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Example 96 with NamingException

use of javax.naming.NamingException in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class DefaultSubscriberImpl method subscribe.

   * Method subscribe
   * @param topic
   * @param listener
   * @param selector
   * @return long the subscription handle identifier
   * @throws JMSException
   * @throws NamingException
public long subscribe(String topic, SubscriptionListener listener, String selector) throws JMSException, NamingException {"subscribe(" + topic + ", listener, " + selector + ")");
    if (closed) {
        throw (new JMSException("Subscriber closed."));
    SubscriptionHandle handle = new SubscriptionHandle();
    StringBuffer local_selector = new StringBuffer();
    if (NotificationHelper.isNotification(topic)) {
        // this is a subscription to notifications, no further selection is required
    } else {
        // subscription to a generic topic, adding subscriber specific selection
        if (selector != null) {
            local_selector.append(" AND ");
        local_selector.append("( (");
        local_selector.append(" IS NULL) OR (");
        local_selector.append(" = '");
        local_selector.append("') )");
    TopicSession session = null;
    TopicSubscriber subscriber = null;
    Topic the_topic = createTopic(topic);
    try {
        session = connection.createTopicSession();
        subscriber = session.createSubscriber(the_topic, local_selector.toString(), false);
    } catch (JMSSecurityException jse) {
        cat.error("JMSSecurityException caught");
        throw (new NamingException(jse.getMessage()));
    } catch (JMSException je) {
        cat.error("JMSException caught");
        throw (new NamingException(je.getMessage()));
    } catch (ConnectionException ce) {
        cat.error("ConnectionException caught");
        throw (new JMSException(ce.getMessage()));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        cat.error("Generic exception caught", e);
    synchronized (subscribers) {
        subscribers.put(new Long(handle.getSubscriptionToken()), handle);
    if (!NotificationHelper.isNotification(topic)) {
        publishNotification(NotificationHelper.CONSUMER_OPEN_NOTIFICATION, handle);
    return handle.getSubscriptionToken();
Also used : TopicSubscriber(javax.jms.TopicSubscriber) TopicSession(javax.jms.TopicSession) JMSSecurityException(javax.jms.JMSSecurityException) JMSException(javax.jms.JMSException) NamingException(javax.naming.NamingException) Topic(javax.jms.Topic) NamingException(javax.naming.NamingException) JMSException(javax.jms.JMSException) MOMException( JMSSecurityException(javax.jms.JMSSecurityException)

Example 97 with NamingException

use of javax.naming.NamingException in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class DefaultSubscriberImpl method publishNotification.

   * Method publishNotification
   * @param type
   * @param handle
   * @throws JMSException
private void publishNotification(int type, SubscriptionHandle handle) throws JMSException {
    if (notificationsEnabled) {"publishNotification(" + type + ", " + handle.getSubscriptionTopic() + ", " + handle.getSubscriptionSelector() + ")");
        notificationMessage.setIntProperty(NotificationHelper.NOTIFICATION_TYPE_PROPERTY, type);
        notificationMessage.setStringProperty(NotificationHelper.SELECTOR_PROPERTY, handle.getSubscriptionSelector());
        notificationMessage.setStringProperty(NotificationHelper.TOPIC_PROPERTY, handle.getSubscriptionTopic());
        notificationMessage.setStringProperty(NotificationHelper.SUBSCRIPTION_ID_PROPERTY, subscriberId + "@" + handle.getSubscriptionToken());
        Topic t = null;
        try {
            t = createTopic(NotificationHelper.CarrierTopics[type]);
        } catch (NamingException ne) {
        notificationPublisher.publish(t, notificationMessage);
Also used : NamingException(javax.naming.NamingException) Topic(javax.jms.Topic)

Example 98 with NamingException

use of javax.naming.NamingException in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class JNDIContext method lookup.

	 * @see Context#lookup(Name)
	 * THIS IS OLD CDB implementation
	public Object lookup(Name name) throws NamingException {
		//System.out.println("CDBContext lookup on " + + " for " + name.toString());
		String nameToLookup = + "/" + name;
		String recordName = nameToLookup.substring(nameToLookup.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
		// get list from the server 
		String elements = dal.list_nodes(nameToLookup);
		try {
			if (elements.indexOf(recordName + ".xml") != -1) {
				String xml = dal.get_DAO(nameToLookup);
				return new JNDIXMLContext(nameToLookup, elements, xml);
			} else {
				if (elements.length() == 0 ) { // inside a XML?
					int slashIndex = nameToLookup.lastIndexOf('/');
					String newName;
					while( slashIndex != -1 ) {
						newName = nameToLookup.substring(0,slashIndex);
						recordName = newName.substring(newName.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
						elements = dal.list_nodes(newName);
						if (elements.indexOf(recordName + ".xml") != -1) {
							String xml = dal.get_DAO(newName);
							recordName = nameToLookup.substring(slashIndex+1);
							return new JNDIXMLContext(newName, elements, xml).lookup(recordName);
						slashIndex = newName.lastIndexOf('/');
					throw new NamingException("No name " + nameToLookup );
				return new JNDIContext(nameToLookup, elements);
		} catch (CDBRecordDoesNotExistEx e) {
			// if it does not exists then it is just a context
			return new JNDIContext(nameToLookup, elements);
		} catch (CDBXMLErrorEx e) {
			AcsJCDBXMLErrorEx acse = new AcsJCDBXMLErrorEx(e);
			throw new NamingException(acse.getFilename());
     * This methos returns either a new JNDI_Context or a new JNDI_XMLContxt obj.
public Object lookup(Name name) throws NamingException {
    final String lookupName = name.toString();
    final String fullLookupName = + "/" + lookupName;
    String daoElements = dal.list_daos(fullLookupName);
    if (daoElements.length() == 0)
        daoElements = null;
    // is subnode
    StringTokenizer token = new StringTokenizer(elements);
    while (token.hasMoreTokens()) if (token.nextElement().equals(lookupName)) {
        // is DAO?
        if (daoElements != null) {
            try {
                return new JNDIXMLContext(fullLookupName, dal.list_nodes(fullLookupName), dal.get_DAO(fullLookupName), logger);
            } catch (CDBXMLErrorEx th) {
                AcsJCDBXMLErrorEx jex = AcsJCDBXMLErrorEx.fromCDBXMLErrorEx(th);
                NamingException ex2 = new NamingException(jex.getFilename() + ": " + jex.getErrorString());
                throw ex2;
            } catch (Throwable th) {
                throw new NamingException("Failed to retrieve DAO: " + fullLookupName);
        } else
            return new JNDIContext(fullLookupName, dal.list_nodes(fullLookupName), logger);
    if (daoElements != null) {
        // lookup in DAO
        token = new StringTokenizer(daoElements);
        while (token.hasMoreTokens()) if (token.nextElement().equals(lookupName)) {
            try {
                return new JNDIXMLContext(fullLookupName, dal.list_nodes(fullLookupName), dal.get_DAO(fullLookupName), logger);
            } catch (CDBXMLErrorEx th) {
                AcsJCDBXMLErrorEx jex = AcsJCDBXMLErrorEx.fromCDBXMLErrorEx(th);
                NamingException ex2 = new NamingException(jex.getFilename() + ": " + jex.getErrorString());
                throw ex2;
            } catch (Throwable th) {
                throw new NamingException("Failed to retrieve DAO: " + fullLookupName);
    // not found
    throw new NamingException("No name " + fullLookupName);
Also used : StringTokenizer(java.util.StringTokenizer) CDBXMLErrorEx(alma.cdbErrType.CDBXMLErrorEx) AcsJCDBXMLErrorEx(alma.cdbErrType.wrappers.AcsJCDBXMLErrorEx) AcsJCDBXMLErrorEx(alma.cdbErrType.wrappers.AcsJCDBXMLErrorEx) NamingException(javax.naming.NamingException)

Example 99 with NamingException

use of javax.naming.NamingException in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class ManagerImpl method bind.

	 * Bind object to remote directory.
	 * Use INS syntax specified in the INS specification.
	 * In short, the syntax is that components are left-to-right slash ('/') separated and case-sensitive.
	 * The id and kind of each component are separated by the period character ('.').
	 * @param	remoteDirectory	remote directory context to be used.
	 * @param	name	name of the object, code non-<code>null</code>
	 * @param	object	object to be binded
private void bind(Context remoteDirectory, String name, String type, Object object) {
    assert (name != null);
    // do not bind interdomain names
    if (name.startsWith(CURL_URI_SCHEMA))
    if (remoteDirectory != null) {
        try {
            // hierarchical name check
            int pos = name.indexOf('/');
            if (pos != -1) {
                if (pos == 0 || pos == name.length())
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid hierarchical name '" + name + "'.");
                String parent = name.substring(0, pos);
                String child = name.substring(pos + 1);
                // lookup for subcontext, if not found create one
                Context parentContext = null;
                try {
                    parentContext = (Context) remoteDirectory.lookup(parent);
                } catch (NameNotFoundException nnfe) {
                // noop
                if (parentContext == null) {
                    parentContext = remoteDirectory.createSubcontext(parent);
                /// @todo temp. commented out
                //generateHiearchyContexts(remoteDirectory, parent, parentContext);
                // delegate
                bind(parentContext, child, type, object);
            NameParser parser = remoteDirectory.getNameParser("");
            Name n;
            if (type != null)
                n = parser.parse(name + "." + type);
                n = parser.parse(name);
            // special case
            if (name.endsWith(".D")) {
                remoteDirectory.rebind(n, object);
            /// @todo temp. commented out
            //generateHiearchyContexts(remoteDirectory, name, (Context)remoteDirectory.lookup(name));
            } else
                remoteDirectory.bind(n, object);
        } catch (NameAlreadyBoundException nabe) {
            rebind(remoteDirectory, name, type, object);
        } catch (NamingException ne) {
            CoreException ce = new CoreException("Failed to bind name '" + name + "' to the remote directory.", ne);
            logger.log(Level.FINE, ce.getMessage(), ce);
Also used : InitialContext(javax.naming.InitialContext) Context(javax.naming.Context) NameAlreadyBoundException(javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException) CoreException(com.cosylab.acs.maci.CoreException) NameNotFoundException(javax.naming.NameNotFoundException) NamingException(javax.naming.NamingException) NameParser(javax.naming.NameParser) Name(javax.naming.Name)

Example 100 with NamingException

use of javax.naming.NamingException in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class ManagerImpl method lookup.

	 * Lookups for an object in remote directory.
	 * Use INS syntax specified in the INS specification.
	 * In short, the syntax is that components are left-to-right slash ('/') separated and case-sensitive.
	 * The id and kind of each component are separated by the period character ('.').
	 * @param	remoteDirectory	remote directory context to be used.
	 * @param	name	name of the object, code non-<code>null</code>
	 * @param	type	type of the object
	 * @return	object	object found in the remote directory, <code>null<code> if nout found
private Object lookup(Context remoteDirectory, String name, String type) {
    assert (name != null);
    // do not look for interdomain names
    if (name.startsWith(CURL_URI_SCHEMA))
        return null;
    Object resolved = null;
    if (remoteDirectory != null) {
        try {
            NameParser parser = remoteDirectory.getNameParser("");
            Name n;
            if (type != null)
                n = parser.parse(name + "." + type);
                n = parser.parse(name);
            resolved = remoteDirectory.lookup(n);
        } catch (NamingException ne) {
            CoreException ce = new CoreException("Failed to lookup name '" + name + "' in the remote directory.", ne);
            logger.log(Level.FINE, ce.getMessage(), ce);
    return resolved;
Also used : CoreException(com.cosylab.acs.maci.CoreException) NamingException(javax.naming.NamingException) NameParser(javax.naming.NameParser) Name(javax.naming.Name)


NamingException (javax.naming.NamingException)505 InitialContext (javax.naming.InitialContext)172 Context (javax.naming.Context)146 IOException ( NameNotFoundException (javax.naming.NameNotFoundException)57 Test (org.junit.Test)51 DataSource (javax.sql.DataSource)47 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)45 Properties (java.util.Properties)42 Reference (javax.naming.Reference)37 Name (javax.naming.Name)36 Attribute ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)32 Connection (java.sql.Connection)31 DirContext ( NameAlreadyBoundException (javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException)29 Hashtable (java.util.Hashtable)27 SearchResult ( InitialDirContext ( OpenEJBException (org.apache.openejb.OpenEJBException)25