use of mekanism.api.chemical.gas.GasStack in project Mekanism by mekanism.
the class ItemHohlraum method appendHoverText.
public void appendHoverText(@Nonnull ItemStack stack, @Nullable World world, @Nonnull List<ITextComponent> tooltip, @Nonnull ITooltipFlag flag) {
if (Capabilities.GAS_HANDLER_CAPABILITY != null) {
// Ensure the capability is not null, as the first call to addInformation happens before capability injection
Optional<IGasHandler> capability = stack.getCapability(Capabilities.GAS_HANDLER_CAPABILITY).resolve();
if (capability.isPresent()) {
IGasHandler gasHandlerItem = capability.get();
if (gasHandlerItem.getTanks() > 0) {
// Validate something didn't go terribly wrong, and we actually do have the tank we expect to have
GasStack storedGas = gasHandlerItem.getChemicalInTank(0);
if (!storedGas.isEmpty()) {
tooltip.add(MekanismLang.STORED.translate(storedGas, storedGas.getAmount()));
if (storedGas.getAmount() == gasHandlerItem.getTankCapacity(0)) {
} else {
use of mekanism.api.chemical.gas.GasStack in project Mekanism by mekanism.
the class FissionReactorMultiblockData method burnFuel.
private void burnFuel(World world) {
double lastPartialWaste = partialWaste;
double lastBurnRemaining = burnRemaining;
double storedFuel = fuelTank.getStored() + burnRemaining;
double toBurn = Math.min(Math.min(rateLimit, storedFuel), fuelAssemblies * MekanismGeneratorsConfig.generators.burnPerAssembly.get());
storedFuel -= toBurn;
fuelTank.setStackSize((long) storedFuel, Action.EXECUTE);
burnRemaining = storedFuel % 1;
heatCapacitor.handleHeat(toBurn * MekanismGeneratorsConfig.generators.energyPerFissionFuel.get().doubleValue());
// handle waste
partialWaste += toBurn;
long newWaste = (long) Math.floor(partialWaste);
if (newWaste > 0) {
partialWaste %= 1;
long leftoverWaste = Math.max(0, newWaste - wasteTank.getNeeded());
GasStack wasteToAdd = MekanismGases.NUCLEAR_WASTE.getStack(newWaste);
wasteTank.insert(wasteToAdd, Action.EXECUTE, AutomationType.INTERNAL);
if (leftoverWaste > 0) {
double radioactivity = wasteToAdd.getType().get(GasAttributes.Radiation.class).getRadioactivity();
MekanismAPI.getRadiationManager().radiate(new Coord4D(getBounds().getCenter(), world), leftoverWaste * radioactivity);
// update previous burn
lastBurnRate = toBurn;
if (lastPartialWaste != partialWaste || lastBurnRemaining != burnRemaining) {
use of mekanism.api.chemical.gas.GasStack in project Mekanism by mekanism.
the class ModuleElectrolyticBreathingUnit method tickServer.
public void tickServer(IModule<ModuleElectrolyticBreathingUnit> module, PlayerEntity player) {
int productionRate = 0;
// Check if the mask is underwater
// Note: Being in water is checked first to ensure that if it is raining and the player is in water
// they get the full strength production
float eyeHeight = player.getEyeHeight();
Map<Fluid, FluidInDetails> fluidsIn = MekanismUtils.getFluidsIn(player, bb -> {
// Grab the center of the BB as that is where the player is for purposes of what it renders it intersects with
double centerX = (bb.minX + bb.maxX) / 2;
double centerZ = (bb.minZ + bb.maxZ) / 2;
// For the y range check a range of where the mask's breathing unit is based on where the eyes are
return new AxisAlignedBB(centerX, Math.min(bb.minY + eyeHeight - 0.27, bb.maxY), centerZ, centerX, Math.min(bb.minY + eyeHeight - 0.14, bb.maxY), centerZ);
if (fluidsIn.entrySet().stream().anyMatch(entry -> entry.getKey().is(FluidTags.WATER) && entry.getValue().getMaxHeight() >= 0.11)) {
// If the position the bottom of the mask is almost entirely in water set the production rate to our max rate
// if the mask is only partially in water treat it as not being in it enough to actually function
productionRate = getMaxRate(module);
} else if (player.isInRain()) {
// If the player is not in water but is in rain set the production to half power
productionRate = getMaxRate(module) / 2;
if (productionRate > 0) {
FloatingLong usage = MekanismConfig.general.FROM_H2.get().multiply(2);
int maxRate = Math.min(productionRate, module.getContainerEnergy().divideToInt(usage));
long hydrogenUsed = 0;
GasStack hydrogenStack = MekanismGases.HYDROGEN.getStack(maxRate * 2L);
ItemStack chestStack = player.getItemBySlot(EquipmentSlotType.CHEST);
if (checkChestPlate(chestStack)) {
Optional<IGasHandler> chestCapability = chestStack.getCapability(Capabilities.GAS_HANDLER_CAPABILITY).resolve();
if (chestCapability.isPresent()) {
hydrogenUsed = maxRate * 2L - chestCapability.get().insertChemical(hydrogenStack, Action.EXECUTE).getAmount();
if (fillHeld.get()) {
ItemStack handStack = player.getItemBySlot(EquipmentSlotType.MAINHAND);
Optional<IGasHandler> handCapability = handStack.getCapability(Capabilities.GAS_HANDLER_CAPABILITY).resolve();
if (handCapability.isPresent()) {
hydrogenUsed = maxRate * 2L - handCapability.get().insertChemical(hydrogenStack, Action.EXECUTE).getAmount();
int oxygenUsed = Math.min(maxRate, player.getMaxAirSupply() - player.getAirSupply());
long used = Math.max((int) Math.ceil(hydrogenUsed / 2D), oxygenUsed);
module.useEnergy(player, usage.multiply(used));
player.setAirSupply(player.getAirSupply() + oxygenUsed);
use of mekanism.api.chemical.gas.GasStack in project Mekanism by mekanism.
the class ModuleJetpackUnit method addHUDElements.
public void addHUDElements(IModule<ModuleJetpackUnit> module, PlayerEntity player, Consumer<IHUDElement> hudElementAdder) {
if (module.isEnabled()) {
ItemStack container = module.getContainer();
GasStack stored = ((ItemMekaSuitArmor) container.getItem()).getContainedGas(container, MekanismGases.HYDROGEN.get());
double ratio = StorageUtils.getRatio(stored.getAmount(), MekanismConfig.gear.mekaSuitJetpackMaxStorage.getAsLong());
hudElementAdder.accept(MekanismAPI.getModuleHelper().hudElementPercent(jetpackMode.get().getHUDIcon(), ratio));
use of mekanism.api.chemical.gas.GasStack in project Mekanism by mekanism.
the class PressurizedReactionRecipeSerializer method fromJson.
public RECIPE fromJson(@Nonnull ResourceLocation recipeId, @Nonnull JsonObject json) {
JsonElement itemInput = JSONUtils.isArrayNode(json, JsonConstants.ITEM_INPUT) ? JSONUtils.getAsJsonArray(json, JsonConstants.ITEM_INPUT) : JSONUtils.getAsJsonObject(json, JsonConstants.ITEM_INPUT);
ItemStackIngredient solidIngredient = ItemStackIngredient.deserialize(itemInput);
JsonElement fluidInput = JSONUtils.isArrayNode(json, JsonConstants.FLUID_INPUT) ? JSONUtils.getAsJsonArray(json, JsonConstants.FLUID_INPUT) : JSONUtils.getAsJsonObject(json, JsonConstants.FLUID_INPUT);
FluidStackIngredient fluidIngredient = FluidStackIngredient.deserialize(fluidInput);
JsonElement gasInput = JSONUtils.isArrayNode(json, JsonConstants.GAS_INPUT) ? JSONUtils.getAsJsonArray(json, JsonConstants.GAS_INPUT) : JSONUtils.getAsJsonObject(json, JsonConstants.GAS_INPUT);
GasStackIngredient gasIngredient = GasStackIngredient.deserialize(gasInput);
FloatingLong energyRequired = FloatingLong.ZERO;
if (json.has(JsonConstants.ENERGY_REQUIRED)) {
energyRequired = SerializerHelper.getFloatingLong(json, JsonConstants.ENERGY_REQUIRED);
int duration;
JsonElement ticks = json.get(JsonConstants.DURATION);
if (!JSONUtils.isNumberValue(ticks)) {
throw new JsonSyntaxException("Expected duration to be a number greater than zero.");
duration = ticks.getAsJsonPrimitive().getAsInt();
if (duration <= 0) {
throw new JsonSyntaxException("Expected duration to be a number greater than zero.");
ItemStack itemOutput = ItemStack.EMPTY;
GasStack gasOutput = GasStack.EMPTY;
if (json.has(JsonConstants.ITEM_OUTPUT)) {
itemOutput = SerializerHelper.getItemStack(json, JsonConstants.ITEM_OUTPUT);
if (itemOutput.isEmpty()) {
throw new JsonSyntaxException("Reaction chamber item output must not be empty, if it is defined.");
if (json.has(JsonConstants.GAS_OUTPUT)) {
// The gas is optional given we have an output item
gasOutput = SerializerHelper.getGasStack(json, JsonConstants.GAS_OUTPUT);
if (gasOutput.isEmpty()) {
throw new JsonSyntaxException("Reaction chamber gas output must not be empty, if it is defined.");
} else {
// If we don't have an output item, we are required to have an output gas
gasOutput = SerializerHelper.getGasStack(json, JsonConstants.GAS_OUTPUT);
if (gasOutput.isEmpty()) {
throw new JsonSyntaxException("Reaction chamber gas output must not be empty, if there is no item output.");
return this.factory.create(recipeId, solidIngredient, fluidIngredient, gasIngredient, energyRequired, duration, itemOutput, gasOutput);