use of maspack.matrix.VectorNd in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class MechSystemSolver method projectPosConstraints.
public void projectPosConstraints(double t) {
VectorNd q = new VectorNd(myActivePosSize);
VectorNd u = new VectorNd(myActiveVelSize);
StepAdjustment stepAdjust = new StepAdjustment();
mySys.updateConstraints(t, stepAdjust, /*flags=*/
computePosCorrections(q, u, t);
// mySys.updateConstraints (
// t, stepAdjust, /*flags=*/MechSystem.UPDATE_CONTACTS);
// need to force an update of the mass matrix, since a subsequent
// call to updateMassMatrix(t) wouldn't work.
use of maspack.matrix.VectorNd in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class MechSystemBase method getState.
public void getState(ComponentState pstate) {
long t0 = System.nanoTime();
if (!(pstate instanceof NumericState)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("pstate not a NumericState");
NumericState state = (NumericState) pstate;
// get the required sizes
int numb = getNumBilateralImpulses();
int numu = getNumUnilateralImpulses();
state.zput(myNumActive + myNumParametric);
for (int i = 0; i < myNumActive + myNumParametric; i++) {
DynamicComponent c = myDynamicComponents.get(i);
int size = c.getVelStateSize() + c.getPosStateSize();
int di = state.dsize();
state.dsetSize(di + size);
double[] dbuf = state.dbuffer();
di = c.getPosState(dbuf, di);
di = c.getVelState(dbuf, di);
int di = state.dsize();
state.dsetSize(di + numb + numu);
// create special vector to access the state ...
VectorNd dvec = new VectorNd();
dvec.setBuffer(state.dsize(), state.dbuffer());
for (int i = 0; i < myConstrainers.size(); i++) {
Constrainer c = myConstrainers.get(i);
di = c.getBilateralImpulses(dvec, di);
di = c.getUnilateralImpulses(dvec, di);
long t1 = System.nanoTime();
// System.out.println ("getState=" + (t1-t0)*1e-6 + "msec");
use of maspack.matrix.VectorNd in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class MechSystemBase method setState.
public void setState(ComponentState pstate) {
if (!(pstate instanceof NumericState)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("pstate not a NumericState");
NumericState state = (NumericState) pstate;
int chk = state.zget();
if (chk != 0x1234) {
System.out.println("zoffset=" + state.zoffset() + " size=" + state.dsize() + " " + state.zsize());
throw new IllegalArgumentException("state checksum is " + chk + ", expecting " + 0x1234);
int numDynComps = state.zget();
int numAuxStateComps = state.zget();
int numConstrainers = state.zget();
if (numDynComps != myNumActive + myNumParametric) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("state contains " + numDynComps + " active & parametric components, " + "expecting " + (myNumActive + myNumParametric));
if (numAuxStateComps != myAuxStateComponents.size()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("number of AuxState components is " + numAuxStateComps + ", expecting " + myAuxStateComponents.size());
if (numConstrainers != -1 && numConstrainers != myConstrainers.size()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("number of constrainers is " + numConstrainers + ", expecting " + myConstrainers.size());
int di = 0;
double[] dbuf = state.dbuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < myNumActive + myNumParametric; i++) {
DynamicComponent c = myDynamicComponents.get(i);
int size = c.getPosStateSize() + c.getVelStateSize();
// XXX should check size here
di = c.setPosState(dbuf, di);
di = c.setVelState(dbuf, di);
// setting aux state must be done here because it may change the number
// of bilateral and unilateral impulses expected by the constrainers
// myLastBilateralH and myLastUnilateralH were not stored.
if (state.doffset() == state.dsize() && numConstrainers == 0) {
numConstrainers = -1;
// numConstrainers == -1 indicates initial state
if (numConstrainers == -1) {
myLastBilateralH = 1;
myLastUnilateralH = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < myConstrainers.size(); i++) {
} else {
myLastBilateralH = state.dget();
myLastUnilateralH = state.dget();
// create special vector to access the state ...
VectorNd dvec = new VectorNd();
dvec.setBuffer(state.dsize(), state.dbuffer());
di = state.doffset();
for (int i = 0; i < myConstrainers.size(); i++) {
Constrainer c = myConstrainers.get(i);
di = c.setBilateralImpulses(dvec, myLastBilateralH, di);
di = c.setUnilateralImpulses(dvec, myLastUnilateralH, di);
use of maspack.matrix.VectorNd in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class MFreeElement3d method getNaturalCoordinates.
* Given point p, get its natural coordinates with respect to this element.
* Returns true if the algorithm converges, false if a maximum number of
* iterations is reached. Uses a modified Newton's method to solve the
* equations. The <code>coords</code> argument that returned the coordinates is
* used, on input, to supply an initial guess of the coordinates.
* Zero is generally a safe guess.
* @param coords
* Outputs the natural coordinates, and supplies (on input) an initial
* guess as to their position.
* @param pnt
* A given point (in world coords)
* @param maxIters
* Maximum number of Newton iterations
* @param N
* Resulting shape functionvalues
* @return the number of iterations required for convergence, or
* -1 if the calculation did not converge.
public int getNaturalCoordinates(Point3d coords, Point3d pnt, int maxIters, VectorNd N) {
Vector3d res = new Point3d();
int i;
double tol = ((MFreeNode3d) myNodes[0]).getInfluenceRadius() * 1e-12;
if (tol <= 0) {
tol = 1e-12;
if (N == null) {
N = new VectorNd(numNodes());
} else {
// if (!coordsAreInside(coords)) {
// return -1;
// }
myShapeFunction.update(coords, (MFreeNode3d[]) myNodes);
computeNaturalCoordsResidual(res, coords, pnt, N);
double prn = res.norm();
// System.out.println ("res=" + prn);
if (prn < tol) {
// already have the right answer
return 0;
LUDecomposition LUD = new LUDecomposition();
Vector3d prevCoords = new Vector3d();
Vector3d dNds = new Vector3d();
Matrix3d dxds = new Matrix3d();
Vector3d del = new Point3d();
* solve using Newton's method.
for (i = 0; i < maxIters; i++) {
// compute the Jacobian dx/ds for the current guess
for (int k = 0; k < numNodes(); k++) {
myShapeFunction.evalDerivative(k, dNds);
dxds.addOuterProduct(myNodes[k].getPosition(), dNds);
double cond = LUD.conditionEstimate(dxds);
if (cond > 1e10)
System.err.println("Warning: condition number for solving natural coordinates is " + cond);
// solve Jacobian to obtain an update for the coords
LUD.solve(del, res);
// if (!coordsAreInside(coords)) {
// return -1;
// }
myShapeFunction.update(coords, (MFreeNode3d[]) myNodes);
computeNaturalCoordsResidual(res, coords, pnt, N);
double rn = res.norm();
// If the residual norm is within tolerance, we have converged.
if (rn < tol) {
// System.out.println ("2 res=" + rn);
return i + 1;
if (rn > prn) {
// it may be that "coords + del" is a worse solution. Let's make
// sure we go the correct way binary search suitable alpha in [0 1]
double eps = 1e-12;
// and keep cutting the step size in half until the residual starts
// dropping again
double alpha = 0.5;
while (alpha > eps && rn > prn) {
coords.scaledAdd(-alpha, del, prevCoords);
if (!coordsAreInside(coords)) {
return -1;
myShapeFunction.update(coords, (MFreeNode3d[]) myNodes);
computeNaturalCoordsResidual(res, coords, pnt, N);
rn = res.norm();
alpha *= 0.5;
// System.out.println (" alpha=" + alpha + " rn=" + rn);
// System.out.println (" alpha=" + alpha + " rn=" + rn + " prn=" + prn);
if (alpha < eps) {
// failed
return -1;
prn = rn;
// failed
return -1;
use of maspack.matrix.VectorNd in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class MFreeElement3d method getNodalExtrapolationMatrix.
// /**
// * Returns the number of pressure variables associated with this element.
// * All of the linear elements have one pressure variable, whereas some of
// * the quadratic elements have more.
// *
// * @return number of pressure variables
// *
// */
// public int numPressureVals() {
// // higher order elements should override this if necessary
// return 1;
// }
// /**
// * Returns the pressure weight matrix for this element. The pressure
// * weight matrix is given by the inverse of the integral of
// * H^T H, where H is the row vector formed from the pressure
// * shape functions.
// *
// * <p>By default, this method returns a pressure weight matrix for the case
// * where there is only one pressure value. Such matrices always have a
// * single value of 1. Elements with a larger number of pressure values
// * should override this method to return a pressure weight matrix
// * appropriate for that element.
// */
// public Matrix getPressureWeightMatrix () {
// if (myPressureWeightMatrix == null) {
// myPressureWeightMatrix = new Matrix1x1();
// myPressureWeightMatrix.m00 = 1;
// }
// return myPressureWeightMatrix;
// }
public double[] getNodalExtrapolationMatrix() {
if (myNodalExtrapolationMatrix == null) {
// build
IntegrationData3d[] idata = getIntegrationData();
IntegrationPoint3d[] ipnts = getIntegrationPoints();
myNodalExtrapolationMatrix = new double[idata.length * myNodes.length];
for (int k = 0; k < idata.length; ++k) {
VectorNd N = ipnts[k].getShapeWeights();
for (int j = 0; j < myNodes.length; ++j) {
myNodalExtrapolationMatrix[j * ipnts.length + k] = N.get(j);
return myNodalExtrapolationMatrix;