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Example 1 with AxisAngle

use of maspack.matrix.AxisAngle in project artisynth_core by artisynth.

the class MeshCollider method getContactPlaneInfo.

 * Get information about a specific region of intersections.
static void getContactPlaneInfo(ContactPlane region, PolygonalMesh mesh0, PolygonalMesh mesh1, double pointTol) {
    Vector3d sectnormal = new Vector3d(), tmpnormal = new Vector3d();
    BVFeatureQuery query = new BVFeatureQuery();
    RigidTransform3d trans0 = mesh0.getMeshToWorld();
    RigidTransform3d trans1 = mesh1.getMeshToWorld();
    // calculate a weighted average of the face normals
    for (TriTriIntersection isect : region.intersections) {
        region.points = new ArrayList<Point3d>();
        double length = isect.points[0].distance(isect.points[1]);
        tmpnormal.transform(trans0, isect.face0.getNormal());
        sectnormal.scaledAdd(length, tmpnormal, sectnormal);
        tmpnormal.transform(trans1, isect.face1.getNormal());
        sectnormal.scaledAdd(length, tmpnormal, sectnormal);
    // calculate the weighted intersection center
    Point3d center = new Point3d();
    double weight = 0;
    for (TriTriIntersection isect : region.intersections) {
        double length = isect.points[0].distance(isect.points[1]);
        center.scaledAdd(length, isect.points[0], center);
        center.scaledAdd(length, isect.points[1], center);
        weight += 2 * length;
    center.scale(1.0 / weight);
    region.centroid = center;
    // calculate the weighted normal
    Vector3d cp0 = new Vector3d(), cp1 = new Vector3d();
    for (TriTriIntersection isect : region.intersections) {
        cp0.sub(isect.points[0], center);
        cp1.sub(isect.points[1], center);
        tmpnormal.cross(cp0, cp1);
        if ( < 0)
    if ( < 0)
    // handle degenerate cases
    if (region.normal.containsNaN() || region.normal.norm() < EPS) {
        Point3d p0 = new Point3d();
        Point3d p1 = new Point3d();
        Vector3d c0 = new Vector3d();
        Vector3d c1 = new Vector3d();
        for (TriTriIntersection isect : region.intersections) {
            for (Point3d p : isect.points) {
                p0.inverseTransform(trans0, p);
                p1.inverseTransform(trans1, p);
                Vertex3d u0 = isect.face0.getVertex(0);
                Vertex3d u1 = isect.face0.getVertex(1);
                Vertex3d u2 = isect.face0.getVertex(2);
                Vertex3d v0 = isect.face1.getVertex(0);
                Vertex3d v1 = isect.face1.getVertex(1);
                Vertex3d v2 = isect.face1.getVertex(2);
                getCoordinates(c0, u0.pnt, u1.pnt, u2.pnt, p0);
                getCoordinates(c1, v0.pnt, v1.pnt, v2.pnt, p1);
                int[] type0 = classifyPoint(c0);
                int[] type1 = classifyPoint(c1);
                if (type0[0] == 2) {
                    if (type1[0] == 2) {
                        // vertex,vertex
                        region.normal.add(vertexVertexNormal(trans0, trans1, isect.face0, isect.face1, type0[1], type1[1]));
                    } else if (type1[0] == 1) {
                        // vertex,edge
                        region.normal.add(vertexEdgeNormal(trans0, trans1, isect.face0, isect.face1, type0[1], type1[1]));
                    } else {
                        // vertex,face
                        region.normal.add(vertexFaceNormal(trans0, trans1, isect.face0, isect.face1, type0[1]));
                } else if (type0[0] == 1) {
                    if (type1[0] == 2) {
                        // edge,vertex
                        region.normal.sub(vertexEdgeNormal(trans1, trans0, isect.face1, isect.face0, type1[1], type0[1]));
                    } else if (type1[0] == 1) {
                        // edge,edge
                        region.normal.add(edgeEdgeNormal(trans0, trans1, isect.face0, isect.face1, type0[1], type1[1]));
                    } else {
                        // edge,face
                        region.normal.add(edgeFaceNormal(trans0, trans1, isect.face0, isect.face1, type0[1]));
                } else {
                    if (type1[0] == 2) {
                        // face,vertex
                        region.normal.sub(vertexFaceNormal(trans1, trans0, isect.face1, isect.face0, type1[1]));
                    } else if (type1[0] == 1) {
                        // face,edge
                        region.normal.sub(edgeFaceNormal(trans1, trans0, isect.face1, isect.face0, type1[1]));
                    } else {
                        // face,face
                        region.normal.add(faceFaceNormal(trans0, trans1, isect.face0, isect.face1));
    // calculate the contact depth for the region
    boolean foundPenetratingVertice = false;
    Point3d p = new Point3d();
    Point3d nearest = new Point3d();
    Vector3d diff = new Vector3d();
    Vector2d coords = new Vector2d();
    Vertex3d v;
    Face nf;
    Point3d plocal = new Point3d();
    LinkedHashSet<Vertex3d> regionvertices0 = new LinkedHashSet<Vertex3d>();
    LinkedHashSet<Vertex3d> regionvertices1 = new LinkedHashSet<Vertex3d>();
    region.depth = 0;
    for (TriTriIntersection isect : region.intersections) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            // face0 vertex depths
            v = isect.face0.getVertex(i);
            p.transform(trans0, v.pnt);
            plocal.inverseTransform(trans1, p);
            if ( <= 0) {
            // face1 vertex depths
            v = isect.face1.getVertex(i);
            p.transform(trans1, v.pnt);
            plocal.inverseTransform(trans0, p);
            if ( <= 0) {
    for (Vertex3d v0 : regionvertices0) {
        p.transform(trans0, v0.pnt);
        // XXX Sanchez, Jun 22, 2014
        // Changed to isInside.  Sometimes a vertex is outside
        // the mesh but determined to be "penetrating" due to
        // normal (e.g. when nearest to an edge)
        // nf = myQuery.nearestFaceToPoint (nearest, coords, mesh1, p);
        boolean inside = query.isInsideOrientedMesh(mesh1, p, 0);
        if (inside) {
            query.getFaceForInsideOrientedTest(nearest, coords);
            diff.sub(p, nearest);
            foundPenetratingVertice = true;
            // (nf.getNormal());
            double dist = diff.norm();
            if (dist > region.depth)
                region.depth = dist;
    for (Vertex3d v1 : regionvertices1) {
        p.transform(trans1, v1.pnt);
        // nf = myQuery.nearestFaceToPoint (nearest, coords, mesh0, p);
        boolean inside = query.isInsideOrientedMesh(mesh0, p, 0);
        if (inside) {
            query.getFaceForInsideOrientedTest(nearest, coords);
            diff.sub(p, nearest);
            foundPenetratingVertice = true;
            // (nf.getNormal());
            double dist = diff.norm();
            if (dist > region.depth)
                region.depth = dist;
    if (!foundPenetratingVertice) {
        double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        for (int i = 0; i < region.points.size(); i++) {
            double d = region.points.get(i).dot(region.normal);
            if (d < min)
                min = d;
            if (d > max)
                max = d;
        region.depth = max - min;
    // eliminate redundant points
    // use point tolerance
    for (TriTriIntersection isect : region.intersections) {
        for (Point3d pcandidate : isect.points) {
            boolean add = true;
            for (Point3d other : region.points) if (pcandidate.epsilonEquals(other, pointTol)) {
                add = false;
            if (add) {
    // take extrema along n axes
    if (numextremaaxes > 0) {
        // final ArrayList<Vector3d> axes = new ArrayList<Vector3d>();
        Vector3d crosszup = new Vector3d(0, 0, 1);
        crosszup.cross(region.normal, crosszup);
        double crosszupnorm = crosszup.norm();
        RigidTransform3d normtoworld;
        if (crosszup.norm() > EPS) {
            normtoworld = new RigidTransform3d(new Vector3d(), new AxisAngle(crosszup, Math.asin(crosszupnorm)));
        } else {
            normtoworld = new RigidTransform3d();
        boolean[] keep = new boolean[region.points.size()];
        for (int j = 0; j < region.points.size(); j++) keep[j] = false;
        Vector3d offset = new Vector3d();
        Vector3d axis = new Vector3d();
        for (int i = 0; i < numextremaaxes; i++) {
            double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
            int mini = 0, maxi = 0;
            double angle = Math.PI * i / numextremaaxes;
            axis.set(Math.cos(angle), Math.sin(angle), 0);
            for (int j = 0; j < region.points.size(); j++) {
                offset.sub(region.points.get(j), center);
                double dot =;
                if (dot < min) {
                    min = dot;
                    mini = j;
                if (dot > max) {
                    max = dot;
                    maxi = j;
            keep[mini] = true;
            keep[maxi] = true;
        for (int j = (region.points.size() - 1); j >= 0; j--) {
            if (!keep[j])
Also used : Vertex3d(maspack.geometry.Vertex3d) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) RigidTransform3d(maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d) TriTriIntersection(maspack.geometry.TriTriIntersection) BVFeatureQuery(maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery) AxisAngle(maspack.matrix.AxisAngle) Vector2d(maspack.matrix.Vector2d) Vector3d(maspack.matrix.Vector3d) Point3d(maspack.matrix.Point3d) Face(maspack.geometry.Face)

Example 2 with AxisAngle

use of maspack.matrix.AxisAngle in project artisynth_core by artisynth.

the class MeshColliderTest method testRegions.

boolean testRegions() {
    PolygonalMesh mesh0 = MeshFactory.createBox(1, 1, 1);
    PolygonalMesh mesh1 = MeshFactory.createBox(1, 1, 1);
    RigidTransform3d trans1 = new RigidTransform3d();
    trans1.mulAxisAngle(new AxisAngle(0, 1, 0, Math.PI / 4));
    trans1.mulAxisAngle(new AxisAngle(1, 0, 0, Math.PI / 4));
    MeshCollider collider = new MeshCollider();
    // first way
    ContactInfo info = collider.getContacts(mesh0, mesh1);
    if (info == null) {
        return false;
    if (info.getContactPlanes().size() != 6) {
        return false;
    // second way
    info = collider.getContacts(mesh1, mesh0);
    if (info == null) {
        return false;
    if (info.getContactPlanes().size() != 6) {
        return false;
    return true;
Also used : RigidTransform3d(maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d) AxisAngle(maspack.matrix.AxisAngle) PolygonalMesh(maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh)

Example 3 with AxisAngle

use of maspack.matrix.AxisAngle in project artisynth_core by artisynth.

the class MeshColliderTest method testVertexVertex.

boolean testVertexVertex() {
    PolygonalMesh mesh0 = MeshFactory.createBox(1, 1, 1);
    PolygonalMesh mesh1 = MeshFactory.createBox(1, 1, 1);
    RigidTransform3d trans0 = new RigidTransform3d(new Vector3d(Math.sqrt(3), 0, 0), new AxisAngle());
    trans0.mulAxisAngle(new AxisAngle(0, 1, 0, Math.atan(Math.sqrt(2))));
    trans0.mulAxisAngle(new AxisAngle(1, 0, 0, Math.PI / 4));
    RigidTransform3d trans1 = new RigidTransform3d();
    trans1.mulAxisAngle(new AxisAngle(0, 1, 0, Math.atan(Math.sqrt(2))));
    trans1.mulAxisAngle(new AxisAngle(1, 0, 0, Math.PI / 4));
    MeshCollider collider = new MeshCollider();
    // first way
    ContactInfo info = collider.getContacts(mesh0, mesh1);
    if (info == null) {
        return false;
    ArrayList<ContactPlane> regions = info.getContactPlanes();
    if (regions.size() != 1) {
        return false;
    ContactPlane region = regions.get(0);
    if (region.points.size() != 1)
        return false;
    if (!region.points.get(0).epsilonEquals(new Vector3d(Math.sqrt(3.0) / 2.0, 0, 0), epsilon))
        return false;
    if (!region.normal.epsilonEquals(new Vector3d(0.9994849337479609, 0, -0.03209154422638611), epsilon))
        return false;
    // second way
    info = collider.getContacts(mesh1, mesh0);
    if (info == null) {
        return false;
    regions = info.getContactPlanes();
    if (regions.size() != 1)
        return false;
    region = regions.get(0);
    if (region.points.size() != 1)
        return false;
    if (!region.points.get(0).epsilonEquals(new Vector3d(Math.sqrt(3.0) / 2.0, 0, 0), epsilon))
        return false;
    if (!region.normal.epsilonEquals(new Vector3d(-0.9994849337479609, 0, 0.03209154422638611), epsilon))
        return false;
    return true;
Also used : RigidTransform3d(maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d) AxisAngle(maspack.matrix.AxisAngle) Vector3d(maspack.matrix.Vector3d) PolygonalMesh(maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh)

Example 4 with AxisAngle

use of maspack.matrix.AxisAngle in project artisynth_core by artisynth.

the class LineSegment method getOrientation.

// /**
// * Set the grid position approximately to <code>pos</code>,
// * rounded to align with the current major grid division.
// *
// * @param pos approximate grid position
// */
// public void setAlignedPosition (Point3d pos) {
// double res = getResolution().getMajorCellSize();
// double x = res*Math.round(pos.x/res);
// double y = res*Math.round(pos.y/res);
// double z = res*Math.round(pos.z/res);
// setPosition (new Point3d(x, y, z));
// }
public AxisAngle getOrientation() {
    AxisAngle axisAng = new AxisAngle();
    return axisAng;
Also used : AxisAngle(maspack.matrix.AxisAngle)

Example 5 with AxisAngle

use of maspack.matrix.AxisAngle in project artisynth_core by artisynth.

the class GLViewer method rotateContinuous.

// /**
// * Distance of pixel from center (Euchlidean)
// * @param x
// * @param y
// * @return
// */
// private double centerDistance (int x, int y) {
// int dx = x - width / 2;
// int dy = y - height / 2;
// return Math.sqrt (dx * dx + dy * dy);
// }
 * Rotate the eye coordinate frame about the center point, independent
 * of the default up vector.
 * @param xang
 * amount of horizontal rotation (in radians)
 * @param yang
 * amount of vertical rotation (in radians)
protected void rotateContinuous(double xang, double yang) {
    Vector3d reye = new Vector3d();
    reye.sub(getEye(), myViewState.myCenter);
    // up-facing vector
    Vector3d yCam = new Vector3d();
    // right-facing vector
    Vector3d xCam = new Vector3d();
    synchronized (viewMatrix) {
        viewMatrix.R.getRow(1, yCam);
        viewMatrix.R.getRow(0, xCam);
    // System.out.println("Transform: " + XEyeToWorld.R);
    if (yang != 0) {
        RotationMatrix3d R = new RotationMatrix3d(new AxisAngle(xCam, yang));
    if (xang != 0) {
        reye.transform(new RotationMatrix3d(new AxisAngle(yCam, xang)));
    Point3d eye = new Point3d();
    eye.add(reye, myViewState.myCenter);
    setEyeToWorld(eye, myViewState.myCenter, yCam);
Also used : AxisAngle(maspack.matrix.AxisAngle) Vector3d(maspack.matrix.Vector3d) Point3d(maspack.matrix.Point3d) RotationMatrix3d(maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d)


AxisAngle (maspack.matrix.AxisAngle)38 Vector3d (maspack.matrix.Vector3d)19 RigidTransform3d (maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d)18 PolygonalMesh (maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh)8 Point3d (maspack.matrix.Point3d)7 RotationMatrix3d (maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d)7 AffineTransform3d (maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d)5 RigidBody (artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody)4 MechModel (artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel)3 Font (java.awt.Font)3 File ( IOException ( GLViewer (maspack.render.GL.GLViewer)3 FemNode3d (artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d)2 CollisionManager (artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager)2 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 JFrame (javax.swing.JFrame)2 RenderProps (maspack.render.RenderProps)2 ReaderTokenizer (maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer)2 AxisAngleField (maspack.widgets.AxisAngleField)2