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Example 1 with Problem

use of me.itay.idemodthingy.programs.bluej.api.Problem in project IDEProgram by Itay2805.

the class BlueJCodeEditor method render.

protected void render(Laptop laptop, Minecraft mc, int x, int y, int mouseX, int mouseY, boolean windowActive, float partialTicks) {
    if (!visible)
    GlStateManager.color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
    Gui.drawRect(xPosition, yPosition, xPosition + width, yPosition + height, backgroundColor);
    FontRenderer font = Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj;
    // render text
    if (highlighter == null) {
        // no highlighter"No highlighter attached! Using default highlighting!");
        for (int i = from; i < from + maxLines; i++) {
            if (i >= lines.size()) {
            int Y = i * font.FONT_HEIGHT;
            font.drawString(lines.get(i).replace("\t", "    "), 2 + xPosition, 2 + yPosition + Y, Color.WHITE.getRGB());
    } else {
        // with highlight"Using highlighter for: " + highlighter.getName());
        for (int i = from; i < from + maxLines; i++) {
            if (i >= lines.size()) {
            int Y = i * font.FONT_HEIGHT;
            int X = 0;
            for (Token token : tokens) {
                String text = "";
                if (token instanceof StaticToken) {
                    text = ((StaticToken) token).getToken().replace("\t", "    ");
                } else if (token instanceof DynamicToken) {
                    text = ((DynamicToken) token).getToken().replace("\t", "    ");
                font.drawString(text, 2 + xPosition + X, 2 + yPosition + Y, token.getColor());
                X += font.getStringWidth(text);
        for (Problem problem : problems) {
            if (from >= problem.getLine() || from + maxLines < problem.getLine()) {
            int X = font.getStringWidth(lines.get(problem.getLine()).substring(0, problem.getColumn()));
            int Y = problem.getLine() * font.FONT_HEIGHT * 2;
            int length = problem.getLength();
            while ((length--) > 0) {
                font.drawString("~", 2 + xPosition + X, 2 + yPosition + Y, problem.getColor());
                X += errorLength;
    if (editable) {
        // render cursor
        if (cursorState) {
            int X = font.getStringWidth(getCurrentLine().substring(0, cursorX).replace("\t", "   "));
            int Y = (cursorY - from) * font.FONT_HEIGHT;
            font.drawString("|", 2 + xPosition + X, 2 + yPosition + Y, cursorColor);
Also used : DynamicToken(me.itay.idemodthingy.programs.bluej.api.tokens.DynamicToken) StaticToken(me.itay.idemodthingy.programs.bluej.api.tokens.StaticToken) Token(me.itay.idemodthingy.programs.bluej.api.tokens.Token) Problem(me.itay.idemodthingy.programs.bluej.api.Problem) FontRenderer(net.minecraft.client.gui.FontRenderer) DynamicToken(me.itay.idemodthingy.programs.bluej.api.tokens.DynamicToken) StaticToken(me.itay.idemodthingy.programs.bluej.api.tokens.StaticToken)


Problem (me.itay.idemodthingy.programs.bluej.api.Problem)1 DynamicToken (me.itay.idemodthingy.programs.bluej.api.tokens.DynamicToken)1 StaticToken (me.itay.idemodthingy.programs.bluej.api.tokens.StaticToken)1 Token (me.itay.idemodthingy.programs.bluej.api.tokens.Token)1 FontRenderer (net.minecraft.client.gui.FontRenderer)1