use of jkind.lustre.IfThenElseExpr in project AGREE by loonwerks.
the class LustreCondactNodeVisitor method translate.
public static Node translate(AgreeProgram agreeProgram, AgreeNode agreeNode, Node node) {
if (node.outputs.size() != 1) {
throw new AgreeException("We expect that this node only has a single output representing " + "all constraints for the contract");
LustreCondactNodeVisitor visitor = new LustreCondactNodeVisitor(agreeProgram, node);
NodeBuilder builder = new NodeBuilder(node);
builder.addInput(new AgreeVar(clockVarName, NamedType.BOOL, null));
Expr holdExpr = new BoolExpr(true);
// make clock hold exprs
for (AgreeVar var : agreeNode.outputs) {
Expr varId = new IdExpr(;
Expr preVar = new UnaryExpr(UnaryOp.PRE, varId);
holdExpr = new BinaryExpr(holdExpr, BinaryOp.AND, new BinaryExpr(varId, BinaryOp.EQUAL, preVar));
holdExpr = new BinaryExpr(new BoolExpr(true), BinaryOp.ARROW, holdExpr);
for (int i = 0; i < agreeNode.assumptions.size(); i++) {
Expr varId = new IdExpr(LustreAstBuilder.assumeSuffix + i);
Expr preVar = new UnaryExpr(UnaryOp.PRE, varId);
preVar = new BinaryExpr(new BoolExpr(true), BinaryOp.ARROW, preVar);
holdExpr = new BinaryExpr(holdExpr, BinaryOp.AND, new BinaryExpr(varId, BinaryOp.EQUAL, preVar));
holdExpr = expr("(not clk => holdExpr)", to("clk", clockVarName), to("holdExpr", holdExpr));
// make the constraint for the initial outputs
Expr initConstr = expr("not ticked => initExpr", to("ticked", tickedVarName), to("initExpr", agreeNode.initialConstraint));
// re-write the old expression using the visitor
for (Equation eq : node.equations) {
if (eq.lhs.size() != 1) {
throw new AgreeException("we expect that all eqs have a single lhs now");
IdExpr var = eq.lhs.get(0);
boolean isLocal = false;
for (VarDecl local : node.locals) {
if ( {
isLocal = true;
if (isLocal) {
Expr newExpr = eq.expr.accept(visitor);
newExpr = new IfThenElseExpr(new IdExpr(clockVarName), newExpr, new UnaryExpr(UnaryOp.PRE, var));
builder.addEquation(new Equation(eq.lhs, newExpr));
} else {
// this is the only output
Expr newExpr = eq.expr.accept(visitor);
newExpr = new BinaryExpr(new IdExpr(clockVarName), BinaryOp.IMPLIES, newExpr);
builder.addEquation(new Equation(eq.lhs, new BinaryExpr(initConstr, BinaryOp.AND, new BinaryExpr(holdExpr, BinaryOp.AND, newExpr))));
// this var equations should be populated by the visitor call above
use of jkind.lustre.IfThenElseExpr in project AGREE by loonwerks.
the class AgreePatternTranslator method translatePatternEventProperty.
private Expr translatePatternEventProperty(AgreeCauseEffectPattern pattern, AgreeNodeBuilder builder, IdExpr causeId, IdExpr effectId) {
EObject varReference = pattern.reference;
AgreeVar timerVar = new AgreeVar(TIMER_PREFIX + patternIndex, NamedType.REAL, varReference);
AgreeVar runVar = new AgreeVar(RUNNING_PREFIX + patternIndex, NamedType.BOOL, varReference);
AgreeVar recordVar = new AgreeVar(RECORD_PREFIX + patternIndex, NamedType.BOOL, varReference);
IdExpr timerId = new IdExpr(;
IdExpr runId = new IdExpr(;
IdExpr recordId = new IdExpr(;
// run = record -> if pre(run) and e and l <= timer <= h then
// false
// else
// if record then
// true
// else
// pre(run)
Expr preRun = new UnaryExpr(UnaryOp.PRE, runId);
Expr if2 = new IfThenElseExpr(recordId, new BoolExpr(true), preRun);
BinaryOp left = getIntervalLeftOp(pattern.effectInterval);
BinaryOp right = getIntervalRightOp(pattern.effectInterval);
Expr timerLow = new BinaryExpr(pattern.effectInterval.low, left, timerId);
Expr timerHigh = new BinaryExpr(timerId, right, pattern.effectInterval.high);
Expr cond1 = new BinaryExpr(preRun, BinaryOp.AND, effectId);
cond1 = new BinaryExpr(cond1, BinaryOp.AND, timerLow);
cond1 = new BinaryExpr(cond1, BinaryOp.AND, timerHigh);
Expr if1 = new IfThenElseExpr(cond1, new BoolExpr(false), if2);
Expr runExpr = new BinaryExpr(recordId, BinaryOp.ARROW, if1);
builder.addLocalEquation(new AgreeEquation(runId, runExpr, varReference));
// timer = (0 -> if pre(run) then pre(timer) + (t - pre(t)) else 0)
Expr preTimer = new UnaryExpr(UnaryOp.PRE, timerId);
Expr preT = new UnaryExpr(UnaryOp.PRE, timeExpr);
Expr elapsed = new BinaryExpr(timeExpr, BinaryOp.MINUS, preT);
Expr total = new BinaryExpr(preTimer, BinaryOp.PLUS, elapsed);
Expr timerExpr = new IfThenElseExpr(preRun, total, new RealExpr(BigDecimal.ZERO));
timerExpr = new BinaryExpr(new RealExpr(BigDecimal.ZERO), BinaryOp.ARROW, timerExpr);
builder.addLocalEquation(new AgreeEquation(timerId, timerExpr, varReference));
// property that should be true for timer to help induction
Expr expr = new BinaryExpr(timerId, BinaryOp.GREATEREQUAL, new RealExpr(BigDecimal.ZERO));
builder.addAssertion(new AgreeStatement(null, expr, varReference));
// record => cause and not (e and (l = 0))
Expr causeExpr;
if (pattern.effectInterval.type == IntervalType.OPEN_LEFT || pattern.effectInterval.type == IntervalType.OPEN) {
causeExpr = causeId;
} else {
Expr eAndLZero = new BinaryExpr(pattern.effectInterval.low, BinaryOp.EQUAL, new RealExpr(BigDecimal.ZERO));
eAndLZero = new BinaryExpr(effectId, BinaryOp.AND, eAndLZero);
Expr notEAndLZero = new UnaryExpr(UnaryOp.NOT, eAndLZero);
causeExpr = new BinaryExpr(causeId, BinaryOp.AND, notEAndLZero);
Expr recordExpr = new BinaryExpr(recordId, BinaryOp.IMPLIES, causeExpr);
AgreeStatement statement = new AgreeStatement(null, recordExpr, varReference);
// lemma to help induction
AgreeVar timeOfCause = getTimeOf(, builder, pattern);
AgreeVar timeOfEffect = getTimeOf(, builder, pattern);
// Expr expr = expr("(timer > 0.0 => timeOfCause > 0.0) and "
// + "(timeOfEffect < timeOfCause => timer <= time - timeOfCause) and "
// + "(cause => timeOfCause = time) and"
// + "(true -> ((pre (timeOfEffect - low > timeOfCause)) => timer =
// 0.0))",
// to("timer", timerVar),
// to("timeOfCause", timeOfCause),
// to("time", timeExpr),
// to("cause", causeId),
// to("timeOfEffect", timeOfEffect),
// to("low", pattern.effectInterval.low));
Expr expr = expr("(timer > 0.0 => timeOfCause >= 0.0) and " + "(timer <= time) and" + "(timeOfEffect >= timeOfCause and timer <= high and timeOfEffect >= time - timer + low => not run) and" + "(true -> (pre(timeOfEffect >= timeOfCause + low and timeOfEffect <= timeOfCause + high and timer <= high) => timer = 0.0)) and" + "(timer = 0.0 or timer >= time - timeOfCause)", to("timer", timerVar), to("timeOfCause", timeOfCause), to("timeOfEffect", timeOfEffect), to("time", timeExpr), to("low", pattern.effectInterval.low), to("high", pattern.effectInterval.high), to("run", runVar));
builder.addPatternProp(new AgreeStatement("Timer Lemma for Pattern " + patternIndex, expr, pattern));
// timer <= h
BinaryOp right = getIntervalRightOp(pattern.effectInterval);
return new BinaryExpr(timerId, right, pattern.effectInterval.high);
use of jkind.lustre.IfThenElseExpr in project AGREE by loonwerks.
the class AgreeRealtimeCalendarBuilder method getMinPosNode.
private static Node getMinPosNode() {
NodeBuilder builder = new NodeBuilder(MIN_POS_NODE_NAME);
IdExpr a = new IdExpr("a");
IdExpr b = new IdExpr("b");
IdExpr ret = new IdExpr("ret");
builder.addInput(new VarDecl(, NamedType.REAL));
builder.addInput(new VarDecl(, NamedType.REAL));
builder.addOutput(new VarDecl(, NamedType.REAL));
Expr aLessB = new BinaryExpr(a, BinaryOp.LESSEQUAL, b);
Expr bNeg = new BinaryExpr(b, BinaryOp.LESSEQUAL, new RealExpr(BigDecimal.ZERO));
Expr aNeg = new BinaryExpr(a, BinaryOp.LESSEQUAL, new RealExpr(BigDecimal.ZERO));
Expr ifALessB = new IfThenElseExpr(aLessB, a, b);
Expr ifBNeg = new IfThenElseExpr(bNeg, a, ifALessB);
Expr ifANeg = new IfThenElseExpr(aNeg, b, ifBNeg);
builder.addEquation(new Equation(ret, ifANeg));
use of jkind.lustre.IfThenElseExpr in project AGREE by loonwerks.
the class ReplaceFollowedByOperator method visit.
public Expr visit(final BinaryExpr e) {
// Convert any usage of the followed by/arrow operator when an if then else expression involving the step variable
if (e.op == BinaryOp.ARROW) {
final Expr ifExpression = new BinaryExpr(new IdExpr(stepVariableId), BinaryOp.EQUAL, new IntExpr(firstStepValue));
final Expr newExpression = new IfThenElseExpr(ifExpression, e.left.accept(this), e.right.accept(this));
return newExpression;
return super.visit(e);
use of jkind.lustre.IfThenElseExpr in project AGREE by loonwerks.
the class AgreeCalendarUtils method queueNode.
public static Node queueNode(String nodeName, Type type, int queueSize) {
List<VarDecl> inputs = new ArrayList<>();
List<VarDecl> outputs = new ArrayList<>();
List<VarDecl> locals = new ArrayList<>();
List<IdExpr> els = new ArrayList<>();
List<Equation> eqs = new ArrayList<>();
String elBase = "el";
IdExpr elemIn = new IdExpr("el_in");
IdExpr elemOut = new IdExpr("el_out");
IdExpr insert = new IdExpr("insert");
IdExpr output = new IdExpr("output");
IdExpr input = new IdExpr("input");
IdExpr numEls = new IdExpr("num_els");
inputs.add(new VarDecl(, type));
inputs.add(new VarDecl(, NamedType.BOOL));
inputs.add(new VarDecl(, NamedType.BOOL));
outputs.add(new VarDecl(, NamedType.INT));
outputs.add(new VarDecl(, type));
locals.add(new VarDecl(, NamedType.INT));
// add an extra "dummy element" for handling too many inserts
for (int i = 0; i < queueSize + 1; i++) {
IdExpr el = new IdExpr(elBase + i);
locals.add(new VarDecl(, type));
// equation for insert
Expr preElemIn = new UnaryExpr(UnaryOp.PRE, elemIn);
Expr preElemOut = new UnaryExpr(UnaryOp.PRE, elemOut);
Expr preInsert = new UnaryExpr(UnaryOp.PRE, insert);
Expr preInsertMore = new BinaryExpr(preInsert, BinaryOp.PLUS, new IntExpr(BigInteger.ONE));
Expr preInsertLess = new BinaryExpr(preInsert, BinaryOp.MINUS, new IntExpr(BigInteger.ONE));
Expr insertIf0 = new IfThenElseExpr(preElemIn, preInsertMore, preInsert);
Expr insertIf1 = new IfThenElseExpr(preElemOut, preInsertLess, insertIf0);
Expr insertExpr = new BinaryExpr(new IntExpr(BigInteger.ZERO), BinaryOp.ARROW, insertIf1);
Equation insertEq = new Equation(insert, insertExpr);
// equation for numEls
Expr preNumEls = new UnaryExpr(UnaryOp.PRE, numEls);
Expr preNumElsMore = new BinaryExpr(preNumEls, BinaryOp.PLUS, new IntExpr(BigInteger.ONE));
Expr preNumElsLessExpr = new BinaryExpr(preNumEls, BinaryOp.MINUS, new IntExpr(BigInteger.ONE));
Expr numElsIf0 = new IfThenElseExpr(preElemIn, preNumElsMore, preNumEls);
Expr numElsExpr = new IfThenElseExpr(preElemOut, preNumElsLessExpr, numElsIf0);
numElsExpr = new BinaryExpr(new IntExpr(BigInteger.ZERO), BinaryOp.ARROW, numElsExpr);
Equation numElsEq = new Equation(numEls, numElsExpr);
// equation for the output
Equation outputEq = new Equation(output, new IdExpr(elBase + 0));
// equations for each queue element
Expr preInput = new UnaryExpr(UnaryOp.PRE, input);
for (int i = 0; i < queueSize; i++) {
Expr preEl = new UnaryExpr(UnaryOp.PRE, els.get(i));
Expr cond = new UnaryExpr(UnaryOp.PRE, insert);
cond = new BinaryExpr(cond, BinaryOp.EQUAL, new IntExpr(BigInteger.valueOf(i)));
cond = new BinaryExpr(preElemIn, BinaryOp.AND, cond);
Expr elemIf0 = new IfThenElseExpr(cond, preInput, preEl);
Expr elemIf1 = new IfThenElseExpr(preElemOut, els.get(i + 1), elemIf0);
Expr elExpr = new BinaryExpr(input, BinaryOp.ARROW, elemIf1);
Equation elEq = new Equation(els.get(i), elExpr);
// special case for the dummy element
Equation elEq = new Equation(els.get(queueSize), input);
// queue properties:
List<String> props = new ArrayList<>();
// don't remove more than are present:
// Expr propExpr0 = new BinaryExpr(preRemove, BinaryOp.EQUAL,
// preInsert);
// Expr propExpr1 = new BinaryExpr(remove, BinaryOp.EQUAL, preRemove);
// Expr propImpl = new BinaryExpr(propExpr0, BinaryOp.IMPLIES,
// propExpr1);
// Expr propArrow = new BinaryExpr(remove, BinaryOp.LESSEQUAL, insert);
// propArrow = new BinaryExpr(propArrow, BinaryOp.ARROW, propImpl);
Expr propExpr = new BinaryExpr(numEls, BinaryOp.GREATEREQUAL, new IntExpr(BigInteger.ZERO));
IdExpr propId0 = new IdExpr("__REMOVE_LTE_INSERT_" + nodeName);
locals.add(new VarDecl(, NamedType.BOOL));
Equation propEq0 = new Equation(propId0, propExpr);
NodeBuilder builder = new NodeBuilder(nodeName);