use of me.deecaad.core.file.SerializerTypeException in project MechanicsMain by WeaponMechanics.
the class ChanceSerializer method serialize.
public Double serialize(SerializeData data) throws SerializerException {
Object value = data.of().assertExists().get();
double chance = 0.0;
// For example, 10.5% = 0.105
if (value.toString().contains("%")) {
String str = value.toString().trim();
// those up.
if (str.startsWith("%")) {
chance = Double.parseDouble(str.substring(1)) / 100.0;
} else if (str.endsWith("%")) {
chance = Double.parseDouble(str.substring(0, str.length() - 1)) / 100.0;
} else {
throw data.exception(null, "Chance input had a '%' in the middle when it should have been on the end", SerializerException.forValue(value));
} else // Consider all numbers to be valid
if (value instanceof Number) {
chance = (double) value;
} else // After checking for numbers, and percentages, there is nothing else
// we can do except yell at the user for being stupid.
throw new SerializerTypeException(data.serializer, Number.class, value.getClass(), value, data.of().getLocation());
if (chance < 0.0 || chance > 1.0) {
throw new SerializerRangeException(data.serializer, 0.0, chance, 1.0, data.of().getLocation()).addMessage("When using percentages, make sure to stay between 0% and 100%");
return chance;
use of me.deecaad.core.file.SerializerTypeException in project MechanicsMain by WeaponMechanics.
the class Factory method get.
* Returns a constructed object of who inherits from <code>T</code>,
* constructed from the given <code>arguments</code>. In order to add a
* new type, use {@link #set(String, Arguments)}.
* <p>The given <code>arguments</code> <i>MUST</i> explicitly contain
* <i>ALL</i> objects defined by the {@link Arguments#arguments}. If an
* argument is missing, a {@link SerializerException} is thrown. The given
* objects are type-casted to their expected type. Ensure that the
* constructors for your defined arguments exist.
* @param key The non-null, non-case-sensitive name of the class to instantiate.
* @param arguments The non-null map of arguments.
* @return Instantiated object.
* @throws InternalError If no "good" constructor exists.
* @throws SerializerException invalid key OR missing argument OR invalid argument type.
public final T get(String key, Map<String, Object> arguments) throws SerializerException {
key = key.trim().toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT);
Arguments args = map.get(key);
if (args == null) {
String name = StringUtil.splitCapitalLetters(getClass().getSimpleName())[0];
throw new SerializerOptionsException(name, clazz.getSimpleName(), getOptions(), key, "FILL_ME");
// Pull only the values that we need from the mapped arguments. The
// order of the arguments will match the order defined by the
// Arguments class.
Object[] objects = new Object[args.arguments.length];
for (int i = 0; i < args.arguments.length; i++) {
String argument = args.arguments[i];
Class<?> clazz = args.argumentTypes[i];
if (!arguments.containsKey(argument)) {
String name = StringUtil.splitCapitalLetters(args.manufacturedType.getSimpleName())[0];
throw new SerializerMissingKeyException(name, argument, "FILL_ME").addMessage("You specified: " + arguments);
// The Integer.class should be allowed to be assigned to a Double.class
if (clazz != null && !clazz.isAssignableFrom(arguments.get(argument).getClass())) {
try {
if (clazz == double.class)
objects[i] = Double.parseDouble(arguments.get(argument).toString());
else if (clazz == int.class)
objects[i] = Integer.parseInt(arguments.get(argument).toString());
else if (clazz == boolean.class)
objects[i] = Boolean.parseBoolean(arguments.get(argument).toString());
throw new NumberFormatException();
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
String name = StringUtil.splitCapitalLetters(args.manufacturedType.getSimpleName())[0];
throw new SerializerTypeException(name, clazz, arguments.get(argument).getClass(), arguments.get(argument), "FILL_ME");
} else {
objects[i] = arguments.get(argument);
return ReflectionUtil.newInstance(args.manufacturedType, objects);
use of me.deecaad.core.file.SerializerTypeException in project MechanicsMain by WeaponMechanics.
the class ModifySpreadWhen method getModifierHandler.
private NumberModifier getModifierHandler(SerializeData.ConfigAccessor data) throws SerializerException {
String value = Objects.toString(data.get(null), null);
if (value == null)
return null;
try {
boolean percentage = value.endsWith("%");
double number = Double.parseDouble(value.split("%")[0]);
if (!percentage) {
number *= 0.01;
return new NumberModifier(number, percentage);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new SerializerTypeException(this, Double.class, null, value, data.getLocation());