use of javafx.scene.effect.DropShadow in project PayFile by mikehearn.
the class ClickableBitcoinAddress method showQRCode.
protected void showQRCode(MouseEvent event) {
// Serialize to PNG and back into an image. Pretty lame but it's the shortest code to write and I'm feeling
// lazy tonight.
final byte[] imageBytes = QRCode.from(uri()).withSize(320, 240).to(ImageType.PNG).stream().toByteArray();
Image qrImage = new Image(new ByteArrayInputStream(imageBytes));
ImageView view = new ImageView(qrImage);
view.setEffect(new DropShadow());
// Embed the image in a pane to ensure the drop-shadow interacts with the fade nicely, otherwise it looks weird.
// Then fix the width/height to stop it expanding to fill the parent, which would result in the image being
// non-centered on the screen. Finally fade/blur it in.
Pane pane = new Pane(view);
pane.setMaxSize(qrImage.getWidth(), qrImage.getHeight());
final Main.OverlayUI<ClickableBitcoinAddress> overlay = Main.instance.overlayUI(pane, this);
view.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
public void handle(MouseEvent event) {
use of javafx.scene.effect.DropShadow in project Malai by arnobl.
the class Pencil method configureBindings.
protected void configureBindings() {
// A DnD interaction with the left button of the mouse will produce an AddShape command while interacting on the canvas.
// A temporary view of the created shape is created and displayed by the canvas.
// This view is removed at the end of the interaction.
nodeBinder(AddShape.class, new DnD()).on(canvas).map(i -> new AddShape(drawing, new MyRect(i.getSrcLocalPoint().getX(), i.getSrcLocalPoint().getY()))).first((c, i) -> canvas.setTmpShape(ViewFactory.INSTANCE.createViewShape(c.getShape()))).then((c, i) -> {
final MyRect sh = (MyRect) c.getShape();
sh.setWidth(i.getEndLocalPt().getX() - sh.getX());
sh.setHeight(i.getEndLocalPt().getY() - sh.getY());
}).when(i -> i.getButton() == MouseButton.PRIMARY).end((c, i) -> canvas.setTmpShape(null)).log(LogLevel.INTERACTION).strictStart().help(new AddRectHelpAnimation(learningPane, canvas)).bind();
// A DnD interaction with the right button of the mouse moves the targeted shape.
// To incrementally moves the shape, the DnD interaction has its parameter 'updateSrcOnUpdate' set to true:
// At each interaction updates, the source point and object take the latest target point and object.
// The DnD interaction can be stopped (aborted) by pressing the key 'ESC'. This cancels the ongoing command (that thus needs to be undoable).
nodeBinder(MoveShape.class, new DnD(true, true)).on(canvas.getShapesPane().getChildren()).map(i -> {
final MyShape sh = i.getSrcObject().map(o -> (MyShape) o.getUserData()).get();
return new MoveShape(sh, Bindings.createDoubleBinding(() -> sh.getX() + (i.getEndScenePt().getX() - i.getSrcScenePoint().getX()), i.endScenePtProperty(), i.srcScenePointProperty()), Bindings.createDoubleBinding(() -> sh.getY() + (i.getEndScenePt().getY() - i.getSrcScenePoint().getY()), i.endScenePtProperty(), i.srcScenePointProperty()));
}).when(i -> i.getButton() == MouseButton.SECONDARY).exec().first((c, i) -> {
// Required to grab the focus to get key events
Platform.runLater(() -> i.getSrcObject().get().requestFocus());
i.getSrcObject().get().setEffect(new DropShadow(20d, Color.BLACK));
}).endOrCancel((c, i) -> i.getSrcObject().get().setEffect(null)).strictStart().help(new MoveRectHelpAnimation(learningPane, canvas)).bind();
// nodeBinder(MoveShape.class, new CancellableDnD(true)).
// // The binding dynamically registers elements of the given observable list.
// // When nodes are added to this list, these nodes register the binding.
// // When nodes are removed from this list, their binding is cancelled.
// // This permits to interact on nodes (here, shapes) that are dynamically added to/removed from the canvas.
// on(canvas.getShapesPane().getChildren()).
// map(i -> new MoveShape(i.getSrcObject().map(o ->(MyShape) o.getUserData()).orElse(null))).
// then((a, i) -> a.setCoord(a.getShape().getX() + (i.getEndScenePt().getX() - i.getSrcScenePoint().getX()),
// a.getShape().getY() + (i.getEndScenePt().getY() - i.getSrcScenePoint().getY()))).
// when(i -> i.getButton() == MouseButton.SECONDARY).
// // exec(true): this allows to execute the command each time the interaction updates (and 'when' is true).
// exec(true).
// first((a, i) -> {
// // Required to grab the focus to get key events
// Platform.runLater(() -> i.getSrcObject().get().requestFocus());
// i.getSrcObject().get().setEffect(new DropShadow(20d, Color.BLACK));
// }).
// end((a, i) -> i.getSrcObject().get().setEffect(null)).
// strictStart().
// bind();
* A DnD on the colour picker produces ChangeCol commands when the target of the DnD is a shape
* (the shape we want to change the colour). The interim feedback changes the cursor during the DnD to show the dragged colour.
* Note that the feedback callback is not optimised here as the colour does not change during the DnD. The cursor
* should be changed in 'first'
nodeBinder(ChangeColour.class, new DnD()).on(lineCol).map(i -> new ChangeColour(lineCol.getValue(), null)).then((a, i) -> i.getEndObjet().map(view -> (MyShape) view.getUserData()).ifPresent(sh -> a.setShape(sh))).when(i -> i.getEndObjet().orElse(null) instanceof Shape).feedback(() -> lineCol.getScene().setCursor(new ColorCursor(lineCol.getValue()))).endOrCancel((a, i) -> lineCol.getScene().setCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT)).bind();
* A mouse pressure creates an anonymous command that simply shows a message in the console.
anonCmdBinder(() -> System.out.println("An example of the anonymous command."), new Press()).on(canvas).bind();
* A widget binding that execute a command asynchronously.
* Widgets and properties are provided to the binding to:
* show/hide the cancel button, provide widgets with information regarding the progress of the command execution.
buttonBinder(Save.class).on(save).async(cancel, progressbar.progressProperty(), textProgress.textProperty()).bind();
use of javafx.scene.effect.DropShadow in project jphp by jphp-compiler.
the class UXDropShadowEffect method __construct.
public void __construct(double radius) {
__wrappedObject = new DropShadow();
use of javafx.scene.effect.DropShadow in project bitsquare by bitsquare.
the class MainView method setupDisputesIcon.
private void setupDisputesIcon(Pane buttonHolder) {
Label label = new Label();
label.relocate(5, 1);
ImageView icon = new ImageView();
Pane notification = new Pane();
notification.relocate(30, 9);
notification.setEffect(new DropShadow(4, 1, 2, Color.GREY));
notification.getChildren().addAll(icon, label);
use of javafx.scene.effect.DropShadow in project FXGL by AlmasB.
the class HighlightSample method initUI.
protected void initUI() {
Text text = getUIFactory().newText("Level 1", Color.WHITESMOKE, 46.0);
DropShadow ds = new DropShadow(25, 0, 0, Color.BLACK);