use of maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixCell in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class IncompleteLUDecomposition method factor.
* Peforms an Cholesky decomposition on the Matrix M.
* @param A
* matrix on which to perform the Cholesky decomposition
public void factor(SparseMatrixNd A) {
n = A.rowSize();
LU = new SparseMatrixNd(A);
for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
SparseMatrixCell cellik = LU.getCol(k);
while (cellik != null && cellik.i < k) cellik = cellik.down;
double akk = cellik.value;
cellik = cellik.down;
while (cellik != null) {
int i = cellik.i;
cellik.value /= akk;
double aik = cellik.value;
SparseMatrixCell cellij = LU.getRow(i);
SparseMatrixCell cellkj = LU.getRow(k);
while (cellij != null && cellij.j <= k) cellij =;
while (cellkj != null && cellkj.j <= k) cellkj =;
while (cellij != null && cellkj != null) {
if (cellij.j == cellkj.j)
cellij.value -= aik * cellkj.value;
if (cellij.j < cellkj.j)
cellij =;
cellkj =;
cellik = cellik.down;
use of maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixCell in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class IncompleteLUDecomposition method factor.
public void factor(SparseMatrixNd A, double droptol) {
n = A.rowSize();
L = new SparseMatrixNd(n, n);
U = new SparseMatrixNd(n, n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
SparseVectorNd w = new SparseVectorNd(n);
SparseVectorCell cellprev = null;
SparseMatrixCell cellik = A.getRow(i);
double itol = 0;
while (cellik != null) {
SparseVectorCell wk = new SparseVectorCell(cellik.j, cellik.value);
w.addEntry(wk, cellprev);
cellprev = wk;
// w.set(cellik.j, cellik.value);
itol += cellik.value * cellik.value;
cellik =;
itol = Math.sqrt(itol) * droptol;
// cellik = A.rows[i];
// while(cellik != null)
// {
// System.out.println(cellik.j + " " + cellik.value + " " +
// w.get(cellik.j));
// cellik =;
// }
cellprev = null;
SparseVectorCell wk = w.getCells();
while (wk != null && wk.i < i) {
int k = wk.i;
wk.value = wk.value / U.get(k, k);
if (Math.abs(wk.value) > itol) {
SparseMatrixCell uk = U.getRow(k);
while (uk != null && uk.j <= k) uk =;
while (uk != null) {
// while(wj != null && wj.i < uk.j && != null &&
// <= uk.j)
// wj =;
// if(wj.i == uk.j)
// wj.value = wj.value - wk.value * uk.value;
// else
// {
// w.set(uk.j, -wk.value * uk.value);
// w.addEntry(new SparseVectorCell(uk.j, -wk.value *
// uk.value), wj);
// }
double newval = w.get(uk.j) - wk.value * uk.value;
w.set(uk.j, newval);
// System.out.println(newval);
uk =;
cellprev = wk;
wk =;
} else {
// System.out.println("dropping " + itol);
w.set(wk.i, 0);
// w.removeEntry(wk, cellprev);
if (cellprev != null)
wk =;
wk = w.getCells();
cellprev = null;
SparseMatrixCell mcellprev = null;
wk = w.getCells();
while (wk != null) {
if (Math.abs(wk.value) > itol || wk.i == i) {
SparseMatrixCell newcell = new SparseMatrixCell(i, wk.i, wk.value);
if (wk.i == i)
mcellprev = null;
if (wk.i < i) {
// L.set(i, wk.i, wk.value);
L.addEntry(newcell, mcellprev, L.prevColEntry(i, wk.i));
} else {
// U.set(i, wk.i, wk.value);
U.addEntry(newcell, mcellprev, U.prevColEntry(i, wk.i));
mcellprev = newcell;
wk =;
L.set(i, i, 1.0);
use of maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixCell in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class IncompleteCholeskyDecomposition method factor.
public void factor(SparseMatrixNd A, double tol) {
n = A.rowSize();
// modified ILUT as per matlab manual
// L.set(A);
// //slow but functional version
// VectorNd vec = new VectorNd(n);
// for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
// {
// L.getRow(i, vec);
// double toli = vec.norm() * tol;
// for(int k = 0; k < i; k++)
// {
// double aik = vec.get(k) / L.get(k,k);
// vec.set(k, 0);
// if(Math.abs(aik) > toli)
// {
// for(int j = k+1; j < n; j++)
// {
// double aij = vec.get(j) - aik * L.get(k, j);
// vec.set(j, aij);
// }
// }
// }
// for(int j = 0; j < n; j++)
// {
// if(Math.abs(vec.get(j)) < toli)
// {
// vec.set(j, 0);
// }
// }
// L.setRow(i, vec);
// }
// SparseMatrixNd goodL = new SparseMatrixNd(L);
// //update L to get incomplete cholesky
// VectorNd vec = new VectorNd(n);
// for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
// {
// L.getRow(i, vec);
// double diag = vec.get(i);
// System.out.println(diag);
// vec.scale(1.0/Math.sqrt(diag));
// L.setRow(i, vec);
// }
C = new SparseMatrixNd(A);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
SparseMatrixCell cellik = C.getRow(i);
double itol = 0;
while (cellik != null) {
itol += cellik.value * cellik.value;
cellik =;
itol = Math.sqrt(itol) * tol;
// System.out.println("first itol " + itol);
cellik = C.getRow(i);
while (cellik != null && cellik.j < i) {
int k = cellik.j;
double aik = cellik.value / A.get(k, k);
if (Math.abs(aik) > itol) {
SparseMatrixCell cellkj = C.getRow(k);
while (cellkj != null && cellkj.j <= k) cellkj =;
SparseMatrixCell cellij = cellik;
while (cellkj != null) {
int j = cellkj.j;
while (cellij != null && cellij.j < j && != null && <= j) cellij =;
double diff = aik * cellkj.value;
if (cellij != null && cellij.j == j) {
cellij.value -= diff;
} else {
SparseMatrixCell cellnew = new SparseMatrixCell(i, j, -diff);
C.addEntry(cellnew, cellij, C.prevColEntry(i, j));
cellkj =;
C.removeEntry(cellik, null, i == 0 ? null : C.getRow(k));
cellik =;
// L.set(i, k, 0);
int maxj = i;
double max = 0;
cellik = C.getRow(i);
itol = 0;
while (cellik != null) {
double tmp = Math.abs(cellik.value);
if (tmp > max) {
maxj = cellik.j;
max = tmp;
itol += cellik.value * cellik.value;
cellik =;
itol = Math.sqrt(itol) * tol;
// System.out.println(maxj);
// System.out.println("second itol " + itol);
SparseMatrixCell lastcellik = C.getRow(i);
// if(lastcellik.value <= 0)
// lastcellik.value = Math.sqrt(itol);
cellik =;
while (cellik != null) {
if (Math.abs(cellik.value) < itol && cellik.j != maxj) {
C.removeEntry(cellik, lastcellik, C.prevColEntry(i, cellik.j));
} else {
lastcellik = cellik;
cellik =;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
SparseMatrixCell cellij = C.getRow(i);
double diagdiv = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(cellij.value);
while (cellij != null) {
cellij.value *= diagdiv;
cellij =;
// System.out.println("Cholesky L");
// System.out.println(new MatrixNd(this.L));
use of maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixCell in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class IncompleteCholeskyDecomposition method factor.
* Peforms an Cholesky decomposition on the Matrix M.
* @param A
* matrix on which to perform the Cholesky decomposition
* @throws ImproperSizeException
* if M is not square
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if M is detected to be not symmetric positive definite
public void factor(SparseMatrixNd A) {
// int n = A.rowSize();
// L = new SparseMatrixNd(n, n);
// for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
// {
// double v;
// SparseMatrixCell icell = A.rows[i];
// SparseMatrixCell tolcell = icell;
// double inorm = 0;
// while(tolcell != null)
// {
// inorm += tolcell.value * tolcell.value;
// tolcell =;
// }
// inorm = Math.sqrt(inorm);
// //compute the diagonal offset parts of the row
// while(icell.j < i || icell != null)
// {
// v = icell.value;
// // System.out.println("initial value " + v);
// SparseMatrixCell ikcell = L.rows[i];
// SparseMatrixCell jkcell = L.rows[icell.j];
// while(ikcell != null && ikcell.j < icell.j && jkcell.j < icell.j)
// {
// if(ikcell.j == jkcell.j)
// {
// v -= ikcell.value * jkcell.value;
// // System.out.println("multiplying values " + ikcell.value + " " +
// jkcell.value);
// }
// if(ikcell.j < jkcell.j)
// {
// ikcell =;
// }
// else
// {
// jkcell =;
// }
// }
// while(jkcell.j != icell.j)
// jkcell =;
// v /= jkcell.value;
// L.set(i, icell.j, v);
// icell =;
// }
// //compute diagonal
// v = icell.value;
// SparseMatrixCell ikcell = L.rows[i];
// while(ikcell != null && ikcell.j < i)
// {
// v -= ikcell.value * ikcell.value;
// ikcell =;
// }
// if(v <= 0)
// v = inorm * 0.001;//A.get(i, i);
// v = Math.sqrt(v);
// if(Double.isNaN(v) || v == 0)
// {
// System.out.println("NaN created");
// System.out.println(v);
// }
// L.set(i, i, v);
// }
n = A.rowSize();
C = new SparseMatrixNd(A);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
SparseMatrixCell cellij = C.getRow(i);
while (cellij != null && cellij.j < i) {
double vij = cellij.value;
int j = cellij.j;
SparseMatrixCell cellik = C.getRow(i);
SparseMatrixCell celljk = C.getRow(j);
while (cellik != null && cellik.j < cellij.j && celljk != null && celljk.j < cellij.j) {
if (cellik.j == celljk.j) {
vij -= cellik.value * celljk.value;
if (cellik.j < celljk.j) {
cellik =;
} else {
celljk =;
while (celljk.j != j) {
celljk =;
vij /= celljk.value;
if (Double.isNaN(vij)) {
System.out.println("NaN " + celljk.value);
cellij.value = vij;
cellij =;
double vii = cellij.value;
SparseMatrixCell cellik = C.getRow(i);
while (cellik != null && cellik.j < i) {
vii -= cellik.value * cellik.value;
cellik =;
if (vii <= 0) {
vii = cellij.value;
vii = Math.sqrt(vii);
cellij.value = vii;
SparseMatrixCell cellii = cellij;
cellij =;
while (cellij != null) {
C.removeEntry(cellij, cellii, null);
cellij =;
use of maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixCell in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class IncompleteCholeskyDecomposition method solveTranspose.
// public boolean solveDense(Vector x, Vector b) throws
// ImproperStateException, ImproperSizeException
// {
// for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
// {
// double v = b.get(i);
// for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
// {
// v -= x.get(j) * L.get(i, j);
// }
// v /= L.get(i, i);
// x.set(i, v);
// }
// return true;
// }
* Solves L' * x = b
public boolean solveTranspose(VectorNd x, VectorNd b) throws ImproperStateException, ImproperSizeException {
double[] xbuf = x.getBuffer();
double[] bbuf = b.getBuffer();
for (int i = (n - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
double v = bbuf[i];
SparseMatrixCell jicell = C.getCol(i);
jicell = jicell.down;
while (jicell != null) {
v -= xbuf[jicell.i] * jicell.value;
jicell = jicell.down;
v /= C.get(i, i);
xbuf[i] = v;
return true;