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Example 1 with MagePermanent

use of in project mage by magefree.

the class BattlefieldPanel method update.

public void update(Map<UUID, PermanentView> battlefield) {
    boolean changed = false;
    List<PermanentView> permanentsToAdd = new ArrayList<>();
    for (PermanentView permanent : battlefield.values()) {
        if (!permanent.isPhasedIn()) {
        MageCard oldFound = permanents.get(permanent.getId());
        MagePermanent oldMagePermanent = oldFound == null ? null : (MagePermanent) oldFound.getMainPanel();
        if (oldMagePermanent == null) {
            changed = true;
        } else {
            if (!changed) {
                changed = oldMagePermanent.getOriginalPermanent().isCreature() != permanent.isCreature();
                // Check if there was a change in the permanets that are the permanent attached to
                if (!changed) {
                    int attachments = permanent.getAttachments() == null ? 0 : permanent.getAttachments().size();
                    int attachmentsBefore = oldMagePermanent.getLinks().size();
                    if (attachments != attachmentsBefore) {
                        changed = true;
                    } else if (attachments > 0) {
                        Set<UUID> attachmentIds = new HashSet<>(permanent.getAttachments());
                        for (MageCard mageCard : oldMagePermanent.getLinks()) {
                            MagePermanent magePermanent = (MagePermanent) mageCard.getMainPanel();
                            if (!attachmentIds.contains(magePermanent.getOriginalPermanent().getId())) {
                                // that means that the amount of attachments is the same
                                // but they are different:
                                // we've just found an attachment on previous view
                                // that doesn't exist anymore on current view
                                changed = true;
                // Check if permanents it now attached to another or no permanent
                if (!changed) {
                    UUID attachedToIdBefore = oldMagePermanent.getOriginalPermanent().getAttachedTo();
                    UUID attachedToId = permanent.getAttachedTo();
                    if (attachedToIdBefore == null && attachedToId != null || attachedToId == null && attachedToIdBefore != null || (attachedToIdBefore != null && !attachedToIdBefore.equals(attachedToId))) {
                        changed = true;
                // Check for changes in the counters of the permanent
                if (!changed) {
                    List<CounterView> counters1 = oldMagePermanent.getOriginalPermanent().getCounters();
                    List<CounterView> counters2 = permanent.getCounters();
                    if (counters1 == null && counters2 != null || counters1 != null && counters2 == null) {
                        changed = true;
                    } else if (counters1 != null && counters2 != null && counters1.size() != counters2.size()) {
                        changed = true;
    addedArtifact = addedCreature = addedPermanent = false;
    int count = permanentsToAdd.size();
    for (PermanentView permanent : permanentsToAdd) {
        addPermanent(permanent, count);
    if (addedArtifact) {
    } else if (addedCreature) {
    } else if (addedPermanent) {
    removedCreature = false;
    for (Iterator<Entry<UUID, MageCard>> iterator = permanents.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
        Entry<UUID, MageCard> entry =;
        if (!battlefield.containsKey(entry.getKey()) || !battlefield.get(entry.getKey()).isPhasedIn()) {
            removePermanent(entry.getKey(), 1);
            changed = true;
    if (removedCreature) {
    if (changed) {
        this.battlefield = battlefield;
Also used : MageCard( Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) CounterView(mage.view.CounterView) PermanentView(mage.view.PermanentView) MagePermanent(

Example 2 with MagePermanent

use of in project mage by magefree.

the class BattlefieldPanel method removePermanent.

private void removePermanent(UUID permanentId, final int count) {
    for (Component comp : this.jPanel.getComponents()) {
        if (comp instanceof MageCard) {
            MageCard mageCard = (MageCard) comp;
            if (mageCard.getMainPanel() instanceof MagePermanent) {
                MagePermanent magePermanent = (MagePermanent) mageCard.getMainPanel();
                if (magePermanent.getOriginal().getId().equals(permanentId)) {
                    Thread t = new Thread(() -> {
                        Plugins.instance.onRemoveCard(mageCard, count);
                if (magePermanent.getOriginal().isCreature()) {
                    removedCreature = true;
Also used : MageCard( MagePermanent(

Example 3 with MagePermanent

use of in project mage by magefree.

the class CardPluginImpl method calculateNeededNumberOfVerticalColumns.

private AttachmentLayoutInfos calculateNeededNumberOfVerticalColumns(int currentCol, Map<UUID, MageCard> cards, MageCard cardWithAttachments) {
    int maxCol = ++currentCol;
    int attachments = 0;
    MagePermanent permWithAttachments = (MagePermanent) cardWithAttachments.getMainPanel();
    for (UUID attachmentId : permWithAttachments.getOriginalPermanent().getAttachments()) {
        MageCard attachedCard = cards.get(attachmentId);
        if (attachedCard != null) {
            MagePermanent attachedPerm = (MagePermanent) attachedCard.getMainPanel();
            if (attachedPerm.getOriginalPermanent().getAttachments() != null && !attachedPerm.getOriginalPermanent().getAttachments().isEmpty()) {
                AttachmentLayoutInfos attachmentLayoutInfos = calculateNeededNumberOfVerticalColumns(currentCol, cards, attachedCard);
                if (attachmentLayoutInfos.getColumns() > maxCol) {
                    maxCol = attachmentLayoutInfos.getColumns();
                    attachments += attachmentLayoutInfos.getAttachments();
    return new AttachmentLayoutInfos(maxCol, attachments);
Also used : MageCard( MagePermanent(

Example 4 with MagePermanent

use of in project mage by magefree.

the class CardPluginImpl method sortPermanents.

public int sortPermanents(Map<String, JComponent> ui, Map<UUID, MageCard> cards, boolean nonPermanentsOwnRow, boolean topPanel) {
    if (ui == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("No battlefield ui for layout");
    JLayeredPane battlefieldPanel = (JLayeredPane) ui.get("battlefieldPanel");
    JComponent cardsPanel = ui.get("jPanel");
    JScrollPane scrollPane = (JScrollPane) ui.get("scrollPane");
    if (battlefieldPanel == null || cardsPanel == null || scrollPane == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("No battlefield components for layout");
    Row rowAllLands = new Row();
    outerLoop: // 
    for (MageCard card : cards.values()) {
        // all cards must be MagePermanent on battlefield
        MagePermanent perm = (MagePermanent) card.getMainPanel();
        if (!perm.isLand() || perm.isCreature()) {
        int insertIndex = -1;
        // Find already added lands with the same name.
        for (int i = 0, n = rowAllLands.size(); i < n; i++) {
            // stack contains main card panel, but for any size/order manipulation you must use top layer panel
            Stack stack = rowAllLands.get(i);
            MagePermanent firstPanelPerm = stack.get(0);
            if (firstPanelPerm.getOriginal().getName().equals(perm.getOriginal().getName())) {
                if (!empty(firstPanelPerm.getOriginalPermanent().getAttachments())) {
                    // Put this land to the left of lands with the same name and attachments.
                    insertIndex = i;
                List<CounterView> counters = firstPanelPerm.getOriginalPermanent().getCounters();
                if (counters != null && !counters.isEmpty()) {
                    // don't put to first panel if it has counters
                    insertIndex = i;
                if (!empty(perm.getOriginalPermanent().getAttachments()) || stack.size() == landStackMax) {
                    // If this land has attachments or the stack is full, put it to the right.
                    insertIndex = i + 1;
                counters = perm.getOriginalPermanent().getCounters();
                if (counters != null && !counters.isEmpty()) {
                    // if a land has counter, put it to the right
                    insertIndex = i + 1;
                // Add to stack.
                stack.add(0, perm);
                continue outerLoop;
            if (insertIndex != -1) {
        Stack stack = new Stack();
        if (perm.getOriginalPermanent().getAttachments() != null && !perm.getOriginalPermanent().getAttachments().isEmpty() && !perm.getOriginalPermanent().isAttachedTo()) {
            // get the number of all attachements and sub attachments
            AttachmentLayoutInfos ali = calculateNeededNumberOfVerticalColumns(0, cards, card);
        rowAllLands.add(insertIndex == -1 ? rowAllLands.size() : insertIndex, stack);
    Row rowAllCreatures = new Row(cards, RowType.creature);
    Row rowAllOthers = new Row(cards, RowType.other);
    Row rowAllAttached = new Row(cards, RowType.attached);
    boolean othersOnTheRight = true;
    if (nonPermanentsOwnRow) {
        othersOnTheRight = false;
    // try to auto-fit cards
    cardWidth = cardWidthMax;
    Rectangle rect = battlefieldPanel.getVisibleRect();
    playAreaWidth = rect.width;
    playAreaHeight = rect.height;
    while (true) {
        // calculate values based on the card size that is changing with every iteration
        cardHeight = Math.round(cardWidth * CardPanel.ASPECT_RATIO);
        extraCardSpacingX = Math.round(cardWidth * EXTRA_CARD_SPACING_X);
        // need space for tap animation (horizontal position)
        cardSpacingX = cardHeight - cardWidth + extraCardSpacingX;
        cardSpacingY = Math.round(cardHeight * CARD_SPACING_Y);
        stackSpacingX = stackVertical ? 0 : Math.round(cardWidth * STACK_SPACING_X);
        stackSpacingY = Math.round(cardHeight * STACK_SPACING_Y);
        attachmentSpacingY = Math.round(cardHeight * ATTACHMENT_SPACING_Y);
        // clone data
        Row creatures = (Row) rowAllCreatures.clone();
        Row lands = (Row) rowAllLands.clone();
        Row others = (Row) rowAllOthers.clone();
        // Wrap all creatures and lands.
        int addOthersIndex;
        if (topPanel) {
            wrap(lands, rows, -1);
            wrap(others, rows, rows.size());
            addOthersIndex = rows.size();
            wrap(creatures, rows, addOthersIndex);
        } else {
            wrap(creatures, rows, -1);
            addOthersIndex = rows.size();
            wrap(lands, rows, rows.size());
            wrap(others, rows, rows.size());
        // Store the current rows and others.
        List<Row> storedRows = new ArrayList<>(rows.size());
        for (Row row : rows) {
            storedRows.add((Row) row.clone());
        Row storedOthers = (Row) others.clone();
        // Fill in all rows with others.
        for (Row row : rows) {
            fillRow(others, rows, row);
        // Stop if everything fits, otherwise revert back to the stored values.
        if (creatures.isEmpty() && lands.isEmpty() && others.isEmpty()) {
        rows = storedRows;
        others = storedOthers;
        // Try to put others on their own row(s) and fill in the rest.
        wrap(others, rows, addOthersIndex);
        for (Row row : rows) {
            fillRow(others, rows, row);
        // If that still doesn't fit, scale down.
        if (creatures.isEmpty() && lands.isEmpty() && others.isEmpty()) {
    // Get size of all the rows.
    int x, y = GUTTER_Y;
    int maxRowWidth = 0;
    for (Row row : rows) {
        int rowBottom = 0;
        x = GUTTER_X;
        for (int stackIndex = 0, stackCount = row.size(); stackIndex < stackCount; stackIndex++) {
            Stack stack = row.get(stackIndex);
            rowBottom = Math.max(rowBottom, y + stack.getHeight());
            x += stack.getWidth();
        y = rowBottom;
        maxRowWidth = Math.max(maxRowWidth, x);
    // Position all card panels
    y = GUTTER_Y;
    for (Row row : rows) {
        int rowBottom = 0;
        x = GUTTER_X;
        for (int stackIndex = 0, stackCount = row.size(); stackIndex < stackCount; stackIndex++) {
            Stack stack = row.get(stackIndex);
            // Align others to the right.
            if (othersOnTheRight && RowType.other.isType(stack.get(0))) {
                x = playAreaWidth - GUTTER_X + extraCardSpacingX;
                for (int i = stackIndex, n = row.size(); i < n; i++) {
                    x -= row.get(i).getWidth();
            for (int panelIndex = 0, panelCount = stack.size(); panelIndex < panelCount; panelIndex++) {
                // it's original card panel, but you must change top layer
                MagePermanent panelPerm = stack.get(panelIndex);
                int stackPosition = panelCount - panelIndex - 1;
                if (cardsPanel != null) {
                    cardsPanel.setComponentZOrder(panelPerm.getTopPanelRef(), panelIndex);
                int panelX = x + (stackPosition * stackSpacingX);
                int panelY = y + (stackPosition * stackSpacingY);
                try {
                    // may cause:
                    // java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: illegal component position 26 should be less then 26
                } catch (Exception e) {
                panelPerm.getTopPanelRef().setCardBounds(panelX, panelY, cardWidth, cardHeight);
            rowBottom = Math.max(rowBottom, y + stack.getHeight());
            x += stack.getWidth();
        y = rowBottom;
    // attached permanents will be handled separately
    for (Stack stack : rowAllAttached) {
        for (MagePermanent panelPerm : stack) {
            panelPerm.getTopPanelRef().setCardBounds(0, 0, cardWidth, cardHeight);
    // scrollbars speed
    return y;
Also used : MageCard( List(java.util.List) MagePermanent(


MageCard ( MagePermanent ( List (java.util.List)1 Entry (java.util.Map.Entry)1 CounterView (mage.view.CounterView)1 PermanentView (mage.view.PermanentView)1