use of javax.measure.quantity.Length in project sis by apache.
the class PositionalAccuracyConstant method getLinearAccuracy.
* Convenience method returning the accuracy in meters for the specified operation.
* This method tries each of the following procedures and returns the first successful one:
* <ul>
* <li>If at least one {@link QuantitativeResult} is found with a linear unit, then the largest
* accuracy estimate is converted to {@linkplain Units#METRE metres} and returned.</li>
* <li>Otherwise, if the operation is a {@link Conversion}, then returns 0 since a conversion
* is by definition accurate up to rounding errors.</li>
* <li>Otherwise, if the operation is a {@link Transformation}, then checks if the datum shift
* were applied with the help of Bursa-Wolf parameters. This procedure looks for SIS-specific
* <li>Otherwise, if the operation is a {@link ConcatenatedOperation}, returns the sum of the accuracy
* of all components. This is a conservative scenario where we assume that errors cumulate linearly.
* Note that this is not necessarily the "worst case" scenario since the accuracy could be worst
* if the math transforms are highly non-linear.</li>
* </ul>
* If the above is modified, please update {@code AbstractCoordinateOperation.getLinearAccuracy()} javadoc.
* @param operation the operation to inspect for accuracy.
* @return the accuracy estimate (always in meters), or NaN if unknown.
* @see org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.AbstractCoordinateOperation#getLinearAccuracy()
public static double getLinearAccuracy(final CoordinateOperation operation) {
double accuracy = Double.NaN;
final Collection<PositionalAccuracy> accuracies = operation.getCoordinateOperationAccuracy();
for (final PositionalAccuracy metadata : accuracies) {
for (final Result result : metadata.getResults()) {
if (result instanceof QuantitativeResult) {
final QuantitativeResult quantity = (QuantitativeResult) result;
final Collection<? extends Record> records = quantity.getValues();
if (records != null) {
final Unit<?> unit = quantity.getValueUnit();
if (Units.isLinear(unit)) {
final Unit<Length> unitOfLength = unit.asType(Length.class);
for (final Record record : records) {
for (final Object value : record.getAttributes().values()) {
if (value instanceof Number) {
double v = ((Number) value).doubleValue();
v = unitOfLength.getConverterTo(Units.METRE).convert(v);
if (v >= 0 && !(v <= accuracy)) {
// '!' is for replacing the NaN value.
accuracy = v;
if (Double.isNaN(accuracy)) {
* No quantitative (linear) accuracy were found. If the coordinate operation is actually
* a conversion, the accuracy is up to rounding error (i.e. conceptually 0) by definition.
if (operation instanceof Conversion) {
return 0;
* If the coordinate operation is actually a transformation, checks if Bursa-Wolf parameters
* were available for the datum shift. This is SIS-specific. See field javadoc for a rational
* about the return values chosen.
if (operation instanceof Transformation) {
if (accuracies.contains(DATUM_SHIFT_APPLIED)) {
if (accuracies.contains(DATUM_SHIFT_OMITTED)) {
* If the coordinate operation is a compound of other coordinate operations, returns the sum of their accuracy,
* skipping unknown ones. Making the sum is a conservative approach (not exactly the "worst case" scenario,
* since it could be worst if the transforms are highly non-linear).
if (operation instanceof ConcatenatedOperation) {
for (final CoordinateOperation op : ((ConcatenatedOperation) operation).getOperations()) {
final double candidate = Math.abs(getLinearAccuracy(op));
if (!Double.isNaN(candidate)) {
if (Double.isNaN(accuracy)) {
accuracy = candidate;
} else {
accuracy += candidate;
return accuracy;
use of javax.measure.quantity.Length in project sis by apache.
the class FranceGeocentricInterpolation method createMathTransform.
* Creates a transform from the specified group of parameter values.
* This method creates the transform from <em>target</em> to <em>source</em>
* (which is the direction that use the interpolation grid directly without iteration),
* then inverts the transform.
* @param factory the factory to use if this constructor needs to create other math transforms.
* @param values the group of parameter values.
* @return the created math transform.
* @throws ParameterNotFoundException if a required parameter was not found.
* @throws FactoryException if an error occurred while loading the grid.
public MathTransform createMathTransform(final MathTransformFactory factory, final ParameterValueGroup values) throws ParameterNotFoundException, FactoryException {
boolean withHeights = false;
final Parameters pg = Parameters.castOrWrap(values);
final Integer dim = pg.getValue(Molodensky.DIMENSION);
if (dim != null)
switch(dim) {
case 2:
case 3:
withHeights = true;
throw new InvalidParameterValueException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.IllegalArgumentValue_2, "dim", dim), "dim", dim);
final Path file = pg.getMandatoryValue(FILE);
final DatumShiftGridFile<Angle, Length> grid = getOrLoad(file, isRecognized(file) ? new double[] { TX, TY, TZ } : null, PRECISION);
MathTransform tr = createGeodeticTransformation(factory, createEllipsoid(pg, Molodensky.TGT_SEMI_MAJOR, Molodensky.TGT_SEMI_MINOR, // GRS 1980 ellipsoid
CommonCRS.ETRS89.ellipsoid()), createEllipsoid(pg, Molodensky.SRC_SEMI_MAJOR, Molodensky.SRC_SEMI_MINOR, // Clarke 1880 (IGN) ellipsoid
null), withHeights, grid);
try {
tr = tr.inverse();
} catch (NoninvertibleTransformException e) {
// Should never happen.
throw new FactoryException(e);
return tr;
use of javax.measure.quantity.Length in project sis by apache.
the class FranceGeocentricInterpolation method getOrLoad.
* Returns the grid of the given name. This method returns the cached instance if it still exists,
* or load the grid otherwise.
* @param file name of the datum shift grid file to load.
* @param averages an "average" value for the offset in each dimension, or {@code null} if unknown.
* @param scale the factor by which to multiply each compressed value before to add to the average value.
static DatumShiftGridFile<Angle, Length> getOrLoad(final Path file, final double[] averages, final double scale) throws FactoryException {
final Path resolved = DataDirectory.DATUM_CHANGES.resolve(file).toAbsolutePath();
DatumShiftGridFile<?, ?> grid = DatumShiftGridFile.CACHE.peek(resolved);
if (grid == null) {
final Cache.Handler<DatumShiftGridFile<?, ?>> handler = DatumShiftGridFile.CACHE.lock(resolved);
try {
grid = handler.peek();
if (grid == null) {
try (BufferedReader in = Files.newBufferedReader(resolved)) {
DatumShiftGridLoader.log(FranceGeocentricInterpolation.class, file);
final DatumShiftGridFile.Float<Angle, Length> g = load(in, file);
grid = DatumShiftGridCompressed.compress(g, averages, scale);
} catch (IOException | NoninvertibleTransformException | RuntimeException e) {
// NumberFormatException, ArithmeticException, NoSuchElementException, possibly other.
throw DatumShiftGridLoader.canNotLoad(HEADER, file, e);
grid = grid.useSharedData();
} finally {
return grid.castTo(Angle.class, Length.class);
use of javax.measure.quantity.Length in project sis by apache.
the class EPSGDataAccess method createEllipsoid.
* Creates a geometric figure that can be used to describe the approximate shape of the earth.
* In mathematical terms, it is a surface formed by the rotation of an ellipse about its minor axis.
* <div class="note"><b>Example:</b>
* some EPSG codes for ellipsoids are:
* <table class="sis" summary="EPSG codes examples">
* <tr><th>Code</th> <th>Description</th></tr>
* <tr><td>7030</td> <td>WGS 84</td></tr>
* <tr><td>7034</td> <td>Clarke 1880</td></tr>
* <tr><td>7048</td> <td>GRS 1980 Authalic Sphere</td></tr>
* </table></div>
* @param code value allocated by EPSG.
* @return the ellipsoid for the given code.
* @throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException if the specified {@code code} was not found.
* @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed for some other reason.
* @see #createGeodeticDatum(String)
* @see #createEllipsoidalCS(String)
* @see org.apache.sis.referencing.datum.DefaultEllipsoid
public synchronized Ellipsoid createEllipsoid(final String code) throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException, FactoryException {
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("code", code);
Ellipsoid returnValue = null;
try (ResultSet result = executeQuery("Ellipsoid", "ELLIPSOID_CODE", "ELLIPSOID_NAME", "SELECT ELLIPSOID_CODE," + " ELLIPSOID_NAME," + " SEMI_MAJOR_AXIS," + " INV_FLATTENING," + " SEMI_MINOR_AXIS," + " UOM_CODE," + " REMARKS," + " DEPRECATED" + " FROM [Ellipsoid]" + " WHERE ELLIPSOID_CODE = ?", code)) {
while ( {
* One of 'semiMinorAxis' and 'inverseFlattening' values can be NULL in the database.
* Consequently, we don't use 'getString(ResultSet, int)' for those parameters because
* we do not want to thrown an exception if a NULL value is found.
final Integer epsg = getInteger(code, result, 1);
final String name = getString(code, result, 2);
final double semiMajorAxis = getDouble(code, result, 3);
final double inverseFlattening = getOptionalDouble(result, 4);
final double semiMinorAxis = getOptionalDouble(result, 5);
final String unitCode = getString(code, result, 6);
final String remarks = getOptionalString(result, 7);
final boolean deprecated = getOptionalBoolean(result, 8);
final Unit<Length> unit = owner.createUnit(unitCode).asType(Length.class);
final Map<String, Object> properties = createProperties("Ellipsoid", name, epsg, remarks, deprecated);
final Ellipsoid ellipsoid;
if (Double.isNaN(inverseFlattening)) {
if (Double.isNaN(semiMinorAxis)) {
// Both are null, which is not allowed.
final String column = result.getMetaData().getColumnName(3);
throw new FactoryDataException(error().getString(Errors.Keys.NullValueInTable_3, code, column));
} else {
// We only have semiMinorAxis defined. It is OK
ellipsoid = owner.datumFactory.createEllipsoid(properties, semiMajorAxis, semiMinorAxis, unit);
} else {
if (!Double.isNaN(semiMinorAxis)) {
// Both 'inverseFlattening' and 'semiMinorAxis' are defined.
// Log a warning and create the ellipsoid using the inverse flattening.
final LogRecord record = resources().getLogRecord(Level.WARNING, Resources.Keys.AmbiguousEllipsoid_1, Constants.EPSG + DefaultNameSpace.DEFAULT_SEPARATOR + code);
Logging.log(EPSGDataAccess.class, "createEllipsoid", record);
ellipsoid = owner.datumFactory.createFlattenedSphere(properties, semiMajorAxis, inverseFlattening, unit);
returnValue = ensureSingleton(ellipsoid, returnValue, code);
} catch (SQLException exception) {
throw databaseFailure(Ellipsoid.class, code, exception);
if (returnValue == null) {
throw noSuchAuthorityCode(Ellipsoid.class, code);
return returnValue;
use of javax.measure.quantity.Length in project sis by apache.
the class CommonAuthorityFactory method createAuto.
* Creates a projected CRS from parameters in the {@code AUTO(2)} namespace.
* @param code the user-specified code, used only for error reporting.
* @param projection the projection code (e.g. 42001).
* @param isLegacy {@code true} if the code was found in {@code "AUTO"} or {@code "AUTO1"} namespace.
* @param factor the multiplication factor for the unit of measurement.
* @param longitude a longitude in the desired projection zone.
* @param latitude a latitude in the desired projection zone.
* @return the projected CRS for the given projection and parameters.
private ProjectedCRS createAuto(final String code, final int projection, final boolean isLegacy, final double factor, final double longitude, final double latitude) throws FactoryException {
Boolean isUTM = null;
String method = null;
String param = null;
switch(projection) {
* 42001: Universal Transverse Mercator — central meridian must be in the center of a UTM zone.
* 42002: Transverse Mercator — like 42001 except that central meridian can be anywhere.
* 42003: WGS 84 / Auto Orthographic — defined by "Central_Meridian" and "Latitude_of_Origin".
* 42004: WGS 84 / Auto Equirectangular — defined by "Central_Meridian" and "Standard_Parallel_1".
* 42005: WGS 84 / Auto Mollweide — defined by "Central_Meridian" only.
case 42001:
isUTM = true;
case 42002:
isUTM = (latitude == 0) && (Zoner.UTM.centralMeridian(, longitude)) == longitude);
case 42003:
method = "Orthographic";
param = Constants.LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN;
case 42004:
method = "Equirectangular";
param = Constants.STANDARD_PARALLEL_1;
case 42005:
method = "Mollweide";
throw noSuchAuthorityCode(String.valueOf(projection), code, null);
* For the (Universal) Transverse Mercator case (AUTO:42001 and 42002), we delegate to the CommonCRS
* enumeration if possible because CommonCRS will itself delegate to the EPSG factory if possible.
* The Math.signum(latitude) instruction is for preventing "AUTO:42001" to handle the UTM special cases
* (Norway and Svalbard) or to switch on the Universal Polar Stereographic projection for high latitudes,
* because the WMS specification does not said that we should.
final CommonCRS datum = CommonCRS.WGS84;
// To be set, directly or indirectly, to WGS84.geographic().
final GeographicCRS baseCRS;
// Temporary UTM projection, for extracting other properties.
final ProjectedCRS crs;
// Coordinate system with (E,N) axes in metres.
CartesianCS cs;
try {
if (isUTM != null && isUTM) {
crs = datum.universal(Math.signum(latitude), longitude);
if (factor == (isLegacy ? Constants.EPSG_METRE : 1)) {
return crs;
baseCRS = crs.getBaseCRS();
cs = crs.getCoordinateSystem();
} else {
cs = projectedCS;
if (cs == null) {
crs = datum.universal(Math.signum(latitude), longitude);
projectedCS = cs = crs.getCoordinateSystem();
baseCRS = crs.getBaseCRS();
} else {
crs = null;
baseCRS = datum.geographic();
* At this point we got a coordinate system with axes in metres.
* If the user asked for another unit of measurement, change the axes now.
Unit<Length> unit;
if (isLegacy) {
unit = createUnitFromEPSG(factor).asType(Length.class);
} else {
unit = Units.METRE;
if (factor != 1)
unit = unit.multiply(factor);
if (!Units.METRE.equals(unit)) {
cs = (CartesianCS) CoordinateSystems.replaceLinearUnit(cs, unit);
* Set the projection name, operation method and parameters. The parameters for the Transverse Mercator
* projection are a little bit more tedious to set, so we use a convenience method for that.
final GeodeticObjectBuilder builder = new GeodeticObjectBuilder();
if (isUTM != null) {
if (isUTM && crs != null) {
// else default to the conversion name, which is "Transverse Mercator".
builder.setTransverseMercator(isUTM ? Zoner.UTM : Zoner.ANY, latitude, longitude);
} else {
builder.setConversionMethod(method).addName(PROJECTION_NAMES[projection - FIRST_PROJECTION_CODE]).setParameter(Constants.CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, longitude, Units.DEGREE);
if (param != null) {
builder.setParameter(param, latitude, Units.DEGREE);
return builder.createProjectedCRS(baseCRS, cs);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw noSuchAuthorityCode(String.valueOf(projection), code, e);