use of nars.truth.func.TruthOperator in project narchy by automenta.
the class DeriveRuleProto method build.
* compiles the conditions which are necessary to activate this rule
public Pair<Set<PrediTerm<PreDerivation>>, PrediTerm<Derivation>> build(PostCondition post) {
byte puncOverride = post.puncOverride;
TruthOperator belief = BeliefFunction.get(post.beliefTruth);
if ((post.beliefTruth != null) && !post.beliefTruth.equals(TruthOperator.NONE) && (belief == null)) {
throw new RuntimeException("unknown BeliefFunction: " + post.beliefTruth);
TruthOperator goal = GoalFunction.get(post.goalTruth);
if ((post.goalTruth != null) && !post.goalTruth.equals(TruthOperator.NONE) && (goal == null)) {
throw new RuntimeException("unknown GoalFunction: " + post.goalTruth);
// //if (puncOverride==0) {
// if (belief!=null && goal!=null) {
// if (!belief.single() && !goal.single()) {
// pre.add(TaskPolarity.belief);
// } else if (belief.single() ^ goal.single()){
// throw new TODO();
// }
// } else if (belief!=null && !belief.single()) {
// pre.add(TaskPolarity.belief);
// } else if (goal!=null && !goal.single()) {
// pre.add(TaskPolarity.belief);
// }
// TODO add more specific conditions that also work
// }
String beliefLabel = belief != null ? belief.toString() : "_";
String goalLabel = goal != null ? goal.toString() : "_";
FasterList<Term> args = new FasterList();
if (puncOverride != 0)
args.add($.quote(((char) puncOverride)));
Compound ii = (Compound) $.func("truth", args.toArrayRecycled(Term[]::new));
Solve truth = (puncOverride == 0) ? new Solve.SolvePuncFromTask(ii, belief, goal) : new Solve.SolvePuncOverride(ii, puncOverride, belief, goal);
// for ensuring uniqueness / no duplicates
Set<PrediTerm<PreDerivation>> precon = newHashSet(4);
addAll(precon, PRE);
// //-------------------
// below here are predicates which affect the derivation
// SUFFIX (order already determined for matching)
int n = 1 + this.constraints.size() +;
PrediTerm[] suff = new PrediTerm[n];
int k = 0;
suff[k++] = truth;
for (PrediTerm p : this.constraints) {
suff[k++] = p;
for (PrediTerm p : {
suff[k++] = p;
return pair(precon, (PrediTerm<Derivation>) AndCondition.the(suff));
use of nars.truth.func.TruthOperator in project narchy by automenta.
the class Solve method test.
public final boolean test(Derivation d) {
d.truthFunction = null;
byte punc = punc(d);
boolean single;
Truth t;
switch(punc) {
case BELIEF:
case GOAL:
TruthOperator f = (punc == BELIEF) ? belief : goal;
d.truthFunction = f;
if (f == null)
// there isnt a truth function for this punctuation
return false;
single = f.single();
Truth beliefTruth = d.beliefTruth;
if (!single && beliefTruth == null)
// double premise requiring a belief, but belief is null
return false;
if ((t = f.apply(// task truth is not involved in the outcome of this; set task truth to be null to prevent any negations below:
d.taskTruth, single ? null : beliefTruth, d.nar, d.confMin)) == null)
return false;
float overlap = f.allowOverlap() ? 0 : single ? d.overlapSingle : d.overlapDouble;
if (overlap > 0) {
return false;
// float e = t.evi() * (1f-overlap);
// if (e < Pri.EPSILON) //yes Pri epsilon
// return false;
// t = t.withEvi(e);
// if (t.conf() < confMin)
// return false;
// if (d.random.nextFloat() <= overlap)
// return false;
case QUEST:
float o = d.overlapSingle;
if (o > 0 && d.random.nextFloat() <= o)
return false;
// byte tp = d.taskPunct;
// if ((tp == QUEST) || (tp == GOAL))
// punc = QUEST; //use QUEST in relation to GOAL or QUEST task
single = true;
t = null;
throw new InvalidPunctuationException(punc);
d.concTruth = t;
d.concPunc = punc;
d.single = single;
return true;