use of javax.naming.event.NamingEvent in project wildfly by wildfly.
the class NamingEventCoordinator method fireEvent.
* Fire a naming event. An event will be created with the provided information and sent to each listener that matches
* the target and scope information.
* @param context The event context generating the event.
* @param name The target name the event represents
* @param existingBinding The existing binding at the provided name
* @param newBinding The new binding at the provided name
* @param type The event type
* @param changeInfo The change info for the event
* @param scopes The scopes this event should be fired against
void fireEvent(final EventContext context, final Name name, final Binding existingBinding, final Binding newBinding, int type, final String changeInfo, final Integer... scopes) {
final String target = name.toString();
final Set<Integer> scopeSet = new HashSet<Integer>(Arrays.asList(scopes));
final NamingEvent event = new NamingEvent(context, type, newBinding, existingBinding, changeInfo);
final Set<ListenerHolder> holdersToFire = new HashSet<ListenerHolder>();
// Check for OBJECT_SCOPE based listeners
if (scopeSet.contains(EventContext.OBJECT_SCOPE)) {
final TargetScope targetScope = new TargetScope(target, EventContext.OBJECT_SCOPE);
final List<ListenerHolder> holders = holdersByTarget.get(targetScope);
if (holders != null) {
for (ListenerHolder holder : holders) {
// Check for ONELEVEL_SCOPE based listeners
if (scopeSet.contains(EventContext.ONELEVEL_SCOPE) && !name.isEmpty()) {
final TargetScope targetScope = new TargetScope(name.getPrefix(name.size() - 1).toString(), EventContext.ONELEVEL_SCOPE);
final List<ListenerHolder> holders = holdersByTarget.get(targetScope);
if (holders != null) {
for (ListenerHolder holder : holders) {
// Check for SUBTREE_SCOPE based listeners
if (scopeSet.contains(EventContext.SUBTREE_SCOPE) && !name.isEmpty()) {
for (int i = 1; i < name.size(); i++) {
final Name parentName = name.getPrefix(i);
final TargetScope targetScope = new TargetScope(parentName.toString(), EventContext.SUBTREE_SCOPE);
final List<ListenerHolder> holders = holdersByTarget.get(targetScope);
if (holders != null) {
for (ListenerHolder holder : holders) {
executor.execute(new FireEventTask(holdersToFire, event));
use of javax.naming.event.NamingEvent in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class EventQueue method run.
* Pull events off the queue and dispatch them.
public void run() {
QueueElement qe;
try {
while ((qe = dequeue()) != null) {
EventObject e = qe.event;
Vector<NamingListener> v = qe.vector;
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
if (e instanceof NamingEvent) {
((NamingEvent) e).dispatch(v.elementAt(i));
// An exception occurred: if notify all naming listeners
} else if (e instanceof NamingExceptionEvent) {
((NamingExceptionEvent) e).dispatch(v.elementAt(i));
} else if (e instanceof UnsolicitedNotificationEvent) {
((UnsolicitedNotificationEvent) e).dispatch((UnsolicitedNotificationListener) v.elementAt(i));
qe = null;
e = null;
v = null;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// just die