use of maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3Block in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class Frame method computeWorldPointForceJacobian.
* Computes the force Jacobian, in world coordinates, for a point attached
* to this frame. If the velocity state size (vsize) of this frame is 6,
* then GT should be an instance of Matrix6x3Block. Otherwise, it should be
* an instance of MatrixNdBlock with a size of vsize x 3.
* For the Matrix6x3Block case, the Jacobian is a 6x3 matrix with
* the following form:
* <pre>
* [ I ]
* [ ]
* [ [ R loc ] ]
* </pre>
* where I is the 3x3 identity matrix, R is the frame orientation matrix,
* and [ x ] denotes the 3x3 skew-symmetric cross product matrix.
* @param GT returns the force Jacobian
* @param loc
* position of the point, in body coordinates
public void computeWorldPointForceJacobian(MatrixBlock GT, Point3d loc) {
Matrix6x3Block blk;
try {
blk = (Matrix6x3Block) GT;
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("GT is not an instance of Matrix6x3Block, is " + GT.getClass());
RotationMatrix3d R = getPose().R;
blk.m00 = 1;
blk.m11 = 1;
blk.m22 = 1;
double lxb = loc.x;
double lyb = loc.y;
double lzb = loc.z;
double lxw = R.m00 * lxb + R.m01 * lyb + R.m02 * lzb;
double lyw = R.m10 * lxb + R.m11 * lyb + R.m12 * lzb;
double lzw = R.m20 * lxb + R.m21 * lyb + R.m22 * lzb;
blk.m40 = lzw;
blk.m50 = -lyw;
blk.m51 = lxw;
blk.m31 = -lzw;
blk.m32 = lyw;
blk.m42 = -lxw;
use of maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3Block in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class Frame method computeLocalPointForceJacobian.
* Computes a force Jacobian for a point attached to this frame, and then
* optionally rotates its columns using a rotation matrix R. If the
* velocity state size (vsize) of this frame is 6, then G should be an
* instance of Matrix6x3Block. Otherwise, it should be an instance of
* MatrixNdBlock with a size of vsize x 3.
* If the rotation matrix R is <code>null</code>, then the Jacobian
* takes the following form for the 6x3 matrix case:
* <pre>
* [ I ]
* [ ]
* [ [ RF loc ] ]
* </pre>
* where RF is the frame orientation matrix, loc is the location of the
* point in frame coordinates, and [ x ] denotes the 3x3 skew-symmetric
* cross product matrix.
* If the rotation matrix R is not <code>null</code>, then the
* 6x3 case takes the following form:
* <pre>
* [ R ]
* [ ]
* [ [ RF loc ] R ]
* </pre>
* @param GT returns the force Jacobian
* @param loc location of the point, relative to the frame
* @param R optional rotation transform
public void computeLocalPointForceJacobian(MatrixBlock GT, Vector3d loc, RotationMatrix3d R) {
Matrix6x3Block blk;
try {
blk = (Matrix6x3Block) GT;
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("GT is not an instance of Matrix6x3Block, is " + GT.getClass());
Vector3d locw = new Vector3d();
locw.transform(getPose().R, loc);
double x = locw.x;
double y = locw.y;
double z = locw.z;
if (R == null) {
blk.m00 = 1;
blk.m01 = 0;
blk.m02 = 0;
blk.m10 = 0;
blk.m11 = 1;
blk.m12 = 0;
blk.m20 = 0;
blk.m21 = 0;
blk.m22 = 1;
blk.m30 = 0;
blk.m31 = -z;
blk.m32 = y;
blk.m40 = z;
blk.m41 = 0;
blk.m42 = -x;
blk.m50 = -y;
blk.m51 = x;
blk.m52 = 0;
} else {
blk.m00 = R.m00;
blk.m01 = R.m01;
blk.m02 = R.m02;
blk.m10 = R.m10;
blk.m11 = R.m11;
blk.m12 = R.m12;
blk.m20 = R.m20;
blk.m21 = R.m21;
blk.m22 = R.m22;
blk.m30 = y * R.m20 - z * R.m10;
blk.m31 = y * R.m21 - z * R.m11;
blk.m32 = y * R.m22 - z * R.m12;
blk.m40 = z * R.m00 - x * R.m20;
blk.m41 = z * R.m01 - x * R.m21;
blk.m42 = z * R.m02 - x * R.m22;
blk.m50 = x * R.m10 - y * R.m00;
blk.m51 = x * R.m11 - y * R.m01;
blk.m52 = x * R.m12 - y * R.m02;
use of maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3Block in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class FemModel3d method getMassMatrixValues.
public void getMassMatrixValues(SparseBlockMatrix M, VectorNd f, double t) {
int bk;
for (int k = 0; k < myNodes.size(); k++) {
FemNode3d n = myNodes.get(k);
if ((bk = n.getSolveIndex()) != -1) {
n.getEffectiveMass(M.getBlock(bk, bk), t);
n.getEffectiveMassForces(f, t, M.getBlockRowOffset(bk));
if (myFrameRelativeP) {
// angular velocity in body coords
Vector3d wbod = new Vector3d();
RotationMatrix3d R = myFrame.getPose().R;
double[] fbuf = f.getBuffer();
wbod.inverseTransform(R, myFrame.getVelocity().w);
Vector3d w = myFrame.getVelocity().w;
// update inertia in Frame
double mass = 0;
Point3d com = new Point3d();
SymmetricMatrix3d J = new SymmetricMatrix3d();
// extra fictitious forces for spatial inertia due to nodal velocity
Vector3d fv = new Vector3d();
Vector3d fw = new Vector3d();
Vector3d fn = new Vector3d();
Vector3d tmp = new Vector3d();
// local node position rotated to world
Point3d c = new Point3d();
// local node velocity rotated to world
Vector3d v = new Vector3d();
int bf = myFrame.getSolveIndex();
for (int k = 0; k < myNodes.size(); k++) {
FemNode3d n = myNodes.get(k);
if ((bk = n.getSolveIndex()) != -1) {
c.transform(R, n.getLocalPosition());
v.transform(R, n.getLocalVelocity());
double m = n.getEffectiveMass();
// System.out.println ("m " + k + " " + m);
com.scaledAdd(m, c);
mass += m;
SpatialInertia.addPointRotationalInertia(J, m, c);
if (useFrameRelativeCouplingMasses) {
Matrix3x6Block blk = (Matrix3x6Block) M.getBlock(bk, bf);
Matrix6x3Block blkT = (Matrix6x3Block) M.getBlock(bf, bk);
setCouplingMass(blk, m, R, c);
// compute fictitious forces for nodes, and accumulate nodal
// velocity fictitious force terms for spatial inertia
// tmp = 2*m (w X v)
tmp.cross(w, v);
tmp.scale(2 * m);
// fv += 2*m (w X v)
// fw += 2*m (c X w X v)
fw.crossAdd(c, tmp, fw);
// fn = 2*m (w X v)
// tmp = m*w X c
tmp.cross(w, c);
// fn += m (w X w X c)
fn.crossAdd(w, tmp, fn);
// set fictitious force terms for node
int idx = M.getBlockRowOffset(bk);
fbuf[idx++] = -fn.x;
fbuf[idx++] = -fn.y;
fbuf[idx++] = -fn.z;
com.scale(1 / mass);
SpatialInertia.addPointRotationalInertia(J, -mass, com);
SpatialInertia S = new SpatialInertia();
S.set(mass, J, com);
// Frame keeps inertia in local coords
myFrame.getMass(M.getBlock(bf, bf), t);
myFrame.getEffectiveMassForces(f, t, M.getBlockRowOffset(bf));
if (useFrameRelativeCouplingMasses) {
int idx = M.getBlockRowOffset(bf);
fbuf[idx++] -= fv.x;
fbuf[idx++] -= fv.y;
fbuf[idx++] -= fv.z;
fbuf[idx++] -= fw.x;
fbuf[idx++] -= fw.y;
fbuf[idx++] -= fw.z;
if (frameMassFraction != 0) {
scaleFrameNodeMasses(M, f, 1.0 - frameMassFraction);
use of maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3Block in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class FemModel3d method addGeneralMassBlocks.
public void addGeneralMassBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix M) {
if (myFrameRelativeP && useFrameRelativeCouplingMasses) {
int bi = myFrame.getSolveIndex();
if (bi != -1) {
for (int i = 0; i < myNodes.size(); i++) {
int bj = myNodes.get(i).getSolveIndex();
if (bj != -1) {
M.addBlock(bi, bj, new Matrix6x3Block());
M.addBlock(bj, bi, new Matrix3x6Block());