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Example 1 with PixelInterleavedSampleModel

use of java.awt.image.PixelInterleavedSampleModel in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class GIFImageReader method createIndexed.

// We don't check all parameters as ImageTypeSpecifier.createIndexed do
// since this method is private and we pass consistent data here
private ImageTypeSpecifier createIndexed(byte[] r, byte[] g, byte[] b, int bits) {
    ColorModel colorModel;
    if (imageMetadata.transparentColorFlag) {
        // Some files erroneously have a transparent color index
        // of 255 even though there are fewer than 256 colors.
        int idx = Math.min(imageMetadata.transparentColorIndex, r.length - 1);
        colorModel = new IndexColorModel(bits, r.length, r, g, b, idx);
    } else {
        colorModel = new IndexColorModel(bits, r.length, r, g, b);
    SampleModel sampleModel;
    if (bits == 8) {
        int[] bandOffsets = { 0 };
        sampleModel = new PixelInterleavedSampleModel(DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, 1, 1, 1, 1, bandOffsets);
    } else {
        sampleModel = new MultiPixelPackedSampleModel(DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, 1, 1, bits);
    return new ImageTypeSpecifier(colorModel, sampleModel);
Also used : PixelInterleavedSampleModel(java.awt.image.PixelInterleavedSampleModel) PixelInterleavedSampleModel(java.awt.image.PixelInterleavedSampleModel) SampleModel(java.awt.image.SampleModel) MultiPixelPackedSampleModel(java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel) ColorModel(java.awt.image.ColorModel) IndexColorModel(java.awt.image.IndexColorModel) MultiPixelPackedSampleModel(java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel) Point(java.awt.Point) ImageTypeSpecifier(javax.imageio.ImageTypeSpecifier) IndexColorModel(java.awt.image.IndexColorModel)

Example 2 with PixelInterleavedSampleModel

use of java.awt.image.PixelInterleavedSampleModel in project Purus-Pasta by puruscor.

the class TexI method detectfmt.

/* Java's image model is a little bit complex, so these may not be
     * entirely correct. They should be corrected if oddities are
     * detected. */
public static int detectfmt(BufferedImage img) {
    ColorModel cm = img.getColorModel();
    if (!(img.getSampleModel() instanceof PixelInterleavedSampleModel))
        return (-1);
    PixelInterleavedSampleModel sm = (PixelInterleavedSampleModel) img.getSampleModel();
    int[] cs = cm.getComponentSize();
    int[] off = sm.getBandOffsets();
    System.err.print(this + ": " + cm.getNumComponents() + ", (");
	for(int i = 0; i < off.length; i++)
	    System.err.print(((i > 0)?" ":"") + off[i]);
	System.err.print("), (");
	for(int i = 0; i < off.length; i++)
	    System.err.print(((i > 0)?" ":"") + cs[i]);
    if ((cm.getNumComponents() == 4) && (off.length == 4)) {
        if (((cs[0] == 8) && (cs[1] == 8) && (cs[2] == 8) && (cs[3] == 8)) && (cm.getTransferType() == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE) && (cm.getTransparency() == java.awt.Transparency.TRANSLUCENT)) {
            if ((off[0] == 0) && (off[1] == 1) && (off[2] == 2) && (off[3] == 3))
                return (GL.GL_RGBA);
            if ((off[0] == 2) && (off[1] == 1) && (off[2] == 0) && (off[3] == 3))
                return (GL.GL_BGRA);
    } else if ((cm.getNumComponents() == 3) && (off.length == 3)) {
        if (((cs[0] == 8) && (cs[1] == 8) && (cs[2] == 8)) && (cm.getTransferType() == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE) && (cm.getTransparency() == java.awt.Transparency.OPAQUE)) {
            if ((off[0] == 0) && (off[1] == 1) && (off[2] == 2))
                return (GL.GL_RGB);
            if ((off[0] == 2) && (off[1] == 1) && (off[2] == 0))
                return (GL2.GL_BGR);
    return (-1);
Also used : PixelInterleavedSampleModel(java.awt.image.PixelInterleavedSampleModel) ComponentColorModel(java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel) ColorModel(java.awt.image.ColorModel)

Example 3 with PixelInterleavedSampleModel

use of java.awt.image.PixelInterleavedSampleModel in project imageio-ext by geosolutions-it.

the class PNMImageReader method getImageTypes.

public Iterator getImageTypes(int imageIndex) throws IOException {
    int tmp = (variant - '1') % 3;
    ArrayList list = new ArrayList(1);
    int dataType = DataBuffer.TYPE_INT;
    // Determine data type based on maxValue.
    if (maxValue < 0x100) {
        dataType = DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE;
    } else if (maxValue < 0x10000) {
        dataType = DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT;
    // Choose an appropriate SampleModel.
    SampleModel sampleModel = null;
    ColorModel colorModel = null;
    if ((variant == PBM_ASCII) || (variant == PBM_RAW)) {
        // Each pixel takes 1 bit, pack 8 pixels into a byte.
        sampleModel = new MultiPixelPackedSampleModel(DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, width, height, 1);
        byte[] color = { (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0 };
        colorModel = new IndexColorModel(1, 2, color, color, color);
    } else {
        sampleModel = new PixelInterleavedSampleModel(dataType, width, height, tmp == 1 ? 1 : 3, width * (tmp == 1 ? 1 : 3), tmp == 1 ? new int[] { 0 } : new int[] { 0, 1, 2 });
        colorModel = ImageUtil.createColorModel(null, sampleModel);
    list.add(new ImageTypeSpecifier(colorModel, sampleModel));
    return list.iterator();
Also used : PixelInterleavedSampleModel(java.awt.image.PixelInterleavedSampleModel) SampleModel(java.awt.image.SampleModel) MultiPixelPackedSampleModel(java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel) PixelInterleavedSampleModel(java.awt.image.PixelInterleavedSampleModel) IndexColorModel(java.awt.image.IndexColorModel) ColorModel(java.awt.image.ColorModel) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) MultiPixelPackedSampleModel(java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel) Point(java.awt.Point) ImageTypeSpecifier(javax.imageio.ImageTypeSpecifier) IndexColorModel(java.awt.image.IndexColorModel)

Example 4 with PixelInterleavedSampleModel

use of java.awt.image.PixelInterleavedSampleModel in project imageio-ext by geosolutions-it.

the class PNMImageReader method read.

public BufferedImage read(int imageIndex, ImageReadParam param) throws IOException {
    if (param == null)
        param = getDefaultReadParam();
    // read header
    Rectangle sourceRegion = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);
    Rectangle destinationRegion = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);
    computeRegions(param, this.width, this.height, param.getDestination(), sourceRegion, destinationRegion);
    int scaleX = param.getSourceXSubsampling();
    int scaleY = param.getSourceYSubsampling();
    // If the destination band is set used it
    int[] sourceBands = param.getSourceBands();
    int[] destBands = param.getDestinationBands();
    boolean seleBand = (sourceBands != null) && (destBands != null);
    boolean noTransform = destinationRegion.equals(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height)) || seleBand;
    // base the maxValue on variant.
    if (isRaw(variant) && maxValue >= 0x100) {
        maxValue = 0xFF;
    int numBands = 1;
    // bitmap (PBM) and greymap (PGM) are 1 band.
    if (variant == PPM_ASCII || variant == PPM_RAW) {
        numBands = 3;
    if (!seleBand) {
        sourceBands = new int[numBands];
        destBands = new int[numBands];
        for (int i = 0; i < numBands; i++) destBands[i] = sourceBands[i] = i;
    int dataType = DataBuffer.TYPE_INT;
    // Determine data type based on maxValue.
    if (maxValue < 0x100) {
        dataType = DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE;
    } else if (maxValue < 0x10000) {
        dataType = DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT;
    // Choose an appropriate SampleModel.
    SampleModel sampleModel = null;
    ColorModel colorModel = null;
    if ((variant == PBM_ASCII) || (variant == PBM_RAW)) {
        // Each pixel takes 1 bit, pack 8 pixels into a byte.
        sampleModel = new MultiPixelPackedSampleModel(DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, destinationRegion.width, destinationRegion.height, 1);
        byte[] color = { (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0 };
        colorModel = new IndexColorModel(1, 2, color, color, color);
    } else {
        sampleModel = new PixelInterleavedSampleModel(dataType, destinationRegion.width, destinationRegion.height, sourceBands.length, destinationRegion.width * sourceBands.length, destBands);
        colorModel = ImageUtil.createColorModel(null, sampleModel);
    // If the destination is provided, then use it. Otherwise, create new
    // one
    BufferedImage bi = param.getDestination();
    // Get the image data.
    WritableRaster raster = null;
    if (bi == null) {
        sampleModel = sampleModel.createCompatibleSampleModel(destinationRegion.x + destinationRegion.width, destinationRegion.y + destinationRegion.height);
        if (seleBand)
            sampleModel = sampleModel.createSubsetSampleModel(sourceBands);
        raster = Raster.createWritableRaster(sampleModel, new Point());
        bi = new BufferedImage(colorModel, raster, false, null);
    } else {
        raster = bi.getWritableTile(0, 0);
        sampleModel = bi.getSampleModel();
        colorModel = bi.getColorModel();
        noTransform &= destinationRegion.equals(raster.getBounds());
    final int destinationRegionHeight = destinationRegion.height;
    final int destinationRegionWidth = destinationRegion.width;
    final int numSourceBands = sourceBands.length;
    int j = 0;
    int k = 0;
    int i = 0;
    switch(variant) {
        case PBM_RAW:
                // SampleModel for these cases should be MultiPixelPacked.
                DataBuffer dataBuffer = raster.getDataBuffer();
                // Read the entire image.
                byte[] buf = ((DataBufferByte) dataBuffer).getData();
                if (noTransform) {
                    iis.readFully(buf, 0, buf.length);
                    processImageUpdate(bi, 0, 0, width, height, 1, 1, destBands);
                } else if (scaleX == 1 && sourceRegion.x % 8 == 0) {
                    int skip = sourceRegion.x >> 3;
                    int originalLS = width + 7 >> 3;
                    int destLS = raster.getWidth() + 7 >> 3;
                    int readLength = sourceRegion.width + 7 >> 3;
                    int offset = sourceRegion.y * originalLS;
                    iis.skipBytes(offset + skip);
                    offset = originalLS * (scaleY - 1) + originalLS - readLength;
                    byte[] lineData = new byte[readLength];
                    int bitoff = destinationRegion.x & 7;
                    boolean reformat = !(bitoff == 0);
                    for (i = 0, j = 0, k = destinationRegion.y * destLS + (destinationRegion.x >> 3); i < destinationRegionHeight; i++, j += scaleY) {
                        if (reformat) {
                  , 0, readLength);
                            int mask1 = (255 << bitoff) & 255;
                            int mask2 = ~mask1 & 255;
                            int shift = 8 - bitoff;
                            int n = 0;
                            int m = k;
                            for (; n < readLength - 1; n++, m++) buf[m] = (byte) (((lineData[n] & mask2) << shift) | (lineData[n + 1] & mask1) >> bitoff);
                            buf[m] = (byte) ((lineData[n] & mask2) << shift);
                        } else {
                  , k, readLength);
                        k += destLS;
                        processImageUpdate(bi, 0, i, destinationRegionWidth, 1, 1, 1, destBands);
                        processImageProgress(100.0F * i / destinationRegionHeight);
                } else {
                    int originalLS = width + 7 >> 3;
                    byte[] data = new byte[originalLS];
                    iis.skipBytes(sourceRegion.y * originalLS);
                    int destLS = bi.getWidth() + 7 >> 3;
                    int offset = originalLS * (scaleY - 1);
                    int dsx = destLS * destinationRegion.y + (destinationRegion.x >> 3);
                    int n = dsx;
                    for (i = 0, j = 0; i < destinationRegionHeight; i++, j += scaleY) {
              , 0, originalLS);
                        int b = 0;
                        int pos = 7 - (destinationRegion.x & 7);
                        for (int m = sourceRegion.x; m < sourceRegion.x + sourceRegion.width; m += scaleX) {
                            b |= (data[m >> 3] >> (7 - (m & 7)) & 1) << pos;
                            if (pos == -1) {
                                buf[n++] = (byte) b;
                                b = 0;
                                pos = 7;
                        if (pos != 7)
                            buf[n++] = (byte) b;
                        n += destinationRegion.x >> 3;
                        processImageUpdate(bi, 0, i, destinationRegionWidth, 1, 1, 1, destBands);
                        processImageProgress(100.0F * i / destinationRegionHeight);
        case PBM_ASCII:
                DataBuffer dataBuffer = raster.getDataBuffer();
                byte[] buf = ((DataBufferByte) dataBuffer).getData();
                i = 0;
                if (noTransform)
                    for (int n = 0; i < height; i++) {
                        int b = 0;
                        int pos = 7;
                        for (j = 0; j < width; j++) {
                            b |= (readInteger(iis) & 1) << pos;
                            if (pos == -1) {
                                buf[n++] = (byte) b;
                                b = 0;
                                pos = 7;
                        if (pos != 7)
                            buf[n++] = (byte) b;
                        processImageUpdate(bi, 0, i, width, 1, 1, 1, destBands);
                        processImageProgress(100.0F * i / height);
                else {
                    skipInteger(iis, sourceRegion.y * width + sourceRegion.x);
                    int skipX = scaleX - 1;
                    int skipY = (scaleY - 1) * width + width - destinationRegionWidth * scaleX;
                    int dsx = (bi.getWidth() + 7 >> 3) * destinationRegion.y + (destinationRegion.x >> 3);
                    i = 0;
                    for (int n = dsx; i < destinationRegionHeight; i++) {
                        int b = 0;
                        int pos = 7 - (destinationRegion.x & 7);
                        for (j = 0; j < destinationRegionWidth; j++) {
                            b |= (readInteger(iis) & 1) << pos;
                            if (pos == -1) {
                                buf[n++] = (byte) b;
                                b = 0;
                                pos = 7;
                            skipInteger(iis, skipX);
                        if (pos != 7)
                            buf[n++] = (byte) b;
                        n += destinationRegion.x >> 3;
                        skipInteger(iis, skipY);
                        processImageUpdate(bi, 0, i, destinationRegionWidth, 1, 1, 1, destBands);
                        processImageProgress(100.0F * i / destinationRegionHeight);
        case PGM_ASCII:
        case PGM_RAW:
        case PPM_ASCII:
        case PPM_RAW:
            // SampleModel for these cases should be PixelInterleaved.
            int skipX = (scaleX - 1) * numBands;
            int skipY = (scaleY * width - destinationRegion.width * scaleX) * numBands;
            int dsx = (bi.getWidth() * destinationRegion.y + destinationRegion.x) * numBands;
            switch(dataType) {
                case DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE:
                    DataBufferByte bbuf = (DataBufferByte) raster.getDataBuffer();
                    byte[] byteArray = bbuf.getData();
                    if (isRaw(variant)) {
                        if (noTransform) {
                            processImageUpdate(bi, 0, 0, width, height, 1, 1, destBands);
                        } else {
                            iis.skipBytes(sourceRegion.y * width * numBands);
                            int skip = (scaleY - 1) * width * numBands;
                            byte[] data = new byte[width * numBands];
                            int pixelStride = scaleX * numBands;
                            int sx = sourceRegion.x * numBands;
                            i = 0;
                            for (int n = dsx; i < destinationRegionHeight; i++) {
                                for (j = sourceRegion.x, k = sx; j < sourceRegion.x + sourceRegion.width; j += scaleX, k += pixelStride) {
                                    for (int m = 0; m < numSourceBands; m++) byteArray[n + destBands[m]] = data[k + sourceBands[m]];
                                    n += numSourceBands;
                                n += destinationRegion.x * numBands;
                                processImageUpdate(bi, 0, i, destinationRegionWidth, 1, 1, 1, destBands);
                                processImageProgress(100.0F * i / destinationRegionHeight);
                    } else {
                        skipInteger(iis, (sourceRegion.y * width + sourceRegion.x) * numBands);
                        i = 0;
                        if (seleBand) {
                            byte[] data = new byte[numBands];
                            for (int n = dsx; i < destinationRegionHeight; i++) {
                                for (j = 0; j < destinationRegionWidth; j++) {
                                    for (k = 0; k < numBands; k++) data[k] = (byte) readInteger(iis);
                                    for (k = 0; k < numSourceBands; k++) byteArray[n + destBands[k]] = data[sourceBands[k]];
                                    n += numSourceBands;
                                    skipInteger(iis, skipX);
                                n += destinationRegion.x * numSourceBands;
                                skipInteger(iis, skipY);
                                processImageUpdate(bi, 0, i, destinationRegionWidth, 1, 1, 1, destBands);
                                processImageProgress(100.0F * i / destinationRegionHeight);
                        } else
                            for (int n = dsx; i < destinationRegionHeight; i++) {
                                for (j = 0; j < destinationRegionWidth; j++) {
                                    for (k = 0; k < numBands; k++) byteArray[n++] = (byte) readInteger(iis);
                                    skipInteger(iis, skipX);
                                n += destinationRegion.x * numSourceBands;
                                skipInteger(iis, skipY);
                                processImageUpdate(bi, 0, i, destinationRegionWidth, 1, 1, 1, destBands);
                                processImageProgress(100.0F * i / destinationRegionHeight);
                case DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT:
                    DataBufferUShort sbuf = (DataBufferUShort) raster.getDataBuffer();
                    short[] shortArray = sbuf.getData();
                    skipInteger(iis, sourceRegion.y * width * numBands + sourceRegion.x);
                    i = 0;
                    if (seleBand) {
                        short[] data = new short[numBands];
                        for (int n = dsx; i < destinationRegionHeight; i++) {
                            for (j = 0; j < destinationRegionWidth; j++) {
                                for (k = 0; k < numBands; k++) data[k] = (short) readInteger(iis);
                                for (k = 0; k < numSourceBands; k++) shortArray[n + destBands[k]] = data[sourceBands[k]];
                                n += numSourceBands;
                                skipInteger(iis, skipX);
                            n += destinationRegion.x * numSourceBands;
                            skipInteger(iis, skipY);
                            processImageUpdate(bi, 0, i, destinationRegionWidth, 1, 1, 1, destBands);
                            processImageProgress(100.0F * i / destinationRegionHeight);
                    } else
                        for (int n = dsx; i < destinationRegionHeight; i++) {
                            for (j = 0; j < destinationRegionWidth; j++) {
                                for (k = 0; k < numBands; k++) shortArray[n++] = (short) readInteger(iis);
                                skipInteger(iis, skipX);
                            n += destinationRegion.x * numSourceBands;
                            skipInteger(iis, skipY);
                            processImageUpdate(bi, 0, i, destinationRegionWidth, 1, 1, 1, destBands);
                            processImageProgress(100.0F * i / destinationRegionHeight);
                case DataBuffer.TYPE_INT:
                    DataBufferInt ibuf = (DataBufferInt) raster.getDataBuffer();
                    int[] intArray = ibuf.getData();
                    skipInteger(iis, sourceRegion.y * width * numBands + sourceRegion.x);
                    i = 0;
                    if (seleBand) {
                        int[] data = new int[numBands];
                        for (int n = dsx; i < destinationRegionHeight; i++) {
                            for (j = 0; j < destinationRegionWidth; j++) {
                                for (k = 0; k < numBands; k++) data[k] = readInteger(iis);
                                for (k = 0; k < numSourceBands; k++) intArray[n + destBands[k]] = data[sourceBands[k]];
                                n += numSourceBands;
                                skipInteger(iis, skipX);
                            n += destinationRegion.x * numSourceBands;
                            skipInteger(iis, skipY);
                            processImageUpdate(bi, 0, i, destinationRegionWidth, 1, 1, 1, destBands);
                            processImageProgress(100.0F * i / destinationRegionHeight);
                    } else {
                        for (int n = dsx; i < destinationRegionHeight; i++) {
                            for (j = 0; j < destinationRegionWidth; j++) {
                                for (k = 0; k < numSourceBands; k++) intArray[n++] = readInteger(iis);
                                skipInteger(iis, skipX);
                            n += destinationRegion.x * numSourceBands;
                            skipInteger(iis, skipY);
                            processImageUpdate(bi, 0, i, destinationRegionWidth, 1, 1, 1, destBands);
                            processImageProgress(100.0F * i / destinationRegionHeight);
    if (abortRequested())
    return bi;
Also used : PixelInterleavedSampleModel(java.awt.image.PixelInterleavedSampleModel) Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle) MultiPixelPackedSampleModel(java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel) Point(java.awt.Point) DataBufferInt(java.awt.image.DataBufferInt) DataBufferByte(java.awt.image.DataBufferByte) Point(java.awt.Point) BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) SampleModel(java.awt.image.SampleModel) MultiPixelPackedSampleModel(java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel) PixelInterleavedSampleModel(java.awt.image.PixelInterleavedSampleModel) IndexColorModel(java.awt.image.IndexColorModel) ColorModel(java.awt.image.ColorModel) WritableRaster(java.awt.image.WritableRaster) DataBufferUShort(java.awt.image.DataBufferUShort) IndexColorModel(java.awt.image.IndexColorModel) DataBuffer(java.awt.image.DataBuffer)

Example 5 with PixelInterleavedSampleModel

use of java.awt.image.PixelInterleavedSampleModel in project imageio-ext by geosolutions-it.

the class ImageIOUtils method makeGenericPixelInterleavedWritableRaster.

 * Returns a generic pixel interleaved WritableRaster
 * @param numElems
 * @param numLines
 * @param bandOffsets
 * @param dataType
 * @return
public static WritableRaster makeGenericPixelInterleavedWritableRaster(int numElems, int numLines, int numBands, int dataType) {
    int[] bandOffsets = new int[numBands];
    for (int i = 0; i < numBands; ++i) bandOffsets[i] = i;
    DataBuffer d = null;
    if (dataType == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE)
        d = new DataBufferByte(numElems * numLines * numBands);
    else if (dataType == DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT)
        d = new DataBufferShort(numElems * numLines * numBands);
    else if (dataType == DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT)
        d = new DataBufferUShort(numElems * numLines * numBands);
    else if (dataType == DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT)
        d = new DataBufferFloat(numElems * numLines * numBands);
    else if (dataType == DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE)
        d = new DataBufferDouble(numElems * numLines * numBands);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid datatype: " + dataType);
    PixelInterleavedSampleModel pism = new PixelInterleavedSampleModel(dataType, numElems, numLines, bandOffsets.length, numElems * bandOffsets.length, bandOffsets);
    SunWritableRaster ras = new SunWritableRaster(pism, d, new Point(0, 0));
    return ras;
Also used : DataBufferShort(java.awt.image.DataBufferShort) DataBufferDouble(java.awt.image.DataBufferDouble) PixelInterleavedSampleModel(java.awt.image.PixelInterleavedSampleModel) SunWritableRaster(sun.awt.image.SunWritableRaster) Point(java.awt.Point) DataBufferByte(java.awt.image.DataBufferByte) DataBufferFloat(java.awt.image.DataBufferFloat) DataBufferUShort(java.awt.image.DataBufferUShort) Point(java.awt.Point) DataBuffer(java.awt.image.DataBuffer)


PixelInterleavedSampleModel (java.awt.image.PixelInterleavedSampleModel)17 Point (java.awt.Point)12 SampleModel (java.awt.image.SampleModel)10 WritableRaster (java.awt.image.WritableRaster)8 BufferedImage (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)7 DataBufferByte (java.awt.image.DataBufferByte)7 ColorModel (java.awt.image.ColorModel)6 IndexColorModel (java.awt.image.IndexColorModel)6 DataBuffer (java.awt.image.DataBuffer)5 MultiPixelPackedSampleModel (java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel)5 BandedSampleModel (java.awt.image.BandedSampleModel)3 ComponentColorModel (java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel)3 DataBufferUShort (java.awt.image.DataBufferUShort)3 DirectColorModel (java.awt.image.DirectColorModel)3 SinglePixelPackedSampleModel (java.awt.image.SinglePixelPackedSampleModel)3 ColorSpace (java.awt.color.ColorSpace)2 DataBufferDouble (java.awt.image.DataBufferDouble)2 DataBufferFloat (java.awt.image.DataBufferFloat)2 DataBufferInt (java.awt.image.DataBufferInt)2 DataBufferShort (java.awt.image.DataBufferShort)2