use of java.awt.image.DirectColorModel in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class D3DSurfaceData method getRaster.
public synchronized Raster getRaster(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
if (wrn == null) {
DirectColorModel dcm = (DirectColorModel) getColorModel();
SampleModel smHw;
int dataType = 0;
int scanStride = width;
if (dcm.getPixelSize() > 16) {
dataType = DataBuffer.TYPE_INT;
} else {
// 15, 16
dataType = DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT;
// note that we have to use the surface width and height here,
// not the passed w,h
smHw = new SinglePixelPackedSampleModel(dataType, width, height, scanStride, dcm.getMasks());
DataBuffer dbn = new D3DDataBufferNative(this, dataType, width, height);
wrn = WritableRasterNative.createNativeRaster(smHw, dbn);
return wrn;
use of java.awt.image.DirectColorModel in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class Robot method createScreenCapture.
* Creates an image containing pixels read from the screen. This image does
* not include the mouse cursor.
* @param screenRect Rect to capture in screen coordinates
* @return The captured image
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>screenRect</code> width and height are not greater than zero
* @throws SecurityException if <code>readDisplayPixels</code> permission is not granted
* @see SecurityManager#checkPermission
* @see AWTPermission
public synchronized BufferedImage createScreenCapture(Rectangle screenRect) {
BufferedImage image;
DataBufferInt buffer;
WritableRaster raster;
if (screenCapCM == null) {
* Fix for 4285201
* Create a DirectColorModel equivalent to the default RGB ColorModel,
* except with no Alpha component.
screenCapCM = new DirectColorModel(24, /* red mask */
0x00FF0000, /* green mask */
0x0000FF00, /* blue mask */
// need to sync the toolkit prior to grabbing the pixels since in some
// cases rendering to the screen may be delayed
int[] pixels;
int[] bandmasks = new int[3];
Rectangle devScreenRect = screenRect.getBounds();
// devScreenRect is IN/OUT param
pixels = peer.getRGBPixels(devScreenRect);
buffer = new DataBufferInt(pixels, pixels.length);
bandmasks[0] = screenCapCM.getRedMask();
bandmasks[1] = screenCapCM.getGreenMask();
bandmasks[2] = screenCapCM.getBlueMask();
raster = Raster.createPackedRaster(buffer, devScreenRect.width, devScreenRect.height, devScreenRect.width, bandmasks, null);
image = new BufferedImage(screenCapCM, raster, false, null);
return image;
use of java.awt.image.DirectColorModel in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class BMPImageReader method readHeader.
* Process the image header.
* @exception IllegalStateException if source stream is not set.
* @exception IOException if image stream is corrupted.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException if the image stream does not contain
* a BMP image, or if a sample model instance to describe the
* image can not be created.
protected void readHeader() throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
if (gotHeader)
if (iis == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Input source not set!");
int profileData = 0, profileSize = 0;
this.metadata = new BMPMetadata();
// read and check the magic marker
byte[] marker = new byte[2];;
if (marker[0] != 0x42 || marker[1] != 0x4d)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(I18N.getString("BMPImageReader1"));
// Read file size
bitmapFileSize = iis.readUnsignedInt();
// skip the two reserved fields
// Offset to the bitmap from the beginning
bitmapOffset = iis.readUnsignedInt();
// End File Header
// Start BitmapCoreHeader
long size = iis.readUnsignedInt();
if (size == 12) {
width = iis.readShort();
height = iis.readShort();
} else {
width = iis.readInt();
height = iis.readInt();
metadata.width = width;
metadata.height = height;
int planes = iis.readUnsignedShort();
bitsPerPixel = iis.readUnsignedShort();
//metadata.colorPlane = planes;
metadata.bitsPerPixel = (short) bitsPerPixel;
// As BMP always has 3 rgb bands, except for Version 5,
// which is bgra
numBands = 3;
if (size == 12) {
// Windows 2.x and OS/2 1.x
metadata.bmpVersion = VERSION_2;
// Classify the image type
if (bitsPerPixel == 1) {
imageType = VERSION_2_1_BIT;
} else if (bitsPerPixel == 4) {
imageType = VERSION_2_4_BIT;
} else if (bitsPerPixel == 8) {
imageType = VERSION_2_8_BIT;
} else if (bitsPerPixel == 24) {
imageType = VERSION_2_24_BIT;
// Read in the palette
int numberOfEntries = (int) ((bitmapOffset - 14 - size) / 3);
int sizeOfPalette = numberOfEntries * 3;
palette = new byte[sizeOfPalette];
iis.readFully(palette, 0, sizeOfPalette);
metadata.palette = palette;
metadata.paletteSize = numberOfEntries;
} else {
compression = iis.readUnsignedInt();
imageSize = iis.readUnsignedInt();
long xPelsPerMeter = iis.readInt();
long yPelsPerMeter = iis.readInt();
long colorsUsed = iis.readUnsignedInt();
long colorsImportant = iis.readUnsignedInt();
metadata.compression = (int) compression;
metadata.xPixelsPerMeter = (int) xPelsPerMeter;
metadata.yPixelsPerMeter = (int) yPelsPerMeter;
metadata.colorsUsed = (int) colorsUsed;
metadata.colorsImportant = (int) colorsImportant;
if (size == 40) {
// Windows 3.x and Windows NT
switch((int) compression) {
case BI_JPEG:
case BI_PNG:
metadata.bmpVersion = VERSION_3;
// No compression
case BI_RGB:
// 8-bit RLE compression
case BI_RLE8:
case // 4-bit RLE compression
// Read in the palette
if (bitmapOffset < (size + 14)) {
throw new IIOException(I18N.getString("BMPImageReader7"));
int numberOfEntries = (int) ((bitmapOffset - 14 - size) / 4);
int sizeOfPalette = numberOfEntries * 4;
palette = new byte[sizeOfPalette];
iis.readFully(palette, 0, sizeOfPalette);
metadata.palette = palette;
metadata.paletteSize = numberOfEntries;
if (bitsPerPixel == 1) {
imageType = VERSION_3_1_BIT;
} else if (bitsPerPixel == 4) {
imageType = VERSION_3_4_BIT;
} else if (bitsPerPixel == 8) {
imageType = VERSION_3_8_BIT;
} else if (bitsPerPixel == 24) {
imageType = VERSION_3_24_BIT;
} else if (bitsPerPixel == 16) {
imageType = VERSION_3_NT_16_BIT;
redMask = 0x7C00;
greenMask = 0x3E0;
// 0x1F;
blueMask = (1 << 5) - 1;
metadata.redMask = redMask;
metadata.greenMask = greenMask;
metadata.blueMask = blueMask;
} else if (bitsPerPixel == 32) {
imageType = VERSION_3_NT_32_BIT;
redMask = 0x00FF0000;
greenMask = 0x0000FF00;
blueMask = 0x000000FF;
metadata.redMask = redMask;
metadata.greenMask = greenMask;
metadata.blueMask = blueMask;
metadata.bmpVersion = VERSION_3;
if (bitsPerPixel == 16) {
imageType = VERSION_3_NT_16_BIT;
} else if (bitsPerPixel == 32) {
imageType = VERSION_3_NT_32_BIT;
// BitsField encoding
redMask = (int) iis.readUnsignedInt();
greenMask = (int) iis.readUnsignedInt();
blueMask = (int) iis.readUnsignedInt();
metadata.redMask = redMask;
metadata.greenMask = greenMask;
metadata.blueMask = blueMask;
if (colorsUsed != 0) {
// there is a palette
sizeOfPalette = (int) colorsUsed * 4;
palette = new byte[sizeOfPalette];
iis.readFully(palette, 0, sizeOfPalette);
metadata.palette = palette;
metadata.paletteSize = (int) colorsUsed;
metadata.bmpVersion = VERSION_3_NT;
throw new IIOException(I18N.getString("BMPImageReader2"));
} else if (size == 108 || size == 124) {
// Windows 4.x BMP
if (size == 108)
metadata.bmpVersion = VERSION_4;
else if (size == 124)
metadata.bmpVersion = VERSION_5;
// rgb masks, valid only if comp is BI_BITFIELDS
redMask = (int) iis.readUnsignedInt();
greenMask = (int) iis.readUnsignedInt();
blueMask = (int) iis.readUnsignedInt();
// Only supported for 32bpp BI_RGB argb
alphaMask = (int) iis.readUnsignedInt();
long csType = iis.readUnsignedInt();
int redX = iis.readInt();
int redY = iis.readInt();
int redZ = iis.readInt();
int greenX = iis.readInt();
int greenY = iis.readInt();
int greenZ = iis.readInt();
int blueX = iis.readInt();
int blueY = iis.readInt();
int blueZ = iis.readInt();
long gammaRed = iis.readUnsignedInt();
long gammaGreen = iis.readUnsignedInt();
long gammaBlue = iis.readUnsignedInt();
if (size == 124) {
metadata.intent = iis.readInt();
profileData = iis.readInt();
profileSize = iis.readInt();
metadata.colorSpace = (int) csType;
if (csType == LCS_CALIBRATED_RGB) {
// All the new fields are valid only for this case
metadata.redX = redX;
metadata.redY = redY;
metadata.redZ = redZ;
metadata.greenX = greenX;
metadata.greenY = greenY;
metadata.greenZ = greenZ;
metadata.blueX = blueX;
metadata.blueY = blueY;
metadata.blueZ = blueZ;
metadata.gammaRed = (int) gammaRed;
metadata.gammaGreen = (int) gammaGreen;
metadata.gammaBlue = (int) gammaBlue;
// Read in the palette
int numberOfEntries = (int) ((bitmapOffset - 14 - size) / 4);
int sizeOfPalette = numberOfEntries * 4;
palette = new byte[sizeOfPalette];
iis.readFully(palette, 0, sizeOfPalette);
metadata.palette = palette;
metadata.paletteSize = numberOfEntries;
switch((int) compression) {
case BI_JPEG:
case BI_PNG:
if (size == 108) {
} else if (size == 124) {
if (bitsPerPixel == 1) {
imageType = VERSION_4_1_BIT;
} else if (bitsPerPixel == 4) {
imageType = VERSION_4_4_BIT;
} else if (bitsPerPixel == 8) {
imageType = VERSION_4_8_BIT;
} else if (bitsPerPixel == 16) {
imageType = VERSION_4_16_BIT;
if ((int) compression == BI_RGB) {
redMask = 0x7C00;
greenMask = 0x3E0;
blueMask = 0x1F;
} else if (bitsPerPixel == 24) {
imageType = VERSION_4_24_BIT;
} else if (bitsPerPixel == 32) {
imageType = VERSION_4_32_BIT;
if ((int) compression == BI_RGB) {
redMask = 0x00FF0000;
greenMask = 0x0000FF00;
blueMask = 0x000000FF;
metadata.redMask = redMask;
metadata.greenMask = greenMask;
metadata.blueMask = blueMask;
metadata.alphaMask = alphaMask;
} else {
throw new IIOException(I18N.getString("BMPImageReader3"));
if (height > 0) {
// bottom up image
isBottomUp = true;
} else {
// top down image
isBottomUp = false;
height = Math.abs(height);
// Reset Image Layout so there's only one tile.
//Define the color space
ColorSpace colorSpace = ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_sRGB);
if (metadata.colorSpace == PROFILE_LINKED || metadata.colorSpace == PROFILE_EMBEDDED) {
iis.skipBytes(profileData - size);
byte[] profile = new byte[profileSize];
iis.readFully(profile, 0, profileSize);
try {
if (metadata.colorSpace == PROFILE_LINKED && isLinkedProfileAllowed() && !isUncOrDevicePath(profile)) {
String path = new String(profile, "windows-1252");
colorSpace = new ICC_ColorSpace(ICC_Profile.getInstance(path));
} else {
colorSpace = new ICC_ColorSpace(ICC_Profile.getInstance(profile));
} catch (Exception e) {
colorSpace = ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_sRGB);
if (bitsPerPixel == 0 || compression == BI_JPEG || compression == BI_PNG) {
// the colorModel and sampleModel will be initialzed
// by the reader of embedded image
colorModel = null;
sampleModel = null;
} else if (bitsPerPixel == 1 || bitsPerPixel == 4 || bitsPerPixel == 8) {
// When number of bitsPerPixel is <= 8, we use IndexColorModel.
numBands = 1;
if (bitsPerPixel == 8) {
int[] bandOffsets = new int[numBands];
for (int i = 0; i < numBands; i++) {
bandOffsets[i] = numBands - 1 - i;
sampleModel = new PixelInterleavedSampleModel(DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, width, height, numBands, numBands * width, bandOffsets);
} else {
// 1 and 4 bit pixels can be stored in a packed format.
sampleModel = new MultiPixelPackedSampleModel(DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, width, height, bitsPerPixel);
// Create IndexColorModel from the palette.
byte[] r, g, b;
if (imageType == VERSION_2_1_BIT || imageType == VERSION_2_4_BIT || imageType == VERSION_2_8_BIT) {
size = palette.length / 3;
if (size > 256) {
size = 256;
int off;
r = new byte[(int) size];
g = new byte[(int) size];
b = new byte[(int) size];
for (int i = 0; i < (int) size; i++) {
off = 3 * i;
b[i] = palette[off];
g[i] = palette[off + 1];
r[i] = palette[off + 2];
} else {
size = palette.length / 4;
if (size > 256) {
size = 256;
int off;
r = new byte[(int) size];
g = new byte[(int) size];
b = new byte[(int) size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
off = 4 * i;
b[i] = palette[off];
g[i] = palette[off + 1];
r[i] = palette[off + 2];
if (ImageUtil.isIndicesForGrayscale(r, g, b))
colorModel = ImageUtil.createColorModel(null, sampleModel);
colorModel = new IndexColorModel(bitsPerPixel, (int) size, r, g, b);
} else if (bitsPerPixel == 16) {
numBands = 3;
sampleModel = new SinglePixelPackedSampleModel(DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT, width, height, new int[] { redMask, greenMask, blueMask });
colorModel = new DirectColorModel(colorSpace, 16, redMask, greenMask, blueMask, 0, false, DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT);
} else if (bitsPerPixel == 32) {
numBands = alphaMask == 0 ? 3 : 4;
// The number of bands in the SampleModel is determined by
// the length of the mask array passed in.
int[] bitMasks = numBands == 3 ? new int[] { redMask, greenMask, blueMask } : new int[] { redMask, greenMask, blueMask, alphaMask };
sampleModel = new SinglePixelPackedSampleModel(DataBuffer.TYPE_INT, width, height, bitMasks);
colorModel = new DirectColorModel(colorSpace, 32, redMask, greenMask, blueMask, alphaMask, false, DataBuffer.TYPE_INT);
} else {
numBands = 3;
// Create SampleModel
int[] bandOffsets = new int[numBands];
for (int i = 0; i < numBands; i++) {
bandOffsets[i] = numBands - 1 - i;
sampleModel = new PixelInterleavedSampleModel(DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, width, height, numBands, numBands * width, bandOffsets);
colorModel = ImageUtil.createColorModel(colorSpace, sampleModel);
originalSampleModel = sampleModel;
originalColorModel = colorModel;
// Reset to the start of bitmap; then jump to the
//start of image data
gotHeader = true;
use of java.awt.image.DirectColorModel in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class OffScreenImageSource method sendPixels.
private void sendPixels() {
ColorModel cm = image.getColorModel();
WritableRaster raster = image.getRaster();
int numDataElements = raster.getNumDataElements();
int dataType = raster.getDataBuffer().getDataType();
int[] scanline = new int[width * numDataElements];
boolean needToCvt = true;
if (cm instanceof IndexColorModel) {
byte[] pixels = new byte[width];
if (raster instanceof ByteComponentRaster) {
needToCvt = false;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
raster.getDataElements(0, y, width, 1, pixels);
theConsumer.setPixels(0, y, width, 1, cm, pixels, 0, width);
} else if (raster instanceof BytePackedRaster) {
needToCvt = false;
// Binary image. Need to unpack it
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
raster.getPixels(0, y, width, 1, scanline);
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
pixels[x] = (byte) scanline[x];
theConsumer.setPixels(0, y, width, 1, cm, pixels, 0, width);
} else if (dataType == DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT || dataType == DataBuffer.TYPE_INT) {
// Probably a short or int "GRAY" image
needToCvt = false;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
raster.getPixels(0, y, width, 1, scanline);
theConsumer.setPixels(0, y, width, 1, cm, scanline, 0, width);
} else if (cm instanceof DirectColorModel) {
needToCvt = false;
switch(dataType) {
case DataBuffer.TYPE_INT:
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
raster.getDataElements(0, y, width, 1, scanline);
theConsumer.setPixels(0, y, width, 1, cm, scanline, 0, width);
case DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE:
byte[] bscanline = new byte[width];
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
raster.getDataElements(0, y, width, 1, bscanline);
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
scanline[x] = bscanline[x] & 0xff;
theConsumer.setPixels(0, y, width, 1, cm, scanline, 0, width);
case DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT:
short[] sscanline = new short[width];
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
raster.getDataElements(0, y, width, 1, sscanline);
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
scanline[x] = sscanline[x] & 0xffff;
theConsumer.setPixels(0, y, width, 1, cm, scanline, 0, width);
needToCvt = true;
if (needToCvt) {
// REMIND: Need to add other types of CMs here
ColorModel newcm = ColorModel.getRGBdefault();
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
scanline[x] = image.getRGB(x, y);
theConsumer.setPixels(0, y, width, 1, newcm, scanline, 0, width);
use of java.awt.image.DirectColorModel in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class ImageRepresentation method getOpaqueRGBImage.
public BufferedImage getOpaqueRGBImage() {
if (bimage.getType() == BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB) {
int w = bimage.getWidth();
int h = bimage.getHeight();
int size = w * h;
// Note that we steal the data array here, but only for reading...
DataBufferInt db = (DataBufferInt) biRaster.getDataBuffer();
int[] pixels = SunWritableRaster.stealData(db, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if ((pixels[i] >>> 24) != 0xff) {
return bimage;
ColorModel opModel = new DirectColorModel(24, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff);
int[] bandmasks = { 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff };
WritableRaster opRaster = Raster.createPackedRaster(db, w, h, w, bandmasks, null);
try {
BufferedImage opImage = createImage(opModel, opRaster, false, null);
return opImage;
} catch (Exception e) {
return bimage;
return bimage;