use of maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class PointDistributor method getPrincipalAxes.
public static RigidTransform3d getPrincipalAxes(PolygonalMesh mesh) {
Vector3d mov1 = new Vector3d();
Vector3d mov2 = new Vector3d();
Vector3d pov = new Vector3d();
double vol = mesh.computeVolumeIntegrals(mov1, mov2, pov);
double mass = vol;
Point3d cov = new Point3d();
// center of volume
cov.scale(1.0 / vol, mov1);
// [c], skew symmetric
Matrix3d covMatrix = new Matrix3d(0, -cov.z, cov.y, cov.z, 0, -cov.x, -cov.y, cov.x, 0);
// J
Matrix3d J = new Matrix3d((mov2.y + mov2.z), -pov.z, -pov.y, -pov.z, (mov2.x + mov2.z), -pov.x, -pov.y, -pov.x, (mov2.x + mov2.y));
// Jc = J + m[c][c]
Matrix3d Jc = new Matrix3d();
Jc.mul(covMatrix, covMatrix);
// Compute eigenvectors and eigenvlaues of Jc
SymmetricMatrix3d JcSymmetric = new SymmetricMatrix3d(Jc);
Vector3d lambda = new Vector3d();
Matrix3d U = new Matrix3d();
JcSymmetric.getEigenValues(lambda, U);
// Construct the rotation matrix
RotationMatrix3d R = new RotationMatrix3d();
if (lambda.x > lambda.y && lambda.z > lambda.y) {
R.rotateZDirection(new Vector3d(R.m01, R.m11, R.m21));
} else if (lambda.x > lambda.z && lambda.y > lambda.z) {
R.rotateZDirection(new Vector3d(R.m00, R.m10, R.m20));
return (new RigidTransform3d(cov, R));
use of maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class CubicHyperelastic method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
CubicHyperelastic mat = new CubicHyperelastic();
SolidDeformation def = new SolidDeformation();
Matrix3d Q = new Matrix3d();
def.setF(new Matrix3d(1, 3, 5, 2, 1, 4, 6, 1, 2));
Matrix6d D = new Matrix6d();
SymmetricMatrix3d sig = new SymmetricMatrix3d();
mat.computeStress(sig, def, Q, null);
// pt.setStress (sig);
mat.computeTangent(D, sig, def, Q, null);
System.out.println("sig=\n" + sig.toString("%12.6f"));
System.out.println("D=\n" + D.toString("%12.6f"));
use of maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class FullBlemkerMuscle method computeTangent.
public void computeTangent(Matrix6d D, SymmetricMatrix3d stress, double excitation, Vector3d dir0, SolidDeformation def, FemMaterial baseMat) {
Vector3d a = myTmp;
def.getF().mul(a, dir0);
double mag = a.norm();
a.scale(1 / mag);
double J = def.getDetF();
double Ji = 1 / J;
double lamd = mag * Math.pow(J, -1.0 / 3.0);
double I4 = lamd * lamd;
// BEGIN G1, G2
double I1 = 0;
double I2 = 0;
double I5 = 0;
// calculate deviatoric left Cauchy-Green tensor
// calculate square of B
Vector3d Ba = new Vector3d();
myB.mul(Ba, a);
// Invariants of deviatoric part of B
I1 = myB.trace();
I2 = 0.5 * (I1 * I1 - myB2.trace());
I5 = I4 *;
// calculate new invariants
double g = I5 / (I4 * I4) - 1;
double b1 = (g > 0 ? Math.sqrt(g) : 0);
double b2 = acosh(0.5 * (I1 * I4 - I5) / lamd);
// calculate omage (w)
double w = 0.5 * (I1 * I4 - I5) / lamd;
// set beta and ksi to their limit values
double beta = 1.0;
double ksi = -1.0 / 3.0;
// if w not equals unity, we can calculate beta and ksi
if (w > 1.0001) {
beta = b2 / Math.sqrt(w * w - 1);
ksi = (1.0 / (w * w - 1)) * (1 - w * b2 / Math.sqrt(w * w - 1));
// -- A. matrix contribution --
// calculate derivatives for F1
double F1D4 = -2 * myG1 * (I5 / (I4 * I4 * I4));
double F1D5 = myG1 / (I4 * I4);
double F1D44 = 6 * myG1 * (I5 / (I4 * I4 * I4 * I4));
double F1D45 = -2 * myG1 / (I4 * I4 * I4);
// calculate derivatives for F2
double F2D1 = myG2 * beta * lamd;
double F2D4 = myG2 * beta * (I1 * I4 + I5) * 0.5 * Math.pow(I4, -1.5);
double F2D5 = -myG2 * beta / lamd;
double F2D11 = ksi * myG2 * I4 * 0.5;
double F2D44 = 2.0 * myG2 * ksi * Math.pow(0.25 * (I1 * I4 + I5) / Math.pow(I4, 1.5), 2) - myG2 * beta * (0.25 * (I1 * I4 + 3 * I5) / Math.pow(I4, 2.5));
double F2D55 = 0.5 * myG2 * ksi / I4;
double F2D14 = myG2 * beta * 0.5 / lamd + myG2 * ksi * (I1 * I4 + I5) * 0.25 / I4;
double F2D15 = -0.5 * myG2 * ksi;
double F2D45 = myG2 * beta * 0.5 * Math.pow(I4, -1.5) - myG2 * ksi * 0.25 * (I1 * I4 + I5) / (I4 * I4);
// calculate derivatives for F3
// these terms are proposed to fix the zero-stress problem
// double F3D4 = 9.0*myG3*0.125*log(I4)/I4;
// double F3D44 = 9.0*myG3*0.125*(1 - log(I4))/(I4*I4);
// END G1, G2
double P1 = myExpStressCoeff;
double P2 = myUncrimpingFactor;
double lofl = myOptLambda;
double Fa = 0, Fp;
double FaDl = 0, FpDl;
if (!myP3P4Valid) {
myP3 = P1 * P2 * Math.exp(P2 * (myMaxLambda / lofl - 1));
myP4 = P1 * (Math.exp(P2 * (myMaxLambda / lofl - 1)) - 1) - myP3 * myMaxLambda / lofl;
myP3P4Valid = true;
// calculate passive fiber force
if (myZeroForceBelowLamOptP && lamd <= lofl) {
// Fp is zero if less than lofl
Fp = 0;
FpDl = 0;
} else if (lamd < myMaxLambda) {
Fp = P1 * (Math.exp(P2 * (lamd / lofl - 1)) - 1);
FpDl = P1 * P2 * Math.exp(P2 * (lamd / lofl - 1)) / lofl;
} else {
Fp = myP3 * lamd / lofl + myP4;
FpDl = myP3 / lofl;
// calculate active fiber force
if ((lamd <= 0.4 * lofl) || (lamd >= 1.6 * lofl)) {
// FEBio has added this part to make sure that
// Fa is zero outside the range [0.4, 1.6] *lofl
Fa = 0;
FaDl = 0;
} else {
if (lamd <= 0.6 * lofl) {
Fa = 9 * square(lamd / lofl - 0.4);
FaDl = 18 * (lamd / lofl - 0.4) / lofl;
} else if (lamd >= 1.4 * lofl) {
Fa = 9 * square(lamd / lofl - 1.6);
FaDl = 18 * (lamd / lofl - 1.6) / lofl;
} else if ((lamd >= 0.6 * lofl) && (lamd <= 1.4 * lofl)) {
Fa = 1 - 4 * square(1 - lamd / lofl);
FaDl = 8 * (1 - lamd / lofl) / lofl;
// calculate total fiber force
double FfDl = myMaxStress * (Fp + excitation * Fa) / lofl;
double FfD4 = 0.5 * FfDl / lamd;
double FfDll = myMaxStress * (FpDl + excitation * FaDl) / lofl;
double FfD44 = 0.25 * (FfDll - FfDl / lamd) / I4;
double W1, W2, W4, W5;
// add all derivatives
W1 = F2D1;
W2 = 0;
// + F3D4
W4 = F1D4 + F2D4 + FfD4;
W5 = F1D5 + F2D5;
// calculate second derivatives
double W11, W12, W22, W14, W24, W15, W25, W44, W45, W55;
W11 = F2D11;
W12 = 0;
W22 = 0;
W14 = F2D14;
W24 = 0;
W15 = F2D15;
W25 = 0;
// + F3D44
W44 = F1D44 + F2D44 + FfD44;
W45 = F1D45 + F2D45;
W55 = F2D55;
// System.out.printf ("W1=%g W2=%g W4=%g W5=%g\n", W1, W2, W4, W5);
// System.out.printf ("W11=%g W12=%g W22=%g W14=%g W24=%g\n",
// W11, W12, W22, W14, W24);
// System.out.printf ("W15=%g W25=%g W44=%g W45=%g W55=%g\n",
// W15, W25, W44, W45, W55);
// calculate dWdC:C
double WCC = W1 * I1 + 2 * W2 * I2 + W4 * I4 + 2 * W5 * I5;
// calculate C:d2WdCdC:C
double CW2CCC = (W11 * I1 + W12 * I1 * I1 + W2 * I1 + 2 * W12 * I2 + 2 * W22 * I1 * I2 + W14 * I4 + W24 * I1 * I4 + 2 * W15 * I5 + 2 * W25 * I1 * I5) * I1 - (W12 * I1 + 2 * W22 * I2 + W2 + W24 * I4 + 2 * W25 * I5) * (I1 * I1 - 2 * I2) + (W14 * I1 + 2 * W24 * I2 + W44 * I4 + 2 * W45 * I5) * I4 + (W15 * I1 + 2 * W25 * I2 + W45 * I4 + 2 * W55 * I5) * 2 * I5 + 2 * W5 * I5;
SymmetricMatrix3d AA = new SymmetricMatrix3d();
SymmetricMatrix3d AB = new SymmetricMatrix3d();
SymmetricMatrix3d WCCC = myMat;
AB.symmetricDyad(a, Ba);
WCCC.scale(W11 * I1 + W12 * I1 * I1 + W2 * I1 + 2 * W12 * I2 + 2 * W22 * I1 * I2 + W14 * I4 + W24 * I1 * I4 + 2 * W15 * I5 + 2 * W25 * I1 * I5, myB);
WCCC.scaledAdd(-(W12 * I1 + 2 * W22 * I2 + W2 + W24 * I4 + 2 * W25 * I5), myB2, WCCC);
WCCC.scaledAdd((W14 * I1 + 2 * W24 * I2 + W44 * I4 + 2 * W45 * I5) * I4, AA, WCCC);
WCCC.scaledAdd((W15 * I1 + 2 * W25 * I2 + W45 * I4 + 2 * W55 * I5 + W5) * I4, AB, WCCC);
TensorUtils.addTensorProduct(D, (W11 + 2.0 * W12 * I1 + W2 + W22 * I1 * I1) * 4 * Ji, myB);
TensorUtils.addSymmetricTensorProduct(D, -(W12 + W22 * I1) * 4 * Ji, myB, myB2);
TensorUtils.addTensorProduct(D, W22 * 4 * Ji, myB2);
TensorUtils.addSymmetricTensorProduct(D, (W14 + W24 * I1) * I4 * 4 * Ji, myB, AA);
TensorUtils.addSymmetricTensorProduct(D, (W15 + W25 * I1) * I4 * 4 * Ji, myB, AB);
TensorUtils.addSymmetricTensorProduct(D, (-W24 * I4) * 4 * Ji, myB2, AA);
TensorUtils.addTensorProduct(D, (W44 * I4 * I4) * 4 * Ji, AA);
TensorUtils.addSymmetricTensorProduct(D, (W45 * I4) * I4 * 4 * Ji, AA, AB);
TensorUtils.addTensorProduct(D, (W55) * I4 * I4 * 4 * Ji, AB);
TensorUtils.addSymmetricTensorProduct4(D, W5 * I4 * 4 * Ji, AA, myB);
TensorUtils.addScaledIdentityProduct(D, 4 / 9.0 * Ji * (CW2CCC - WCC));
WCCC.scale(-4 / 3.0 * Ji);
TensorUtils.addSymmetricIdentityProduct(D, WCCC);
TensorUtils.addScaledIdentity(D, 4 / 3.0 * Ji * WCC);
// compute stress (in myMat) due to this material
myMat.scale(W1 + W2 * I1, myB);
myMat.scaledAdd(-W2, myB2, myMat);
myMat.scaledAdd(I4 * W4, AA);
myMat.scaledAdd(I4 * W5, AB);
myMat.scale(2.0 / J);
// myMat.set (def.getStrain());
// myMat.deviator();
myMat.scale(-2.0 / 3.0);
TensorUtils.addSymmetricIdentityProduct(D, myMat);
use of maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class FungMaterial method computeStress.
public void computeStress(SymmetricMatrix3d sigma, SolidDeformation def, Matrix3d Q, FemMaterial baseMat) {
double[] K = new double[3];
double[] L = new double[3];
Vector3d[] a0 = { new Vector3d(), new Vector3d(), new Vector3d() };
Vector3d[] a = { new Vector3d(), new Vector3d(), new Vector3d() };
Vector3d vtmp = new Vector3d();
// Matrix3d Q = Matrix3d.IDENTITY;
// if (dt.getFrame() != null) {
// Q = dt.getFrame();
// }
SymmetricMatrix3d[] A = { new SymmetricMatrix3d(), new SymmetricMatrix3d(), new SymmetricMatrix3d() };
Matrix3d tmpMatrix = new Matrix3d();
Matrix3d tmpMatrix2 = new Matrix3d();
SymmetricMatrix3d tmpSymmMatrix = new SymmetricMatrix3d();
SymmetricMatrix3d sigmaFung = new SymmetricMatrix3d();
// Evaluate Lame coefficients
mu[0] = myMU1;
mu[1] = myMU2;
mu[2] = myMU3;
lam[0][0] = myL11;
lam[0][1] = myL12;
lam[0][2] = myL31;
lam[1][0] = myL12;
lam[1][1] = myL22;
lam[1][2] = myL23;
lam[2][0] = myL31;
lam[2][1] = myL23;
lam[2][2] = myL33;
double J = def.getDetF();
double avgp = def.getAveragePressure();
// Calculate deviatoric left Cauchy-Green tensor
// Calculate deviatoric right Cauchy-Green tensor
// calculate square of C
Matrix3d mydevF = new Matrix3d(def.getF());
mydevF.scale(Math.pow(J, -1.0 / 3.0));
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// Copy the texture direction in the reference configuration to a0
a0[i].x = Q.get(0, i);
a0[i].y = Q.get(1, i);
a0[i].z = Q.get(2, i);
vtmp.mul(myC, a0[i]);
K[i] = a0[i].dot(vtmp);
vtmp.mul(myC2, a0[i]);
L[i] = a0[i].dot(vtmp);
a[i].mul(mydevF, a0[i]);
a[i].scale(Math.pow(K[i], -0.5));
A[i].set(a[i].x * a[i].x, a[i].y * a[i].y, a[i].z * a[i].z, a[i].x * a[i].y, a[i].x * a[i].z, a[i].y * a[i].z);
// Evaluate exp(Q)
double eQ = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
eQ += 2.0 * mu[i] * (L[i] - 2.0 * K[i] + 1.0);
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) eQ += lam[i][j] * (K[i] - 1.0) * (K[j] - 1.0);
eQ = Math.exp(eQ / (4. * myCC));
// Evaluate the stress
SymmetricMatrix3d bmi = new SymmetricMatrix3d();
bmi.sub(myB, SymmetricMatrix3d.IDENTITY);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// s += mu[i]*K[i]*(A[i]*bmi + bmi*A[i]);
tmpMatrix.mul(A[i], bmi);
tmpMatrix2.mul(bmi, A[i]);
tmpMatrix.scale(mu[i] * K[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
// s += lam[i][j]*((K[i]-1)*K[j]*A[j]+(K[j]-1)*K[i]*A[i])/2.;
sigmaFung.scaledAdd(lam[i][j] / 2.0 * (K[i] - 1.0) * K[j], A[j]);
sigmaFung.scaledAdd(lam[i][j] / 2.0 * (K[j] - 1.0) * K[i], A[i]);
sigmaFung.scale(eQ / (2.0 * J));
sigmaFung.m10 = sigmaFung.m01;
sigmaFung.m20 = sigmaFung.m02;
sigmaFung.m21 = sigmaFung.m12;
sigma.m00 += avgp;
sigma.m11 += avgp;
sigma.m22 += avgp;
use of maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class FungMaterial method clone.
public FungMaterial clone() {
FungMaterial mat = (FungMaterial) super.clone();
mat.myB = new SymmetricMatrix3d();
return mat;