use of me.itay.idemodthingy.programs.bluej.api.tokens.StaticToken in project IDEProgram by Itay2805.
the class BlueJCodeEditor method render.
protected void render(Laptop laptop, Minecraft mc, int x, int y, int mouseX, int mouseY, boolean windowActive, float partialTicks) {
if (!visible)
GlStateManager.color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
Gui.drawRect(xPosition, yPosition, xPosition + width, yPosition + height, backgroundColor);
FontRenderer font = Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj;
// render text
if (highlighter == null) {
// no highlighter"No highlighter attached! Using default highlighting!");
for (int i = from; i < from + maxLines; i++) {
if (i >= lines.size()) {
int Y = i * font.FONT_HEIGHT;
font.drawString(lines.get(i).replace("\t", " "), 2 + xPosition, 2 + yPosition + Y, Color.WHITE.getRGB());
} else {
// with highlight"Using highlighter for: " + highlighter.getName());
for (int i = from; i < from + maxLines; i++) {
if (i >= lines.size()) {
int Y = i * font.FONT_HEIGHT;
int X = 0;
for (Token token : tokens) {
String text = "";
if (token instanceof StaticToken) {
text = ((StaticToken) token).getToken().replace("\t", " ");
} else if (token instanceof DynamicToken) {
text = ((DynamicToken) token).getToken().replace("\t", " ");
font.drawString(text, 2 + xPosition + X, 2 + yPosition + Y, token.getColor());
X += font.getStringWidth(text);
for (Problem problem : problems) {
if (from >= problem.getLine() || from + maxLines < problem.getLine()) {
int X = font.getStringWidth(lines.get(problem.getLine()).substring(0, problem.getColumn()));
int Y = problem.getLine() * font.FONT_HEIGHT * 2;
int length = problem.getLength();
while ((length--) > 0) {
font.drawString("~", 2 + xPosition + X, 2 + yPosition + Y, problem.getColor());
X += errorLength;
if (editable) {
// render cursor
if (cursorState) {
int X = font.getStringWidth(getCurrentLine().substring(0, cursorX).replace("\t", " "));
int Y = (cursorY - from) * font.FONT_HEIGHT;
font.drawString("|", 2 + xPosition + X, 2 + yPosition + Y, cursorColor);
use of me.itay.idemodthingy.programs.bluej.api.tokens.StaticToken in project IDEProgram by Itay2805.
the class IDETextArea method render.
public void render(Laptop laptop, Minecraft mc, int x, int y, int mouseX, int mouseY, boolean windowActive, float partialTicks) {
GlStateManager.clearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
Gui.drawRect(xPosition, yPosition, xPosition + width, yPosition + height, borderColour);
Gui.drawRect(xPosition + 1, yPosition + 1, xPosition + width - 1, yPosition + height - 1, backgroundColour);
int to = from + lineCount;
if (to >= lines.size()) {
to = lines.size();
int currentY = 0;
for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
List<Token> tokens = language.parse(this.openedFile.getParentProject(), this.openedFile);
int currentX = 0;
for (Token token : tokens) {
String text = "";
if (token instanceof StaticToken) {
text = ((StaticToken) token).getToken().replace("\t", " ");
} else if (token instanceof DynamicToken) {
text = ((DynamicToken) token).getToken().replace("\t", " ");
font.drawString(text, 2 + xPosition + currentX, 2 + yPosition + currentY, token.getColor());
currentX += font.getStringWidth(text);
currentY += font.FONT_HEIGHT;
if (editable) {
if (updateCounter / 2 % 6 == 0 || lastX != cursorX || lastY != cursorY) {
int toX = this.cursorX;
if (toX > getCurrentLine().length()) {
toX = getCurrentLine().length();
int cursorX = font.getStringWidth(getCurrentLine().substring(0, toX));
int cursorY = (this.cursorY - from) * font.FONT_HEIGHT;
font.drawSplitString("|", xPosition + PADDING + 1 + cursorX, yPosition + PADDING + 2 + cursorY, width - PADDING * 2 - 2, Color.WHITE.getRGB());
lastX = cursorX;
lastY = cursorY;
for (ErrorHighlight err : errors) {
int X = font.getStringWidth(getCurrentLine().substring(0, err.column));
int Y = (err.line - from) * font.FONT_HEIGHT + font.FONT_HEIGHT;
StringBuilder finale = new StringBuilder();
int length = font.getStringWidth(getCurrentLine().substring(err.column, err.column + err.length));
for (int i = 0; i <= (length / errorLength); i++) {
font.drawSplitString(finale.toString(), xPosition + PADDING + 1 + X, yPosition + PADDING + 2 + Y, width - PADDING * 2 - 2, err.color);
if (RenderUtil.isMouseInside(mouseX - xPosition, mouseY - yPosition, X, Y - font.FONT_HEIGHT / 2, X + length, Y + font.FONT_HEIGHT / 2)) {
Gui.drawRect(mouseX, mouseY - (font.FONT_HEIGHT + 4), mouseX + font.getStringWidth(err.error) + 4, mouseY, borderColour);
Gui.drawRect(mouseX + 1, mouseY - (font.FONT_HEIGHT + 4) + 1, mouseX + font.getStringWidth(err.error) + 4 - 1, mouseY - 1, backgroundColour);
font.drawString(err.error, mouseX + 2, mouseY - (font.FONT_HEIGHT + 4) + 2, Color.WHITE.getRGB(), true);