use of lucee.runtime.type.QueryImpl in project Lucee by lucee.
the class DebugEntryTemplatePartComparator method getDebuggingData.
public Struct getDebuggingData(PageContext pc, boolean addAddionalInfo) throws DatabaseException {
Struct debugging = new StructImpl();
// datasources
debugging.setEL(KeyConstants._datasources, ((ConfigImpl) pc.getConfig()).getDatasourceConnectionPool().meta());
// queries
List<QueryEntry> queries = getQueries();
Struct qryExe = new StructImpl();
ListIterator<QueryEntry> qryIt = queries.listIterator();
Collection.Key[] cols = new Collection.Key[] { KeyConstants._name, KeyConstants._time, KeyConstants._sql, KeyConstants._src, KeyConstants._count, KeyConstants._datasource, KeyConstants._usage, CACHE_TYPE };
String[] types = new String[] { "VARCHAR", "DOUBLE", "VARCHAR", "VARCHAR", "DOUBLE", "VARCHAR", "ANY", "VARCHAR" };
Query qryQueries = null;
try {
qryQueries = new QueryImpl(cols, types, queries.size(), "query");
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
qryQueries = new QueryImpl(cols, queries.size(), "query");
int row = 0;
try {
QueryEntry qe;
while (qryIt.hasNext()) {
qe =;
qryQueries.setAt(KeyConstants._name, row, qe.getName() == null ? "" : qe.getName());
qryQueries.setAt(KeyConstants._time, row, Long.valueOf(qe.getExecutionTime()));
qryQueries.setAt(KeyConstants._sql, row, qe.getSQL().toString());
qryQueries.setAt(KeyConstants._src, row, qe.getSrc());
qryQueries.setAt(KeyConstants._count, row, Integer.valueOf(qe.getRecordcount()));
qryQueries.setAt(KeyConstants._datasource, row, qe.getDatasource());
qryQueries.setAt(CACHE_TYPE, row, qe.getCacheType());
Struct usage = getUsage(qe);
if (usage != null)
qryQueries.setAt(KeyConstants._usage, row, usage);
Object o = qryExe.get(KeyImpl.init(qe.getSrc()), null);
if (o == null)
qryExe.setEL(KeyImpl.init(qe.getSrc()), Long.valueOf(qe.getExecutionTime()));
qryExe.setEL(KeyImpl.init(qe.getSrc()), Long.valueOf(((Long) o).longValue() + qe.getExecutionTime()));
} catch (PageException dbe) {
// Pages
// src,load,app,query,total
row = 0;
ArrayList<DebugEntryTemplate> arrPages = toArray();
int len = arrPages.size();
Query qryPage = new QueryImpl(new Collection.Key[] { KeyConstants._id, KeyConstants._count, KeyConstants._min, KeyConstants._max, KeyConstants._avg, KeyConstants._app, KeyConstants._load, KeyConstants._query, KeyConstants._total, KeyConstants._src }, len, "query");
try {
DebugEntryTemplate de;
// PageSource ps;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
de = arrPages.get(i);
// ps = de.getPageSource();
qryPage.setAt(KeyConstants._id, row, de.getId());
qryPage.setAt(KeyConstants._count, row, _toString(de.getCount()));
qryPage.setAt(KeyConstants._min, row, _toString(de.getMin()));
qryPage.setAt(KeyConstants._max, row, _toString(de.getMax()));
qryPage.setAt(KeyConstants._avg, row, _toString(de.getExeTime() / de.getCount()));
qryPage.setAt(KeyConstants._app, row, _toString(de.getExeTime() - de.getQueryTime()));
qryPage.setAt(KeyConstants._load, row, _toString(de.getFileLoadTime()));
qryPage.setAt(KeyConstants._query, row, _toString(de.getQueryTime()));
qryPage.setAt(KeyConstants._total, row, _toString(de.getFileLoadTime() + de.getExeTime()));
qryPage.setAt(KeyConstants._src, row, de.getSrc());
} catch (PageException dbe) {
// Pages Parts
List<DebugEntryTemplatePart> filteredPartEntries = null;
boolean hasParts = partEntries != null && !partEntries.isEmpty() && !arrPages.isEmpty();
int qrySize = 0;
if (hasParts) {
String slowestTemplate = arrPages.get(0).getPath();
filteredPartEntries = new ArrayList();
java.util.Collection<DebugEntryTemplatePartImpl> col = partEntries.values();
for (DebugEntryTemplatePart detp : col) {
if (detp.getPath().equals(slowestTemplate))
qrySize = Math.min(filteredPartEntries.size(), MAX_PARTS);
Query qryPart = new QueryImpl(new Collection.Key[] { KeyConstants._id, KeyConstants._count, KeyConstants._min, KeyConstants._max, KeyConstants._avg, KeyConstants._total, KeyConstants._path, KeyConstants._start, KeyConstants._end, KeyConstants._startLine, KeyConstants._endLine, KeyConstants._snippet }, qrySize, "query");
if (hasParts) {
row = 0;
Collections.sort(filteredPartEntries, DEBUG_ENTRY_TEMPLATE_PART_COMPARATOR);
DebugEntryTemplatePart[] parts = new DebugEntryTemplatePart[qrySize];
if (filteredPartEntries.size() > MAX_PARTS)
parts = filteredPartEntries.subList(0, MAX_PARTS).toArray(parts);
parts = filteredPartEntries.toArray(parts);
try {
DebugEntryTemplatePart de;
// PageSource ps;
for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
de = parts[i];
qryPart.setAt(KeyConstants._id, row, de.getId());
qryPart.setAt(KeyConstants._count, row, _toString(de.getCount()));
qryPart.setAt(KeyConstants._min, row, _toString(de.getMin()));
qryPart.setAt(KeyConstants._max, row, _toString(de.getMax()));
qryPart.setAt(KeyConstants._avg, row, _toString(de.getExeTime() / de.getCount()));
qryPart.setAt(KeyConstants._start, row, _toString(de.getStartPosition()));
qryPart.setAt(KeyConstants._end, row, _toString(de.getEndPosition()));
qryPart.setAt(KeyConstants._total, row, _toString(de.getExeTime()));
qryPart.setAt(KeyConstants._path, row, de.getPath());
if (de instanceof DebugEntryTemplatePartImpl) {
qryPart.setAt(KeyConstants._startLine, row, _toString(((DebugEntryTemplatePartImpl) de).getStartLine()));
qryPart.setAt(KeyConstants._endLine, row, _toString(((DebugEntryTemplatePartImpl) de).getEndLine()));
qryPart.setAt(KeyConstants._snippet, row, ((DebugEntryTemplatePartImpl) de).getSnippet());
} catch (PageException dbe) {
// exceptions
len = exceptions == null ? 0 : exceptions.size();
Array arrExceptions = new ArrayImpl();
if (len > 0) {
Iterator<CatchBlock> it = exceptions.iterator();
row = 0;
while (it.hasNext()) {
// output log
// Query qryOutputLog=getOutputText();
// timers
len = timers == null ? 0 : timers.size();
Query qryTimers = new QueryImpl(new Collection.Key[] { KeyConstants._label, KeyConstants._time, KeyConstants._template }, len, "timers");
if (len > 0) {
try {
Iterator<DebugTimerImpl> it = timers.iterator();
DebugTimer timer;
row = 0;
while (it.hasNext()) {
timer =;
qryTimers.setAt(KeyConstants._label, row, timer.getLabel());
qryTimers.setAt(KeyConstants._template, row, timer.getTemplate());
qryTimers.setAt(KeyConstants._time, row, Caster.toDouble(timer.getTime()));
} catch (PageException dbe) {
// dumps
len = dumps == null ? 0 : dumps.size();
if (!((ConfigImpl) pc.getConfig()).hasDebugOptions(ConfigImpl.DEBUG_DUMP))
len = 0;
Query qryDumps = new QueryImpl(new Collection.Key[] { KeyConstants._output, KeyConstants._template, KeyConstants._line }, len, "dumps");
if (len > 0) {
try {
Iterator<DebugDump> it = dumps.iterator();
DebugDump dd;
row = 0;
while (it.hasNext()) {
dd =;
qryDumps.setAt(KeyConstants._output, row, dd.getOutput());
if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(dd.getTemplate()))
qryDumps.setAt(KeyConstants._template, row, dd.getTemplate());
if (dd.getLine() > 0)
qryDumps.setAt(KeyConstants._line, row, new Double(dd.getLine()));
} catch (PageException dbe) {
// traces
len = traces == null ? 0 : traces.size();
if (!((ConfigImpl) pc.getConfig()).hasDebugOptions(ConfigImpl.DEBUG_TRACING))
len = 0;
Query qryTraces = new QueryImpl(new Collection.Key[] { KeyConstants._type, KeyConstants._category, KeyConstants._text, KeyConstants._template, KeyConstants._line, KeyConstants._action, KeyConstants._varname, KeyConstants._varvalue, KeyConstants._time }, len, "traces");
if (len > 0) {
try {
Iterator<DebugTraceImpl> it = traces.iterator();
DebugTraceImpl trace;
row = 0;
while (it.hasNext()) {
trace =;
qryTraces.setAt(KeyConstants._type, row, DebugTraceImpl.toType(trace.getType(), "INFO"));
if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(trace.getCategory()))
qryTraces.setAt(KeyConstants._category, row, trace.getCategory());
if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(trace.getText()))
qryTraces.setAt(KeyConstants._text, row, trace.getText());
if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(trace.getTemplate()))
qryTraces.setAt(KeyConstants._template, row, trace.getTemplate());
if (trace.getLine() > 0)
qryTraces.setAt(KeyConstants._line, row, new Double(trace.getLine()));
if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(trace.getAction()))
qryTraces.setAt(KeyConstants._action, row, trace.getAction());
if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(trace.getVarName()))
qryTraces.setAt(KeyImpl.init("varname"), row, trace.getVarName());
if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(trace.getVarValue()))
qryTraces.setAt(KeyImpl.init("varvalue"), row, trace.getVarValue());
qryTraces.setAt(KeyConstants._time, row, new Double(trace.getTime()));
} catch (PageException dbe) {
// scope access
len = implicitAccesses == null ? 0 : implicitAccesses.size();
Query qryImplicitAccesseses = new QueryImpl(new Collection.Key[] { KeyConstants._template, KeyConstants._line, KeyConstants._scope, KeyConstants._count, KeyConstants._name }, len, "implicitAccess");
if (len > 0) {
try {
Iterator<ImplicitAccessImpl> it = implicitAccesses.values().iterator();
ImplicitAccessImpl das;
row = 0;
while (it.hasNext()) {
das =;
qryImplicitAccesseses.setAt(KeyConstants._template, row, das.getTemplate());
qryImplicitAccesseses.setAt(KeyConstants._line, row, new Double(das.getLine()));
qryImplicitAccesseses.setAt(KeyConstants._scope, row, das.getScope());
qryImplicitAccesseses.setAt(KeyConstants._count, row, new Double(das.getCount()));
qryImplicitAccesseses.setAt(KeyConstants._name, row, das.getName());
} catch (PageException dbe) {
Query history = new QueryImpl(new Collection.Key[] {}, 0, "history");
try {
history.addColumn(KeyConstants._id, historyId);
history.addColumn(KeyConstants._level, historyLevel);
} catch (PageException e) {
if (addAddionalInfo) {
debugging.setEL(KeyConstants._cgi, pc.cgiScope());
debugging.setEL(KeyImpl.init("starttime"), new DateTimeImpl(starttime, false));
debugging.setEL(KeyConstants._id, pc.getId());
debugging.setEL(KeyConstants._pages, qryPage);
debugging.setEL(PAGE_PARTS, qryPart);
debugging.setEL(KeyConstants._queries, qryQueries);
debugging.setEL(KeyConstants._timers, qryTimers);
debugging.setEL(KeyConstants._traces, qryTraces);
debugging.setEL("dumps", qryDumps);
debugging.setEL(IMPLICIT_ACCESS, qryImplicitAccesseses);
// debugging.setEL(OUTPUT_LOG,qryOutputLog);
debugging.setEL(KeyConstants._history, history);
debugging.setEL(KeyConstants._exceptions, arrExceptions);
return debugging;
use of lucee.runtime.type.QueryImpl in project Lucee by lucee.
the class Filter method invoke.
private static Collection invoke(PageContext pc, Query qry, UDF udf, ExecutorService es, List<Future<Data<Pair<Object, Object>>>> futures) throws CasterException, PageException {
Key[] colNames = qry.getColumnNames();
Query rtn = new QueryImpl(colNames, 0, qry.getName());
final int pid = pc.getId();
ForEachQueryIterator it = new ForEachQueryIterator(qry, pid);
int rowNbr;
Object row;
boolean async = es != null;
Object res;
while (it.hasNext()) {
row =;
rowNbr = qry.getCurrentrow(pid);
res = _inv(pc, udf, new Object[] { row, Caster.toDoubleValue(rowNbr), qry }, rowNbr, qry, es, futures);
if (!async && Caster.toBooleanValue(res)) {
addRow(qry, rtn, rowNbr);
return rtn;
use of lucee.runtime.type.QueryImpl in project Lucee by lucee.
the class DeserializeJSON method toQuery.
// {"COLUMNS":["AAA","BBB"],"DATA":[["a","b"],["c","d"]]}
// {"ROWCOUNT":2,"COLUMNS":["AAA","BBB"],"DATA":{"aaa":["a","c"],"bbb":["b","d"]}}
private static Object toQuery(Object obj) throws PageException {
if (obj instanceof Struct) {
Struct sct = (Struct) obj;
Key[] keys = CollectionUtil.keys(sct);
// Columns
Key[] columns = null;
if (contains(keys, KeyConstants._COLUMNS))
columns = toColumns(sct.get(KeyConstants._COLUMNS, null));
else if (contains(keys, KeyConstants._COLUMNLIST))
columns = toColumnlist(sct.get(KeyConstants._COLUMNLIST, null));
// rowcount
int rowcount = -1;
if (contains(keys, ROWCOUNT))
rowcount = toRowCount(sct.get(ROWCOUNT, null));
else if (contains(keys, KeyConstants._RECORDCOUNT))
rowcount = toRowCount(sct.get(KeyConstants._RECORDCOUNT, null));
if (columns != null) {
if (keys.length == 2 && contains(keys, KeyConstants._DATA)) {
Array[] data = toData(sct.get(KeyConstants._DATA, null), columns);
if (data != null) {
return new QueryImpl(columns, data, "query");
} else if (keys.length == 3 && rowcount != -1 && contains(keys, KeyConstants._DATA)) {
Array[] data = toData(sct.get(KeyConstants._DATA, null), columns, rowcount);
if (data != null) {
return new QueryImpl(columns, data, "query");
return toQuery(sct, keys);
} else /*else if(obj instanceof Query) {
return toQuery((Query) obj);
if (obj instanceof Collection) {
Collection coll = (Collection) obj;
return toQuery(coll, CollectionUtil.keys(coll));
return obj;
use of lucee.runtime.type.QueryImpl in project Lucee by lucee.
the class Ansi92 method clean.
public void clean(Config config, DatasourceConnection dc, int type, StorageScopeEngine engine, DatasourceStorageScopeCleaner cleaner, StorageScopeListener listener, Log log) throws PageException {
String strType = VariableInterpreter.scopeInt2String(type);
// select
SQL sqlSelect = new SQLImpl("select cfid,name from " + PREFIX + "_" + strType + "_data where expires<=?", new SQLItem[] { new SQLItemImpl(System.currentTimeMillis(), Types.VARCHAR) });
Query query;
try {
query = new QueryImpl(ThreadLocalPageContext.get(), dc, sqlSelect, -1, -1, null, "query");
} catch (Throwable t) {
// possible that the table not exist, if not there is nothing to clean
int recordcount = query.getRecordcount();
String cfid, name;
for (int row = 1; row <= recordcount; row++) {
cfid = Caster.toString(query.getAt(KeyConstants._cfid, row, null), null);
name = Caster.toString(query.getAt(KeyConstants._name, row, null), null);
if (listener != null)
listener.doEnd(engine, cleaner, name, cfid);, "remove " + strType + "/" + name + "/" + cfid + " from datasource " + dc.getDatasource().getName());
engine.remove(type, name, cfid);
SQLImpl sql = new SQLImpl("delete from " + StorageScopeDatasource.PREFIX + "_" + strType + "_data where cfid=? and name=?", new SQLItem[] { new SQLItemImpl(cfid, Types.VARCHAR), new SQLItemImpl(name, Types.VARCHAR) });
new QueryImpl(ThreadLocalPageContext.get(), dc, sql, -1, -1, null, "query");
use of lucee.runtime.type.QueryImpl in project Lucee by lucee.
the class QueryNew method call.
public static lucee.runtime.type.Query call(PageContext pc, Object columnNames, Object columnTypes, Object data) throws PageException {
Array cn = toArray(pc, columnNames, 1);
lucee.runtime.type.Query qry;
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(columnTypes))
qry = new QueryImpl(cn, 0, "query");
qry = new QueryImpl(cn, toArray(pc, columnTypes, 2), 0, "query");
if (data == null)
return qry;
return populate(pc, qry, data);