use of maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class CGSolverTest method createConstraintProblem.
public SparseMatrixNd createConstraintProblem(int nbodies) {
SparseMatrixNd M = new SparseMatrixNd(5 * nbodies, 5 * nbodies);
Matrix3d mass = new Matrix3d();
for (int k = 0; k < nbodies; k++) {
mass.setRandom(-0.5, 0.5, randGen);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
M.set(3 * k + i, 3 * k + j, mass.get(i, j));
int[] connectionCount = new int[nbodies * nbodies];
Vector3d n = new Vector3d();
for (int k = 0; k < 2 * nbodies; k++) {
// find a random connection between two bodies
int bod1, bod2;
do {
bod1 = randGen.nextInt(nbodies);
bod2 = randGen.nextInt(nbodies);
if (bod1 < bod2) {
int l = bod1;
bod1 = bod2;
bod2 = l;
} while (bod1 == bod2 || connectionCount[bod1 * nbodies + bod2] >= 2);
connectionCount[bod1 * nbodies + bod2]++;
n.setRandom(-0.5, 0.5, randGen);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
M.set(bod1 * 3 + i, 3 * nbodies + k, n.get(i));
M.set(bod2 * 3 + i, 3 * nbodies + k, -n.get(i));
M.set(3 * nbodies + k, bod1 * 3 + i, n.get(i));
M.set(3 * nbodies + k, bod2 * 3 + i, -n.get(i));
return M;
use of maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class CGSolverTest method timing.
public void timing() {
CGSolver solver = new CGSolver();
FunctionTimer timer = new FunctionTimer();
for (int nbod = 10; nbod <= 50; nbod += 10) {
SparseMatrixNd Sc = createBlockDiagonal(nbod);
VectorNd xc = new VectorNd(Sc.rowSize());
VectorNd bc = new VectorNd(Sc.rowSize());
bc.setRandom(-0.5, 0.5, randGen);
int loopCnt = 10;
boolean solved = true;
for (int i = 0; i < loopCnt; i++) {
if (!solver.solve(xc, Sc, bc, 1e-8, 10 * xc.size())) {
solved = false;
if (!solved) {
System.out.println("" + nbod + " bodies: No convergence");
} else {
System.out.println("" + nbod + " bodies: " + timer.resultMsec(loopCnt));
System.out.println(" iterations=" + solver.getNumIterations() + " error=" + solver.getRelativeResidual());
use of maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class CRSolverTest method test.
public void test() {
// use a small matrix size for now
int size = 20;
double eps = 1e-9;
CRSolver solver = new CRSolver();
LUDecomposition LU = new LUDecomposition();
MatrixNd M = new MatrixNd(size, size);
VectorNd x = new VectorNd(size);
VectorNd b = new VectorNd(size);
VectorNd xcheck = new VectorNd(size);
// identity matrix to try as trivial pre-conditioner
MatrixNd I = new MatrixNd(size, size);
// inverse matrix to try as pre-conditioner
MatrixNd Minv = new MatrixNd(size, size);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
int numIter;
M.setRandom(-0.5, 0.5, randGen);
// make sure matrix is SPD
b.setRandom(-0.5, 0.5, randGen);
if (!solver.solve(x, M, b, eps, size * size)) {
throw new TestException("No convergence: error=" + solver.getRelativeResidual());
numIter = solver.getNumIterations();
LU.solve(xcheck, b);
if (!xcheck.epsilonEquals(x, x.norm() * eps)) {
throw new TestException("Solver gave wrong answer. Expected\n" + xcheck.toString("%8.3f") + "\nGot\n" + x.toString("%8.3f"));
// System.out.println ("condEst=" + LU.conditionEstimate (M));
SparseMatrixNd Sc = createBlockDiagonal(10);
VectorNd bc = new VectorNd(Sc.colSize());
VectorNd xc = new VectorNd(Sc.colSize());
bc.setRandom(-0.5, 0.5, randGen);
if (!solver.solve(xc, Sc, bc, eps, 10 * xc.size())) {
throw new TestException("No convergence, constraint problem: error=" + solver.getRelativeResidual());
// x.setZero();
// if(!solver.solve(x, M, b, eps, size * size, I))
// {
// throw new TestException("No convergence, identity preconditioner:
// error=" + solver.getRelativeResidual());
// }
// if(numIter != solver.getNumIterations())
// {
// throw new TestException("Different iteration count with identity
// preconditioner: " + solver.getNumIterations() + " vs. " + numIter);
// }
// LU.inverse(Minv);
// x.setZero();
// if(!solver.solve(x, M, b, eps, size * size, Minv))
// {
// throw new TestException("No convergence, inverse preconditioner:
// error=" + solver.getRelativeResidual());
// }
// if(solver.getNumIterations() > 2)
// {
// throw new TestException("Num iterations > 2 with inverse
// preconditioner");
// }
// System.out.println ("num iter=" + solver.getNumIterations());
// try
// { PrintWriter pw =
// new PrintWriter (new FileWriter ("mat.m"));
// pw.println ("M=[\n" + Sc.toString ("%12.9f") + "]");
// pw.println ("b=[\n" + bc.toString ("%12.9f") + "]");
// pw.println ("x=[\n" + xc.toString ("%12.9f") + "]");
// pw.close();
// }
// catch (Exception e)
// {
// }
use of maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class CRSolverTest method timing.
public void timing() {
CGSolver solver = new CGSolver();
FunctionTimer timer = new FunctionTimer();
for (int nbod = 10; nbod <= 50; nbod += 10) {
SparseMatrixNd Sc = createBlockDiagonal(nbod);
VectorNd xc = new VectorNd(Sc.rowSize());
VectorNd bc = new VectorNd(Sc.rowSize());
bc.setRandom(-0.5, 0.5, randGen);
int loopCnt = 10;
boolean solved = true;
for (int i = 0; i < loopCnt; i++) {
if (!solver.solve(xc, Sc, bc, 1e-8, 10 * xc.size())) {
solved = false;
if (!solved) {
System.out.println("" + nbod + " bodies: No convergence");
} else {
System.out.println("" + nbod + " bodies: " + timer.resultMsec(loopCnt));
System.out.println(" iterations=" + solver.getNumIterations() + " error=" + solver.getRelativeResidual());
use of maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class CRSolverTest method createConstraintProblem.
public SparseMatrixNd createConstraintProblem(int nbodies) {
SparseMatrixNd M = new SparseMatrixNd(5 * nbodies, 5 * nbodies);
Matrix3d mass = new Matrix3d();
for (int k = 0; k < nbodies; k++) {
mass.setRandom(-0.5, 0.5, randGen);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
M.set(3 * k + i, 3 * k + j, mass.get(i, j));
int[] connectionCount = new int[nbodies * nbodies];
Vector3d n = new Vector3d();
for (int k = 0; k < 2 * nbodies; k++) {
// find a random connection between two bodies
int bod1, bod2;
do {
bod1 = randGen.nextInt(nbodies);
bod2 = randGen.nextInt(nbodies);
if (bod1 < bod2) {
int l = bod1;
bod1 = bod2;
bod2 = l;
} while (bod1 == bod2 || connectionCount[bod1 * nbodies + bod2] >= 2);
connectionCount[bod1 * nbodies + bod2]++;
n.setRandom(-0.5, 0.5, randGen);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
M.set(bod1 * 3 + i, 3 * nbodies + k, n.get(i));
M.set(bod2 * 3 + i, 3 * nbodies + k, -n.get(i));
M.set(3 * nbodies + k, bod1 * 3 + i, n.get(i));
M.set(3 * nbodies + k, bod2 * 3 + i, -n.get(i));
return M;