use of lucee.runtime.debug.ActiveLock in project Lucee by lucee.
the class Lock method doStartTag.
public int doStartTag() throws PageException {
if (timeoutInMillis <= 0) {
TimeSpan remaining = PageContextUtil.remainingTime(pageContext, true);
this.timeoutInMillis = toInt(remaining.getMillis());
manager = pageContext.getConfig().getLockManager();
// check attributes
if (name != null && scope != SCOPE_NONE) {
throw new LockException(LockException.OPERATION_CREATE,, "invalid attribute combination", "attribute [name] and [scope] can't be used together");
if (name == null && scope == SCOPE_NONE) {
name = "id-" + id;
String lockType = null;
if (name == null) {
String cid = pageContext.getConfig().getIdentification().getId();
// Session
if (scope == SCOPE_REQUEST) {
lockType = "request";
name = "__request_" + cid + "__" + ((RequestImpl) pageContext.requestScope())._getId();
} else // Session
if (scope == SCOPE_SESSION) {
lockType = "session";
name = "__session_" + cid + "__" + pageContext.sessionScope()._getId();
} else // Application
if (scope == SCOPE_APPLICATION) {
lockType = "application";
name = "__application_" + cid + "__" + ((ApplicationImpl) pageContext.applicationScope())._getId();
} else // Server
if (scope == SCOPE_SERVER) {
lockType = "server";
name = "__server_" + ((ServerImpl) pageContext.serverScope())._getId();
Struct cflock = new StructImpl();
cflock.set("succeeded", Boolean.TRUE);
cflock.set("errortext", "");
pageContext.setVariable(result, cflock);
start = System.nanoTime();
try {
// this has to be first, otherwise LockTimeoutException has nothing to release
((PageContextImpl) pageContext).setActiveLock(new ActiveLock(type, name, timeoutInMillis));
data = manager.lock(type, name, timeoutInMillis, pageContext.getId());
} catch (LockTimeoutException e) {
LockManagerImpl mi = (LockManagerImpl) manager;
Boolean hasReadLock = mi.isReadLocked(name);
Boolean hasWriteLock = mi.isWriteLocked(name);
String msg = LockTimeoutExceptionImpl.createMessage(type, name, lockType, timeoutInMillis, hasReadLock, hasWriteLock);
_release(pageContext, System.nanoTime() - start);
name = null;
cflock.set("succeeded", Boolean.FALSE);
cflock.set("errortext", msg);
if (throwontimeout)
throw new LockException(LockException.OPERATION_TIMEOUT,, msg);
return SKIP_BODY;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
_release(pageContext, System.nanoTime() - start);
cflock.set("succeeded", Boolean.FALSE);
cflock.set("errortext", e.getMessage());
if (throwontimeout)
throw Caster.toPageException(e);
return SKIP_BODY;
use of lucee.runtime.debug.ActiveLock in project Lucee by lucee.
the class Lock method _release.
private void _release(PageContext pc, long exe) {
ActiveLock al = ((PageContextImpl) pc).releaseActiveLock();
// listener
((ConfigWebImpl) pc.getConfig()).getActionMonitorCollector().log(pageContext, "lock", "Lock", exe, + ":" + al.timeoutInMillis);
use of lucee.runtime.debug.ActiveLock in project Lucee by lucee.
the class GetUsageData method call.
public static Struct call(PageContext pc) throws PageException {
ConfigWeb cw = pc.getConfig();
ConfigServer cs = cw.getConfigServer("server");
ConfigWeb[] webs = cs.getConfigWebs();
CFMLEngineImpl engine = (CFMLEngineImpl) cs.getCFMLEngine();
Struct sct = new StructImpl();
// Locks
/*LockManager manager = pc.getConfig().getLockManager();
String[] locks = manager.getOpenLockNames();
for(int i=0;i<locks.length;i++){
strLocks=" open locks at this time ("+List.arrayToList(locks, ", ")+").";
// Requests
Query req = new QueryImpl(new Collection.Key[] { KeyConstants._web, KeyConstants._uri, START_TIME, KeyConstants._timeout }, 0, "requests");
sct.setEL(KeyConstants._requests, req);
// Template Cache
Query tc = new QueryImpl(new Collection.Key[] { KeyConstants._web, ELEMENTS, KeyConstants._size }, 0, "templateCache");
sct.setEL(KeyImpl.init("templateCache"), tc);
// Scopes
Struct scopes = new StructImpl();
sct.setEL(KeyConstants._scopes, scopes);
Query app = new QueryImpl(new Collection.Key[] { KeyConstants._web, KeyConstants._application, ELEMENTS, KeyConstants._size }, 0, "templateCache");
scopes.setEL(KeyConstants._application, app);
Query sess = new QueryImpl(new Collection.Key[] { KeyConstants._web, KeyConstants._application, USERS, ELEMENTS, KeyConstants._size }, 0, "templateCache");
scopes.setEL(KeyConstants._session, sess);
// Query
Query qry = new QueryImpl(new Collection.Key[] { KeyConstants._web, KeyConstants._application, START_TIME, KeyConstants._sql }, 0, "requests");
sct.setEL(QUERIES, qry);
// Locks
Query lck = new QueryImpl(new Collection.Key[] { KeyConstants._web, KeyConstants._application, KeyConstants._name, START_TIME, KeyConstants._timeout, KeyConstants._type }, 0, "requests");
sct.setEL(LOCKS, lck);
// Loop webs
ConfigWebImpl web;
Map<Integer, PageContextImpl> pcs;
PageContextImpl _pc;
int row, openConnections = 0;
CFMLFactoryImpl factory;
ActiveQuery[] queries;
ActiveQuery aq;
ActiveLock[] locks;
ActiveLock al;
for (int i = 0; i < webs.length; i++) {
// Loop requests
web = (ConfigWebImpl) webs[i];
factory = (CFMLFactoryImpl) web.getFactory();
pcs = factory.getActivePageContexts();
Iterator<PageContextImpl> it = pcs.values().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
_pc =;
if (_pc.isGatewayContext())
// Request
row = req.addRow();
req.setAt(KeyConstants._web, row, web.getLabel());
req.setAt(KeyConstants._uri, row, getPath(_pc.getHttpServletRequest()));
req.setAt(START_TIME, row, new DateTimeImpl(pc.getStartTime(), false));
req.setAt(KeyConstants._timeout, row, new Double(pc.getRequestTimeout()));
// Query
queries = _pc.getActiveQueries();
if (queries != null) {
for (int y = 0; y < queries.length; y++) {
aq = queries[y];
row = qry.addRow();
qry.setAt(KeyConstants._web, row, web.getLabel());
qry.setAt(KeyConstants._application, row, _pc.getApplicationContext().getName());
qry.setAt(START_TIME, row, new DateTimeImpl(web, aq.startTime, true));
qry.setAt(KeyConstants._sql, row, aq.sql);
// Lock
locks = _pc.getActiveLocks();
if (locks != null) {
for (int y = 0; y < locks.length; y++) {
al = locks[y];
row = lck.addRow();
lck.setAt(KeyConstants._web, row, web.getLabel());
lck.setAt(KeyConstants._application, row, _pc.getApplicationContext().getName());
lck.setAt(KeyConstants._name, row,;
lck.setAt(START_TIME, row, new DateTimeImpl(web, al.startTime, true));
lck.setAt(KeyConstants._timeout, row, Caster.toDouble(al.timeoutInMillis / 1000));
lck.setAt(KeyConstants._type, row, al.type == LockManager.TYPE_EXCLUSIVE ? "exclusive" : "readonly");
Iterator<Integer> _it = web.getDatasourceConnectionPool().openConnections().values().iterator();
while (_it.hasNext()) {
openConnections +=;
// Template Cache
Mapping[] mappings = ConfigWebUtil.getAllMappings(web);
long[] tce = templateCacheElements(mappings);
row = tc.addRow();
tc.setAt(KeyConstants._web, row, web.getLabel());
tc.setAt(KeyConstants._size, row, new Double(tce[1]));
tc.setAt(ELEMENTS, row, new Double(tce[0]));
// Scope Application
getAllApplicationScopes(web, factory.getScopeContext(), app);
getAllCFSessionScopes(web, factory.getScopeContext(), sess);
// Datasource
Struct ds = new StructImpl();
sct.setEL(KeyConstants._datasources, ds);
// there is only one cache for all contexts
ds.setEL(CACHED_QUERIES, Caster.toDouble(pc.getConfig().getCacheHandlerCollection(Config.CACHE_TYPE_QUERY, null).size(pc)));
// ds.setEL(CACHED_QUERIES, Caster.toDouble(pc.getQueryCache().size(pc))); // there is only one cache for all contexts
ds.setEL(OPEN_CONNECTIONS, Caster.toDouble(openConnections));
// Memory
Struct mem = new StructImpl();
sct.setEL(KeyConstants._memory, mem);
mem.setEL("heap", SystemUtil.getMemoryUsageAsStruct(SystemUtil.MEMORY_TYPE_HEAP));
mem.setEL("nonheap", SystemUtil.getMemoryUsageAsStruct(SystemUtil.MEMORY_TYPE_NON_HEAP));
// uptime
sct.set("uptime", new DateTimeImpl(engine.uptime(), true));
// now
sct.set("now", new DateTimeImpl(pc));
return sct;