use of in project MechanicsMain by WeaponMechanics.
the class WeaponHandler method tryUses.
* Tries all uses in this exact order
* <pre>{@code
* 1) Shoot
* 2) Reload
* 3) Scope
* 4) Selective fire
* 5) Ammo type switch
* }</pre>
* @param entityWrapper the entity which caused trigger
* @param weaponTitle the weapon title involved
* @param weaponStack the weapon stack involved
* @param slot the weapon slot used
* @param triggerType the trigger which caused this
* @param dualWield whether or not this was dual wield
public void tryUses(EntityWrapper entityWrapper, String weaponTitle, ItemStack weaponStack, EquipmentSlot slot, TriggerType triggerType, boolean dualWield, @Nullable LivingEntity victim) {
if (!weaponStack.hasItemMeta())
// Try shooting (and melee)
if (shootHandler.tryUse(entityWrapper, weaponTitle, weaponStack, slot, triggerType, dualWield, victim)) {
if (triggerType.isSprintType())
getSkinHandler().tryUse(triggerType, entityWrapper, weaponTitle, weaponStack, slot);
// Shooting wasn't valid, try reloading
if (reloadHandler.tryUse(entityWrapper, weaponTitle, weaponStack, slot, triggerType, dualWield)) {
if (triggerType.isSprintType())
getSkinHandler().tryUse(triggerType, entityWrapper, weaponTitle, weaponStack, slot);
// Reloading wasn't valid, try scoping
if (scopeHandler.tryUse(entityWrapper, weaponTitle, weaponStack, slot, triggerType, dualWield)) {
if (triggerType.isSprintType())
getSkinHandler().tryUse(triggerType, entityWrapper, weaponTitle, weaponStack, slot);
if (triggerType.isSprintType())
getSkinHandler().tryUse(triggerType, entityWrapper, weaponTitle, weaponStack, slot);
// Scoping wasn't valid, try selective fire
Configuration config = getConfigurations();
Trigger selectiveFireTrigger = config.getObject(weaponTitle + ".Shoot.Selective_Fire.Trigger", Trigger.class);
if (selectiveFireTrigger != null && selectiveFireTrigger.check(triggerType, slot, entityWrapper)) {
boolean hasBurst = config.getInt(weaponTitle + ".Shoot.Burst.Shots_Per_Burst") != 0 && config.getInt(weaponTitle + ".Shoot.Burst.Ticks_Between_Each_Shot") != 0;
boolean hasAuto = config.getInt(weaponTitle + ".Shoot.Fully_Automatic_Shots_Per_Second") != 0;
// 3) Auto
if (!CustomTag.SELECTIVE_FIRE.hasInteger(weaponStack)) {
if (hasBurst) {
CustomTag.SELECTIVE_FIRE.setInteger(weaponStack, BURST.getId());
} else if (hasAuto) {
CustomTag.SELECTIVE_FIRE.setInteger(weaponStack, AUTO.getId());
} else {
int currentSelectiveFire = CustomTag.SELECTIVE_FIRE.getInteger(weaponStack);
switch(currentSelectiveFire) {
case // 1 = burst, can't use SelectiveFireState.BURST.getId() here
if (hasAuto) {
CustomTag.SELECTIVE_FIRE.setInteger(weaponStack, AUTO.getId());
} else {
CustomTag.SELECTIVE_FIRE.setInteger(weaponStack, SINGLE.getId());
case // 2 = auto, can't use SelectiveFireState.AUTO.getId() here
CustomTag.SELECTIVE_FIRE.setInteger(weaponStack, SINGLE.getId());
if (hasBurst) {
CustomTag.SELECTIVE_FIRE.setInteger(weaponStack, BURST.getId());
} else if (hasAuto) {
CustomTag.SELECTIVE_FIRE.setInteger(weaponStack, AUTO.getId());
Mechanics selectiveFireMechanics = config.getObject(weaponTitle + ".Shoot.Selective_Fire.Mechanics", Mechanics.class);
if (selectiveFireMechanics != null)
selectiveFireMechanics.use(new CastData(entityWrapper, weaponTitle, weaponStack));
WeaponInfoDisplay weaponInfoDisplay = getConfigurations().getObject(weaponTitle + ".Info.Weapon_Info_Display", WeaponInfoDisplay.class);
if (weaponInfoDisplay != null)
weaponInfoDisplay.send((PlayerWrapper) entityWrapper, slot);
// Selective fire wasn't valid, try ammo type switch
Trigger ammoTypeSwitchTrigger = config.getObject(weaponTitle + ".Reload.Ammo.Ammo_Type_Switch.Trigger", Trigger.class);
if (ammoTypeSwitchTrigger != null && entityWrapper instanceof PlayerWrapper && ammoTypeSwitchTrigger.check(triggerType, slot, entityWrapper)) {
AmmoTypes ammoTypes = config.getObject(weaponTitle + ".Reload.Ammo.Ammo_Types", AmmoTypes.class);
if (ammoTypes != null) {
// First empty the current ammo
int ammoLeft = CustomTag.AMMO_LEFT.getInteger(weaponStack);
if (ammoLeft > 0) {
ammoTypes.giveAmmo(weaponStack, (PlayerWrapper) entityWrapper, ammoLeft, config.getInt(weaponTitle + ".Reload.Magazine_Size"));
CustomTag.AMMO_LEFT.setInteger(weaponStack, 0);
// Then do the switch
Mechanics ammoTypeSwitchMechanics = getConfigurations().getObject(weaponTitle + ".Reload.Ammo.Ammo_Type_Switch.Mechanics", Mechanics.class);
if (ammoTypeSwitchMechanics != null)
ammoTypeSwitchMechanics.use(new CastData(entityWrapper, weaponTitle, weaponStack));
WeaponInfoDisplay weaponInfoDisplay = getConfigurations().getObject(weaponTitle + ".Info.Weapon_Info_Display", WeaponInfoDisplay.class);
if (weaponInfoDisplay != null)
weaponInfoDisplay.send((PlayerWrapper) entityWrapper, slot);
// Here has to be return if new triggers gets added
use of in project MechanicsMain by WeaponMechanics.
the class ReloadHandler method startReloadWithoutTriggerAndWithoutTiming.
private boolean startReloadWithoutTriggerAndWithoutTiming(EntityWrapper entityWrapper, String weaponTitle, ItemStack weaponStack, EquipmentSlot slot, boolean dualWield, boolean isReloadLoop) {
// Don't try to reload if either one of the hands is already reloading / full autoing
HandData mainHandData = entityWrapper.getMainHandData();
HandData offHandData = entityWrapper.getOffHandData();
if (mainHandData.isReloading() || mainHandData.isUsingFullAuto() || mainHandData.isUsingBurst() || offHandData.isReloading() || offHandData.isUsingFullAuto() || offHandData.isUsingBurst()) {
return false;
WeaponPreReloadEvent preReloadEvent = new WeaponPreReloadEvent(weaponTitle, weaponStack, entityWrapper.getEntity());
if (preReloadEvent.isCancelled())
return false;
Configuration config = getConfigurations();
int reloadDuration = config.getInt(weaponTitle + ".Reload.Reload_Duration");
int tempMagazineSize = config.getInt(weaponTitle + ".Reload.Magazine_Size");
if (tempMagazineSize <= 0 || reloadDuration <= 0) {
// This ensures that non intended reloads doesn't occur from ShootHandler for example
return false;
int ammoLeft = getAmmoLeft(weaponStack, weaponTitle);
if (ammoLeft == -1) {
// This shouldn't be -1 at this point since reload should be used, perhaps ammo was added for weapon in configs later in server...
CustomTag.AMMO_LEFT.setInteger(weaponStack, 0);
ammoLeft = 0;
// On reload force zoom out
boolean mainhand = slot == EquipmentSlot.HAND;
HandData handData = mainhand ? entityWrapper.getMainHandData() : entityWrapper.getOffHandData();
int ammoPerReload = config.getInt(weaponTitle + ".Reload.Ammo_Per_Reload", -1);
// Check how much ammo should be added during this reload iteration
int tempAmmoToAdd;
if (ammoPerReload != -1) {
tempAmmoToAdd = ammoPerReload;
if (ammoLeft + tempAmmoToAdd > tempMagazineSize) {
tempAmmoToAdd = tempMagazineSize - ammoLeft;
} else {
tempAmmoToAdd = tempMagazineSize - ammoLeft;
LivingEntity shooter = entityWrapper.getEntity();
WeaponInfoDisplay weaponInfoDisplay = shooter.getType() != EntityType.PLAYER ? null : getConfigurations().getObject(weaponTitle + ".Info.Weapon_Info_Display", WeaponInfoDisplay.class);
PlayerWrapper playerWrapper = weaponInfoDisplay == null ? null : (PlayerWrapper) entityWrapper;
FirearmAction firearmAction = config.getObject(weaponTitle + ".Firearm_Action", FirearmAction.class);
FirearmState state = null;
boolean isRevolver = false;
boolean isPump = false;
int firearmOpenTime = 0;
int firearmCloseTime = 0;
if (firearmAction != null) {
state = firearmAction.getState(weaponStack);
isRevolver = firearmAction.getFirearmType() == FirearmType.REVOLVER;
isPump = firearmAction.getFirearmType() == FirearmType.PUMP;
// Is revolver or ammo is 0
if (!isReloadLoop && (isRevolver || ammoLeft <= 0)) {
firearmOpenTime = firearmAction.getOpenTime();
firearmCloseTime = firearmAction.getCloseTime();
switch(state) {
case OPEN:
if (isPump)
reloadDuration = 0;
case CLOSE:
firearmOpenTime = 0;
reloadDuration = 0;
WeaponReloadEvent reloadEvent = new WeaponReloadEvent(weaponTitle, weaponStack, entityWrapper.getEntity(), reloadDuration, tempAmmoToAdd, tempMagazineSize, firearmOpenTime, firearmCloseTime);
reloadDuration = reloadEvent.getReloadTime();
tempAmmoToAdd = reloadEvent.getReloadAmount();
tempMagazineSize = reloadEvent.getMagazineSize();
firearmOpenTime = reloadEvent.getFirearmOpenTime();
firearmCloseTime = reloadEvent.getFirearmCloseTime();
final int finalAmmoToAdd = tempAmmoToAdd;
final int magazineSize = tempMagazineSize;
if (ammoLeft >= magazineSize || reloadDuration == 0) {
if (state != null && state != FirearmState.READY) {
if (!isPump) {
// Since with pump we want to first OPEN and then CLOSE
if (state != FirearmState.CLOSE)
firearmAction.changeState(weaponStack, FirearmState.CLOSE);
// Simply CLOSE weapon or OPEN CLOSE if pump
weaponHandler.getShootHandler().doShootFirearmActions(entityWrapper, weaponTitle, weaponStack, handData, slot);
// Here true because firearm actions started
return true;
return false;
AmmoTypes ammoTypes = playerWrapper != null ? config.getObject(weaponTitle + ".Reload.Ammo.Ammo_Types", AmmoTypes.class) : null;
if (ammoTypes != null && !ammoTypes.hasAmmo(weaponTitle, weaponStack, playerWrapper)) {
Mechanics outOfAmmoMechanics = getConfigurations().getObject(weaponTitle + ".Reload.Ammo.Out_Of_Ammo", Mechanics.class);
if (outOfAmmoMechanics != null)
outOfAmmoMechanics.use(new CastData(entityWrapper, weaponTitle, weaponStack));
return false;
boolean unloadAmmoOnReload = config.getBool(weaponTitle + ".Reload.Unload_Ammo_On_Reload");
// This is necessary for events to be used correctly
handData.setReloadData(weaponTitle, weaponStack);
ChainTask reloadTask = new ChainTask(reloadDuration) {
private int unloadedAmount;
public void task() {
ItemStack taskReference = mainhand ? entityWrapper.getEntity().getEquipment().getItemInMainHand() : entityWrapper.getEntity().getEquipment().getItemInOffHand();
if (taskReference == weaponStack) {
taskReference = weaponStack;
} else {
handData.setReloadData(weaponTitle, taskReference);
int ammoLeft = getAmmoLeft(taskReference, weaponTitle);
// Here creating this again since this may change if there isn't enough ammo...
int ammoToAdd = finalAmmoToAdd + unloadedAmount;
if (ammoTypes != null) {
int removedAmount = ammoTypes.removeAmmo(taskReference, playerWrapper, ammoToAdd, magazineSize);
// Just check if for some reason ammo disappeared from entity before reaching reload "complete" state
if (removedAmount <= 0) {
Mechanics outOfAmmoMechanics = getConfigurations().getObject(weaponTitle + ".Reload.Ammo.Out_Of_Ammo", Mechanics.class);
if (outOfAmmoMechanics != null)
outOfAmmoMechanics.use(new CastData(entityWrapper, weaponTitle, taskReference));
// Remove next task as reload can't be finished
// Else simply set ammo to add value to removed amount
// Removed amount will be less than ammo to add amount IF player didn't have that much ammo
ammoToAdd = removedAmount;
int finalAmmoSet = ammoLeft + ammoToAdd;
handleWeaponStackAmount(entityWrapper, taskReference);
CustomTag.AMMO_LEFT.setInteger(taskReference, finalAmmoSet);
finishReload(entityWrapper, weaponTitle, taskReference, handData, slot);
if (ammoPerReload != -1) {
// Start the loop
startReloadWithoutTrigger(entityWrapper, weaponTitle, taskReference, slot, dualWield, true);
public void setup() {
int ammoLeft = CustomTag.AMMO_LEFT.getInteger(weaponStack);
if (unloadAmmoOnReload && ammoLeft > 0) {
if (ammoTypes != null)
ammoTypes.giveAmmo(weaponStack, playerWrapper, ammoLeft, magazineSize);
unloadedAmount = ammoLeft;
handleWeaponStackAmount(entityWrapper, weaponStack);
CustomTag.AMMO_LEFT.setInteger(weaponStack, 0);
CastData castData = new CastData(entityWrapper, weaponTitle, weaponStack);
// Set the extra data so SoundMechanic knows to save task id to hand's reload tasks
castData.setData(ReloadSound.getDataKeyword(), mainhand ? ReloadSound.MAIN_HAND.getId() : ReloadSound.OFF_HAND.getId());
Mechanics reloadStartMechanics = config.getObject(weaponTitle + ".Reload.Start_Mechanics", Mechanics.class);
if (reloadStartMechanics != null)
weaponInfoDisplay.send(playerWrapper, slot);
weaponHandler.getSkinHandler().tryUse(entityWrapper, weaponTitle, weaponStack, slot);
if (getConfigurations().getBool(weaponTitle + ".Info.Show_Cooldown.Reload_Time") && entityWrapper.getEntity().getType() == EntityType.PLAYER) {
CompatibilityAPI.getEntityCompatibility().setCooldown((Player) entityWrapper.getEntity(), weaponStack.getType(), reloadEvent.getReloadCompleteTime());
// OR ammo left is above 0 and revolver isn't used (when using revolver firearm actions should always occur)
if (isReloadLoop || state == null || (ammoLeft > 0 && !isRevolver)) {
return true;
ChainTask closeTask = getCloseTask(firearmCloseTime, firearmAction, weaponStack, handData, entityWrapper, weaponTitle, mainhand, slot);
if (state == FirearmState.CLOSE) {
return true;
ChainTask openTask = getOpenTask(firearmOpenTime, firearmAction, weaponStack, handData, entityWrapper, weaponTitle, mainhand, slot);
if (isPump) {
firearmAction.changeState(weaponStack, FirearmState.OPEN);
if (ammoPerReload != -1) {
} else {
} else {
if (ammoPerReload != -1) {
} else {
return true;
use of in project MechanicsMain by WeaponMechanics.
the class ReloadHandler method getOpenTask.
private ChainTask getOpenTask(int firearmOpenTime, FirearmAction firearmAction, ItemStack weaponStack, HandData handData, EntityWrapper entityWrapper, String weaponTitle, boolean mainhand, EquipmentSlot slot) {
return new ChainTask(firearmOpenTime) {
public void task() {
ItemStack taskReference = mainhand ? entityWrapper.getEntity().getEquipment().getItemInMainHand() : entityWrapper.getEntity().getEquipment().getItemInOffHand();
if (taskReference != weaponStack) {
handData.setReloadData(weaponTitle, taskReference);
public void setup() {
firearmAction.changeState(weaponStack, FirearmState.OPEN);
CastData castData = new CastData(entityWrapper, weaponTitle, weaponStack);
// Set the extra data so SoundMechanic knows to save task id to hand's reload tasks
castData.setData(ReloadSound.getDataKeyword(), mainhand ? ReloadSound.MAIN_HAND.getId() : ReloadSound.OFF_HAND.getId());
firearmAction.useMechanics(castData, true);
if (entityWrapper instanceof PlayerWrapper) {
WeaponInfoDisplay weaponInfoDisplay = getConfigurations().getObject(weaponTitle + ".Info.Weapon_Info_Display", WeaponInfoDisplay.class);
if (weaponInfoDisplay != null)
weaponInfoDisplay.send((PlayerWrapper) entityWrapper, slot);
weaponHandler.getSkinHandler().tryUse(entityWrapper, weaponTitle, weaponStack, slot);
use of in project MechanicsMain by WeaponMechanics.
the class ShootHandler method shoot.
* Shoots using weapon.
* Does not use ammo nor check for it.
public void shoot(EntityWrapper entityWrapper, String weaponTitle, ItemStack weaponStack, Location shootLocation, boolean mainHand, boolean updateSpreadChange, boolean isMelee) {
Configuration config = getConfigurations();
LivingEntity livingEntity = entityWrapper.getEntity();
if (!isMelee) {
HandData handData = mainHand ? entityWrapper.getMainHandData() : entityWrapper.getOffHandData();
if (getConfigurations().getBool(weaponTitle + ".Info.Show_Cooldown.Delay_Between_Shots") && entityWrapper.getEntity().getType() == EntityType.PLAYER) {
CompatibilityAPI.getEntityCompatibility().setCooldown((Player) entityWrapper, weaponStack.getType(), config.getInt(weaponTitle + ".Shoot.Delay_Between_Shots") / 50);
Mechanics shootMechanics = config.getObject(weaponTitle + ".Shoot.Mechanics", Mechanics.class);
if (shootMechanics != null)
shootMechanics.use(new CastData(entityWrapper, weaponTitle, weaponStack));
if (entityWrapper instanceof PlayerWrapper) {
WeaponInfoDisplay weaponInfoDisplay = getConfigurations().getObject(weaponTitle + ".Info.Weapon_Info_Display", WeaponInfoDisplay.class);
if (weaponInfoDisplay != null)
weaponInfoDisplay.send((PlayerWrapper) entityWrapper, mainHand ? EquipmentSlot.HAND : EquipmentSlot.OFF_HAND);
Projectile projectile = config.getObject(weaponTitle + ".Projectile", Projectile.class);
if (projectile == null || isMelee) {
// No projectile defined or was melee trigger
Spread spread = config.getObject(weaponTitle + ".Shoot.Spread", Spread.class);
Recoil recoil = config.getObject(weaponTitle + ".Shoot.Recoil", Recoil.class);
double projectileSpeed = config.getDouble(weaponTitle + ".Shoot.Projectile_Speed");
for (int i = 0; i < config.getInt(weaponTitle + ".Shoot.Projectiles_Per_Shot"); ++i) {
// i == 0
// -> Only allow spread changing on first shot
Vector motion = spread != null ? spread.getNormalizedSpreadDirection(entityWrapper, mainHand, i == 0 && updateSpreadChange).multiply(projectileSpeed) : livingEntity.getLocation().getDirection().multiply(projectileSpeed);
if (recoil != null && i == 0 && livingEntity instanceof Player) {
recoil.start((Player) livingEntity, mainHand);
// Only create bullet first if WeaponShootEvent changes
WeaponProjectile bullet = projectile.create(livingEntity, shootLocation, motion, weaponStack, weaponTitle);
WeaponShootEvent shootEvent = new WeaponShootEvent(bullet);
bullet = shootEvent.getProjectile();
// Shoot the given bullet
projectile.shoot(bullet, shootLocation);
use of in project MechanicsMain by WeaponMechanics.
the class ShootHandler method doShootFirearmActions.
public void doShootFirearmActions(EntityWrapper entityWrapper, String weaponTitle, ItemStack weaponStack, HandData handData, EquipmentSlot slot) {
FirearmAction firearmAction = getConfigurations().getObject(weaponTitle + ".Firearm_Action", FirearmAction.class);
if (firearmAction == null || handData.hasRunningFirearmAction())
FirearmState state = firearmAction.getState(weaponStack);
// If state is ready, check if this shot should not cause firearm actions
if (state == FirearmState.READY && (weaponHandler.getReloadHandler().getAmmoLeft(weaponStack, weaponTitle) % firearmAction.getFirearmActionFrequency() != 0 || !firearmAction.getFirearmType().hasShootActions())) {
boolean mainhand = slot == EquipmentSlot.HAND;
LivingEntity shooter = entityWrapper.getEntity();
WeaponInfoDisplay weaponInfoDisplay = shooter.getType() != EntityType.PLAYER ? null : getConfigurations().getObject(weaponTitle + ".Info.Weapon_Info_Display", WeaponInfoDisplay.class);
PlayerWrapper playerWrapper = weaponInfoDisplay == null ? null : (PlayerWrapper) entityWrapper;
// Initiate CLOSE task
BukkitRunnable closeRunnable = new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
ItemStack taskReference = mainhand ? entityWrapper.getEntity().getEquipment().getItemInMainHand() : entityWrapper.getEntity().getEquipment().getItemInOffHand();
if (taskReference == weaponStack) {
taskReference = weaponStack;
firearmAction.changeState(taskReference, FirearmState.READY);
if (weaponInfoDisplay != null)
weaponInfoDisplay.send(playerWrapper, slot);
// Init cast data
CastData castData = new CastData(entityWrapper, weaponTitle, weaponStack);
castData.setData(FirearmSound.getDataKeyword(), mainhand ? FirearmSound.MAIN_HAND.getId() : FirearmSound.OFF_HAND.getId());
// Check if OPEN state was already completed
if (state == FirearmState.CLOSE) {
// Only do CLOSE state
// Set the extra data so SoundMechanic knows to save task id to hand's firearm action tasks
firearmAction.useMechanics(castData, false);
if (weaponInfoDisplay != null)
weaponInfoDisplay.send(playerWrapper, slot);
if (getConfigurations().getBool(weaponTitle + ".Info.Show_Cooldown.Firearm_Actions_Time") && playerWrapper != null) {
CompatibilityAPI.getEntityCompatibility().setCooldown(playerWrapper.getPlayer(), weaponStack.getType(), firearmAction.getCloseTime());
handData.addFirearmActionTask(closeRunnable.runTaskLater(WeaponMechanics.getPlugin(), firearmAction.getCloseTime()).getTaskId());
// Return since we only want to do close state
// Update state
if (state != FirearmState.OPEN)
firearmAction.changeState(weaponStack, FirearmState.OPEN);
// Set the extra data so SoundMechanic knows to save task id to hand's firearm action tasks
firearmAction.useMechanics(castData, true);
if (weaponInfoDisplay != null)
weaponInfoDisplay.send(playerWrapper, slot);
if (getConfigurations().getBool(weaponTitle + ".Info.Show_Cooldown.Firearm_Actions_Time") && playerWrapper != null) {
CompatibilityAPI.getEntityCompatibility().setCooldown(playerWrapper.getPlayer(), weaponStack.getType(), firearmAction.getOpenTime() + firearmAction.getCloseTime());
// Add the task to shoot firearm action tasks
handData.addFirearmActionTask(new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
ItemStack taskReference = mainhand ? entityWrapper.getEntity().getEquipment().getItemInMainHand() : entityWrapper.getEntity().getEquipment().getItemInOffHand();
if (taskReference == weaponStack)
taskReference = weaponStack;
firearmAction.changeState(taskReference, FirearmState.CLOSE);
// Set the extra data so SoundMechanic knows to save task id to hand's firearm action tasks
CastData castData = new CastData(entityWrapper, weaponTitle, taskReference);
castData.setData(FirearmSound.getDataKeyword(), mainhand ? FirearmSound.MAIN_HAND.getId() : FirearmSound.OFF_HAND.getId());
firearmAction.useMechanics(castData, false);
if (weaponInfoDisplay != null)
weaponInfoDisplay.send(playerWrapper, slot);
handData.addFirearmActionTask(closeRunnable.runTaskLater(WeaponMechanics.getPlugin(), firearmAction.getCloseTime()).getTaskId());
}.runTaskLater(WeaponMechanics.getPlugin(), firearmAction.getOpenTime()).getTaskId());