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Example 1 with PKCS12Attribute

use of in project Bytecoder by mirkosertic.

the class PKCS12KeyStore method getAttributes.

     * Assemble the entry attributes
private Set<KeyStore.Entry.Attribute> getAttributes(Entry entry) {
    if (entry.attributes == null) {
        entry.attributes = new HashSet<>();
    // friendlyName
    entry.attributes.add(new PKCS12Attribute(PKCS9FriendlyName_OID.toString(), entry.alias));
    // localKeyID
    byte[] keyIdValue = entry.keyId;
    if (keyIdValue != null) {
        entry.attributes.add(new PKCS12Attribute(PKCS9LocalKeyId_OID.toString(), Debug.toString(keyIdValue)));
    // trustedKeyUsage
    if (entry instanceof CertEntry) {
        ObjectIdentifier[] trustedKeyUsageValue = ((CertEntry) entry).trustedKeyUsage;
        if (trustedKeyUsageValue != null) {
            if (trustedKeyUsageValue.length == 1) {
                // omit brackets
                entry.attributes.add(new PKCS12Attribute(TrustedKeyUsage_OID.toString(), trustedKeyUsageValue[0].toString()));
            } else {
                // multi-valued
                entry.attributes.add(new PKCS12Attribute(TrustedKeyUsage_OID.toString(), Arrays.toString(trustedKeyUsageValue)));
    return entry.attributes;
Also used : PKCS12Attribute( ObjectIdentifier(

Example 2 with PKCS12Attribute

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class PKCS12KeyStore method loadSafeContents.

private void loadSafeContents(DerInputStream stream, char[] password) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException {
    DerValue[] safeBags = stream.getSequence(2);
    int count = safeBags.length;
         * Spin over the SafeBags.
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        ObjectIdentifier bagId;
        DerInputStream sbi;
        DerValue bagValue;
        Object bagItem = null;
        sbi = safeBags[i].toDerInputStream();
        bagId = sbi.getOID();
        bagValue = sbi.getDerValue();
        if (!bagValue.isContextSpecific((byte) 0)) {
            throw new IOException("unsupported PKCS12 bag value type " + bagValue.tag);
        bagValue =;
        if (bagId.equals((Object) PKCS8ShroudedKeyBag_OID)) {
            PrivateKeyEntry kEntry = new PrivateKeyEntry();
            kEntry.protectedPrivKey = bagValue.toByteArray();
            bagItem = kEntry;
        } else if (bagId.equals((Object) CertBag_OID)) {
            DerInputStream cs = new DerInputStream(bagValue.toByteArray());
            DerValue[] certValues = cs.getSequence(2);
            ObjectIdentifier certId = certValues[0].getOID();
            if (!certValues[1].isContextSpecific((byte) 0)) {
                throw new IOException("unsupported PKCS12 cert value type " + certValues[1].tag);
            DerValue certValue = certValues[1].data.getDerValue();
            CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X509");
            X509Certificate cert;
            cert = (X509Certificate) cf.generateCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(certValue.getOctetString()));
            bagItem = cert;
        } else if (bagId.equals((Object) SecretBag_OID)) {
            DerInputStream ss = new DerInputStream(bagValue.toByteArray());
            DerValue[] secretValues = ss.getSequence(2);
            ObjectIdentifier secretId = secretValues[0].getOID();
            if (!secretValues[1].isContextSpecific((byte) 0)) {
                throw new IOException("unsupported PKCS12 secret value type " + secretValues[1].tag);
            DerValue secretValue = secretValues[1].data.getDerValue();
            SecretKeyEntry kEntry = new SecretKeyEntry();
            kEntry.protectedSecretKey = secretValue.getOctetString();
            bagItem = kEntry;
        } else {
            if (debug != null) {
                debug.println("Unsupported PKCS12 bag type: " + bagId);
        DerValue[] attrSet;
        try {
            attrSet = sbi.getSet(3);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // entry does not have attributes
            // Note: CA certs can have no attributes
            // OpenSSL generates pkcs12 with no attr for CA certs.
            attrSet = null;
        String alias = null;
        byte[] keyId = null;
        ObjectIdentifier[] trustedKeyUsage = null;
        Set<PKCS12Attribute> attributes = new HashSet<>();
        if (attrSet != null) {
            for (int j = 0; j < attrSet.length; j++) {
                byte[] encoded = attrSet[j].toByteArray();
                DerInputStream as = new DerInputStream(encoded);
                DerValue[] attrSeq = as.getSequence(2);
                ObjectIdentifier attrId = attrSeq[0].getOID();
                DerInputStream vs = new DerInputStream(attrSeq[1].toByteArray());
                DerValue[] valSet;
                try {
                    valSet = vs.getSet(1);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new IOException("Attribute " + attrId + " should have a value " + e.getMessage());
                if (attrId.equals((Object) PKCS9FriendlyName_OID)) {
                    alias = valSet[0].getBMPString();
                } else if (attrId.equals((Object) PKCS9LocalKeyId_OID)) {
                    keyId = valSet[0].getOctetString();
                } else if (attrId.equals((Object) TrustedKeyUsage_OID)) {
                    trustedKeyUsage = new ObjectIdentifier[valSet.length];
                    for (int k = 0; k < valSet.length; k++) {
                        trustedKeyUsage[k] = valSet[k].getOID();
                } else {
                    attributes.add(new PKCS12Attribute(encoded));
             * As per PKCS12 v1.0 friendlyname (alias) and localKeyId (keyId)
             * are optional PKCS12 bagAttributes. But entries in the keyStore
             * are identified by their alias. Hence we need to have an
             * Unfriendlyname in the alias, if alias is null. The keyId
             * attribute is required to match the private key with the
             * certificate. If we get a bagItem of type KeyEntry with a
             * null keyId, we should skip it entirely.
        if (bagItem instanceof KeyEntry) {
            KeyEntry entry = (KeyEntry) bagItem;
            if (bagItem instanceof PrivateKeyEntry) {
                if (keyId == null) {
                    // associated cert-chain
                    if (privateKeyCount == 1) {
                        keyId = "01".getBytes("UTF8");
                    } else {
            entry.keyId = keyId;
            // restore date if it exists
            String keyIdStr = new String(keyId, "UTF8");
            Date date = null;
            if (keyIdStr.startsWith("Time ")) {
                try {
                    date = new Date(Long.parseLong(keyIdStr.substring(5)));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    date = null;
            if (date == null) {
                date = new Date();
   = date;
            if (bagItem instanceof PrivateKeyEntry) {
                keyList.add((PrivateKeyEntry) entry);
            if (entry.attributes == null) {
                entry.attributes = new HashSet<>();
            if (alias == null) {
                alias = getUnfriendlyName();
            entry.alias = alias;
            entries.put(alias.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH), entry);
        } else if (bagItem instanceof X509Certificate) {
            X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) bagItem;
            // associated cert-chain
            if ((keyId == null) && (privateKeyCount == 1)) {
                // insert localKeyID only for EE cert or self-signed cert
                if (i == 0) {
                    keyId = "01".getBytes("UTF8");
            // Trusted certificate
            if (trustedKeyUsage != null) {
                if (alias == null) {
                    alias = getUnfriendlyName();
                CertEntry certEntry = new CertEntry(cert, keyId, alias, trustedKeyUsage, attributes);
                entries.put(alias.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH), certEntry);
            } else {
                certEntries.add(new CertEntry(cert, keyId, alias));
            X500Principal subjectDN = cert.getSubjectX500Principal();
            if (subjectDN != null) {
                if (!certsMap.containsKey(subjectDN)) {
                    certsMap.put(subjectDN, cert);
Also used : CertificateFactory( X509Certificate( KeyStoreException( UnrecoverableKeyException( UnrecoverableEntryException( DestroyFailedException( CertificateException( NoSuchAlgorithmException( PKCS12Attribute( DerValue( X500Principal( DerInputStream( ObjectIdentifier(

Example 3 with PKCS12Attribute

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class PKCS12KeyStore method getAttributes.

     * Assemble the entry attributes
private Set<KeyStore.Entry.Attribute> getAttributes(Entry entry) {
    if (entry.attributes == null) {
        entry.attributes = new HashSet<>();
    // friendlyName
    entry.attributes.add(new PKCS12Attribute(PKCS9FriendlyName_OID.toString(), entry.alias));
    // localKeyID
    byte[] keyIdValue = entry.keyId;
    if (keyIdValue != null) {
        entry.attributes.add(new PKCS12Attribute(PKCS9LocalKeyId_OID.toString(), Debug.toString(keyIdValue)));
    // trustedKeyUsage
    if (entry instanceof CertEntry) {
        ObjectIdentifier[] trustedKeyUsageValue = ((CertEntry) entry).trustedKeyUsage;
        if (trustedKeyUsageValue != null) {
            if (trustedKeyUsageValue.length == 1) {
                // omit brackets
                entry.attributes.add(new PKCS12Attribute(TrustedKeyUsage_OID.toString(), trustedKeyUsageValue[0].toString()));
            } else {
                // multi-valued
                entry.attributes.add(new PKCS12Attribute(TrustedKeyUsage_OID.toString(), Arrays.toString(trustedKeyUsageValue)));
    return entry.attributes;
Also used : PKCS12Attribute( ObjectIdentifier(

Example 4 with PKCS12Attribute

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class MetadataStoreLoadTest method setUp.

private void setUp() {
    Utils.createKeyStore(Utils.KeyStoreType.pkcs12, KEYSTORE_PATH, ALIAS);
    final String allCharsString = "`1234567890-=qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl;'\\zx" + "cvbnm,./!@#$%^&*()_+QWERTYUIOP{}ASDFGHJKL:|>ZXCVBNM<>?\"";
    StringBuilder sbPrintable = new StringBuilder();
    while (sbPrintable.length() < MAX_HUGE_SIZE) {
    final String hugePrintable = sbPrintable.toString();
    final String binaryString = "00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:AA:BB:DD:" + "EE:FF:";
    StringBuilder sbBinary = new StringBuilder();
    while (sbBinary.length() < MAX_HUGE_SIZE) {
    sbBinary.insert(0, "[").append("]");
    final String hugeBinary = sbBinary.toString();
    ATTR_SET = new PKCS12Attribute[5];
    ATTR_SET[0] = new PKCS12Attribute("1.2.840.113549.1.9.1", "Test email addres attr <>");
    ATTR_SET[1] = new PKCS12Attribute("", "not registered attr");
    ATTR_SET[2] = new PKCS12Attribute("", hugePrintable);
    ATTR_SET[3] = new PKCS12Attribute("", hugeBinary);
    ATTR_SET[4] = new PKCS12Attribute("", " ");
Also used : PKCS12Attribute(

Example 5 with PKCS12Attribute

use of in project Bytecoder by mirkosertic.

the class PKCS12KeyStore method loadSafeContents.

private void loadSafeContents(DerInputStream stream, char[] password) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException {
    DerValue[] safeBags = stream.getSequence(2);
    int count = safeBags.length;
         * Spin over the SafeBags.
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        ObjectIdentifier bagId;
        DerInputStream sbi;
        DerValue bagValue;
        Object bagItem = null;
        sbi = safeBags[i].toDerInputStream();
        bagId = sbi.getOID();
        bagValue = sbi.getDerValue();
        if (!bagValue.isContextSpecific((byte) 0)) {
            throw new IOException("unsupported PKCS12 bag value type " + bagValue.tag);
        bagValue =;
        if (bagId.equals(PKCS8ShroudedKeyBag_OID)) {
            PrivateKeyEntry kEntry = new PrivateKeyEntry();
            kEntry.protectedPrivKey = bagValue.toByteArray();
            bagItem = kEntry;
        } else if (bagId.equals(CertBag_OID)) {
            DerInputStream cs = new DerInputStream(bagValue.toByteArray());
            DerValue[] certValues = cs.getSequence(2);
            ObjectIdentifier certId = certValues[0].getOID();
            if (!certValues[1].isContextSpecific((byte) 0)) {
                throw new IOException("unsupported PKCS12 cert value type " + certValues[1].tag);
            DerValue certValue = certValues[1].data.getDerValue();
            CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X509");
            X509Certificate cert;
            cert = (X509Certificate) cf.generateCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(certValue.getOctetString()));
            bagItem = cert;
        } else if (bagId.equals(SecretBag_OID)) {
            DerInputStream ss = new DerInputStream(bagValue.toByteArray());
            DerValue[] secretValues = ss.getSequence(2);
            ObjectIdentifier secretId = secretValues[0].getOID();
            if (!secretValues[1].isContextSpecific((byte) 0)) {
                throw new IOException("unsupported PKCS12 secret value type " + secretValues[1].tag);
            DerValue secretValue = secretValues[1].data.getDerValue();
            SecretKeyEntry kEntry = new SecretKeyEntry();
            kEntry.protectedSecretKey = secretValue.getOctetString();
            bagItem = kEntry;
        } else {
            if (debug != null) {
                debug.println("Unsupported PKCS12 bag type: " + bagId);
        DerValue[] attrSet;
        try {
            attrSet = sbi.getSet(3);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // entry does not have attributes
            // Note: CA certs can have no attributes
            // OpenSSL generates pkcs12 with no attr for CA certs.
            attrSet = null;
        String alias = null;
        byte[] keyId = null;
        ObjectIdentifier[] trustedKeyUsage = null;
        Set<PKCS12Attribute> attributes = new HashSet<>();
        if (attrSet != null) {
            for (int j = 0; j < attrSet.length; j++) {
                byte[] encoded = attrSet[j].toByteArray();
                DerInputStream as = new DerInputStream(encoded);
                DerValue[] attrSeq = as.getSequence(2);
                ObjectIdentifier attrId = attrSeq[0].getOID();
                DerInputStream vs = new DerInputStream(attrSeq[1].toByteArray());
                DerValue[] valSet;
                try {
                    valSet = vs.getSet(1);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new IOException("Attribute " + attrId + " should have a value " + e.getMessage());
                if (attrId.equals(PKCS9FriendlyName_OID)) {
                    alias = valSet[0].getBMPString();
                } else if (attrId.equals(PKCS9LocalKeyId_OID)) {
                    keyId = valSet[0].getOctetString();
                } else if (attrId.equals(TrustedKeyUsage_OID)) {
                    trustedKeyUsage = new ObjectIdentifier[valSet.length];
                    for (int k = 0; k < valSet.length; k++) {
                        trustedKeyUsage[k] = valSet[k].getOID();
                } else {
                    attributes.add(new PKCS12Attribute(encoded));
             * As per PKCS12 v1.0 friendlyname (alias) and localKeyId (keyId)
             * are optional PKCS12 bagAttributes. But entries in the keyStore
             * are identified by their alias. Hence we need to have an
             * Unfriendlyname in the alias, if alias is null. The keyId
             * attribute is required to match the private key with the
             * certificate. If we get a bagItem of type KeyEntry with a
             * null keyId, we should skip it entirely.
        if (bagItem instanceof KeyEntry) {
            KeyEntry entry = (KeyEntry) bagItem;
            if (bagItem instanceof PrivateKeyEntry) {
                if (keyId == null) {
                    // associated cert-chain
                    if (privateKeyCount == 1) {
                        keyId = "01".getBytes("UTF8");
                    } else {
            entry.keyId = keyId;
            // restore date if it exists
            String keyIdStr = new String(keyId, "UTF8");
            Date date = null;
            if (keyIdStr.startsWith("Time ")) {
                try {
                    date = new Date(Long.parseLong(keyIdStr.substring(5)));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    date = null;
            if (date == null) {
                date = new Date();
   = date;
            if (bagItem instanceof PrivateKeyEntry) {
                keyList.add((PrivateKeyEntry) entry);
            if (entry.attributes == null) {
                entry.attributes = new HashSet<>();
            if (alias == null) {
                alias = getUnfriendlyName();
            entry.alias = alias;
            entries.put(alias.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH), entry);
        } else if (bagItem instanceof X509Certificate) {
            X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) bagItem;
            // associated cert-chain
            if ((keyId == null) && (privateKeyCount == 1)) {
                // insert localKeyID only for EE cert or self-signed cert
                if (i == 0) {
                    keyId = "01".getBytes("UTF8");
            // Trusted certificate
            if (trustedKeyUsage != null) {
                if (alias == null) {
                    alias = getUnfriendlyName();
                CertEntry certEntry = new CertEntry(cert, keyId, alias, trustedKeyUsage, attributes);
                entries.put(alias.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH), certEntry);
            } else {
                certEntries.add(new CertEntry(cert, keyId, alias));
            X500Principal subjectDN = cert.getSubjectX500Principal();
            if (subjectDN != null) {
                if (!certsMap.containsKey(subjectDN)) {
                    certsMap.put(subjectDN, cert);
Also used : CertificateFactory( X509Certificate( KeyStoreException( InvalidAlgorithmParameterException( UnrecoverableKeyException( UnrecoverableEntryException( DestroyFailedException( CertificateException( NoSuchAlgorithmException( InvalidKeyException( PKCS12Attribute( DerValue( X500Principal( DerInputStream( ObjectIdentifier(


PKCS12Attribute ( ObjectIdentifier ( KeyStoreException ( NoSuchAlgorithmException ( UnrecoverableEntryException ( UnrecoverableKeyException ( CertificateException ( CertificateFactory ( X509Certificate ( DestroyFailedException ( X500Principal ( DerInputStream ( DerValue ( InvalidAlgorithmParameterException ( InvalidKeyException (