use of maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class DantzigLCPSolverTest method testMultiPointContact.
* Create a test case involving multi-point contact of a box on a plane. The
* angle of the plane normal relative to the horizontal is ang, and the
* friction coefficient is mu.
public void testMultiPointContact(double ang, double mu) {
double mass = 4.0;
SpatialInertia Inertia = SpatialInertia.createBoxInertia(mass, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0);
Point3d[] pnts = new Point3d[] { new Point3d(1.0, -0.5, 1.0), new Point3d(1.0, -0.5, -1.0), new Point3d(-1.0, -0.5, -1.0) // new Point3d (-1.0, -0.5, 1.0),
int nump = pnts.length;
int numc = 3 * pnts.length;
Wrench[] constraints = new Wrench[numc];
for (int i = 0; i < pnts.length; i++) {
Wrench NT = new Wrench();
NT.m.cross(pnts[i], NT.f);
constraints[i] = NT;
Wrench DT = new Wrench();
DT.m.cross(pnts[i], DT.f);
constraints[pnts.length + 2 * i] = DT;
DT = new Wrench();
DT.m.cross(pnts[i], DT.f);
constraints[pnts.length + 2 * i + 1] = DT;
Twist vel0 = new Twist(Math.sin(ang), -Math.cos(ang), 0, 0, 0, 0);
MatrixNd A = new MatrixNd(nump, nump);
VectorNd b = new VectorNd(nump);
VectorNd theEst = new VectorNd(nump);
Twist tw = new Twist();
Wrench wr = new Wrench();
for (int i = 0; i < nump; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < nump; j++) {
Inertia.mulInverse(tw, constraints[j]);
A.set(i, j, constraints[i].dot(tw));
b.set(i, -constraints[i].dot(vel0));
// System.out.println ("D=" + constraints[i].toString ("%8.3f"));
CholeskyDecomposition Chol = new CholeskyDecomposition();
Chol.solve(theEst, b);
// System.out.println ("vel0=" + vel0.toString ("%8.3f"));
// System.out.println ("theEst=" + theEst.toString ("%8.3f"));
// for (int i=0; i<nump; i++)
// { wr.scale (theEst.get(i), constraints[i]);
// Inertia.mulInverse (tw, wr);
// vel0.add (tw);
// }
// System.out.println ("vel0=" + vel0.toString("%8.3f"));
MatrixNd M = new MatrixNd(numc, numc);
VectorNd q = new VectorNd(numc);
VectorNd z = new VectorNd(numc);
VectorNd w = new VectorNd(numc);
VectorNd lo = new VectorNd(numc);
VectorNd hi = new VectorNd(numc);
for (int i = 0; i < numc; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < numc; j++) {
Inertia.mulInverse(tw, constraints[j]);
M.set(i, j, constraints[i].dot(tw));
q.set(i, constraints[i].dot(vel0));
for (int i = 0; i < pnts.length; i++) {
lo.set(i, 0);
hi.set(i, inf);
lo.set(pnts.length + 2 * i, -theEst.get(i) * mu);
hi.set(pnts.length + 2 * i, theEst.get(i) * mu);
lo.set(pnts.length + 2 * i + 1, -theEst.get(i) * mu);
hi.set(pnts.length + 2 * i + 1, theEst.get(i) * mu);
// System.out.println ("ang=" + Math.toDegrees (ang));
testSolver(z, w, M, q, lo, hi, 0, numc, DantzigLCPSolver.Status.SOLVED);
Twist vel = new Twist(vel0);
for (int i = 0; i < numc; i++) {
wr.scale(z.get(i), constraints[i]);
Inertia.mulInverse(tw, wr);
// }
if (ang <= Math.atan(mu)) {
if (!vel.epsilonEquals(Twist.ZERO, 1e-8)) {
throw new TestException("velocity should be 0 with ang=" + Math.toDegrees(ang));
} else {
if (vel.epsilonEquals(Twist.ZERO, 1e-8)) {
throw new TestException("velocity should be non-zero with ang=" + Math.toDegrees(ang));
// if (Math.abs(Math.abs(z.get(1)) - theEst*mu) > 1e-8)
// { throw new TestException (
// "friction force not on the cone");
// }
use of maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class FemModel3d method mulInverseMass.
public void mulInverseMass(SparseBlockMatrix M, VectorNd a, VectorNd f) {
double[] abuf = a.getBuffer();
double[] fbuf = f.getBuffer();
int asize = a.size();
if (M.getAlignedBlockRow(asize) == -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("size of 'a' not block aligned with 'M'");
if (f.size() < asize) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("size of 'f' is less than the size of 'a'");
int bf = myFrame.getSolveIndex();
int bk;
if (myFrameRelativeP && bf < asize) {
int fidx = M.getBlockRowOffset(bf);
Wrench wtmp = new Wrench();
double[] tmp6 = new double[6];
for (int i = 0; i < myNodes.size(); i++) {
FemNode3d n = myNodes.get(i);
if ((bk = n.getSolveIndex()) != -1) {
int idx = M.getBlockRowOffset(bk);
if (idx < asize) {
MatrixBlock Mfk = M.getBlock(bf, bk);
Mfk.mulAdd(tmp6, 0, fbuf, idx);
Matrix3x3Block Mkk = (Matrix3x3Block) M.getBlock(bk, bk);
// XXX do we want to use n.mulInverseEffectiveMass?
scaledAdd(wtmp, -1 / Mkk.m00, tmp6, 0);
scaledAdd(wtmp, 1, fbuf, fidx);
// XXX do we need to use getBlock (bf, bf)???
Matrix6dBlock Mff = (Matrix6dBlock) M.getBlock(bf, bf);
SpatialInertia S = new SpatialInertia();
Twist ttmp = new Twist();
S.mulInverse(ttmp, wtmp);
setFromTwist(abuf, fidx, ttmp);
double[] tmp3 = new double[3];
for (int i = 0; i < myNodes.size(); i++) {
FemNode3d n = myNodes.get(i);
if ((bk = n.getSolveIndex()) != -1) {
int idx = M.getBlockRowOffset(bk);
if (idx < asize) {
MatrixBlock Mkf = M.getBlock(bk, bf);
Matrix3x3Block Mkk = (Matrix3x3Block) M.getBlock(bk, bk);
double minv = 1 / Mkk.m00;
Mkf.mulAdd(tmp3, 0, abuf, fidx);
abuf[idx++] = minv * (fbuf[idx] - tmp3[0]);
abuf[idx++] = minv * (fbuf[idx] - tmp3[1]);
abuf[idx++] = minv * (fbuf[idx] - tmp3[2]);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < myNodes.size(); i++) {
FemNode3d n = myNodes.get(i);
if ((bk = n.getSolveIndex()) != -1) {
int idx = M.getBlockRowOffset(bk);
if (idx < asize) {
n.mulInverseEffectiveMass(M.getBlock(bk, bk), abuf, fbuf, idx);
use of maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class RigidBody method setInertiaFromMesh.
private void setInertiaFromMesh(double density) {
PolygonalMesh mesh = null;
if ((mesh = getMesh()) == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Mesh has not been set");
SpatialInertia M = mesh.createInertia(density);
use of maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class RigidBody method setInertia.
* Explicitly sets the mass, rotational inertia, and center of mass of this
* body. Also sets the uniform density (as returned by {@link #getDensity
* getDensity}) to be undefined).
public void setInertia(double m, SymmetricMatrix3d J, Point3d com) {
SpatialInertia M = new SpatialInertia();
M.set(m, J, com);
use of maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class RigidCompositeBody method setInertia.
* Explicitly sets the mass and rotational inertia of this body. Also sets
* the uniform density (as returned by {@link #getDensity getDensity}) to be
* undefined).
public void setInertia(double m, SymmetricMatrix3d J) {
SpatialInertia M = new SpatialInertia();
M.set(m, J);