use of javax.vecmath.Matrix3f in project MinecraftForge by MinecraftForge.
the class ForgeHooksClient method applyUVLock.
public static BlockFaceUV applyUVLock(BlockFaceUV blockFaceUV, EnumFacing originalSide, ITransformation rotation) {
TRSRTransformation global = new TRSRTransformation(rotation.getMatrix());
Matrix4f uv = global.getUVLockTransform(originalSide).getMatrix();
Vector4f vec = new Vector4f(0, 0, 0, 1);
vec.x = blockFaceUV.getVertexU(blockFaceUV.getVertexRotatedRev(0)) / 16;
vec.y = blockFaceUV.getVertexV(blockFaceUV.getVertexRotatedRev(0)) / 16;
// / vec.w;
float uMin = 16 * vec.x;
// / vec.w;
float vMin = 16 * vec.y;
vec.x = blockFaceUV.getVertexU(blockFaceUV.getVertexRotatedRev(2)) / 16;
vec.y = blockFaceUV.getVertexV(blockFaceUV.getVertexRotatedRev(2)) / 16;
vec.z = 0;
vec.w = 1;
// / vec.w;
float uMax = 16 * vec.x;
// / vec.w;
float vMax = 16 * vec.y;
if (uMin > uMax) {
float t = uMin;
uMin = uMax;
uMax = t;
if (vMin > vMax) {
float t = vMin;
vMin = vMax;
vMax = t;
float a = (float) Math.toRadians(blockFaceUV.rotation);
Vector3f rv = new Vector3f(MathHelper.cos(a), MathHelper.sin(a), 0);
Matrix3f rot = new Matrix3f();
int angle = MathHelper.normalizeAngle(-(int) Math.round(Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(rv.y, rv.x)) / 90) * 90, 360);
return new BlockFaceUV(new float[] { uMin, vMin, uMax, vMax }, angle);
use of javax.vecmath.Matrix3f in project bdx by GoranM.
the class CollisionWorld method objectQuerySingle.
* objectQuerySingle performs a collision detection query and calls the resultCallback. It is used internally by rayTest.
public static void objectQuerySingle(ConvexShape castShape, Transform convexFromTrans, Transform convexToTrans, CollisionObject collisionObject, CollisionShape collisionShape, Transform colObjWorldTransform, ConvexResultCallback resultCallback, float allowedPenetration) {
Stack stack = Stack.enter();
if (collisionShape.isConvex()) {
CastResult castResult = new CastResult();
castResult.allowedPenetration = allowedPenetration;
// ??
castResult.fraction = 1f;
ConvexShape convexShape = (ConvexShape) collisionShape;
VoronoiSimplexSolver simplexSolver = new VoronoiSimplexSolver();
GjkEpaPenetrationDepthSolver gjkEpaPenetrationSolver = new GjkEpaPenetrationDepthSolver();
// JAVA TODO: should be convexCaster1
//ContinuousConvexCollision convexCaster1(castShape,convexShape,&simplexSolver,&gjkEpaPenetrationSolver);
GjkConvexCast convexCaster2 = new GjkConvexCast(castShape, convexShape, simplexSolver);
//btSubsimplexConvexCast convexCaster3(castShape,convexShape,&simplexSolver);
ConvexCast castPtr = convexCaster2;
if (castPtr.calcTimeOfImpact(convexFromTrans, convexToTrans, colObjWorldTransform, colObjWorldTransform, castResult)) {
// add hit
if (castResult.normal.lengthSquared() > 0.0001f) {
if (castResult.fraction < resultCallback.closestHitFraction) {
LocalConvexResult localConvexResult = new LocalConvexResult(collisionObject, null, castResult.normal, castResult.hitPoint, castResult.fraction);
boolean normalInWorldSpace = true;
resultCallback.addSingleResult(localConvexResult, normalInWorldSpace);
} else {
if (collisionShape.isConcave()) {
if (collisionShape.getShapeType() == BroadphaseNativeType.TRIANGLE_MESH_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE) {
BvhTriangleMeshShape triangleMesh = (BvhTriangleMeshShape) collisionShape;
Transform worldTocollisionObject = stack.allocTransform();
Vector3f convexFromLocal = stack.allocVector3f();
Vector3f convexToLocal = stack.allocVector3f();
// rotation of box in local mesh space = MeshRotation^-1 * ConvexToRotation
Transform rotationXform = stack.allocTransform();
Matrix3f tmpMat = stack.allocMatrix3f();
tmpMat.mul(worldTocollisionObject.basis, convexToTrans.basis);
BridgeTriangleConvexcastCallback tccb = new BridgeTriangleConvexcastCallback(castShape, convexFromTrans, convexToTrans, resultCallback, collisionObject, triangleMesh, colObjWorldTransform);
tccb.hitFraction = resultCallback.closestHitFraction;
tccb.normalInWorldSpace = true;
Vector3f boxMinLocal = stack.allocVector3f();
Vector3f boxMaxLocal = stack.allocVector3f();
castShape.getAabb(rotationXform, boxMinLocal, boxMaxLocal);
triangleMesh.performConvexcast(tccb, convexFromLocal, convexToLocal, boxMinLocal, boxMaxLocal);
} else {
BvhTriangleMeshShape triangleMesh = (BvhTriangleMeshShape) collisionShape;
Transform worldTocollisionObject = stack.allocTransform();
Vector3f convexFromLocal = stack.allocVector3f();
Vector3f convexToLocal = stack.allocVector3f();
// rotation of box in local mesh space = MeshRotation^-1 * ConvexToRotation
Transform rotationXform = stack.allocTransform();
Matrix3f tmpMat = stack.allocMatrix3f();
tmpMat.mul(worldTocollisionObject.basis, convexToTrans.basis);
BridgeTriangleConvexcastCallback tccb = new BridgeTriangleConvexcastCallback(castShape, convexFromTrans, convexToTrans, resultCallback, collisionObject, triangleMesh, colObjWorldTransform);
tccb.hitFraction = resultCallback.closestHitFraction;
tccb.normalInWorldSpace = false;
Vector3f boxMinLocal = stack.allocVector3f();
Vector3f boxMaxLocal = stack.allocVector3f();
castShape.getAabb(rotationXform, boxMinLocal, boxMaxLocal);
Vector3f rayAabbMinLocal = stack.alloc(convexFromLocal);
VectorUtil.setMin(rayAabbMinLocal, convexToLocal);
Vector3f rayAabbMaxLocal = stack.alloc(convexFromLocal);
VectorUtil.setMax(rayAabbMaxLocal, convexToLocal);
triangleMesh.processAllTriangles(tccb, rayAabbMinLocal, rayAabbMaxLocal);
} else {
// todo: use AABB tree or other BVH acceleration structure!
if (collisionShape.isCompound()) {
CompoundShape compoundShape = (CompoundShape) collisionShape;
for (int i = 0; i < compoundShape.getNumChildShapes(); i++) {
Transform childTrans = compoundShape.getChildTransform(i, stack.allocTransform());
CollisionShape childCollisionShape = compoundShape.getChildShape(i);
Transform childWorldTrans = stack.allocTransform();
childWorldTrans.mul(colObjWorldTransform, childTrans);
// replace collision shape so that callback can determine the triangle
CollisionShape saveCollisionShape = collisionObject.getCollisionShape();
objectQuerySingle(castShape, convexFromTrans, convexToTrans, collisionObject, childCollisionShape, childWorldTrans, resultCallback, allowedPenetration);
// restore
use of javax.vecmath.Matrix3f in project bdx by GoranM.
the class RigidBody method updateInertiaTensor.
public void updateInertiaTensor() {
Stack stack = Stack.enter();
Matrix3f mat1 = stack.allocMatrix3f();
MatrixUtil.scale(mat1, worldTransform.basis, invInertiaLocal);
Matrix3f mat2 = stack.alloc(worldTransform.basis);
invInertiaTensorWorld.mul(mat1, mat2);
use of javax.vecmath.Matrix3f in project bdx by GoranM.
the class Generic6DofConstraint method buildAngularJacobian.
protected void buildAngularJacobian(/*JacobianEntry jacAngular*/
int jacAngular_index, Vector3f jointAxisW) {
Stack stack = Stack.enter();
Matrix3f mat1 = rbA.getCenterOfMassTransform(stack.allocTransform()).basis;
Matrix3f mat2 = rbB.getCenterOfMassTransform(stack.allocTransform()).basis;
jacAng[jacAngular_index].init(jointAxisW, mat1, mat2, rbA.getInvInertiaDiagLocal(stack.allocVector3f()), rbB.getInvInertiaDiagLocal(stack.allocVector3f()));
use of javax.vecmath.Matrix3f in project bdx by GoranM.
the class Generic6DofConstraint method calculateAngleInfo.
* Calcs the euler angles between the two bodies.
protected void calculateAngleInfo() {
Stack stack = Stack.enter();
Matrix3f mat = stack.allocMatrix3f();
Matrix3f relative_frame = stack.allocMatrix3f();
relative_frame.mul(mat, calculatedTransformB.basis);
matrixToEulerXYZ(relative_frame, calculatedAxisAngleDiff);
// in euler angle mode we do not actually constrain the angular velocity
// along the axes axis[0] and axis[2] (although we do use axis[1]) :
// to get constrain w2-w1 along ...not
// ------ --------------------- ------
// d(angle[0])/dt = 0 ax[1] x ax[2] ax[0]
// d(angle[1])/dt = 0 ax[1]
// d(angle[2])/dt = 0 ax[0] x ax[1] ax[2]
// constraining w2-w1 along an axis 'a' means that a'*(w2-w1)=0.
// to prove the result for angle[0], write the expression for angle[0] from
// GetInfo1 then take the derivative. to prove this for angle[2] it is
// easier to take the euler rate expression for d(angle[2])/dt with respect
// to the components of w and set that to 0.
Vector3f axis0 = stack.allocVector3f();
calculatedTransformB.basis.getColumn(0, axis0);
Vector3f axis2 = stack.allocVector3f();
calculatedTransformA.basis.getColumn(2, axis2);
calculatedAxis[1].cross(axis2, axis0);
calculatedAxis[0].cross(calculatedAxis[1], axis2);
calculatedAxis[2].cross(axis0, calculatedAxis[1]);
// if(m_debugDrawer)
// {
// char buff[300];
// sprintf(buff,"\n X: %.2f ; Y: %.2f ; Z: %.2f ",
// m_calculatedAxisAngleDiff[0],
// m_calculatedAxisAngleDiff[1],
// m_calculatedAxisAngleDiff[2]);
// m_debugDrawer->reportErrorWarning(buff);
// }