use of lucee.runtime.config.DebugEntry in project Lucee by lucee.
the class Admin method doGetDebugEntry.
private void doGetDebugEntry() throws PageException {
DebugEntry[] entries = config.getDebugEntries();
String rtn = getString("admin", action, "returnVariable");
lucee.runtime.type.Query qry = new QueryImpl(new Collection.Key[] { KeyConstants._id, LABEL, IP_RANGE, READONLY, KeyConstants._type, CUSTOM }, entries.length, rtn);
pageContext.setVariable(rtn, qry);
DebugEntry de;
for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
int row = i + 1;
de = entries[i];
qry.setAtEL(KeyConstants._id, row, de.getId());
qry.setAtEL(LABEL, row, de.getLabel());
qry.setAtEL(IP_RANGE, row, de.getIpRangeAsString());
qry.setAtEL(KeyConstants._type, row, de.getType());
qry.setAtEL(READONLY, row, Caster.toBoolean(de.isReadOnly()));
qry.setAtEL(CUSTOM, row, de.getCustom());