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Example 1 with SymmetricMatrix3d

use of maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d in project artisynth_core by artisynth.

the class PolygonalMesh method computePrincipalAxes.

public static RigidTransform3d computePrincipalAxes(PolygonalMesh mesh) {
    Vector3d mov1 = new Vector3d();
    Vector3d mov2 = new Vector3d();
    Vector3d pov = new Vector3d();
    double vol = mesh.computeVolumeIntegrals(mov1, mov2, pov);
    double mass = vol;
    Point3d cov = new Point3d();
    // center of volume
    cov.scale(1.0 / vol, mov1);
    // [c], skew symmetric
    Matrix3d covMatrix = new Matrix3d(0, -cov.z, cov.y, cov.z, 0, -cov.x, -cov.y, cov.x, 0);
    // J
    Matrix3d J = new Matrix3d((mov2.y + mov2.z), -pov.z, -pov.y, -pov.z, (mov2.x + mov2.z), -pov.x, -pov.y, -pov.x, (mov2.x + mov2.y));
    // Jc = J + m[c][c]
    Matrix3d Jc = new Matrix3d();
    Jc.mul(covMatrix, covMatrix);
    // Compute eigenvectors and eigenvlaues of Jc
    SymmetricMatrix3d JcSymmetric = new SymmetricMatrix3d(Jc);
    Vector3d lambda = new Vector3d();
    Matrix3d U = new Matrix3d();
    JcSymmetric.getEigenValues(lambda, U);
    // Construct the rotation matrix
    RotationMatrix3d R = new RotationMatrix3d();
    if (lambda.x > lambda.y && lambda.z > lambda.y) {
        R.rotateZDirection(new Vector3d(R.m01, R.m11, R.m21));
    } else if (lambda.x > lambda.z && lambda.y > lambda.z) {
        R.rotateZDirection(new Vector3d(R.m00, R.m10, R.m20));
    return (new RigidTransform3d(cov, R));
Also used : RigidTransform3d(maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d) SymmetricMatrix3d(maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d) RotationMatrix3d(maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d) Matrix3d(maspack.matrix.Matrix3d) Vector3d(maspack.matrix.Vector3d) Point3d(maspack.matrix.Point3d) SymmetricMatrix3d(maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d) RotationMatrix3d(maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d)

Example 2 with SymmetricMatrix3d

use of maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d in project artisynth_core by artisynth.

the class OBB method setTransform.

 * Sets the transform for this OBB from a covariance matrix and centroid.
private void setTransform(Matrix3d C, Point3d cent) {
    SymmetricMatrix3d Csym = new SymmetricMatrix3d(C.m00, C.m11, C.m22, C.m01, C.m02, C.m12);
    Matrix3d U = new Matrix3d();
    Vector3d sig = new Vector3d();
    Matrix3d V = new Matrix3d();
    // Might want to do this factorization with SVDecomposition3d, but
    // SymmetricMatrix3d.getSVD() is a bit faster
    Csym.getSVD(U, sig, V);
    if (U.determinant() < 0) {
        U.m02 = -U.m02;
        U.m12 = -U.m12;
        U.m22 = -U.m22;
    // Code to handle degenetrate eigenvalues
    // Handle degeneracies corresponding to equal-length axes in the
    // inertia ellipsoid. If any two axes have similar lengths, then
    // U is redefined solely using the direction of the remaining
    // axis.
    // In determining whether axes have similar lengths, we use
    // the fact that the moment of inertia of an ellipsoid
    // with unit mass is given by
    // sig.x = 1/5 (b^2 + c^2)
    // sig.y = 1/5 (a^2 + c^2)
    // sig.z = 1/5 (a^2 + b^2)
    // along with the fact that if a and b are close together, then
    // a^2 - b^2 ~= 2 b (a-b)
    // a^2 + b^2 ~= 2 a^2 ~= 2 b^2
    // and so
    // (a - b) ~= (a^2 - b^2) / 2 b
    // ~= (a^2 - b^2) / (sqrt(2) * sqrt(2 b^2))
    // ~= (a^2 - b^2) / (sqrt(2) * sqrt(a^2 + b^2))
    boolean xout = false, yout = false, zout = false;
    double tol = sig.infinityNorm() * 1e-6;
    if (Math.abs(sig.x - sig.y) / Math.sqrt(2 * sig.z) < tol) {
        // eliminate x and y
        xout = yout = true;
    if (Math.abs(sig.x - sig.z) / Math.sqrt(2 * sig.y) < tol) {
        // eliminate x and z
        xout = zout = true;
    if (Math.abs(sig.z - sig.y) / Math.sqrt(2 * sig.x) < tol) {
        // eliminate z and y
        zout = yout = true;
    if (zout && xout && yout) {
    } else if (zout || yout || xout) {
        Vector3d zdir = new Vector3d();
        RotationMatrix3d R = new RotationMatrix3d();
        if (xout && yout) {
            U.getColumn(2, zdir);
        } else if (xout && zout) {
            U.getColumn(1, zdir);
        } else if (zout && yout) {
            U.getColumn(0, zdir);
Also used : SymmetricMatrix3d(maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d) RotationMatrix3d(maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d) Matrix3d(maspack.matrix.Matrix3d) Vector3d(maspack.matrix.Vector3d) SymmetricMatrix3d(maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d) RotationMatrix3d(maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d)

Example 3 with SymmetricMatrix3d

use of maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d in project artisynth_core by artisynth.

the class FemNode3d method setStress.

public void setStress(double vms) {
    if (myAvgStress == null) {
        myAvgStress = new SymmetricMatrix3d();
    myAvgStress.m00 = vms;
    myAvgStress.m11 = vms;
    myAvgStress.m22 = vms;
Also used : SymmetricMatrix3d(maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d)

Example 4 with SymmetricMatrix3d

use of maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d in project artisynth_core by artisynth.

the class NeoHookeanMaterial method main.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    NeoHookeanMaterial mat = new NeoHookeanMaterial();
    SolidDeformation def = new SolidDeformation();
    Matrix3d Q = new Matrix3d();
    def.setF(new Matrix3d(1, 3, 5, 2, 1, 4, 6, 1, 2));
    Matrix6d D = new Matrix6d();
    SymmetricMatrix3d sig = new SymmetricMatrix3d();
    mat.computeStress(sig, def, Q, null);
    mat.computeTangent(D, sig, def, Q, null);
    System.out.println("sig=\n" + sig.toString("%12.6f"));
    System.out.println("D=\n" + D.toString("%12.6f"));
Also used : SymmetricMatrix3d(maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d) Matrix3d(maspack.matrix.Matrix3d) SymmetricMatrix3d(maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d) Matrix6d(maspack.matrix.Matrix6d)

Example 5 with SymmetricMatrix3d

use of maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d in project artisynth_core by artisynth.

the class NeoHookeanMaterial method clone.

public NeoHookeanMaterial clone() {
    NeoHookeanMaterial mat = (NeoHookeanMaterial) super.clone();
    mat.myB = new SymmetricMatrix3d();
    // mat.myB2 = new SymmetricMatrix3d();
    return mat;
Also used : SymmetricMatrix3d(maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d)


SymmetricMatrix3d (maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d)38 Matrix3d (maspack.matrix.Matrix3d)21 Vector3d (maspack.matrix.Vector3d)13 Matrix6d (maspack.matrix.Matrix6d)11 RotationMatrix3d (maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d)11 Point3d (maspack.matrix.Point3d)6 VectorNd (maspack.matrix.VectorNd)3 FemMaterial (artisynth.core.materials.FemMaterial)2 Point (artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point)2 MatrixNd (maspack.matrix.MatrixNd)2 RigidTransform3d (maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d)2 IncompressibleMaterial (artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterial)1 SolidDeformation (artisynth.core.materials.SolidDeformation)1 ViscoelasticBehavior (artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticBehavior)1 ViscoelasticState (artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticState)1 StringReader ( CholeskyDecomposition (maspack.matrix.CholeskyDecomposition)1 Matrix3x6Block (maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6Block)1 Matrix6x3Block (maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3Block)1 MatrixBlock (maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock)1