use of java.util.function.BiFunction in project gatk-protected by broadinstitute.
the class CoverageModelEMWorkspace method getCopyRatioSegmentsSpark.
* Fetch copy ratio segments from compute blocks (Spark implementation)
* @return a list of {@link CopyRatioHMMResults}
private List<List<HiddenStateSegmentRecord<STATE, Target>>> getCopyRatioSegmentsSpark() {
/* local final member variables for lambda capture */
final List<Target> processedTargetList = new ArrayList<>();
final List<SexGenotypeData> processedSampleSexGenotypeData = new ArrayList<>();
final List<String> processedSampleNameList = new ArrayList<>();
final INDArray sampleReadDepths = Transforms.exp(sampleMeanLogReadDepths, true);
final CopyRatioExpectationsCalculator<CoverageModelCopyRatioEmissionData, STATE> copyRatioExpectationsCalculator = this.copyRatioExpectationsCalculator;
final BiFunction<SexGenotypeData, Target, STATE> referenceStateFactory = this.referenceStateFactory;
return fetchCopyRatioEmissionDataSpark().mapPartitionsToPair(it -> {
final List<Tuple2<Integer, CopyRatioHMMResults<CoverageModelCopyRatioEmissionData, STATE>>> newPartitionData = new ArrayList<>();
while (it.hasNext()) {
final Tuple2<Integer, List<CoverageModelCopyRatioEmissionData>> prevDatum =;
final int sampleIndex = prevDatum._1;
final CopyRatioCallingMetadata copyRatioCallingMetadata = CopyRatioCallingMetadata.builder().sampleName(processedSampleNameList.get(sampleIndex)).sampleSexGenotypeData(processedSampleSexGenotypeData.get(sampleIndex)).sampleCoverageDepth(sampleReadDepths.getDouble(sampleIndex)).emissionCalculationStrategy(EmissionCalculationStrategy.HYBRID_POISSON_GAUSSIAN).build();
newPartitionData.add(new Tuple2<>(sampleIndex, copyRatioExpectationsCalculator.getCopyRatioHMMResults(copyRatioCallingMetadata, processedTargetList, prevDatum._2)));
return newPartitionData.iterator();
}, true).mapPartitionsToPair(it -> {
final List<Tuple2<Integer, List<HiddenStateSegmentRecord<STATE, Target>>>> newPartitionData = new ArrayList<>();
while (it.hasNext()) {
final Tuple2<Integer, CopyRatioHMMResults<CoverageModelCopyRatioEmissionData, STATE>> prevDatum =;
final int sampleIndex = prevDatum._1;
final CopyRatioHMMResults<CoverageModelCopyRatioEmissionData, STATE> result = prevDatum._2;
final HMMSegmentProcessor<CoverageModelCopyRatioEmissionData, STATE, Target> processor = new HMMSegmentProcessor<>(Collections.singletonList(result.getMetaData().getSampleName()), Collections.singletonList(result.getMetaData().getSampleSexGenotypeData()), referenceStateFactory, Collections.singletonList(new HashedListTargetCollection<>(processedTargetList)), Collections.singletonList(result.getForwardBackwardResult()), Collections.singletonList(result.getViterbiResult()));
newPartitionData.add(new Tuple2<>(sampleIndex, processor.getSegmentsAsList()));
return newPartitionData.iterator();
}).collect().stream().sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(t -> t._1)).map(t -> t._2).collect(Collectors.toList());
use of java.util.function.BiFunction in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class ReadCountRecordUnitTest method testAppendCountsToBeyondEnd.
@Test(dataProvider = "testNonZeroCountsData", dependsOnMethods = "testAppendCountsTo", expectedExceptions = IllegalStateException.class)
public void testAppendCountsToBeyondEnd(@SuppressWarnings("unused") final String testName, final BiFunction<Target, double[], ? extends ReadCountRecord> constructor, final int size) {
final double[] counts = generateCounts(size);
final ReadCountRecord record = constructor.apply(TEST_TARGET, counts);
final List<String> columnNames = Stream.concat(Stream.concat(IntStream.range(0, 10).mapToObj(i -> "pre-padding_" + i), IntStream.range(0, counts.length).mapToObj(i -> "column_" + i)), IntStream.range(0, 10).mapToObj(i -> "post-padding_" + i)).collect(Collectors.toList());
final TableColumnCollection columns = new TableColumnCollection(columnNames);
final DataLine dataLine = new DataLine(columns, RuntimeException::new);
final double[] copiedCounts = new double[counts.length + 20];
Arrays.fill(copiedCounts, -11);;
use of java.util.function.BiFunction in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class ReadCountRecordUnitTest method testAppendCountsTo.
@Test(dataProvider = "testData", dependsOnMethods = "testCreation")
public void testAppendCountsTo(@SuppressWarnings("unused") final String testName, final BiFunction<Target, double[], ? extends ReadCountRecord> constructor, final int size) {
final double[] counts = generateCounts(size);
final boolean round = testName.equals("long[]");
final ReadCountRecord record = constructor.apply(TEST_TARGET, counts);
final List<String> columnNames = Stream.concat(Stream.concat(IntStream.range(0, 10).mapToObj(i -> "pre-padding_" + i), IntStream.range(0, counts.length).mapToObj(i -> "column_" + i)), IntStream.range(0, 10).mapToObj(i -> "post-padding_" + i)).collect(Collectors.toList());
final TableColumnCollection columns = new TableColumnCollection(columnNames);
final DataLine dataLine = new DataLine(columns, RuntimeException::new);
final double[] copiedCounts = new double[counts.length + 20];
Arrays.fill(copiedCounts, -11);
for (int i = 0; i < 10 + 10 + counts.length; i++) {
// Check the copied values.
if (!round) {
for (int i = 0; i < counts.length; i++) {
Assert.assertEquals(dataLine.getDouble(10 + i), counts[i], 0.0);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < counts.length; i++) {
Assert.assertEquals(dataLine.getDouble(10 + i), Math.round(counts[i]), 0.00001);
// Check that the padding remains intact:
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Assert.assertEquals(dataLine.get(i), "-11");
for (int i = counts.length + 10; i < copiedCounts.length; i++) {
Assert.assertEquals(dataLine.get(i), "-11");
use of java.util.function.BiFunction in project samza by apache.
the class StreamGraphImpl method getIntermediateStream.
* Internal helper for {@link MessageStreamImpl} to add an intermediate {@link MessageStream} to the graph.
* An intermediate {@link MessageStream} is both an output and an input stream.
* @param streamName the name of the stream to be created. Will be prefixed with job name and id to generate the
* logical streamId.
* @param keyExtractor the {@link Function} to extract the outgoing key from the intermediate message
* @param msgExtractor the {@link Function} to extract the outgoing message from the intermediate message
* @param msgBuilder the {@link BiFunction} to convert the incoming key and message to a message
* in the intermediate {@link MessageStream}
* @param <K> the type of key in the intermediate message
* @param <V> the type of message in the intermediate message
* @param <M> the type of messages in the intermediate {@link MessageStream}
* @return the intermediate {@link MessageStreamImpl}
<K, V, M> MessageStreamImpl<M> getIntermediateStream(String streamName, Function<? super M, ? extends K> keyExtractor, Function<? super M, ? extends V> msgExtractor, BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends M> msgBuilder) {
String streamId = String.format("%s-%s-%s", config.get(JobConfig.JOB_NAME()), config.get(JobConfig.JOB_ID(), "1"), streamName);
if (msgBuilder == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("msgBuilder cannot be null for an intermediate stream");
if (keyExtractor == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("keyExtractor can't be null for an output stream.");
if (msgExtractor == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("msgExtractor can't be null for an output stream.");
StreamSpec streamSpec = runner.getStreamSpec(streamId);
IntermediateStreamInternalImpl<K, V, M> intStream = (IntermediateStreamInternalImpl<K, V, M>) inStreams.computeIfAbsent(streamSpec, k -> new IntermediateStreamInternalImpl<>(this, streamSpec, (Function<M, K>) keyExtractor, (Function<M, V>) msgExtractor, (BiFunction<K, V, M>) msgBuilder));
outStreams.putIfAbsent(streamSpec, intStream);
return intStream;
use of java.util.function.BiFunction in project Gargoyle by callakrsos.
the class RequestUtil method request200.
public static <T> T request200(URL url, byte[] out, BiFunction<InputStream, Charset, T> response, boolean autoClose) throws Exception {
URLConnection openConnection = url.openConnection();
HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) openConnection;
InputStream is = null;
T result = null;
try {
conn.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:12.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/12.0");
conn.setRequestProperty("Accept-Encoding", "UTF-8");
// conn.setRequestProperty("Connection", "keep-alive");
conn.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json");
conn.setRequestProperty("Accept-Charset", "UTF-8");
conn.setRequestProperty("Accept-Encoding", "UTF-8");
conn.setRequestProperty("Accept-Language", "KR");
if (out != null) {
OutputStream stream = conn.getOutputStream();
is = conn.getInputStream();
String contentType = conn.getContentType();
String contentEncoding = conn.getContentEncoding();
// int contentLength = conn.getContentLength();
Map<String, List<String>> headerFields = conn.getHeaderFields();
try {
Optional<String> findAny = headerFields.keySet().stream().filter(f -> f != null).filter(str -> {
if ("Accept-Encoding".equals(str))
return true;
return str.toLowerCase().indexOf("charset") >= 0;
if (findAny.isPresent()) {
String wow = findAny.get();
List<String> list = headerFields.get(wow);
wow = list.get(0);
if (Charset.isSupported(wow)) {
contentEncoding = wow;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// String charset = "UTF-8";
if (ValueUtil.isEmpty(contentEncoding)) {
if (contentType != null) {
Optional<String> map = Stream.of(contentType.split(";")).filter(txt -> txt.toLowerCase().contains("charset")).findFirst().map(v -> {
return v.substring(v.indexOf("=") + 1);
if (map.isPresent())
contentEncoding = map.get();
else {
String headerField = conn.getHeaderField("Accept-Charset");
if (ValueUtil.isNotEmpty(headerField))
contentEncoding = headerField;
if (ValueUtil.isEmpty(contentEncoding)) {
contentEncoding = "UTF-8";
LOGGER.debug("force encoding 'UTF-8' - what is encoding ????? ########################################");
LOGGER.debug("code : [{}] [{}] URL : {} , ", conn.getResponseCode(), contentEncoding, url.toString());
if (200 == conn.getResponseCode()) {
result = response.apply(is, Charset.forName(contentEncoding));
} finally {
if (autoClose) {
if (is != null)
if (conn != null)
return result;