Search in sources :

Example 16 with Ability

use of mage.abilities.Ability in project mage by magefree.

the class LevelerCardBuilder method construct.

 * Add abilities to card to enable switching between levels.
 * @param card
 * @param levelAbilities
 * @return list of levelAbilities to add to card
public static List<Ability> construct(LevelAbility... levelAbilities) {
    LevelerCardBuilder builder = new LevelerCardBuilder();
    List<Ability> abilities = new ArrayList<>();
    for (LevelAbility levelAbility : levelAbilities) {
        // set main params
        builder = builder.reset().setLevel1(levelAbility.getLevel1()).setLevel2(levelAbility.getLevel2() == -1 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : levelAbility.getLevel2()).setPower(levelAbility.getPower()).setToughness(levelAbility.getToughness()).setRule(levelAbility.getRule());
        // set abilities that give the next level
        for (Ability addedAbility : levelAbility.getAbilities()) {
        // build static abilities and add them to list
    return abilities;
Also used : SimpleStaticAbility(mage.abilities.common.SimpleStaticAbility) Ability(mage.abilities.Ability) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 17 with Ability

use of mage.abilities.Ability in project mage by magefree.

the class SystemUtil method addCardsForTesting.

 * Replaces cards in player's hands by specified in config/init.txt.<br/>
 * <br/>
 * <b>Implementation note:</b><br/>
 * 1. Read init.txt line by line<br/>
 * 2. Parse line using for searching groups like: [group 1] 3. Parse line
 * using the following format: line ::=
 * <zone>:<nickname>:<card name>:<amount><br/>
 * 4. If zone equals to 'hand', add card to player's library<br/>
 * 5a. Then swap added card with any card in player's hand<br/>
 * 5b. Parse next line (go to 2.), If EOF go to 4.<br/>
 * 6. Log message to all players that cards were added (to prevent unfair
 * play).<br/>
 * 7. Exit<br/>
 * @param game
public static void addCardsForTesting(Game game, String fileSource, Player feedbackPlayer) {
    // fake test ability for triggers and events
    Ability fakeSourceAbilityTemplate = new SimpleStaticAbility(Zone.OUTSIDE, new InfoEffect("adding testing cards"));
    try {
        String fileName = fileSource;
        if (fileName == null) {
            fileName = INIT_FILE_PATH;
        File f = new File(fileName);
        if (!f.exists()) {
            logger.warn("Couldn't find init file: " + fileName);
        }"Parsing init file... ");
        // steps:
        // 1. parse groups and commands
        // 2. ask user if many groups
        // 3. process system commands
        // 4. run commands from selected group
        // 1. parse
        List<CommandGroup> groups = new ArrayList<>();
        try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(f)) {
            CommandGroup currentGroup = null;
            while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
                String line = scanner.nextLine().trim();
                // skip comments
                if (line.isEmpty() || line.startsWith("#") || line.startsWith("//")) {
                // group
                Matcher matchGroup = patternGroup.matcher(line);
                if (matchGroup.matches()) {
                    String groupName =;
                    if (groupName.startsWith("@")) {
                        // special command group
                        if (supportedCommands.containsKey(groupName)) {
                            currentGroup = new CommandGroup(groupName, true);
                        } else {
                            logger.warn("Special group [" + groupName + "] is not supported.");
                    } else {
                        // basic group
                        currentGroup = new CommandGroup(groupName);
                // command
                if (currentGroup == null) {
                    currentGroup = new CommandGroup("default group");
        // 2. ask user
        CommandGroup runGroup = null;
        if (groups.size() == 1) {
            // not need to ask
            runGroup = groups.get(0);
        } else if (groups.size() > 1) {
            // need to ask
  "Found " + groups.size() + " groups. Need to select.");
            // choice dialog
            Map<String, String> list = new LinkedHashMap<>();
            Map<String, Integer> sort = new LinkedHashMap<>();
            for (int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) {
                list.put(Integer.toString(i + 1), groups.get(i).getPrintNameWithStats());
                sort.put(Integer.toString(i + 1), i);
            Choice groupChoice = new ChoiceImpl(false);
            groupChoice.setMessage("Choose commands group to run");
            if (feedbackPlayer.choose(Outcome.Benefit, groupChoice, game)) {
                String need = groupChoice.getChoiceKey();
                if ((need != null) && list.containsKey(need)) {
                    runGroup = groups.get(Integer.parseInt(need) - 1);
        if (runGroup == null) {
            // was canceled
  "Command file was empty or canceled");
        }"Selected group [" + + "] with " + runGroup.commands.size() + " commands");
        // 3. system commands
        if (runGroup.isSpecialCommand) {
            Player opponent = game.getPlayer(game.getOpponents(feedbackPlayer.getId()).stream().findFirst().orElse(null));
            String info;
            switch( {
                case COMMAND_SHOW_OPPONENT_HAND:
                    if (opponent != null) {
                        info = getCardsListForSpecialInform(game, opponent.getHand(), runGroup.commands);
                        game.informPlayer(feedbackPlayer, info);
                    if (opponent != null) {
                        info = getCardsListForSpecialInform(game, opponent.getLibrary().getCardList(), runGroup.commands);
                        game.informPlayer(feedbackPlayer, info);
                case COMMAND_SHOW_MY_HAND:
                    info = getCardsListForSpecialInform(game, feedbackPlayer.getHand(), runGroup.commands);
                    game.informPlayer(feedbackPlayer, info);
                case COMMAND_SHOW_MY_LIBRARY:
                    info = getCardsListForSpecialInform(game, feedbackPlayer.getLibrary().getCardList(), runGroup.commands);
                    game.informPlayer(feedbackPlayer, info);
                    // WARNING, maybe very bugged if called in wrong priority
                    // uses choose triggered ability dialog to select it
                    UUID savedPriorityPlayer = null;
                    if (game.getActivePlayerId() != opponent.getId()) {
                        savedPriorityPlayer = game.getActivePlayerId();
                    // change active player to find and play selected abilities (it's danger and buggy code)
                    if (savedPriorityPlayer != null) {
                    List<ActivatedAbility> abilities = opponent.getPlayable(game, true);
                    Map<String, String> choices = new HashMap<>();
                    abilities.forEach(ability -> {
                        MageObject object = ability.getSourceObject(game);
                        choices.put(ability.getId().toString(), object.getName() + ": " + ability.toString());
                    // TODO: set priority for us?
                    Choice choice = new ChoiceImpl();
                    choice.setMessage("Choose playable ability to activate by opponent " + opponent.getName());
                    if (feedbackPlayer.choose(Outcome.Detriment, choice, game) && choice.getChoiceKey() != null) {
                        String needId = choice.getChoiceKey();
                        Optional<ActivatedAbility> ability = -> a.getId().toString().equals(needId)).findFirst();
                        if (ability.isPresent()) {
                            // TODO: set priority for player?
                            ActivatedAbility activatedAbility = ability.get();
                            game.informPlayers(feedbackPlayer.getLogName() + " as another player " + opponent.getLogName() + " trying to force an activate ability: " + activatedAbility.getGameLogMessage(game));
                            if (opponent.activateAbility(activatedAbility, game)) {
                                game.informPlayers("Force to activate ability: DONE");
                            } else {
                                game.informPlayers("Force to activate ability: FAIL");
                    // restore original priority player
                    if (savedPriorityPlayer != null) {
        // insert group refs as extra commands (only user defined groups allowed, no special)
        Map<String, CommandGroup> otherGroupRefs = new HashMap<>();
        for (CommandGroup group : groups) {
            if (group != runGroup) {
                otherGroupRefs.putIfAbsent(COMMAND_REF_PREFIX +, group);
        for (int i = runGroup.commands.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            String line = runGroup.commands.get(i);
            // replace ref by real commands from another group
            if (line.startsWith(COMMAND_REF_PREFIX)) {
                CommandGroup other = otherGroupRefs.getOrDefault(line, null);
                if (other != null && !other.isSpecialCommand) {
          "Replace ref group " + line + " by " + other.commands.size() + " commands");
                    runGroup.commands.addAll(i, other.commands);
                } else {
                    logger.error("Can't find ref group: " + line);
        // 4. run commands
        for (String line : runGroup.commands) {
            CardCommandData command = parseCardCommand(line);
            if (!command.OK) {
                logger.warn(command.Error + ": " + line);
            Optional<Player> playerOptional = findPlayer(game, command.player);
            if (!playerOptional.isPresent()) {
                logger.warn("Unknown player: " + line);
            Player player = playerOptional.get();
            // SPECIAL token/emblem call (without SET name)
            if ("token".equalsIgnoreCase( {
                // eg: token:Human:HippoToken:1
                Class<?> c = Class.forName("" + command.cardName);
                Constructor<?> cons = c.getConstructor();
                Object obj = cons.newInstance();
                if (obj instanceof Token) {
                    Token token = (Token) obj;
                    Ability fakeSourceAbility = fakeSourceAbilityTemplate.copy();
                    token.putOntoBattlefield(command.Amount, game, fakeSourceAbility, player.getId(), false, false);
            } else if ("emblem".equalsIgnoreCase( {
                // eg: emblem:Human:ElspethSunsChampionEmblem:1
                Class<?> c = Class.forName("" + command.cardName);
                Constructor<?> cons = c.getConstructor();
                Object emblem = cons.newInstance();
                if (emblem instanceof {
                    (( emblem).setControllerId(player.getId());
                    game.addEmblem(( emblem, null, player.getId());
            } else if ("plane".equalsIgnoreCase( {
                if (putPlaneToGame(game, player, command.cardName)) {
            } else if ("loyalty".equalsIgnoreCase( {
                for (Permanent perm : game.getBattlefield().getAllActivePermanents(player.getId())) {
                    if (perm.getName().equals(command.cardName) && perm.getCardType(game).contains(CardType.PLANESWALKER)) {
                        Ability fakeSourceAbility = fakeSourceAbilityTemplate.copy();
                        perm.addCounters(CounterType.LOYALTY.createInstance(command.Amount), fakeSourceAbility.getControllerId(), fakeSourceAbility, game);
            } else if ("stack".equalsIgnoreCase( {
                // simple cast (without targets or modes)
                // find card info
                CardInfo cardInfo = CardRepository.instance.findCard(command.cardName);
                if (cardInfo == null) {
                    logger.warn("Unknown card for stack command [" + command.cardName + "]: " + line);
                // put card to game
                Set<Card> cardsToLoad = new HashSet<>();
                for (int i = 0; i < command.Amount; i++) {
                game.loadCards(cardsToLoad, player.getId());
                // move card from exile to stack
                for (Card card : cardsToLoad) {
                    Ability fakeSourceAbility = fakeSourceAbilityTemplate.copy();
                    putCardToZone(fakeSourceAbility, game, player, card, Zone.STACK);
            Zone gameZone;
            if ("hand".equalsIgnoreCase( {
                gameZone = Zone.HAND;
            } else if ("battlefield".equalsIgnoreCase( {
                gameZone = Zone.BATTLEFIELD;
            } else if ("graveyard".equalsIgnoreCase( {
                gameZone = Zone.GRAVEYARD;
            } else if ("library".equalsIgnoreCase( {
                gameZone = Zone.LIBRARY;
            } else if ("token".equalsIgnoreCase( {
                gameZone = Zone.BATTLEFIELD;
            } else if ("exiled".equalsIgnoreCase( {
                gameZone = Zone.EXILED;
            } else if ("outside".equalsIgnoreCase( {
                gameZone = Zone.OUTSIDE;
            } else if ("emblem".equalsIgnoreCase( {
                gameZone = Zone.COMMAND;
            } else if ("plane".equalsIgnoreCase( {
                gameZone = Zone.COMMAND;
            } else if ("commander".equalsIgnoreCase( {
                gameZone = Zone.COMMAND;
            } else if ("sideboard".equalsIgnoreCase( {
                gameZone = Zone.OUTSIDE;
            } else {
                logger.warn("Unknown zone [" + + "]: " + line);
            List<CardInfo> cards = null;
            if (command.cardSet.isEmpty()) {
                // by name
                cards = CardRepository.instance.findCards(command.cardName);
            } else {
                // by name and set
                cards = CardRepository.instance.findCards(new CardCriteria().setCodes(command.cardSet).name(command.cardName));
            if (cards.isEmpty()) {
                logger.warn("Unknown card [" + command.cardName + "]: " + line);
            Set<Card> cardsToLoad = new HashSet<>();
            for (int i = 0; i < command.Amount; i++) {
                CardInfo cardInfo = cards.get(RandomUtil.nextInt(cards.size()));
                Card card = cardInfo != null ? cardInfo.getCard() : null;
                if (card != null) {
            game.loadCards(cardsToLoad, player.getId());
            if ("commander".equalsIgnoreCase( && cardsToLoad.size() > 0) {
                // as commander (only commander games, look at init code in GameCommanderImpl)
                if (game instanceof GameCommanderImpl) {
                    GameCommanderImpl gameCommander = (GameCommanderImpl) game;
                    cardsToLoad.forEach(card -> gameCommander.addCommander(card, player));
                    cardsToLoad.forEach(card -> gameCommander.initCommander(card, player));
                } else {
                    logger.fatal("Commander card can be used in commander game only: " + command.cardName);
            } else if ("sideboard".equalsIgnoreCase( && cardsToLoad.size() > 0) {
                // put to sideboard
                for (Card card : cardsToLoad) {
            } else {
                // as other card
                for (Card card : cardsToLoad) {
                    Ability fakeSourceAbility = fakeSourceAbilityTemplate.copy();
                    putCardToZone(fakeSourceAbility, game, player, card, gameZone);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.fatal("", e);
Also used : SimpleStaticAbility(mage.abilities.common.SimpleStaticAbility) java.util(java.util) Zone(mage.constants.Zone) CardCriteria( SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat) Constructor(java.lang.reflect.Constructor) ContinuousEffect(mage.abilities.effects.ContinuousEffect) Player(mage.players.Player) Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) GameCommanderImpl( CardType(mage.constants.CardType) MageObject(mage.MageObject) ActivatedAbility(mage.abilities.ActivatedAbility) Planes(mage.constants.Planes) Card( RandomUtil(mage.util.RandomUtil) DateFormat(java.text.DateFormat) Choice(mage.choices.Choice) Outcome(mage.constants.Outcome) Plane( CardUtil(mage.util.CardUtil) CardRepository( Collectors( CommandObject( File( TimeUnit(java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) Game( ChoiceImpl(mage.choices.ChoiceImpl) Token( Effect(mage.abilities.effects.Effect) InfoEffect(mage.abilities.effects.common.InfoEffect) CardInfo( Permanent( Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) CounterType(mage.counters.CounterType) Ability(mage.abilities.Ability) Choice(mage.choices.Choice) Permanent( Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) Token( InfoEffect(mage.abilities.effects.common.InfoEffect) SimpleStaticAbility(mage.abilities.common.SimpleStaticAbility) ActivatedAbility(mage.abilities.ActivatedAbility) Ability(mage.abilities.Ability) GameCommanderImpl( Player(mage.players.Player) CardCriteria( Constructor(java.lang.reflect.Constructor) Zone(mage.constants.Zone) SimpleStaticAbility(mage.abilities.common.SimpleStaticAbility) ActivatedAbility(mage.abilities.ActivatedAbility) MageObject(mage.MageObject) CardInfo( Card( ChoiceImpl(mage.choices.ChoiceImpl) MageObject(mage.MageObject) CommandObject( File(

Example 18 with Ability

use of mage.abilities.Ability in project mage by magefree.

the class AberrantResearcherEffect method apply.

public boolean apply(Game game, Ability source) {
    Player controller = game.getPlayer(source.getControllerId());
    if (controller == null || controller.millCards(1, source, game).getCards(game).stream().noneMatch(card -> card.isInstantOrSorcery(game))) {
        return false;
    new TransformSourceEffect().apply(game, source);
    return true;
Also used : OneShotEffect(mage.abilities.effects.OneShotEffect) UUID(java.util.UUID) MageInt(mage.MageInt) TransformSourceEffect(mage.abilities.effects.common.TransformSourceEffect) Player(mage.players.Player) CardSetInfo( BeginningOfUpkeepTriggeredAbility(mage.abilities.common.BeginningOfUpkeepTriggeredAbility) Game( TransformAbility(mage.abilities.keyword.TransformAbility) CardImpl( FlyingAbility(mage.abilities.keyword.FlyingAbility) mage.constants(mage.constants) Ability(mage.abilities.Ability) Player(mage.players.Player) TransformSourceEffect(mage.abilities.effects.common.TransformSourceEffect)

Example 19 with Ability

use of mage.abilities.Ability in project mage by magefree.

the class AbandonedSarcophagusWatcher method applies.

public boolean applies(GameEvent event, Ability source, Game game) {
    boolean cardWasCycledThisTurn = false;
    boolean cardHasCycling = false;
    if (!(((ZoneChangeEvent) event).getToZone() == Zone.GRAVEYARD)) {
        return false;
    Player controller = game.getPlayer(source.getControllerId());
    AbandonedSarcophagusWatcher watcher = game.getState().getWatcher(AbandonedSarcophagusWatcher.class);
    Card card = game.getCard(event.getTargetId());
    if (card == null || controller == null || watcher == null || !card.isOwnedBy(controller.getId())) {
        return false;
    for (Ability ability : card.getAbilities(game)) {
        if (ability instanceof CyclingAbility) {
            cardHasCycling = true;
    Cards cards = watcher.getCardsCycledThisTurn(controller.getId());
    for (Card c : cards.getCards(game)) {
        if (c == card) {
            cardWasCycledThisTurn = true;
            // remove reference to the card as it is no longer needed
    return !cardWasCycledThisTurn && cardHasCycling;
Also used : SimpleStaticAbility(mage.abilities.common.SimpleStaticAbility) CyclingAbility(mage.abilities.keyword.CyclingAbility) Ability(mage.abilities.Ability) Player(mage.players.Player) CyclingAbility(mage.abilities.keyword.CyclingAbility) FilterCard(mage.filter.FilterCard)

Example 20 with Ability

use of mage.abilities.Ability in project mage by magefree.

the class BackdraftHellkiteEffect method apply.

public boolean apply(Game game, Ability source) {
    Player player = game.getPlayer(source.getControllerId());
    if (player == null) {
        return false;
    player.getGraveyard().stream().filter(cardId -> affectedObjectList.contains(new MageObjectReference(cardId, game))).forEachOrdered(cardId -> {
        Card card = game.getCard(cardId);
        if (card == null) {
        FlashbackAbility ability = new FlashbackAbility(card, card.getManaCost());
        game.getState().addOtherAbility(card, ability);
    return true;
Also used : AttacksTriggeredAbility(mage.abilities.common.AttacksTriggeredAbility) MageObjectReference(mage.MageObjectReference) UUID(java.util.UUID) MageInt(mage.MageInt) Player(mage.players.Player) CardSetInfo( ContinuousEffectImpl(mage.abilities.effects.ContinuousEffectImpl) Game( CardImpl( FlashbackAbility(mage.abilities.keyword.FlashbackAbility) FlyingAbility(mage.abilities.keyword.FlyingAbility) Card( mage.constants(mage.constants) Ability(mage.abilities.Ability) FlashbackAbility(mage.abilities.keyword.FlashbackAbility) Player(mage.players.Player) MageObjectReference(mage.MageObjectReference) Card(


Ability (mage.abilities.Ability)359 Player (mage.players.Player)173 Permanent ( UUID (java.util.UUID)126 Game ( OneShotEffect (mage.abilities.effects.OneShotEffect)98 SimpleStaticAbility (mage.abilities.common.SimpleStaticAbility)87 CardSetInfo ( CardImpl ( CardType (mage.constants.CardType)78 Outcome (mage.constants.Outcome)76 Card ( SimpleActivatedAbility (mage.abilities.common.SimpleActivatedAbility)64 MageObject (mage.MageObject)57 MageInt (mage.MageInt)47 SpellAbility (mage.abilities.SpellAbility)43 Objects (java.util.Objects)38 Zone (mage.constants.Zone)38 mage.constants (mage.constants)37 FilterCard (mage.filter.FilterCard)35