use of jkind.lustre.IfThenElseExpr in project AGREE by loonwerks.
the class AgreeCalendarUtils method queueCircleNode.
public static Node queueCircleNode(String nodeName, Type type, int queueSize) {
List<VarDecl> inputs = new ArrayList<>();
List<VarDecl> outputs = new ArrayList<>();
List<VarDecl> locals = new ArrayList<>();
List<IdExpr> els = new ArrayList<>();
List<Equation> eqs = new ArrayList<>();
String elBase = "el";
IdExpr elemIn = new IdExpr("el_in");
IdExpr elemOut = new IdExpr("el_out");
IdExpr insert = new IdExpr("insert");
IdExpr remove = new IdExpr("remove");
IdExpr output = new IdExpr("output");
IdExpr input = new IdExpr("input");
IdExpr numEls = new IdExpr("num_els");
inputs.add(new VarDecl(, type));
inputs.add(new VarDecl(, NamedType.BOOL));
inputs.add(new VarDecl(, NamedType.BOOL));
outputs.add(new VarDecl(, NamedType.INT));
outputs.add(new VarDecl(, type));
locals.add(new VarDecl(, NamedType.INT));
locals.add(new VarDecl(, NamedType.INT));
for (int i = 0; i < queueSize; i++) {
IdExpr el = new IdExpr(elBase + i);
locals.add(new VarDecl(, type));
// equations for insert
Expr preInsert = new UnaryExpr(UnaryOp.PRE, insert);
Expr preInsertMore = new BinaryExpr(preInsert, BinaryOp.PLUS, new IntExpr(BigInteger.ONE));
Expr insertIf0 = new IfThenElseExpr(elemIn, preInsertMore, preInsert);
Expr insertIfCond = new BinaryExpr(preInsert, BinaryOp.EQUAL, new IntExpr(BigInteger.valueOf(queueSize - 1)));
insertIfCond = new BinaryExpr(elemIn, BinaryOp.AND, insertIfCond);
Expr insertIf1 = new IfThenElseExpr(insertIfCond, new IntExpr(BigInteger.ZERO), insertIf0);
Expr insertIf2 = new IfThenElseExpr(elemIn, new IntExpr(BigInteger.ONE), new IntExpr(BigInteger.ZERO));
Expr insertExpr = new BinaryExpr(insertIf2, BinaryOp.ARROW, insertIf1);
Equation insertEq = new Equation(insert, insertExpr);
// equations for remove
Expr preRemove = new UnaryExpr(UnaryOp.PRE, remove);
Expr preRemoveMore = new BinaryExpr(preRemove, BinaryOp.PLUS, new IntExpr(BigInteger.ONE));
Expr removeIf0 = new IfThenElseExpr(elemOut, preRemoveMore, preRemove);
Expr removeIfCond = new BinaryExpr(preRemove, BinaryOp.EQUAL, new IntExpr(BigInteger.valueOf(queueSize - 1)));
removeIfCond = new BinaryExpr(elemOut, BinaryOp.AND, removeIfCond);
Expr removeExpr = new IfThenElseExpr(removeIfCond, new IntExpr(BigInteger.ZERO), removeIf0);
removeExpr = new BinaryExpr(new IntExpr(BigInteger.ZERO), BinaryOp.ARROW, removeExpr);
Equation removeEq = new Equation(remove, removeExpr);
Expr preElemIn = new UnaryExpr(UnaryOp.PRE, elemIn);
Expr preElemOut = new UnaryExpr(UnaryOp.PRE, elemOut);
Expr preNumEls = new UnaryExpr(UnaryOp.PRE, numEls);
Expr preNumElsMore = new BinaryExpr(preNumEls, BinaryOp.PLUS, new IntExpr(BigInteger.ONE));
Expr preNumElsLessExpr = new BinaryExpr(preNumEls, BinaryOp.MINUS, new IntExpr(BigInteger.ONE));
Expr numElsIf0 = new IfThenElseExpr(preElemIn, preNumElsMore, preNumEls);
Expr numElsExpr = new IfThenElseExpr(preElemOut, preNumElsLessExpr, numElsIf0);
numElsExpr = new BinaryExpr(new IntExpr(BigInteger.ZERO), BinaryOp.ARROW, numElsExpr);
Equation numElsEq = new Equation(numEls, numElsExpr);
// equation for the output
Expr outputExpr = els.get(queueSize - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < queueSize - 1; i++) {
Expr cond = new BinaryExpr(preRemove, BinaryOp.EQUAL, new IntExpr(BigInteger.valueOf(i)));
outputExpr = new IfThenElseExpr(cond, els.get(i), outputExpr);
outputExpr = new BinaryExpr(els.get(0), BinaryOp.ARROW, outputExpr);
Equation outputEq = new Equation(output, outputExpr);
// equations for each queue element
for (int i = 0; i < queueSize; i++) {
Expr preEl = new UnaryExpr(UnaryOp.PRE, els.get(i));
Expr cond = new UnaryExpr(UnaryOp.PRE, insert);
cond = new BinaryExpr(cond, BinaryOp.EQUAL, new IntExpr(BigInteger.valueOf(i)));
cond = new BinaryExpr(elemIn, BinaryOp.AND, cond);
Expr elemIfExpr = new IfThenElseExpr(cond, input, preEl);
Expr elExpr = new BinaryExpr(input, BinaryOp.ARROW, elemIfExpr);
Equation elEq = new Equation(els.get(i), elExpr);
// queue properties:
List<String> props = new ArrayList<>();
// don't remove more than are present:
// Expr propExpr0 = new BinaryExpr(preRemove, BinaryOp.EQUAL,
// preInsert);
// Expr propExpr1 = new BinaryExpr(remove, BinaryOp.EQUAL, preRemove);
// Expr propImpl = new BinaryExpr(propExpr0, BinaryOp.IMPLIES,
// propExpr1);
// Expr propArrow = new BinaryExpr(remove, BinaryOp.LESSEQUAL, insert);
// propArrow = new BinaryExpr(propArrow, BinaryOp.ARROW, propImpl);
Expr propExpr = new BinaryExpr(numEls, BinaryOp.GREATEREQUAL, new IntExpr(BigInteger.ZERO));
IdExpr propId0 = new IdExpr("__REMOVE_LTE_INSERT_" + nodeName);
locals.add(new VarDecl(, NamedType.BOOL));
Equation propEq0 = new Equation(propId0, propExpr);
NodeBuilder builder = new NodeBuilder(nodeName);
use of jkind.lustre.IfThenElseExpr in project AGREE by loonwerks.
the class AgreeMakeClockedLustreNodes method getClockedNode.
private Node getClockedNode(String node) {
Node clockedNode = clockedNodeMap.get(node);
if (clockedNode == null) {
Node originalNode = null;
for (Node progNode : origProgram.globalLustreNodes) {
if ( == node) {
originalNode = progNode;
NodeBuilder builder = new NodeBuilder(originalNode);
builder.setId(clockedNodePrefix +;
builder.addInput(new VarDecl(clockVarName, NamedType.BOOL));
builder.addInput(new VarDecl(initVarName, NamedType.BOOL));
AgreeMakeClockedLustreNodes visitor = new AgreeMakeClockedLustreNodes(this, originalNode);
for (Equation eq : originalNode.equations) {
Expr newExpr = eq.expr.accept(visitor);
// this will make an unguarded pre expression, but any non initialized
// outputs should be masked by the init expression in the calling agree node
newExpr = new IfThenElseExpr(new IdExpr(clockVarName), newExpr, new UnaryExpr(UnaryOp.PRE, eq.lhs.get(0)));
builder.addEquation(new Equation(eq.lhs, newExpr));
clockedNode =;
clockedNodeMap.put(node, clockedNode);
return clockedNode;
use of jkind.lustre.IfThenElseExpr in project AGREE by loonwerks.
the class AgreePatternTranslator method translateCauseCondtionPattern.
// this method registers a timeout and creates an event that is true iff the
// condition
// holds during the given interval. This is meant to essentially translate a
// condition
// pattern to a purely event based pattern. it returns an IdExpr
// corresponding to the
// event that triggers when the condition is held for the interval
private IdExpr translateCauseCondtionPattern(AgreeCauseEffectPattern pattern, IdExpr causeId, AgreeNodeBuilder builder) {
AgreeVar causeRiseTimeVar = getTimeRise(, builder, pattern);
AgreeVar causeFallTimeVar = getTimeFall(, builder, pattern);
AgreeVar causeHeldVar = new AgreeVar(CAUSE_CONDITION_HELD_PREFIX +, NamedType.BOOL, pattern);
AgreeVar causeHeldTimeoutVar = new AgreeVar(CAUSE_CONDITION_TIMEOUT_PREFIX +, NamedType.REAL, pattern);
IdExpr causeFallTimeId = new IdExpr(;
IdExpr causeHeldId = new IdExpr(;
IdExpr causeRiseTimeId = new IdExpr(;
IdExpr causeHeldTimeoutId = new IdExpr(;
// timeout = if causeRiseTime > -1 and causeRiseTime > causeFallTime
// then
// causeRiseTime + h
// else
// -1
Expr posRise = new BinaryExpr(causeRiseTimeId, BinaryOp.GREATER, NEG_ONE);
Expr gtFall = new BinaryExpr(causeRiseTimeId, BinaryOp.GREATER, causeFallTimeId);
Expr cond = new BinaryExpr(posRise, BinaryOp.AND, gtFall);
Expr heldTime = new BinaryExpr(causeRiseTimeId, BinaryOp.PLUS, pattern.causeInterval.high);
Expr ifExpr = new IfThenElseExpr(cond, heldTime, NEG_ONE);
// builder.addLocalEquation(new AgreeEquation(causeHeldTimeoutId,
// ifExpr, pattern));
builder.addAssertion(new AgreeStatement(null, new BinaryExpr(causeHeldTimeoutId, BinaryOp.EQUAL, ifExpr), pattern));
// causeHeld = (t = causeHeldTimeout)
Expr causeHeldExpr = new BinaryExpr(timeExpr, BinaryOp.EQUAL, causeHeldTimeoutId);
builder.addLocalEquation(new AgreeEquation(causeHeldId, causeHeldExpr, pattern));
return causeHeldId;
use of jkind.lustre.IfThenElseExpr in project AGREE by loonwerks.
the class AgreePatternTranslator method translatePatternConstraint.
private Expr translatePatternConstraint(AgreeSporadicPattern pattern, AgreeNodeBuilder builder, EObject varReference) {
AgreeVar jitterVar = new AgreeVar(JITTER_PREFIX + patternIndex, NamedType.REAL, varReference);
AgreeVar periodVar = new AgreeVar(PERIOD_PREFIX + patternIndex, NamedType.REAL, varReference);
AgreeVar timeoutVar = new AgreeVar(TIMEOUT_PREFIX + patternIndex, NamedType.REAL, varReference);
IdExpr jitterId = new IdExpr(;
IdExpr periodId = new IdExpr(;
IdExpr timeoutId = new IdExpr(;
// -j <= jitter <= j
Expr jitterLow = new BinaryExpr(new UnaryExpr(UnaryOp.NEGATIVE, pattern.jitter), BinaryOp.LESSEQUAL, jitterId);
Expr jitterHigh = new BinaryExpr(jitterId, BinaryOp.LESSEQUAL, pattern.jitter);
builder.addAssertion(new AgreeStatement(null, new BinaryExpr(jitterLow, BinaryOp.AND, jitterHigh), pattern.reference));
// pnext >= 0 -> if pre ((pnext + jitter) = t) then pnext >= p +
// pre(pnext) else pre(pnext)
Expr prePNext = new UnaryExpr(UnaryOp.PRE, periodId);
Expr pNextInit = new BinaryExpr(periodId, BinaryOp.GREATEREQUAL, new RealExpr(BigDecimal.ZERO));
Expr pNextCond = new BinaryExpr(periodId, BinaryOp.PLUS, jitterId);
pNextCond = new BinaryExpr(pNextCond, BinaryOp.EQUAL, timeExpr);
pNextCond = new UnaryExpr(UnaryOp.PRE, pNextCond);
Expr pNextThen = new BinaryExpr(pattern.period, BinaryOp.PLUS, prePNext);
pNextThen = new BinaryExpr(periodId, BinaryOp.GREATEREQUAL, pNextThen);
Expr pNextHold = new BinaryExpr(periodId, BinaryOp.EQUAL, prePNext);
Expr pNextIf = new IfThenElseExpr(pNextCond, pNextThen, pNextHold);
Expr pNext = new BinaryExpr(pNextInit, BinaryOp.ARROW, pNextIf);
builder.addAssertion(new AgreeStatement(null, pNext, pattern.reference));
// timeout = pnext + jitter
Expr timeoutExpr = new BinaryExpr(periodId, BinaryOp.PLUS, jitterId);
timeoutExpr = new BinaryExpr(timeoutId, BinaryOp.EQUAL, timeoutExpr);
builder.addAssertion(new AgreeStatement(null, timeoutExpr, pattern.reference));
// event = (t = timeout)
Expr eventExpr = new BinaryExpr(timeExpr, BinaryOp.EQUAL, timeoutId);
eventExpr = new BinaryExpr(pattern.event, BinaryOp.EQUAL, eventExpr);
return eventExpr;
use of jkind.lustre.IfThenElseExpr in project AMASE by loonwerks.
the class AddFaultsToNodeVisitor method addAsymFaultAssertions.
* Method adds assertions associated with the asym fault event. Adds triggers
* for the communication node faults: __fault__trigger__Sender__fault_1 : bool;
* Adds trigger expression linking fault of sender node to the comm node
* behavior: output = if __fault__trigger__Sender__fault_1 then
* Sender__fault_1__node__val_out else __fault__nominal__output
* @param nb NodeBuilder that will have these assertions added.
private void addAsymFaultAssertions(AgreeNodeBuilder nb) {
// List of idExpr holding dep ids and list for indep ids
List<Expr> triggerList = new ArrayList<>();
for (Fault fault : mapAsymFaultToCommNodes.keySet()) {
for (String nodeName : mapAsymFaultToCommNodes.get(fault)) {
// Create trigger statements for each of the faults comm nodes
IdExpr trigger = new IdExpr(nodeName + "__fault__trigger__" +;
// Create trigger expression that links fault of sender node to comm node
// trigger.
String compName = mapAsymFaultToCompName.get(fault);
IdExpr trigger = new IdExpr(compName + "__fault__trigger__" +;
Expr bigOrExpr = buildBigOrExpr(triggerList, 0);
Expr notBigOrExpr = new UnaryExpr(UnaryOp.NOT, bigOrExpr);
Expr ifThenElse = new IfThenElseExpr(trigger, bigOrExpr, notBigOrExpr);
nb.addAssertion(new AgreeStatement("", ifThenElse, this.topNode.reference));