use of maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class PointDistributor method sphereGridFill.
// fills a mesh based on a regular grid of points
public static Point3d[] sphereGridFill(PolygonalMesh mesh, double r) {
ArrayList<Point3d> pnts = new ArrayList<Point3d>();
RigidTransform3d trans = getPrincipalAxes(mesh);
Point3d[] box = getTightBox(mesh, trans);
Point3d center = new Point3d(box[0]);
Vector3d l = new Vector3d(box[0]);
double alpha = 2 * Math.sqrt(2) * r;
int nx = (int) Math.ceil(l.x / alpha) + 1;
int ny = (int) Math.ceil(l.y / alpha) + 1;
int nz = (int) Math.ceil(l.z / alpha) + 1;
double xoffset = -(nx - 1) * alpha / 2;
double yoffset = -(ny - 1) * alpha / 2;
double zoffset = -(nz - 1) * alpha / 2;
BVTree bvh = mesh.getBVTree();
Vector2d coords = new Vector2d();
Point3d nearest = new Point3d();
BVFeatureQuery query = new BVFeatureQuery();
Point3d p;
for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < nz; k++) {
double x = i * alpha + xoffset;
double y = j * alpha + yoffset;
double z = k * alpha + zoffset;
p = new Point3d(x, y, z);
addIfIntersects(pnts, p, r, bvh, nearest, coords, query);
return pnts.toArray(new Point3d[pnts.size()]);
use of maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class PointDistributor method sphereFCCFill.
// fills a mesh with spheres based on face-centered cubic packing
public static Point3d[] sphereFCCFill(PolygonalMesh mesh, double r) {
ArrayList<Point3d> pnts = new ArrayList<Point3d>();
RigidTransform3d trans = getPrincipalAxes(mesh);
Point3d[] box = getTightBox(mesh, trans);
Point3d center = new Point3d(box[0]);
Vector3d l = new Vector3d(box[0]);
double alpha = 2 * Math.sqrt(2) * r;
int nx = (int) Math.ceil(l.x / alpha) + 1;
int ny = (int) Math.ceil(l.y / alpha) + 1;
int nz = (int) Math.ceil(l.z / alpha) + 1;
double xoffset = -(nx - 1) * alpha / 2;
double yoffset = -(ny - 1) * alpha / 2;
double zoffset = -(nz - 1) * alpha / 2;
BVTree bvh = mesh.getBVTree();
Vector2d coords = new Vector2d();
Point3d nearest = new Point3d();
BVFeatureQuery query = new BVFeatureQuery();
Point3d p;
for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < nz; k++) {
double x = i * alpha + xoffset;
double y = j * alpha + yoffset;
double z = k * alpha + zoffset;
p = new Point3d(x, y, z);
addIfIntersects(pnts, p, r, bvh, nearest, coords, query);
// face centers
if (i < nx - 1 && k < nz - 1) {
p = new Point3d(x + alpha / 2, y, z + alpha / 2);
addIfIntersects(pnts, p, r, bvh, nearest, coords, query);
if (j < ny - 1 && k < nz - 1) {
p = new Point3d(x, y + alpha / 2, z + alpha / 2);
addIfIntersects(pnts, p, r, bvh, nearest, coords, query);
if (i < nx - 1 && j < ny - 1) {
p = new Point3d(x + alpha / 2, y + alpha / 2, z);
addIfIntersects(pnts, p, r, bvh, nearest, coords, query);
return pnts.toArray(new Point3d[pnts.size()]);
use of maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class CollisionRenderer method buildFaceSegments.
protected void buildFaceSegments(RenderObject ro, CollisionHandler handler, ArrayList<TriTriIntersection> intersections) {
BVFeatureQuery query = new BVFeatureQuery();
PolygonalMesh mesh0 = handler.getCollidable(0).getCollisionMesh();
PolygonalMesh mesh1 = handler.getCollidable(1).getCollisionMesh();
ArrayList<Face> faces = new ArrayList<Face>();
// mark faces as visited and add segments
for (TriTriIntersection isect : intersections) {
// add partials?
// mark interior faces and add segments
for (TriTriIntersection isect : intersections) {
if (isect.face0.getMesh() != mesh0) {
findInsideFaces(isect.face0, query, mesh0, faces);
findInsideFaces(isect.face1, query, mesh1, faces);
} else {
findInsideFaces(isect.face0, query, mesh1, faces);
findInsideFaces(isect.face1, query, mesh0, faces);
for (TriTriIntersection isect : intersections) {
// add faces to render object and clear visited flag
Vector3d nrm = new Vector3d();
Point3d p0 = new Point3d();
Point3d p1 = new Point3d();
Point3d p2 = new Point3d();
for (Face face : faces) {
ro.addNormal((float) nrm.x, (float) nrm.y, (float) nrm.z);
HalfEdge he = face.firstHalfEdge();
he = he.getNext();
he = he.getNext();
int v0idx = ro.vertex((float) p0.x, (float) p0.y, (float) p0.z);
int v1idx = ro.vertex((float) p1.x, (float) p1.y, (float) p1.z);
int v2idx = ro.vertex((float) p2.x, (float) p2.y, (float) p2.z);
ro.addTriangle(v0idx, v1idx, v2idx);
use of maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class FemDisplayProbe method updateVertexIndicators.
* determines which vertices are inside the supplied mesh
protected void updateVertexIndicators() {
vtxIndicatorMap = new HashMap<Vertex3d, Boolean>(myPlaneSurface.numVertices());
TriangleIntersector ti = new TriangleIntersector();
BVFeatureQuery query = new BVFeatureQuery();
if (myFem != null) {
PolygonalMesh mesh = myFem.getSurfaceMesh();
for (Vertex3d vtx : myPlaneSurface.getVertices()) {
Point3d pnt = vtx.getWorldPoint();
if (query.isInsideOrientedMesh(mesh, pnt, myIntersectionTolerance)) {
vtxIndicatorMap.put(vtx, true);
} else {
vtxIndicatorMap.put(vtx, false);
use of maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class MeshIntersectingProbe method updateVertexIndicators.
* Computes vertex indicators, determining if vertex is inside or outside mesh
protected void updateVertexIndicators() {
BVFeatureQuery query = new BVFeatureQuery();
vtxIndicatorMap = new HashMap<Vertex3d, Boolean>(myPlaneSurface.numVertices());
if (myIntersectingMesh != null) {
for (Vertex3d vtx : myPlaneSurface.getVertices()) {
boolean inside = query.isInsideOrientedMesh(myIntersectingMesh, vtx.getWorldPoint(), 1e-10);
if (inside) {
vtxIndicatorMap.put(vtx, true);
} else {
vtxIndicatorMap.put(vtx, false);