionType == BI_RLE8) {
                //System.arraycopy(bdata, pos, bpixels, 0, scanlineBytes);
                if (bpixels == null || bpixels.length < scanlineBytes)
                    bpixels = new byte[scanlineBytes];
                src.getPixels(srcRect.x, srcRect.y, srcRect.width, srcRect.height, pixels);
                for (int h = 0; h < scanlineBytes; h++) {
                    bpixels[h] = (byte) pixels[h];
                encodeRLE8(bpixels, scanlineBytes);
        } else {
            src.getPixels(srcRect.x, srcRect.y, srcRect.width, srcRect.height, pixels);
            if (scaleX != 1 || maxBandOffset != numBands - 1) {
                for (int j = 0, k = 0, n = 0; j < w; j++, k += scaleX * numBands, n += numBands) {
                    System.arraycopy(pixels, k, pixel, 0, pixel.length);
                    for (int m = 0; m < numBands; m++) {
                        // pixel data is provided here in RGB order
                        pixels[n + m] = pixel[sourceBands[m]];
            writePixels(0, scanlineBytes, bitsPerPixel, pixels, padding, numBands, icm);
        processImageProgress(100.0f * (((float) i) / ((float) h)));
    if (compressionType == BI_RLE4 || compressionType == BI_RLE8) {
        // Write the RLE EOF marker and
        // update the file/image Size
        imageSize = compImageSize;
        fileSize = compImageSize + offset;
        long endPos = stream.getStreamPosition();;
        writeSize(fileSize, 2);;
        writeSize(imageSize, 34);;
    if (abortRequested()) {
    } else {
Also used : Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle) MultiPixelPackedSampleModel(java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel) ComponentSampleModel(java.awt.image.ComponentSampleModel) DataBufferInt(java.awt.image.DataBufferInt) DataBufferByte(java.awt.image.DataBufferByte) ImageTypeSpecifier(javax.imageio.ImageTypeSpecifier) DataBufferShort(java.awt.image.DataBufferShort) IndexColorModel(java.awt.image.IndexColorModel) DirectColorModel(java.awt.image.DirectColorModel) ColorModel(java.awt.image.ColorModel) BandedSampleModel(java.awt.image.BandedSampleModel) DirectColorModel(java.awt.image.DirectColorModel) DataBufferUShort(java.awt.image.DataBufferUShort) IndexColorModel(java.awt.image.IndexColorModel) Raster(java.awt.image.Raster) SinglePixelPackedSampleModel(java.awt.image.SinglePixelPackedSampleModel) BMPImageWriteParam(javax.imageio.plugins.bmp.BMPImageWriteParam) IOException( ByteArrayOutputStream( IIOMetadata(javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata) ComponentSampleModel(java.awt.image.ComponentSampleModel) SampleModel(java.awt.image.SampleModel) BandedSampleModel(java.awt.image.BandedSampleModel) MultiPixelPackedSampleModel(java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel) SinglePixelPackedSampleModel(java.awt.image.SinglePixelPackedSampleModel) RenderedImage(java.awt.image.RenderedImage)

Example 4 with MultiPixelPackedSampleModel

use of java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class ImageUtil method createColorModel.

/* XXX testing only
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ImageTypeSpecifier bilevel =
            ImageTypeSpecifier.createIndexed(new byte[] {(byte)0, (byte)255},
                                             new byte[] {(byte)0, (byte)255},
                                             new byte[] {(byte)0, (byte)255},
                                             null, 1,
        ImageTypeSpecifier gray =
            ImageTypeSpecifier.createGrayscale(8, DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, false);
        ImageTypeSpecifier grayAlpha =
            ImageTypeSpecifier.createGrayscale(8, DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, false,
        ImageTypeSpecifier rgb =
                                                 new int[] {0, 1, 2},
        ImageTypeSpecifier rgba =
                                                 new int[] {0, 1, 2, 3},
        ImageTypeSpecifier packed =

        SampleModel bandedSM =
            new java.awt.image.BandedSampleModel(DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE,
                                                 1, 1, 15);

     * Creates a <code>ColorModel</code> that may be used with the
     * specified <code>SampleModel</code>.  If a suitable
     * <code>ColorModel</code> cannot be found, this method returns
     * <code>null</code>.
     * <p> Suitable <code>ColorModel</code>s are guaranteed to exist
     * for all instances of <code>ComponentSampleModel</code>.
     * For 1- and 3- banded <code>SampleModel</code>s, the returned
     * <code>ColorModel</code> will be opaque.  For 2- and 4-banded
     * <code>SampleModel</code>s, the output will use alpha transparency
     * which is not premultiplied.  1- and 2-banded data will use a
     * grayscale <code>ColorSpace</code>, and 3- and 4-banded data a sRGB
     * <code>ColorSpace</code>. Data with 5 or more bands will have a
     * <code>BogusColorSpace</code>.</p>
     * <p>An instance of <code>DirectColorModel</code> will be created for
     * instances of <code>SinglePixelPackedSampleModel</code> with no more
     * than 4 bands.</p>
     * <p>An instance of <code>IndexColorModel</code> will be created for
     * instances of <code>MultiPixelPackedSampleModel</code>. The colormap
     * will be a grayscale ramp with <code>1&nbsp;<<&nbsp;numberOfBits</code>
     * entries ranging from zero to at most 255.</p>
     * @return An instance of <code>ColorModel</code> that is suitable for
     *         the supplied <code>SampleModel</code>, or <code>null</code>.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException  If <code>sampleModel</code> is
     *         <code>null</code>.
public static final ColorModel createColorModel(SampleModel sampleModel) {
    // Check the parameter.
    if (sampleModel == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("sampleModel == null!");
    // Get the data type.
    int dataType = sampleModel.getDataType();
    // Check the data type
    switch(dataType) {
        case DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE:
        case DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT:
        case DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT:
        case DataBuffer.TYPE_INT:
        case DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT:
        case DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE:
            // Return null for other types.
            return null;
    // The return variable.
    ColorModel colorModel = null;
    // Get the sample size.
    int[] sampleSize = sampleModel.getSampleSize();
    // Create a Component ColorModel.
    if (sampleModel instanceof ComponentSampleModel) {
        // Get the number of bands.
        int numBands = sampleModel.getNumBands();
        // Determine the color space.
        ColorSpace colorSpace = null;
        if (numBands <= 2) {
            colorSpace = ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_GRAY);
        } else if (numBands <= 4) {
            colorSpace = ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_sRGB);
        } else {
            colorSpace = new BogusColorSpace(numBands);
        boolean hasAlpha = (numBands == 2) || (numBands == 4);
        boolean isAlphaPremultiplied = false;
        int transparency = hasAlpha ? Transparency.TRANSLUCENT : Transparency.OPAQUE;
        colorModel = new ComponentColorModel(colorSpace, sampleSize, hasAlpha, isAlphaPremultiplied, transparency, dataType);
    } else if (sampleModel.getNumBands() <= 4 && sampleModel instanceof SinglePixelPackedSampleModel) {
        SinglePixelPackedSampleModel sppsm = (SinglePixelPackedSampleModel) sampleModel;
        int[] bitMasks = sppsm.getBitMasks();
        int rmask = 0;
        int gmask = 0;
        int bmask = 0;
        int amask = 0;
        int numBands = bitMasks.length;
        if (numBands <= 2) {
            rmask = gmask = bmask = bitMasks[0];
            if (numBands == 2) {
                amask = bitMasks[1];
        } else {
            rmask = bitMasks[0];
            gmask = bitMasks[1];
            bmask = bitMasks[2];
            if (numBands == 4) {
                amask = bitMasks[3];
        int bits = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < sampleSize.length; i++) {
            bits += sampleSize[i];
        return new DirectColorModel(bits, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask);
    } else if (sampleModel instanceof MultiPixelPackedSampleModel) {
        // Load the colormap with a ramp.
        int bitsPerSample = sampleSize[0];
        int numEntries = 1 << bitsPerSample;
        byte[] map = new byte[numEntries];
        for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
            map[i] = (byte) (i * 255 / (numEntries - 1));
        colorModel = new IndexColorModel(bitsPerSample, numEntries, map, map, map);
    return colorModel;
Also used : ColorSpace(java.awt.color.ColorSpace) ComponentColorModel(java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel) SinglePixelPackedSampleModel(java.awt.image.SinglePixelPackedSampleModel) MultiPixelPackedSampleModel(java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel) ComponentSampleModel(java.awt.image.ComponentSampleModel) Point(java.awt.Point) IndexColorModel(java.awt.image.IndexColorModel) DirectColorModel(java.awt.image.DirectColorModel) ComponentColorModel(java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel) ColorModel(java.awt.image.ColorModel) DirectColorModel(java.awt.image.DirectColorModel) IndexColorModel(java.awt.image.IndexColorModel)

Example 5 with MultiPixelPackedSampleModel

use of java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class ImageUtil method getUnpackedBinaryData.

     * Returns the binary data unpacked into an array of bytes.
     * The line stride will be the width of the <code>Raster</code>.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>isBinary()</code> returns
     * <code>false</code> with the <code>SampleModel</code> of the
     * supplied <code>Raster</code> as argument.
public static byte[] getUnpackedBinaryData(Raster raster, Rectangle rect) {
    SampleModel sm = raster.getSampleModel();
    if (!isBinary(sm)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(I18N.getString("ImageUtil0"));
    int rectX = rect.x;
    int rectY = rect.y;
    int rectWidth = rect.width;
    int rectHeight = rect.height;
    DataBuffer dataBuffer = raster.getDataBuffer();
    int dx = rectX - raster.getSampleModelTranslateX();
    int dy = rectY - raster.getSampleModelTranslateY();
    MultiPixelPackedSampleModel mpp = (MultiPixelPackedSampleModel) sm;
    int lineStride = mpp.getScanlineStride();
    int eltOffset = dataBuffer.getOffset() + mpp.getOffset(dx, dy);
    int bitOffset = mpp.getBitOffset(dx);
    byte[] bdata = new byte[rectWidth * rectHeight];
    int maxY = rectY + rectHeight;
    int maxX = rectX + rectWidth;
    int k = 0;
    if (dataBuffer instanceof DataBufferByte) {
        byte[] data = ((DataBufferByte) dataBuffer).getData();
        for (int y = rectY; y < maxY; y++) {
            int bOffset = eltOffset * 8 + bitOffset;
            for (int x = rectX; x < maxX; x++) {
                byte b = data[bOffset / 8];
                bdata[k++] = (byte) ((b >>> (7 - bOffset & 7)) & 0x0000001);
            eltOffset += lineStride;
    } else if (dataBuffer instanceof DataBufferShort || dataBuffer instanceof DataBufferUShort) {
        short[] data = dataBuffer instanceof DataBufferShort ? ((DataBufferShort) dataBuffer).getData() : ((DataBufferUShort) dataBuffer).getData();
        for (int y = rectY; y < maxY; y++) {
            int bOffset = eltOffset * 16 + bitOffset;
            for (int x = rectX; x < maxX; x++) {
                short s = data[bOffset / 16];
                bdata[k++] = (byte) ((s >>> (15 - bOffset % 16)) & 0x0000001);
            eltOffset += lineStride;
    } else if (dataBuffer instanceof DataBufferInt) {
        int[] data = ((DataBufferInt) dataBuffer).getData();
        for (int y = rectY; y < maxY; y++) {
            int bOffset = eltOffset * 32 + bitOffset;
            for (int x = rectX; x < maxX; x++) {
                int i = data[bOffset / 32];
                bdata[k++] = (byte) ((i >>> (31 - bOffset % 32)) & 0x0000001);
            eltOffset += lineStride;
    return bdata;
Also used : DataBufferShort(java.awt.image.DataBufferShort) ComponentSampleModel(java.awt.image.ComponentSampleModel) SampleModel(java.awt.image.SampleModel) MultiPixelPackedSampleModel(java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel) SinglePixelPackedSampleModel(java.awt.image.SinglePixelPackedSampleModel) MultiPixelPackedSampleModel(java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel) DataBufferInt(java.awt.image.DataBufferInt) DataBufferByte(java.awt.image.DataBufferByte) DataBufferUShort(java.awt.image.DataBufferUShort) Point(java.awt.Point) DataBuffer(java.awt.image.DataBuffer)


MultiPixelPackedSampleModel (java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel)17 Point (java.awt.Point)13 SinglePixelPackedSampleModel (java.awt.image.SinglePixelPackedSampleModel)10 ComponentSampleModel (java.awt.image.ComponentSampleModel)9 SampleModel (java.awt.image.SampleModel)9 DataBufferByte (java.awt.image.DataBufferByte)7 IndexColorModel (java.awt.image.IndexColorModel)7 DataBufferInt (java.awt.image.DataBufferInt)6 ColorModel (java.awt.image.ColorModel)5 DataBuffer (java.awt.image.DataBuffer)5 DataBufferShort (java.awt.image.DataBufferShort)5 DataBufferUShort (java.awt.image.DataBufferUShort)5 Rectangle (java.awt.Rectangle)4 DirectColorModel (java.awt.image.DirectColorModel)4 WritableRaster (java.awt.image.WritableRaster)3 ColorSpace (java.awt.color.ColorSpace)2 BufferedImage (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)2 ComponentColorModel (java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel)2 PixelInterleavedSampleModel (java.awt.image.PixelInterleavedSampleModel)2 Raster (java.awt.image.Raster)2