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Example 16 with Matrix3f

use of javax.vecmath.Matrix3f in project bdx by GoranM.

the class Mesh method vertTransformUV.

public void vertTransformUV(int materialSlot, Matrix3f matrix) {
    Matrix3f m = matrix;
    float[] vals = { m.m00, m.m10, m.m20, m.m01, m.m11, m.m21, m.m02, m.m12, m.m22 };
    float[] verts = new float[getVertexCount() * Bdx.VERT_STRIDE];
    MeshPart mp = model.meshParts.get(materialSlot); Matrix3(vals), verts, Bdx.VERT_STRIDE, 6, mp.offset, mp.size);
Also used : Matrix3f(javax.vecmath.Matrix3f) MeshPart( Matrix3(com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix3)

Example 17 with Matrix3f

use of javax.vecmath.Matrix3f in project bdx by GoranM.

the class CapsuleShape method getAabb.

public void getAabb(Transform t, Vector3f aabbMin, Vector3f aabbMax) {
    Stack stack = Stack.enter();
    Vector3f tmp = stack.allocVector3f();
    Vector3f halfExtents = stack.allocVector3f();
    halfExtents.set(getRadius(), getRadius(), getRadius());
    VectorUtil.setCoord(halfExtents, upAxis, getRadius() + getHalfHeight());
    halfExtents.x += getMargin();
    halfExtents.y += getMargin();
    halfExtents.z += getMargin();
    Matrix3f abs_b = stack.allocMatrix3f();
    Vector3f center = t.origin;
    Vector3f extent = stack.allocVector3f();
    abs_b.getRow(0, tmp);
    extent.x =;
    abs_b.getRow(1, tmp);
    extent.y =;
    abs_b.getRow(2, tmp);
    extent.z =;
    aabbMin.sub(center, extent);
    aabbMax.add(center, extent);
Also used : Matrix3f(javax.vecmath.Matrix3f) Vector3f(javax.vecmath.Vector3f) Stack(com.bulletphysics.util.Stack)

Example 18 with Matrix3f

use of javax.vecmath.Matrix3f in project bdx by GoranM.

the class CompoundShape method calculatePrincipalAxisTransform.

	 * Computes the exact moment of inertia and the transform from the coordinate
	 * system defined by the principal axes of the moment of inertia and the center
	 * of mass to the current coordinate system. "masses" points to an array
	 * of masses of the children. The resulting transform "principal" has to be
	 * applied inversely to all children transforms in order for the local coordinate
	 * system of the compound shape to be centered at the center of mass and to coincide
	 * with the principal axes. This also necessitates a correction of the world transform
	 * of the collision object by the principal transform.
public void calculatePrincipalAxisTransform(float[] masses, Transform principal, Vector3f inertia) {
    int n = children.size();
    Stack stack = Stack.enter();
    float totalMass = 0;
    Vector3f center = stack.allocVector3f();
    center.set(0, 0, 0);
    for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
        center.scaleAdd(masses[k], children.getQuick(k).transform.origin, center);
        totalMass += masses[k];
    center.scale(1f / totalMass);
    Matrix3f tensor = stack.allocMatrix3f();
    for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
        Vector3f i = stack.allocVector3f();
        children.getQuick(k).childShape.calculateLocalInertia(masses[k], i);
        Transform t = children.getQuick(k).transform;
        Vector3f o = stack.allocVector3f();
        o.sub(t.origin, center);
        // compute inertia tensor in coordinate system of compound shape
        Matrix3f j = stack.allocMatrix3f();
        j.m00 *= i.x;
        j.m01 *= i.x;
        j.m02 *= i.x;
        j.m10 *= i.y;
        j.m11 *= i.y;
        j.m12 *= i.y;
        j.m20 *= i.z;
        j.m21 *= i.z;
        j.m22 *= i.z;
        j.mul(t.basis, j);
        // add inertia tensor
        // compute inertia tensor of pointmass at o
        float o2 = o.lengthSquared();
        j.setRow(0, o2, 0, 0);
        j.setRow(1, 0, o2, 0);
        j.setRow(2, 0, 0, o2);
        j.m00 += o.x * -o.x;
        j.m01 += o.y * -o.x;
        j.m02 += o.z * -o.x;
        j.m10 += o.x * -o.y;
        j.m11 += o.y * -o.y;
        j.m12 += o.z * -o.y;
        j.m20 += o.x * -o.z;
        j.m21 += o.y * -o.z;
        j.m22 += o.z * -o.z;
        // add inertia tensor of pointmass
        tensor.m00 += masses[k] * j.m00;
        tensor.m01 += masses[k] * j.m01;
        tensor.m02 += masses[k] * j.m02;
        tensor.m10 += masses[k] * j.m10;
        tensor.m11 += masses[k] * j.m11;
        tensor.m12 += masses[k] * j.m12;
        tensor.m20 += masses[k] * j.m20;
        tensor.m21 += masses[k] * j.m21;
        tensor.m22 += masses[k] * j.m22;
    MatrixUtil.diagonalize(tensor, principal.basis, 0.00001f, 20);
    inertia.set(tensor.m00, tensor.m11, tensor.m22);
Also used : Matrix3f(javax.vecmath.Matrix3f) Vector3f(javax.vecmath.Vector3f) Transform(com.bulletphysics.linearmath.Transform) Stack(com.bulletphysics.util.Stack)

Example 19 with Matrix3f

use of javax.vecmath.Matrix3f in project bdx by GoranM.

the class CompoundShape method getAabb.

	 * getAabb's default implementation is brute force, expected derived classes to implement a fast dedicated version.
public void getAabb(Transform trans, Vector3f aabbMin, Vector3f aabbMax) {
    Stack stack = Stack.enter();
    Vector3f localHalfExtents = stack.allocVector3f();
    localHalfExtents.sub(localAabbMax, localAabbMin);
    localHalfExtents.x += getMargin();
    localHalfExtents.y += getMargin();
    localHalfExtents.z += getMargin();
    Vector3f localCenter = stack.allocVector3f();
    localCenter.add(localAabbMax, localAabbMin);
    Matrix3f abs_b = stack.alloc(trans.basis);
    Vector3f center = stack.alloc(localCenter);
    Vector3f tmp = stack.allocVector3f();
    Vector3f extent = stack.allocVector3f();
    abs_b.getRow(0, tmp);
    extent.x =;
    abs_b.getRow(1, tmp);
    extent.y =;
    abs_b.getRow(2, tmp);
    extent.z =;
    aabbMin.sub(center, extent);
    aabbMax.add(center, extent);
Also used : Matrix3f(javax.vecmath.Matrix3f) Vector3f(javax.vecmath.Vector3f) Stack(com.bulletphysics.util.Stack)

Example 20 with Matrix3f

use of javax.vecmath.Matrix3f in project bdx by GoranM.

the class ScaledBvhTriangleMeshShape method getAabb.

public void getAabb(Transform trans, Vector3f aabbMin, Vector3f aabbMax) {
    Stack stack = Stack.enter();
    Vector3f localAabbMin = bvhTriMeshShape.getLocalAabbMin(stack.allocVector3f());
    Vector3f localAabbMax = bvhTriMeshShape.getLocalAabbMax(stack.allocVector3f());
    Vector3f tmpLocalAabbMin = stack.allocVector3f();
    Vector3f tmpLocalAabbMax = stack.allocVector3f();
    VectorUtil.mul(tmpLocalAabbMin, localAabbMin, localScaling);
    VectorUtil.mul(tmpLocalAabbMax, localAabbMax, localScaling);
    localAabbMin.x = (localScaling.x >= 0f) ? tmpLocalAabbMin.x : tmpLocalAabbMax.x;
    localAabbMin.y = (localScaling.y >= 0f) ? tmpLocalAabbMin.y : tmpLocalAabbMax.y;
    localAabbMin.z = (localScaling.z >= 0f) ? tmpLocalAabbMin.z : tmpLocalAabbMax.z;
    localAabbMax.x = (localScaling.x <= 0f) ? tmpLocalAabbMin.x : tmpLocalAabbMax.x;
    localAabbMax.y = (localScaling.y <= 0f) ? tmpLocalAabbMin.y : tmpLocalAabbMax.y;
    localAabbMax.z = (localScaling.z <= 0f) ? tmpLocalAabbMin.z : tmpLocalAabbMax.z;
    Vector3f localHalfExtents = stack.allocVector3f();
    localHalfExtents.sub(localAabbMax, localAabbMin);
    float margin = bvhTriMeshShape.getMargin();
    localHalfExtents.x += margin;
    localHalfExtents.y += margin;
    localHalfExtents.z += margin;
    Vector3f localCenter = stack.allocVector3f();
    localCenter.add(localAabbMax, localAabbMin);
    Matrix3f abs_b = stack.alloc(trans.basis);
    Vector3f center = stack.alloc(localCenter);
    Vector3f extent = stack.allocVector3f();
    Vector3f tmp = stack.allocVector3f();
    abs_b.getRow(0, tmp);
    extent.x =;
    abs_b.getRow(1, tmp);
    extent.y =;
    abs_b.getRow(2, tmp);
    extent.z =;
    aabbMin.sub(center, extent);
    aabbMax.add(center, extent);
Also used : Matrix3f(javax.vecmath.Matrix3f) Vector3f(javax.vecmath.Vector3f) Stack(com.bulletphysics.util.Stack)


Matrix3f (javax.vecmath.Matrix3f)36 Vector3f (javax.vecmath.Vector3f)25 Stack (com.bulletphysics.util.Stack)23 Transform (com.bulletphysics.linearmath.Transform)8 Quat4f (javax.vecmath.Quat4f)5 RigidBody (com.bulletphysics.dynamics.RigidBody)4 ManifoldPoint (com.bulletphysics.collision.narrowphase.ManifoldPoint)3 Matrix4f (javax.vecmath.Matrix4f)3 MeshPart ( Model ( Node ( NodePart ( MeshPartBuilder ( ModelBuilder ( Matrix3 (com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix3)1 Vector3 (com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3)1 BoundingBox (com.badlogic.gdx.math.collision.BoundingBox)1 CollisionObject (com.bulletphysics.collision.dispatch.CollisionObject)1 ConvexCast (com.bulletphysics.collision.narrowphase.ConvexCast)1 CastResult (com.bulletphysics.collision.narrowphase.ConvexCast.CastResult)1