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Example 1 with PermanentView

use of mage.view.PermanentView in project mage by magefree.

the class MageActionCallback method displayEnlargedCard.

private void displayEnlargedCard(final CardView cardView, final TransferData data) {
    MageCard cardPanel = data.getComponent().getTopPanelRef();
    ThreadUtils.threadPool3.submit(() -> {
        if (cardView == null) {
        try {
            if (enlargedWindowState == EnlargedWindowState.CLOSED) {
            MageComponents mageComponentCardPreviewContainer;
            MageComponents mageComponentCardPreviewPane;
            if (cardView.isToRotate()) {
                if (enlargedWindowState == EnlargedWindowState.NORMAL) {
                    enlargedWindowState = EnlargedWindowState.ROTATED;
                mageComponentCardPreviewContainer = MageComponents.CARD_PREVIEW_CONTAINER_ROTATED;
                mageComponentCardPreviewPane = MageComponents.CARD_PREVIEW_PANE_ROTATED;
            } else {
                if (enlargedWindowState == EnlargedWindowState.ROTATED) {
                    enlargedWindowState = EnlargedWindowState.NORMAL;
                mageComponentCardPreviewContainer = MageComponents.CARD_PREVIEW_CONTAINER;
                mageComponentCardPreviewPane = MageComponents.CARD_PREVIEW_PANE;
            final Component popupContainer = MageFrame.getUI().getComponent(mageComponentCardPreviewContainer);
            Component cardPreviewPane = MageFrame.getUI().getComponent(mageComponentCardPreviewPane);
            Component parentComponent = SwingUtilities.getRoot(cardPanel);
            if (cardPreviewPane != null && parentComponent != null) {
                Point parentPoint = parentComponent.getLocationOnScreen();
                Point location = new Point((int) data.getLocationOnScreen().getX() + data.getPopupOffsetX() - 40, (int) data.getLocationOnScreen().getY() + data.getPopupOffsetY() - 40);
                location = GuiDisplayUtil.keepComponentInsideParent(location, parentPoint, cardPreviewPane, parentComponent);
                location.translate(-parentPoint.x, -parentPoint.y);
                // popup hint mode
                Image image = null;
                CardView displayCard = cardPanel.getOriginal();
                switch(enlargeMode) {
                    case COPY:
                        if (cardView instanceof PermanentView) {
                            image = ImageCache.getImageOriginal(((PermanentView) cardView).getOriginal());
                    case ALTERNATE:
                        if (cardView.getAlternateName() != null) {
                            if (cardView instanceof PermanentView && !cardView.isFlipCard() && !cardView.canTransform() && ((PermanentView) cardView).isCopy()) {
                                image = ImageCache.getImageOriginal(((PermanentView) cardView).getOriginal());
                            } else {
                                image = ImageCache.getImageOriginalAlternateName(cardView);
                                displayCard = displayCard.getSecondCardFace();
                if (image == null) {
                    image = cardPanel.getImage();
                // shows the card in the popup Container
                displayCardInfo(displayCard, image, (BigCard) cardPreviewPane);
            } else {
                logger.warn("No Card preview Pane in Mage Frame defined. Card: " + cardView.getName());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.warn("Problem dring display of enlarged card", e);
Also used : CardView(mage.view.CardView) PermanentView(mage.view.PermanentView) MageCard( BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) MageComponents(mage.client.components.MageComponents)

Example 2 with PermanentView

use of mage.view.PermanentView in project mage by magefree.

the class BattlefieldPanel method update.

public void update(Map<UUID, PermanentView> battlefield) {
    boolean changed = false;
    List<PermanentView> permanentsToAdd = new ArrayList<>();
    for (PermanentView permanent : battlefield.values()) {
        if (!permanent.isPhasedIn()) {
        MageCard oldFound = permanents.get(permanent.getId());
        MagePermanent oldMagePermanent = oldFound == null ? null : (MagePermanent) oldFound.getMainPanel();
        if (oldMagePermanent == null) {
            changed = true;
        } else {
            if (!changed) {
                changed = oldMagePermanent.getOriginalPermanent().isCreature() != permanent.isCreature();
                // Check if there was a change in the permanets that are the permanent attached to
                if (!changed) {
                    int attachments = permanent.getAttachments() == null ? 0 : permanent.getAttachments().size();
                    int attachmentsBefore = oldMagePermanent.getLinks().size();
                    if (attachments != attachmentsBefore) {
                        changed = true;
                    } else if (attachments > 0) {
                        Set<UUID> attachmentIds = new HashSet<>(permanent.getAttachments());
                        for (MageCard mageCard : oldMagePermanent.getLinks()) {
                            MagePermanent magePermanent = (MagePermanent) mageCard.getMainPanel();
                            if (!attachmentIds.contains(magePermanent.getOriginalPermanent().getId())) {
                                // that means that the amount of attachments is the same
                                // but they are different:
                                // we've just found an attachment on previous view
                                // that doesn't exist anymore on current view
                                changed = true;
                // Check if permanents it now attached to another or no permanent
                if (!changed) {
                    UUID attachedToIdBefore = oldMagePermanent.getOriginalPermanent().getAttachedTo();
                    UUID attachedToId = permanent.getAttachedTo();
                    if (attachedToIdBefore == null && attachedToId != null || attachedToId == null && attachedToIdBefore != null || (attachedToIdBefore != null && !attachedToIdBefore.equals(attachedToId))) {
                        changed = true;
                // Check for changes in the counters of the permanent
                if (!changed) {
                    List<CounterView> counters1 = oldMagePermanent.getOriginalPermanent().getCounters();
                    List<CounterView> counters2 = permanent.getCounters();
                    if (counters1 == null && counters2 != null || counters1 != null && counters2 == null) {
                        changed = true;
                    } else if (counters1 != null && counters2 != null && counters1.size() != counters2.size()) {
                        changed = true;
    addedArtifact = addedCreature = addedPermanent = false;
    int count = permanentsToAdd.size();
    for (PermanentView permanent : permanentsToAdd) {
        addPermanent(permanent, count);
    if (addedArtifact) {
    } else if (addedCreature) {
    } else if (addedPermanent) {
    removedCreature = false;
    for (Iterator<Entry<UUID, MageCard>> iterator = permanents.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
        Entry<UUID, MageCard> entry =;
        if (!battlefield.containsKey(entry.getKey()) || !battlefield.get(entry.getKey()).isPhasedIn()) {
            removePermanent(entry.getKey(), 1);
            changed = true;
    if (removedCreature) {
    if (changed) {
        this.battlefield = battlefield;
Also used : MageCard( Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) CounterView(mage.view.CounterView) PermanentView(mage.view.PermanentView) MagePermanent(

Example 3 with PermanentView

use of mage.view.PermanentView in project mage by magefree.

the class ModernCardRenderer method drawNameLine.

// Draw the name line
protected void drawNameLine(Graphics2D g, CardPanelAttributes attribs, String baseName, String manaCost, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
    // Width of the mana symbols
    int manaCostWidth;
    if (cardView.isAbility()) {
        manaCostWidth = 0;
    } else {
        manaCostWidth = CardRendererUtils.getManaCostWidth(manaCost, boxTextHeight);
    // Available width for name. Add a little bit of slop so that one character
    // can partially go underneath the mana cost
    int availableWidth = w - manaCostWidth + 2;
    // Draw the name
    String nameStr;
    if (cardView.isFaceDown()) {
        if (cardView instanceof PermanentView && ((PermanentView) cardView).isManifested()) {
            nameStr = "Manifest: " + cardView.getName();
        } else {
            nameStr = "Morph: " + cardView.getName();
    } else {
        nameStr = baseName;
    if (!nameStr.isEmpty()) {
        AttributedString str = new AttributedString(nameStr);
        str.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FONT, boxTextFont);
        TextMeasurer measure = new TextMeasurer(str.getIterator(), g.getFontRenderContext());
        int breakIndex = measure.getLineBreakIndex(0, availableWidth);
        if (breakIndex < nameStr.length()) {
            str = new AttributedString(nameStr);
            str.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FONT, boxTextFontNarrow);
            measure = new TextMeasurer(str.getIterator(), g.getFontRenderContext());
            breakIndex = measure.getLineBreakIndex(0, availableWidth);
        if (breakIndex > 0) {
            TextLayout layout = measure.getLayout(0, breakIndex);
            layout.draw(g, x, y + boxTextOffset + boxTextHeight - 1);
    // Draw the mana symbols
    if (!cardView.isAbility() && !cardView.isFaceDown()) {
        ManaSymbols.draw(g, manaCost, x + w - manaCostWidth, y + boxTextOffset, boxTextHeight, ModernCardRenderer.MANA_ICONS_TEXT_COLOR, 2);
Also used : AttributedString(java.text.AttributedString) PermanentView(mage.view.PermanentView) AttributedString(java.text.AttributedString)

Example 4 with PermanentView

use of mage.view.PermanentView in project mage by magefree.

the class ModernCardRenderer method drawBottomRight.

// Draw the P/T and/or Loyalty boxes
protected void drawBottomRight(Graphics2D g, CardPanelAttributes attribs, Paint borderPaint, Color fill) {
    // No bottom right for abilities
    if (cardView.isAbility()) {
    // Where to start drawing the things
    int curY = cardHeight - (int) (0.03f * cardHeight);
    // Width of the boxes
    int partBoxWidth = (int) Math.max(30, 0.20f * cardWidth);
    // Is it a creature?
    boolean isVehicle = cardView.getSubTypes().contains(SubType.VEHICLE);
    if (cardView.isCreature() || isVehicle) {
        // draws p/t by parts
        // Arial font is too narrow for devider (2/2) and needs extra space
        int ptDeviderSpace = 1;
        String ptText1 = cardView.getPower();
        String ptText2 = "/";
        String ptText3 = CardRendererUtils.getCardLifeWithDamage(cardView);
        int ptTextWidth1 = g.getFontMetrics(ptTextFont).stringWidth(ptText1);
        int ptTextWidth2 = g.getFontMetrics(ptTextFont).stringWidth(ptText2) + 2 * ptDeviderSpace;
        int ptTextWidth3 = g.getFontMetrics(ptTextFont).stringWidth(ptText3);
        // PT max size
        int ptContentWidth = contentInset + ptTextWidth1 + ptDeviderSpace + ptTextWidth2 + ptDeviderSpace + ptTextWidth3 + contentInset;
        partBoxWidth = Math.max(ptContentWidth, partBoxWidth);
        int x = cardWidth - borderWidth - partBoxWidth;
        // Draw PT box
        CardRendererUtils.drawRoundedBox(g, x, curY - boxHeight, partBoxWidth, boxHeight, contentInset, borderPaint, isVehicle ? BOX_VEHICLE : fill);
        // Draw shadow line top
        g.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 150));
        g.fillRect(x + contentInset, curY - boxHeight - 1, partBoxWidth - 2 * contentInset, 1);
        // Draw text
        Color defaultTextColor;
        boolean defaultTextLight;
        if (isVehicle) {
            boolean isAnimated = !(cardView instanceof PermanentView) || cardView.isCreature();
            if (isAnimated) {
                defaultTextColor = Color.white;
            } else {
                defaultTextColor = new Color(180, 180, 180);
            defaultTextLight = true;
        } else {
            defaultTextColor = getBoxTextColor(attribs);
            defaultTextLight = !defaultTextColor.equals(;
        // draws
        int ptEmptySpace = (partBoxWidth - ptContentWidth) / 2;
        int ptPosStart1 = x + contentInset + ptEmptySpace;
        int ptPosStart2 = ptPosStart1 + ptTextWidth1 + ptDeviderSpace;
        int ptPosStart3 = ptPosStart2 + ptTextWidth2 + ptDeviderSpace;
        // p
        g.setColor(CardRendererUtils.getCardTextColor(cardView.getOriginalCard().getPower(), false, defaultTextColor, defaultTextLight));
        // left
        g.drawString(ptText1, ptPosStart1, curY - ptTextOffset - 1);
        // /
        // center
        g.drawString(ptText2, ptPosStart2, curY - ptTextOffset - 1);
        // t
        g.setColor(CardRendererUtils.getCardTextColor(cardView.getOriginalCard().getToughness(), CardRendererUtils.isCardWithDamage(cardView), defaultTextColor, defaultTextLight));
        // right
        g.drawString(ptText3, ptPosStart3, curY - ptTextOffset - 1);
        // Advance
        curY -= boxHeight;
    // of a walker without a starting loyalty (EG: Arlin Kord's flipped side).
    if (cardView.isPlanesWalker() && (cardView instanceof PermanentView || !cardView.getStartingLoyalty().equals("0"))) {
        // Draw the PW loyalty box
        int w = partBoxWidth;
        int h = partBoxWidth / 2;
        int x = cardWidth - partBoxWidth - borderWidth;
        int y = curY - h;
        Polygon symbol = new Polygon(new int[] { x + w / 2, (int) (x + w * 0.9), x + w, (int) (x + w * 0.6), x + w / 2, (int) (x + w * 0.4), x, (int) (x + w * 0.1) }, new int[] { y + h, (int) (y + 0.8 * h), y, (int) (y - 0.2 * h), y, (int) (y - 0.2 * h), y, (int) (y + 0.8 * h) }, 8);
        // Draw + stroke
        g.setColor(new Color(200, 200, 200));
        g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2));
        g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1));
        // Loyalty number
        String loyalty;
        if (cardView instanceof PermanentView) {
            loyalty = cardView.getLoyalty();
        } else {
            loyalty = cardView.getStartingLoyalty();
        int loyaltyWidth = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(loyalty);
        g.drawString(loyalty, x + (w - loyaltyWidth) / 2, y + ptTextHeight + (h - ptTextHeight) / 2);
        // Advance
        curY -= (int) (1.2 * y);
    // does it have damage on it?
    if ((cardView instanceof PermanentView) && ((PermanentView) cardView).getDamage() > 0) {
        int x = cardWidth - partBoxWidth - borderWidth;
        int y = curY - boxHeight;
        String damage = String.valueOf(((PermanentView) cardView).getDamage());
        int txWidth = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(damage);
        g.fillRect(x, y, partBoxWidth, boxHeight);
        g.drawRect(x, y, partBoxWidth, boxHeight);
        g.drawString(damage, x + (partBoxWidth - txWidth) / 2, curY - 1);
Also used : ObjectColor(mage.ObjectColor) PermanentView(mage.view.PermanentView) AttributedString(java.text.AttributedString)

Example 5 with PermanentView

use of mage.view.PermanentView in project mage by magefree.

the class CardLayoutStrategyImpl method calculateNeededNumberOfVerticalColumns.

private AttachmentLayoutInfos calculateNeededNumberOfVerticalColumns(int currentCol, BattlefieldPanel battlefieldPanel, Map<UUID, MageCard> cards, PermanentView permanentWithAttachmentsView) {
    int maxCol = ++currentCol;
    int attachments = 0;
    for (UUID attachmentId : permanentWithAttachmentsView.getAttachments()) {
        PermanentView attachedPermanent = battlefieldPanel.getBattlefield().get(attachmentId);
        if (attachedPermanent != null) {
            if (attachedPermanent.getAttachments() != null && !attachedPermanent.getAttachments().isEmpty()) {
                AttachmentLayoutInfos attachmentLayoutInfos = calculateNeededNumberOfVerticalColumns(currentCol, battlefieldPanel, cards, attachedPermanent);
                if (attachmentLayoutInfos.getColumns() > maxCol) {
                    maxCol = attachmentLayoutInfos.getColumns();
                    attachments += attachmentLayoutInfos.getAttachments();
    return new AttachmentLayoutInfos(maxCol, attachments);
Also used : PermanentView(mage.view.PermanentView) UUID(java.util.UUID) Point(java.awt.Point)


PermanentView (mage.view.PermanentView)11 Point (java.awt.Point)4 MageCard ( UUID (java.util.UUID)3 BufferedImage (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)2 AttributedString (java.text.AttributedString)2 CounterView (mage.view.CounterView)2 Dimension (java.awt.Dimension)1 java.util (java.util)1 Entry (java.util.Map.Entry)1 JLayeredPane (javax.swing.JLayeredPane)1 ObjectColor (mage.ObjectColor)1 MagePermanent ( MageComponents (mage.client.components.MageComponents)1 CardView (mage.view.CardView)1