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Example 11 with Statement

use of nars.language.Statement in project opennars by opennars.

the class SyllogisticRules method analogy.

 * {<S ==> P>, <M <=> P>} |- <S ==> P>
 * @param subj Subject of the new task
 * @param pred Predicate of the new task
 * @param asym The asymmetric premise
 * @param sym The symmetric premise
 * @param figure Locations of the shared term in premises
 * @param nal Reference to the memory
static void analogy(Term subj, Term pred, Sentence asym, Sentence sym, int figure, DerivationContext nal) {
    if (Statement.invalidStatement(subj, pred)) {
    int order1 = asym.term.getTemporalOrder();
    int order2 = sym.term.getTemporalOrder();
    int order = analogyOrder(order1, order2, figure);
    if (order == ORDER_INVALID) {
    Statement st = (Statement) asym.term;
    TruthValue truth = null;
    BudgetValue budget;
    Sentence sentence = nal.getCurrentTask().sentence;
    CompoundTerm taskTerm = (CompoundTerm) sentence.term;
    if (sentence.isQuestion() || sentence.isQuest()) {
        if (taskTerm.isCommutative()) {
            if (asym.truth == null) {
                // a question for example
            budget = BudgetFunctions.backwardWeak(asym.truth, nal);
        } else {
            if (sym.truth == null) {
                // a question for example
            budget = BudgetFunctions.backward(sym.truth, nal);
    } else {
        if (sentence.isGoal()) {
            if (taskTerm.isCommutative()) {
                truth = TruthFunctions.desireWeak(asym.truth, sym.truth);
            } else {
                truth = TruthFunctions.desireStrong(asym.truth, sym.truth);
        } else {
            truth = TruthFunctions.analogy(asym.truth, sym.truth);
        budget = BudgetFunctions.forward(truth, nal);
    // nal.mem().logic.ANALOGY.commit();
    // (allow overlap) but not needed here, isn't detachment
    nal.doublePremiseTask(Statement.make(st, subj, pred, order), truth, budget, false, false);
Also used : BudgetValue(nars.entity.BudgetValue) CompoundTerm(nars.language.CompoundTerm) Statement(nars.language.Statement) TruthValue(nars.entity.TruthValue) Sentence(nars.entity.Sentence)

Example 12 with Statement

use of nars.language.Statement in project opennars by opennars.

the class SyllogisticRules method resemblance.

 * {<S <=> M>, <M <=> P>} |- <S <=> P>
 * @param term1 Subject of the new task
 * @param term2 Predicate of the new task
 * @param belief The first premise
 * @param sentence The second premise
 * @param figure Locations of the shared term in premises
 * @param nal Reference to the memory
static void resemblance(Term term1, Term term2, Sentence belief, Sentence sentence, int figure, DerivationContext nal) {
    if (Statement.invalidStatement(term1, term2)) {
    int order1 = belief.term.getTemporalOrder();
    int order2 = sentence.term.getTemporalOrder();
    int order = resemblanceOrder(order1, order2, figure);
    if (order == ORDER_INVALID) {
    Statement st = (Statement) belief.term;
    TruthValue truth = null;
    BudgetValue budget;
    if (sentence.isQuestion() || sentence.isQuest()) {
        budget = BudgetFunctions.backward(belief.truth, nal);
    } else {
        if (sentence.isGoal()) {
            truth = TruthFunctions.desireStrong(sentence.truth, belief.truth);
        } else {
            truth = TruthFunctions.resemblance(belief.truth, sentence.truth);
        budget = BudgetFunctions.forward(truth, nal);
    boolean higherOrder = (belief.term.isHigherOrderStatement() || sentence.term.isHigherOrderStatement());
    boolean bothHigherOrder = (belief.term.isHigherOrderStatement() && sentence.term.isHigherOrderStatement());
    if (!bothHigherOrder && higherOrder) {
        if (belief.term.isHigherOrderStatement()) {
            order = belief.term.getTemporalOrder();
        } else if (sentence.term.isHigherOrderStatement()) {
            order = sentence.term.getTemporalOrder();
    Statement s = Statement.make(higherOrder ? NativeOperator.EQUIVALENCE : NativeOperator.SIMILARITY, term1, term2, order);
    // (allow overlap) but not needed here, isn't detachment
    nal.doublePremiseTask(s, truth, budget, false, false);
    if (Parameters.BREAK_NAL_HOL_BOUNDARY && !sentence.term.hasVarIndep() && (st instanceof Equivalence) && order1 == order2 && belief.term.isHigherOrderStatement() && sentence.term.isHigherOrderStatement()) {
        BudgetValue budget1 = null, budget2 = null, budget3 = null;
        TruthValue truth1 = null, truth2 = null, truth3 = null;
        TruthValue value1 = sentence.truth;
        TruthValue value2 = belief.truth;
        if (sentence.isQuestion()) {
            /* budget1 = BudgetFunctions.backward(value2, nal);
                budget2 = BudgetFunctions.backwardWeak(value2, nal);*/
            budget3 = BudgetFunctions.backward(value2, nal);
        } else if (sentence.isQuest()) {
            /* budget1 = BudgetFunctions.backwardWeak(value2, nal);
                budget2 = BudgetFunctions.backward(value2, nal);*/
            budget3 = BudgetFunctions.backwardWeak(value2, nal);
        } else {
            if (sentence.isGoal()) {
                /*  truth1 = TruthFunctions.desireStrong(value1, value2);
                    truth2 = TruthFunctions.desireWeak(value2, value1);*/
                truth3 = TruthFunctions.desireStrong(value1, value2);
            } else {
                // isJudgment
                /* truth1 = TruthFunctions.abduction(value1, value2);
                    truth2 = TruthFunctions.abduction(value2, value1);*/
                truth3 = TruthFunctions.comparison(value1, value2);
            /*budget1 = BudgetFunctions.forward(truth1, nal);
                budget2 = BudgetFunctions.forward(truth2, nal);*/
            budget3 = BudgetFunctions.forward(truth3, nal);
        /* Bridge to higher order statements:
            <b <=> k>.
            <b <=> c>.
            <k <-> c>. %F_cmp%
        /* nal.doublePremiseTask(
                Statement.make(NativeOperator.INHERITANCE, term1, term2), 
                    truth1, budget1.clone(),false, false);
                Statement.make(NativeOperator.INHERITANCE, term2, term1), 
                    truth2, budget2.clone(),false, false);*/
        nal.doublePremiseTask(Statement.make(NativeOperator.SIMILARITY, term1, term2, TemporalRules.ORDER_NONE), truth3, budget3.clone(), false, false);
Also used : BudgetValue(nars.entity.BudgetValue) Equivalence(nars.language.Equivalence) Statement(nars.language.Statement) TruthValue(nars.entity.TruthValue)

Example 13 with Statement

use of nars.language.Statement in project opennars by opennars.

the class SyllogisticRules method conditionalDedInd.

 * {<(&&, S1, S2, S3) ==> P>, S1} |- <(&&, S2, S3) ==> P> {<(&&, S2, S3) ==>
 * P>, <S1 ==> S2>} |- <(&&, S1, S3) ==> P> {<(&&, S1, S3) ==> P>, <S1 ==>
 * S2>} |- <(&&, S2, S3) ==> P>
 * @param premise1 The conditional premise
 * @param index The location of the shared term in the condition of premise1
 * @param premise2 The premise which, or part of which, appears in the
 * condition of premise1
 * @param side The location of the shared term in premise2: 0 for subject, 1
 * for predicate, -1 for the whole term
 * @param nal Reference to the memory
static void conditionalDedInd(Sentence premise1Sentence, Implication premise1, short index, Term premise2, int side, DerivationContext nal) {
    Task task = nal.getCurrentTask();
    Sentence taskSentence = task.sentence;
    Sentence belief = nal.getCurrentBelief();
    boolean deduction = (side != 0);
    boolean conditionalTask = Variables.hasSubstitute(Symbols.VAR_INDEPENDENT, premise2, belief.term);
    Term commonComponent;
    Term newComponent = null;
    if (side == 0) {
        commonComponent = ((Statement) premise2).getSubject();
        newComponent = ((Statement) premise2).getPredicate();
    } else if (side == 1) {
        commonComponent = ((Statement) premise2).getPredicate();
        newComponent = ((Statement) premise2).getSubject();
    } else {
        commonComponent = premise2;
    Term subj = premise1.getSubject();
    if (!(subj instanceof Conjunction)) {
    Conjunction oldCondition = (Conjunction) subj;
    int index2 = Terms.indexOf(oldCondition.term, commonComponent);
    if (index2 >= 0) {
        index = (short) index2;
    } else {
        Term[] u = new Term[] { premise1, premise2 };
        boolean match = Variables.unify(Symbols.VAR_INDEPENDENT, oldCondition.term[index], commonComponent, u);
        premise1 = (Implication) u[0];
        premise2 = u[1];
        if (!match && (commonComponent.getClass() == oldCondition.getClass())) {
            CompoundTerm compoundCommonComponent = ((CompoundTerm) commonComponent);
            if ((oldCondition.term.length > index) && (compoundCommonComponent.term.length > index)) {
                // assumption: { was missing
                u = new Term[] { premise1, premise2 };
                match = Variables.unify(Symbols.VAR_INDEPENDENT, oldCondition.term[index], compoundCommonComponent.term[index], u);
                premise1 = (Implication) u[0];
                premise2 = u[1];
        if (!match) {
    int conjunctionOrder = subj.getTemporalOrder();
    if (conjunctionOrder == ORDER_FORWARD) {
        if (index > 0) {
        if ((side == 0) && (premise2.getTemporalOrder() == ORDER_FORWARD)) {
        if ((side == 1) && (premise2.getTemporalOrder() == ORDER_BACKWARD)) {
    Term newCondition;
    if (oldCondition.equals(commonComponent)) {
        newCondition = null;
    } else {
        newCondition = oldCondition.setComponent(index, newComponent, nal.mem());
    Term content;
    long delta = 0;
    long mintime = 0;
    long maxtime = 0;
    boolean predictedEvent = false;
    if (newCondition != null) {
        if (newCondition instanceof Interval) {
            content = premise1.getPredicate();
            delta = ((Interval) newCondition).time;
            if (taskSentence.getOccurenceTime() != Stamp.ETERNAL) {
                mintime = taskSentence.getOccurenceTime() + ((Interval) newCondition).time - 1;
                maxtime = taskSentence.getOccurenceTime() + ((Interval) newCondition).time + 2;
                predictedEvent = true;
        } else {
            while ((newCondition instanceof Conjunction) && (((CompoundTerm) newCondition).term[0] instanceof Interval)) {
                Interval interval = (Interval) ((CompoundTerm) newCondition).term[0];
                delta += interval.time;
                newCondition = ((CompoundTerm) newCondition).setComponent(0, null, nal.mem());
            content = Statement.make(premise1, newCondition, premise1.getPredicate(), premise1.getTemporalOrder());
    } else {
        content = premise1.getPredicate();
    if (content == null)
    long occurrence_time = nal.getTheNewStamp().getOccurrenceTime();
    if (delta != 0) {
        long baseTime = taskSentence.getOccurenceTime();
        if (baseTime != Stamp.ETERNAL) {
            baseTime += delta;
            occurrence_time = baseTime;
    TruthValue truth1 = taskSentence.truth;
    TruthValue truth2 = belief.truth;
    TruthValue truth = null;
    BudgetValue budget;
    if (taskSentence.isQuestion() || taskSentence.isQuest()) {
        budget = BudgetFunctions.backwardWeak(truth2, nal);
    } else {
        if (taskSentence.isGoal()) {
            if (conditionalTask) {
                truth = TruthFunctions.desireWeak(truth1, truth2);
            } else if (deduction) {
                truth = TruthFunctions.desireInd(truth1, truth2);
            } else {
                truth = TruthFunctions.desireDed(truth1, truth2);
        } else {
            if (deduction) {
                truth = TruthFunctions.deduction(truth1, truth2);
            } else if (conditionalTask) {
                truth = TruthFunctions.induction(truth2, truth1);
            } else {
                truth = TruthFunctions.induction(truth1, truth2);
        budget = BudgetFunctions.forward(truth, nal);
    // (allow overlap) when deduction on judgment
    List<Task> ret = nal.doublePremiseTask(content, truth, budget, false, taskSentence.isJudgment() && deduction);
    if (!nal.evidentalOverlap && ret != null && ret.size() > 0) {
        if (predictedEvent && taskSentence.isJudgment() && truth != null && truth.getExpectation() > Parameters.DEFAULT_CONFIRMATION_EXPECTATION && !premise1Sentence.stamp.alreadyAnticipatedNegConfirmation) {
            premise1Sentence.stamp.alreadyAnticipatedNegConfirmation = true;
            ConceptProcessing.generatePotentialNegConfirmation(nal, premise1Sentence, budget, mintime, maxtime, 1);
Also used : CompoundTerm(nars.language.CompoundTerm) BudgetValue(nars.entity.BudgetValue) Task(nars.entity.Task) Statement(nars.language.Statement) CompoundTerm(nars.language.CompoundTerm) Term(nars.language.Term) TruthValue(nars.entity.TruthValue) Conjunction(nars.language.Conjunction) Sentence(nars.entity.Sentence) Interval(nars.language.Interval)

Example 14 with Statement

use of nars.language.Statement in project opennars by opennars.

the class SyllogisticRules method conditionalAna.

 * {<(&&, S1, S2, S3) <=> P>, S1} |- <(&&, S2, S3) <=> P> {<(&&, S2, S3) <=> P>,
 * <S1 ==> S2>} |- <(&&, S1, S3) <=> P> {<(&&, S1, S3) <=> P>, <S1 ==>
 * @param premise1 The equivalence premise
 * @param index The location of the shared term in the condition of premise1
 * @param premise2 The premise which, or part of which, appears in the
 * condition of premise1
 * @param side The location of the shared term in premise2: 0 for subject, 1
 * for predicate, -1 for the whole term
 * @param nal Reference to the memory
static void conditionalAna(Equivalence premise1, short index, Term premise2, int side, DerivationContext nal) {
    Task task = nal.getCurrentTask();
    Sentence taskSentence = task.sentence;
    Sentence belief = nal.getCurrentBelief();
    boolean conditionalTask = Variables.hasSubstitute(Symbols.VAR_INDEPENDENT, premise2, belief.term);
    Term commonComponent;
    Term newComponent = null;
    if (side == 0) {
        commonComponent = ((Statement) premise2).getSubject();
        newComponent = ((Statement) premise2).getPredicate();
    } else if (side == 1) {
        commonComponent = ((Statement) premise2).getPredicate();
        newComponent = ((Statement) premise2).getSubject();
    } else {
        commonComponent = premise2;
    Term tm = premise1.getSubject();
    if (!(tm instanceof Conjunction)) {
    Conjunction oldCondition = (Conjunction) tm;
    Term[] u = new Term[] { premise1, premise2 };
    boolean match = Variables.unify(Symbols.VAR_DEPENDENT, oldCondition.term[index], commonComponent, u);
    premise1 = (Equivalence) u[0];
    premise2 = u[1];
    if (!match && (commonComponent.getClass() == oldCondition.getClass())) {
        u = new Term[] { premise1, premise2 };
        match = Variables.unify(Symbols.VAR_DEPENDENT, oldCondition.term[index], ((CompoundTerm) commonComponent).term[index], u);
        premise1 = (Equivalence) u[0];
        premise2 = u[1];
    if (!match) {
    int conjunctionOrder = oldCondition.getTemporalOrder();
    if (conjunctionOrder == ORDER_FORWARD) {
        if (index > 0) {
        if ((side == 0) && (premise2.getTemporalOrder() == ORDER_FORWARD)) {
        if ((side == 1) && (premise2.getTemporalOrder() == ORDER_BACKWARD)) {
    Term newCondition;
    if (oldCondition.equals(commonComponent)) {
        newCondition = null;
    } else {
        newCondition = oldCondition.setComponent(index, newComponent, nal.mem());
    Term content;
    if (newCondition != null) {
        content = Statement.make(premise1, newCondition, premise1.getPredicate(), premise1.getTemporalOrder());
    } else {
        content = premise1.getPredicate();
    if (content == null)
    TruthValue truth1 = taskSentence.truth;
    TruthValue truth2 = belief.truth;
    TruthValue truth = null;
    BudgetValue budget;
    if (taskSentence.isQuestion() || taskSentence.isQuest()) {
        budget = BudgetFunctions.backwardWeak(truth2, nal);
    } else {
        if (taskSentence.isGoal()) {
            if (conditionalTask) {
                truth = TruthFunctions.desireWeak(truth1, truth2);
            } else {
                truth = TruthFunctions.desireDed(truth1, truth2);
        } else {
            if (conditionalTask) {
                truth = TruthFunctions.comparison(truth1, truth2);
            } else {
                truth = TruthFunctions.analogy(truth1, truth2);
        budget = BudgetFunctions.forward(truth, nal);
    // (allow overlap) when !conditionalTask on judgment
    nal.doublePremiseTask(content, truth, budget, false, taskSentence.isJudgment() && !conditionalTask);
Also used : BudgetValue(nars.entity.BudgetValue) Task(nars.entity.Task) Statement(nars.language.Statement) TruthValue(nars.entity.TruthValue) Conjunction(nars.language.Conjunction) CompoundTerm(nars.language.CompoundTerm) Term(nars.language.Term) Sentence(nars.entity.Sentence)

Example 15 with Statement

use of nars.language.Statement in project opennars by opennars.

the class SyllogisticRules method detachment.

static void detachment(Sentence mainSentence, Sentence subSentence, int side, boolean checkTermAgain, DerivationContext nal) {
    Statement statement = (Statement) mainSentence.term;
    if (!(statement instanceof Implication) && !(statement instanceof Equivalence)) {
    Term subject = statement.getSubject();
    Term predicate = statement.getPredicate();
    Term content;
    Term term = subSentence.term;
    if ((side == 0) && (!checkTermAgain || term.equals(subject))) {
        content = predicate;
    } else if ((side == 1) && (!checkTermAgain || term.equals(predicate))) {
        content = subject;
    } else {
    if ((content instanceof Statement) && ((Statement) content).invalid()) {
    Sentence taskSentence = nal.getCurrentTask().sentence;
    Sentence beliefSentence = nal.getCurrentBelief();
    if (beliefSentence == null)
    int order = statement.getTemporalOrder();
    long occurrence_time = nal.getTheNewStamp().getOccurrenceTime();
    if ((order != ORDER_NONE) && (order != ORDER_INVALID)) {
        long baseTime = subSentence.getOccurenceTime();
        if (baseTime == Stamp.ETERNAL) {
            // =/> always should produce events
            baseTime = nal.getTime();
        long inc = order * Parameters.DURATION;
        occurrence_time = (side == 0) ? baseTime + inc : baseTime - inc;
    TruthValue beliefTruth = beliefSentence.truth;
    TruthValue truth1 = mainSentence.truth;
    TruthValue truth2 = subSentence.truth;
    TruthValue truth = null;
    boolean strong = false;
    BudgetValue budget;
    if (taskSentence.isQuestion()) {
        if (statement instanceof Equivalence) {
            budget = BudgetFunctions.backward(beliefTruth, nal);
        } else if (side == 0) {
            budget = BudgetFunctions.backwardWeak(beliefTruth, nal);
        } else {
            budget = BudgetFunctions.backward(beliefTruth, nal);
    } else if (taskSentence.isQuest()) {
        if (statement instanceof Equivalence) {
            budget = BudgetFunctions.backwardWeak(beliefTruth, nal);
        } else if (side == 0) {
            budget = BudgetFunctions.backward(beliefTruth, nal);
        } else {
            budget = BudgetFunctions.backwardWeak(beliefTruth, nal);
    } else {
        if (taskSentence.isGoal()) {
            if (statement instanceof Equivalence) {
                truth = TruthFunctions.desireStrong(truth1, truth2);
                // not for goals anymore
                strong = true;
            } else if (side == 0) {
                truth = TruthFunctions.desireInd(truth1, truth2);
            } else {
                truth = TruthFunctions.desireDed(truth1, truth2);
                // not for goals anymore
                strong = true;
        } else {
            // isJudgment
            if (statement instanceof Equivalence) {
                truth = TruthFunctions.analogy(truth2, truth1);
                strong = true;
            } else if (side == 0) {
                truth = TruthFunctions.deduction(truth1, truth2);
                strong = true;
            } else {
                truth = TruthFunctions.abduction(truth2, truth1);
        budget = BudgetFunctions.forward(truth, nal);
    if (!Variables.indepVarUsedInvalid(content)) {
        boolean allowOverlap = taskSentence.isJudgment() && strong;
        // (strong) when strong on judgement
        nal.doublePremiseTask(content, truth, budget, false, allowOverlap);
Also used : BudgetValue(nars.entity.BudgetValue) Equivalence(nars.language.Equivalence) Statement(nars.language.Statement) TruthValue(nars.entity.TruthValue) CompoundTerm(nars.language.CompoundTerm) Term(nars.language.Term) Implication(nars.language.Implication) Sentence(nars.entity.Sentence)


Statement (nars.language.Statement)32 CompoundTerm (nars.language.CompoundTerm)29 Term (nars.language.Term)28 BudgetValue (nars.entity.BudgetValue)21 TruthValue (nars.entity.TruthValue)20 Sentence (nars.entity.Sentence)13 Task (nars.entity.Task)10 Conjunction (nars.language.Conjunction)9 Inheritance (nars.language.Inheritance)9 Implication (nars.language.Implication)6 Equivalence (nars.language.Equivalence)5 Interval (nars.language.Interval)4 SetExt (nars.language.SetExt)4 SetInt (nars.language.SetInt)4 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 TruthFunctions.reduceConjunction (nars.inference.TruthFunctions.reduceConjunction)3 ImageExt (nars.language.ImageExt)3 ImageInt (nars.language.ImageInt)3 Product (nars.language.Product)3 Similarity (nars.language.Similarity)3