use of lucee.runtime.type.QueryImpl in project Lucee by lucee.
the class DBInfo method typeUsers.
private void typeUsers(DatabaseMetaData metaData) throws PageException, SQLException {
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(Stopwatch.UNIT_NANO);
ResultSet result = metaData.getSchemas();
Query qry = new QueryImpl(result, "query", pageContext.getTimeZone());
qry.rename(TABLE_SCHEM, USER);
pageContext.setVariable(name, qry);
use of lucee.runtime.type.QueryImpl in project Lucee by lucee.
the class DBInfo method typeDBNames.
private void typeDBNames(DatabaseMetaData metaData) throws PageException, SQLException {
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(Stopwatch.UNIT_NANO);
lucee.runtime.type.Query catalogs = new QueryImpl(metaData.getCatalogs(), "query", pageContext.getTimeZone());
lucee.runtime.type.Query scheme = new QueryImpl(metaData.getSchemas(), "query", pageContext.getTimeZone());
Pattern p = null;
if (pattern != null && !"%".equals(pattern))
p = SQLUtil.pattern(pattern, true);
String[] columns = new String[] { "database_name", "type" };
String[] types = new String[] { "VARCHAR", "VARCHAR" };
lucee.runtime.type.Query qry = new QueryImpl(columns, types, 0, "query");
int row = 1, len = catalogs.getRecordcount();
String value;
// catalog
for (int i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
value = (String) catalogs.getAt(TABLE_CAT, i);
if (!matchPattern(value, p))
qry.setAt(DATABASE_NAME, row, value);
qry.setAt(KeyConstants._type, row, "CATALOG");
// scheme
len = scheme.getRecordcount();
for (int i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
value = (String) scheme.getAt(TABLE_SCHEM, i);
if (!matchPattern(value, p))
qry.setAt(DATABASE_NAME, row, value);
qry.setAt(KeyConstants._type, row, "SCHEMA");
pageContext.setVariable(name, qry);
use of lucee.runtime.type.QueryImpl in project Lucee by lucee.
the class HttpGetWithBody method _doEndTag.
private void _doEndTag() throws PageException, IOException {
long start = System.nanoTime();
HttpClientBuilder builder = HTTPEngine4Impl.getHttpClientBuilder();
// redirect
if (redirect)
builder.setRedirectStrategy(new DefaultRedirectStrategy());
// cookies
BasicCookieStore cookieStore = new BasicCookieStore();
ConfigWeb cw = pageContext.getConfig();
HttpRequestBase req = null;
HttpContext httpContext = null;
CacheHandler cacheHandler = null;
String cacheId = null;
// HttpRequestBase req = init(pageContext.getConfig(),this,client,params,url,port);
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(charset, true))
charset = ((PageContextImpl) pageContext).getWebCharset().name();
charset = charset.trim();
// check if has fileUploads
boolean doUploadFile = false;
for (int i = 0; i < this.params.size(); i++) {
if ((this.params.get(i)).getType() == HttpParamBean.TYPE_FILE) {
doUploadFile = true;
// parse url (also query string)
int len = this.params.size();
StringBuilder sbQS = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
HttpParamBean param = this.params.get(i);
int type = param.getType();
// URL
if (type == HttpParamBean.TYPE_URL) {
if (sbQS.length() > 0)
sbQS.append(param.getEncoded() ? urlenc(param.getName(), charset) : param.getName());
sbQS.append(param.getEncoded() ? urlenc(param.getValueAsString(), charset) : param.getValueAsString());
String host = null;
HttpHost httpHost;
try {
URL _url = HTTPUtil.toURL(url, port, encoded);
httpHost = new HttpHost(_url.getHost(), _url.getPort());
host = _url.getHost();
url = _url.toExternalForm();
if (sbQS.length() > 0) {
// no existing QS
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(_url.getQuery())) {
url += "?" + sbQS;
} else {
url += "&" + sbQS;
} catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
throw Caster.toPageException(mue);
// cache
if (cachedWithin != null) {
cacheId = createCacheId();
cacheHandler = pageContext.getConfig().getCacheHandlerCollection(Config.CACHE_TYPE_HTTP, null).getInstanceMatchingObject(cachedWithin, null);
if (cacheHandler instanceof CacheHandlerPro) {
CacheItem cacheItem = ((CacheHandlerPro) cacheHandler).get(pageContext, cacheId, cachedWithin);
if (cacheItem instanceof HTTPCacheItem) {
pageContext.setVariable(result, ((HTTPCacheItem) cacheItem).getData());
} else if (cacheHandler != null) {
// TODO this else block can be removed when all cache handlers implement CacheHandlerPro
CacheItem cacheItem = cacheHandler.get(pageContext, cacheId);
if (cacheItem instanceof HTTPCacheItem) {
pageContext.setVariable(result, ((HTTPCacheItem) cacheItem).getData());
// cache not found, process and cache result if needed
// select best matching method (get,post, post multpart (file))
boolean isBinary = false;
boolean doMultiPart = doUploadFile || this.multiPart;
HttpEntityEnclosingRequest eeReqPost = null;
HttpEntityEnclosingRequest eeReq = null;
if (this.method == METHOD_GET) {
req = new HttpGetWithBody(url);
eeReq = (HttpEntityEnclosingRequest) req;
} else if (this.method == METHOD_HEAD) {
req = new HttpHead(url);
} else if (this.method == METHOD_DELETE) {
isBinary = true;
req = new HttpDeleteWithBody(url);
eeReq = (HttpEntityEnclosingRequest) req;
} else if (this.method == METHOD_PUT) {
isBinary = true;
HttpPut put = new HttpPut(url);
eeReqPost = put;
req = put;
eeReq = put;
} else if (this.method == METHOD_TRACE) {
isBinary = true;
req = new HttpTrace(url);
} else if (this.method == METHOD_OPTIONS) {
isBinary = true;
req = new HttpOptions(url);
} else if (this.method == METHOD_PATCH) {
isBinary = true;
eeReq = HTTPPatchFactory.getHTTPPatch(url);
req = (HttpRequestBase) eeReq;
} else {
isBinary = true;
eeReqPost = new HttpPost(url);
req = (HttpPost) eeReqPost;
eeReq = eeReqPost;
boolean hasForm = false;
boolean hasBody = false;
boolean hasContentType = false;
// Set http params
ArrayList<FormBodyPart> parts = new ArrayList<FormBodyPart>();
StringBuilder acceptEncoding = new StringBuilder();
java.util.List<NameValuePair> postParam = eeReqPost != null ? new ArrayList<NameValuePair>() : null;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
HttpParamBean param = this.params.get(i);
int type = param.getType();
// URL
if (type == HttpParamBean.TYPE_URL) {
// listQS.add(new BasicNameValuePair(translateEncoding(param.getName(), http.charset),translateEncoding(param.getValueAsString(),
// http.charset)));
} else // Form
if (type == HttpParamBean.TYPE_FORM) {
hasForm = true;
if (this.method == METHOD_GET)
throw new ApplicationException("httpparam with type formfield can only be used when the method attribute of the parent http tag is set to post");
if (eeReqPost != null) {
if (doMultiPart) {
parts.add(new FormBodyPart(param.getName(), new StringBody(param.getValueAsString(), CharsetUtil.toCharset(charset))));
} else {
postParam.add(new BasicNameValuePair(param.getName(), param.getValueAsString()));
// else if(multi!=null)multi.addParameter(param.getName(),param.getValueAsString());
} else // CGI
if (type == HttpParamBean.TYPE_CGI) {
if (param.getEncoded())
req.addHeader(urlenc(param.getName(), charset), urlenc(param.getValueAsString(), charset));
req.addHeader(param.getName(), param.getValueAsString());
} else // Header
if (type == HttpParamBean.TYPE_HEADER) {
if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("content-type"))
hasContentType = true;
if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Length")) {
} else if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Accept-Encoding")) {
acceptEncoding.append(", ");
} else
req.addHeader(param.getName(), headerValue(param.getValueAsString()));
} else // Cookie
if (type == HttpParamBean.TYPE_COOKIE) {
HTTPEngine4Impl.addCookie(cookieStore, host, param.getName(), param.getValueAsString(), "/", charset);
} else // File
if (type == HttpParamBean.TYPE_FILE) {
hasForm = true;
if (this.method == METHOD_GET)
throw new ApplicationException("httpparam type file can't only be used, when method of the tag http equal post");
// if(param.getFile()==null) throw new ApplicationException("httpparam type file can't only be used, when method of the tag http equal
// post");
String strCT = getContentType(param);
ContentType ct = HTTPUtil.toContentType(strCT, null);
String mt = "text/xml";
if (ct != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(ct.getMimeType(), true))
mt = ct.getMimeType();
String cs = charset;
if (ct != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(ct.getCharset(), true))
cs = ct.getCharset();
if (doMultiPart) {
try {
Resource res = param.getFile();
parts.add(new FormBodyPart(param.getName(), new ResourceBody(res, mt, res.getName(), cs)));
// parts.add(new ResourcePart(param.getName(),new ResourcePartSource(param.getFile()),getContentType(param),_charset));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new ApplicationException("can't upload file, path is invalid", e.getMessage());
} else // XML
if (type == HttpParamBean.TYPE_XML) {
ContentType ct = HTTPUtil.toContentType(param.getMimeType(), null);
String mt = "text/xml";
if (ct != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(ct.getMimeType(), true))
mt = ct.getMimeType();
String cs = charset;
if (ct != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(ct.getCharset(), true))
cs = ct.getCharset();
hasBody = true;
hasContentType = true;
req.addHeader("Content-type", mt + "; charset=" + cs);
if (eeReq == null)
throw new ApplicationException("type xml is only supported for methods get, delete, post, and put");
HTTPEngine4Impl.setBody(eeReq, param.getValueAsString(), mt, cs);
} else // Body
if (type == HttpParamBean.TYPE_BODY) {
ContentType ct = HTTPUtil.toContentType(param.getMimeType(), null);
String mt = null;
if (ct != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(ct.getMimeType(), true))
mt = ct.getMimeType();
String cs = charset;
if (ct != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(ct.getCharset(), true))
cs = ct.getCharset();
hasBody = true;
if (eeReq == null)
throw new ApplicationException("type body is only supported for methods get, delete, post, and put");
HTTPEngine4Impl.setBody(eeReq, param.getValue(), mt, cs);
} else {
throw new ApplicationException("invalid type [" + type + "]");
// post params
if (postParam != null && postParam.size() > 0)
eeReqPost.setEntity(new org.apache.http.client.entity.UrlEncodedFormEntity(postParam, charset));
if (compression) {
} else {
req.setHeader("TE", "deflate;q=0");
req.setHeader("Accept-Encoding", acceptEncoding.toString());
// multipart
if (doMultiPart && eeReq != null) {
hasContentType = true;
boolean doIt = true;
if (!this.multiPart && parts.size() == 1) {
ContentBody body = parts.get(0).getBody();
if (body instanceof StringBody) {
StringBody sb = (StringBody) body;
try {
org.apache.http.entity.ContentType ct = org.apache.http.entity.ContentType.create(sb.getMimeType(), sb.getCharset());
String str = IOUtil.toString(sb.getReader());
StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(str, ct);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw Caster.toPageException(e);
doIt = false;
if (doIt) {
MultipartEntityBuilder mpeBuilder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create().setStrictMode();
// enabling the line below will append charset=... to the Content-Type header
// if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(charset, true))
// mpeBuilder.setCharset(CharsetUtil.toCharset(charset));
Iterator<FormBodyPart> it = parts.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
FormBodyPart part =;
// eem.setRequestEntity(new MultipartRequestEntityFlex(parts.toArray(new Part[parts.size()]), eem.getParams(),http.multiPartType));
if (hasBody && hasForm)
throw new ApplicationException("mixing httpparam type file/formfield and body/XML is not allowed");
if (!hasContentType) {
if (isBinary) {
if (hasBody)
req.addHeader("Content-type", "application/octet-stream");
req.addHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=" + charset);
} else {
if (hasBody)
req.addHeader("Content-type", "text/html; charset=" + charset);
// set User Agent
if (!hasHeaderIgnoreCase(req, "User-Agent"))
req.setHeader("User-Agent", this.useragent);
// set timeout
setTimeout(builder, checkRemainingTimeout());
// set Username and Password
if (this.username != null) {
if (this.password == null)
this.password = "";
if (AUTH_TYPE_NTLM == this.authType) {
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(this.workStation, true))
throw new ApplicationException("attribute workstation is required when authentication type is [NTLM]");
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(this.domain, true))
throw new ApplicationException("attribute domain is required when authentication type is [NTLM]");
HTTPEngine4Impl.setNTCredentials(builder, this.username, this.password, this.workStation, this.domain);
} else
httpContext = HTTPEngine4Impl.setCredentials(builder, httpHost, this.username, this.password, preauth);
// set Proxy
ProxyData proxy = null;
if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(this.proxyserver)) {
proxy = ProxyDataImpl.getInstance(this.proxyserver, this.proxyport, this.proxyuser, this.proxypassword);
if (pageContext.getConfig().isProxyEnableFor(host)) {
proxy = pageContext.getConfig().getProxyData();
HTTPEngine4Impl.setProxy(builder, req, proxy);
CloseableHttpClient client = null;
try {
if (httpContext == null)
httpContext = new BasicHttpContext();
Struct cfhttp = new StructImpl();
cfhttp.setEL(ERROR_DETAIL, "");
pageContext.setVariable(result, cfhttp);
// ///////////////////////////////////////// EXECUTE /////////////////////////////////////////////////
client =;
Executor4 e = new Executor4(pageContext, this, client, httpContext, req, redirect);
HTTPResponse4Impl rsp = null;
if (timeout == null || timeout.getMillis() <= 0) {
try {
rsp = e.execute(httpContext);
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (!throwonerror) {
if (t instanceof SocketTimeoutException)
setUnknownHost(cfhttp, t);
throw toPageException(t, rsp);
} else {
try {
synchronized (this) {
// print.err(timeout);
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
throw Caster.toPageException(ie);
if (e.t != null) {
if (!throwonerror) {
setUnknownHost(cfhttp, e.t);
throw toPageException(e.t, rsp);
rsp = e.response;
if (!e.done) {
if (throwonerror)
throw new HTTPException("408 Request Time-out", "a timeout occurred in tag http", 408, "Time-out", rsp == null ? null : rsp.getURL());
// throw new ApplicationException("timeout");
// ///////////////////////////////////////// EXECUTE /////////////////////////////////////////////////
Charset responseCharset = CharsetUtil.toCharset(rsp.getCharset());
int statCode = 0;
// Write Response Scope
// String rawHeader=httpMethod.getStatusLine().toString();
String mimetype = null;
String contentEncoding = null;
// status code
cfhttp.set(STATUSCODE, ((rsp.getStatusCode() + " " + rsp.getStatusText()).trim()));
cfhttp.set(STATUS_CODE, new Double(statCode = rsp.getStatusCode()));
cfhttp.set(STATUS_TEXT, (rsp.getStatusText()));
cfhttp.set(HTTP_VERSION, (rsp.getProtocolVersion()));
// responseHeader[] headers = rsp.getAllHeaders();
StringBuffer raw = new StringBuffer(rsp.getStatusLine() + " ");
Struct responseHeader = new StructImpl();
Struct cookie;
Array setCookie = new ArrayImpl();
Query cookies = new QueryImpl(new String[] { "name", "value", "path", "domain", "expires", "secure", "httpOnly" }, 0, "cookies");
for (int i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { header = headers[i];
// print.ln(header);
raw.append(header.toString() + " ");
if (header.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Set-Cookie")) {
parseCookie(cookies, header.getValue());
} else {
// print.ln(header.getName()+"-"+header.getValue());
Object value = responseHeader.get(KeyImpl.getInstance(header.getName()), null);
if (value == null)
responseHeader.set(KeyImpl.getInstance(header.getName()), header.getValue());
else {
Array arr = null;
if (value instanceof Array) {
arr = (Array) value;
} else {
arr = new ArrayImpl();
responseHeader.set(KeyImpl.getInstance(header.getName()), arr);
// Content-Type
if (header.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Type")) {
mimetype = header.getValue();
if (mimetype == null)
mimetype = NO_MIMETYPE;
// Content-Encoding
if (header.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Encoding")) {
contentEncoding = header.getValue();
cfhttp.set(RESPONSEHEADER, responseHeader);
cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._cookies, cookies);
responseHeader.set(STATUS_CODE, new Double(statCode = rsp.getStatusCode()));
responseHeader.set(EXPLANATION, (rsp.getStatusText()));
if (setCookie.size() > 0)
responseHeader.set(SET_COOKIE, setCookie);
// is text
boolean isText = mimetype == null || mimetype == NO_MIMETYPE || HTTPUtil.isTextMimeType(mimetype);
// is multipart
boolean isMultipart = MultiPartResponseUtils.isMultipart(mimetype);
cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._text, Caster.toBoolean(isText));
// boolean responseProvideCharset=false;
if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(mimetype, true)) {
if (isText) {
String[] types = HTTPUtil.splitMimeTypeAndCharset(mimetype, null);
if (types[0] != null)
cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._mimetype, types[0]);
if (types[1] != null)
cfhttp.set(CHARSET, types[1]);
} else
cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._mimetype, mimetype);
} else
cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._mimetype, NO_MIMETYPE);
// File
Resource file = null;
if (strFile != null && strPath != null) {
file = ResourceUtil.toResourceNotExisting(pageContext, strPath).getRealResource(strFile);
} else if (strFile != null) {
file = ResourceUtil.toResourceNotExisting(pageContext, strFile);
} else if (strPath != null) {
file = ResourceUtil.toResourceNotExisting(pageContext, strPath);
// Resource dir = file.getParentResource();
if (file.isDirectory()) {
// TODO was getName()
file = file.getRealResource(req.getURI().getPath());
// ->
if (file != null)
// filecontent
InputStream is = null;
if (isText && getAsBinary != GET_AS_BINARY_YES) {
String str;
try {
// read content
if (method != METHOD_HEAD) {
is = rsp.getContentAsStream();
if (is != null && isGzipEncoded(contentEncoding))
is = rsp.getStatusCode() != 200 ? new CachingGZIPInputStream(is) : new GZIPInputStream(is);
try {
try {
str = is == null ? "" : IOUtil.toString(is, responseCharset, checkRemainingTimeout().getMillis());
} catch (EOFException eof) {
if (is instanceof CachingGZIPInputStream) {
str = IOUtil.toString(is = ((CachingGZIPInputStream) is).getRawData(), responseCharset, checkRemainingTimeout().getMillis());
} else
throw eof;
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
str = IOUtil.toString(is, (Charset) null, checkRemainingTimeout().getMillis());
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw Caster.toPageException(ioe);
} finally {
if (str == null)
str = "";
if (resolveurl) {
// if(e.redirectURL!=null)url=e.redirectURL.toExternalForm();
str = new URLResolver().transform(str, e.response.getTargetURL(), false);
cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._filecontent, str);
try {
if (file != null) {
IOUtil.write(file, str, ((PageContextImpl) pageContext).getWebCharset(), false);
} catch (IOException e1) {
if (name != null) {
Query qry = CSVParser.toQuery(str, delimiter, textqualifier, columns, firstrowasheaders);
pageContext.setVariable(name, qry);
} else // Binary
byte[] barr = null;
if (isGzipEncoded(contentEncoding)) {
if (method != METHOD_HEAD) {
is = rsp.getContentAsStream();
is = rsp.getStatusCode() != 200 ? new CachingGZIPInputStream(is) : new GZIPInputStream(is);
try {
try {
barr = is == null ? new byte[0] : IOUtil.toBytes(is);
} catch (EOFException eof) {
if (is instanceof CachingGZIPInputStream)
barr = IOUtil.toBytes(((CachingGZIPInputStream) is).getRawData());
throw eof;
} catch (IOException t) {
throw Caster.toPageException(t);
} finally {
} else {
try {
if (method != METHOD_HEAD)
barr = rsp.getContentAsByteArray();
barr = new byte[0];
} catch (IOException t) {
throw Caster.toPageException(t);
// IF Multipart response get file content and parse parts
if (barr != null) {
if (isMultipart) {
cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._filecontent, MultiPartResponseUtils.getParts(barr, mimetype));
} else {
cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._filecontent, barr);
} else
cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._filecontent, "");
if (file != null) {
try {
if (barr != null)
IOUtil.copy(new ByteArrayInputStream(barr), file, true);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw Caster.toPageException(ioe);
// header
cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._header, raw.toString());
if (!isStatusOK(rsp.getStatusCode())) {
String msg = rsp.getStatusCode() + " " + rsp.getStatusText();
cfhttp.setEL(ERROR_DETAIL, msg);
if (throwonerror) {
throw new HTTPException(msg, null, rsp.getStatusCode(), rsp.getStatusText(), rsp.getURL());
// TODO: check if we can use statCode instead of rsp.getStatusCode() everywhere and cleanup the code
if (cacheHandler != null && rsp.getStatusCode() == 200) {
// add to cache
cacheHandler.set(pageContext, cacheId, cachedWithin, new HTTPCacheItem(cfhttp, url, System.nanoTime() - start));
} finally {
if (client != null)
use of lucee.runtime.type.QueryImpl in project Lucee by lucee.
the class ColumnInfo method doEndTag.
public int doEndTag() throws PageException {
Object ds = DBInfo.getDatasource(pageContext, datasource);
DataSourceManager manager = pageContext.getDataSourceManager();
DatasourceConnection dc = ds instanceof DataSource ? manager.getConnection(pageContext, (DataSource) ds, username, password) : manager.getConnection(pageContext, Caster.toString(ds), username, password);
try {
Struct meta = null;
try {
meta = getMeta(dc, tablequalifier, tableowner, tablename);
} catch (SQLException se) {
meta = new StructImpl();
SQL sql = createSQL(meta);
if (sql != null) {
lucee.runtime.type.Query query = new QueryImpl(pageContext, dc, sql, -1, -1, null, "query");
if (pageContext.getConfig().debug()) {
String dsn = ds instanceof DataSource ? ((DataSource) ds).getName() : Caster.toString(ds);
boolean logdb = ((ConfigImpl) pageContext.getConfig()).hasDebugOptions(ConfigImpl.DEBUG_DATABASE);
if (logdb) {
boolean debugUsage = DebuggerImpl.debugQueryUsage(pageContext, query);
pageContext.getDebugger().addQuery(debugUsage ? query : null, dsn, "", sql, query.getRecordcount(), pageContext.getCurrentPageSource(), query.getExecutionTime());
// log
Log log = pageContext.getConfig().getLog("datasource");
if (log.getLogLevel() >= Log.LEVEL_INFO) {"insert tag", "executed [" + sql.toString().trim() + "] in " +, query.getExecutionTime() / 1000000D) + " ms");
return EVAL_PAGE;
} catch (PageException pe) {
pageContext.getConfig().getLog("datasource").error("insert tag", pe);
throw pe;
} finally {
manager.releaseConnection(pageContext, dc);
use of lucee.runtime.type.QueryImpl in project Lucee by lucee.
the class Registry method doGetAll.
* @throws PageException
private void doGetAll() throws PageException {
if (name == null)
throw new ApplicationException("attribute name is required for tag registry, when action is [getAll]");
try {
RegistryEntry[] entries = RegistryQuery.getValues(branch, type);
if (entries != null) {
lucee.runtime.type.Query qry = new QueryImpl(new String[] { "entry", "type", "value" }, new String[] { "VARCHAR", "VARCHAR", "OTHER" }, entries.length, "query");
for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
RegistryEntry e = entries[i];
int row = i + 1;
qry.setAt(KeyConstants._entry, row, e.getKey());
qry.setAt(KeyConstants._type, row, RegistryEntry.toCFStringType(e.getType()));
qry.setAt(KeyConstants._value, row, e.getValue());
// sort
if (sort != null) {
String[] arr = sort.toLowerCase().split(",");
for (int i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
String[] col = arr[i].trim().split("\\s+");
if (col.length == 1)
else if (col.length == 2) {
String order = col[1].toLowerCase().trim();
if (order.equals("asc"))
qry.sort(KeyImpl.init(col[0]), lucee.runtime.type.Query.ORDER_ASC);
else if (order.equals("desc"))
qry.sort(KeyImpl.init(col[0]), lucee.runtime.type.Query.ORDER_DESC);
throw new ApplicationException("invalid order type [" + col[1] + "]");
pageContext.setVariable(name, qry);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw Caster.toPageException(e);